Illustrator :: Drag Global Color Swatches From Color Panel To Gradient Stops In Gradient Panel
Aug 28, 2012
I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.
When I double click on a slider in the gradient panel (to change the colour), Illustrator crashes, every time.I am on a Mac and have the latest version of Illustrator CC.
When I'm painting, I create my custom color swatches it's easy to just click on the color I need and go. But, when choosing brushes, it's much more complicated.
I use several brushes, the mixer brush and the smudge tool back and forth when painting. Is there a way I can pull the various brushes, and tools into a panel like the color swatches so it's all right there and all I have to do it click and go?
I was always able to do this before. (should be simple...) I made a gradient and just want to save / add it to a Swatch Panel that I've already defined and saved. I used to be able to drag (I think) the gradient into the desired Swatch Panel and then 'save the swatch again' It won't let me do this today even though I just did it last night!
I'm working on a Windows 7 machine and I am using Illustrator CS5....
Im in the process of converting a logo to spot colors. When I open the swatches panel and choose any one of the pantone books, the panel opens to what you see below. This same thing happens with all color books except for the basic illustrator books.
"This library cannot be used because it does not have enough solid color swatches. Gradients and patterns cannot be used." What does this error message mean when I am trying to use gradient swatches and how to do I stop it?
I've looked everywhere for this answer and have found very little. What little I have found had to do with Windows, I'm on a Mac running Illustrator 5.5. This has bugged the crap out of me forever, how do I permanently add swatches to the swatch panel?
I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book which refers to 'Fill color in the Control panel' without explaining what exactly it is. Googling "Fill color" returned an image of a label 'fill' but my Illustrator CS6 has no such thing. Instead, it shows a couple of pull-downs when the Selection tool is selected. what Fill color is on this Control panel.
i'm in illustrator cs3, and even tho my stops in my gradeint are true black (it even shows true black on the stops), in the gradient itself, it's that horrible cmyk grey.
when trying to use blending modes and masks because it treats what's supposed to be black like the grey I'm getting, so things always look a little off. My document's in RGB mode and i havent found any other fixes...
how do I create a gradient using my own colors? I've recently upgraded form CS3 where I was able to just drag a colour swatch onto the gradient slider to set the colour. Now I can't do that. If I try with one of the default colors it works no problem but if I create my own swatch then I get a circle with a line through it saying I can't do it.
Is there a way to, as in Photoshop's effects gallery, create a color-overlay on an already-done gradient in Illustrator CS 5.1? I've already done the gradient and I have my color, but can't quite make it work.
Imagine a radial gradient that goes from red in the center to transparent. Then cut it in half. Then on the bottom, I need it to go from blue in the center to transparant. Also radial. How do I do this in Illustrator? I want it to look like it's all the same radial gradient... just red on top and blue on the bottom. I've mocked it up in Photoshop below. But I want to know if I can do this in Illustrator.
Downloaded an image from iStockPhoto. Opened up in Illustrator and removed the black background because I want to set my own values for the black background in InDesign.
Noticed that there are several "bubbles" of black background behind the main image that contain radial gradients.
These "bubbles" fade from a dark blue in the center out to black on the edge. Again, I want to be able to set this "black" to the value of black that I want to use for the background of the card. When I click on one of the bubbles, I see in my Gradient palette that it's a radial gradient and the value on the left of the slider is 100, 75, 0, 50 which I can see in the Color palette. But I can't change anything there. On the right of the slider in the Gradient palette is the "black" which is 80, 50, 0, 100.
So, how do I modify the value of that black? If I choose "new swatch" in the swatches palette, it just creates a new swatch called "New Gradient Swatch 1" It shows Process Color for the color type below which is greyed out as well as everything below that. how do I go about changing the black on that gradient?
I have created a swatch panel with my own colours - named "custom 1" in to add a new colour to "custom 1" at a later stage? Surely once you create a custom swatch panel, it can have colours added to it?
I'm having an issue where I can't convert spot colors to CMYK in the swatches panel. Currently to fix I have to copy elements using the spot colors in to a new blank document, then convert them, then paste back into the original document.
Also if I try to delete the spot color, it doesn't fully delete the swatch.
How do I use eyedropper to pick up a gradient color? I have a color that has 45% opacity on it and I want the exact code of that color. If I use eyepicker, it will only pick up the original color (with 100% gradient). I tried using colourificator. Illustrator picked up that color but when I applied it to the object, it became a different color.
Is there any other way to pick up the exact code of colors that has an opacity? If I am to find the color that has an opacity manually, how would I find it in the color picker?
Below is an example:
1) First circle does not have an opacity.2) Second circle has a 45% opacity on the stroke, and I tried using colouricator to pick up the color3) Colourifator picked up the same color, but when I applied to the third circle, the colour is off.
To create a special effect (but not TOO garish!) I'd like to change this brownish meadow so that it looks much more like one of the swatches from my color swatches panel.
Do I need to create a new adjustment layer, or are there other approaches? Below is a screen shot.
I would like to change the gradient on the attached to a darker yellow. How do I complete this change in color? I see that I can click on Color and an eyedropper appears but that doesn't get me to the existing colors so that I can change to bit darker yellow.
I have button drawing for web in Adobe Illustrator format. I'm trying to get fill settings to create the same look with CSS. I can't find what color to use and gradient settings.
I am working with scripting in Ai, fill gradient color in TextFrame. I search in this forum but the other topics fill color to path or line. For now, I can make a gradient color, but I don't know how to apply it to textframe.
Is there a way to change an object's fill from a gradient to a solid color that is the average of that gradient? What I want to do is have a grid of squares, select them all and apply a colorful gradient to them as a whole, and then average each square's color so I end up with a pixelated look. Kind of like the mosaic filter in Photoshop, but in vector.
All I can find online is to highlight over an area to select multiple mesh points. That will not work in my case. I can't tell illustrator to select same color, the way it does with fills and strokes? I want to change the color and I have to click on every single point again? Ridiculous.
I create gradients all the time and i'm wondering if there's a quick way to create a gradient based on the current selected object's fill color. For example: I have selected a box with a fill color of BLUE. I go to the gradient panel and see that what the gradient will be if I click on it (that is usally based on a default gradient WHITE to BLACK, or it comes from the most recent gradiented object I touched). So I click on it and the gradient is activated with the stops being not BLUE. What i want is... if i select a box with a BLUE fill and click on gradient - it will create a gradient with both stops being the same BLUE as the fill color. This would be very convenient because instead of clicking on each stop, shift-eyedropping the the blue color from a duplicated box, it would instantly start with the blue-blue gradient for me to tweak (in the case below for a button i would make the higher stop lighter and lower stop darker).
It's somewhat useful to select an object with a gradient to "copy" that gradient, select a new object, click on the gradient panel and have this new object take on that exact gradient. But most of the time i'm not copying gradients but i'm creating new ones, and it makes more sense for me to create a gradient derived from the fill color.
I have Illustrator CS4. I have created an object with the Blob Brush and filled with gradient color. When I try to add the object it will not be gradient, only a new object with a solid color. Does this not work in CS4?