Illustrator :: Stop Color Panel From Opening Automatically?
May 30, 2013In CS6 Illustrator, when I click on fill or stroke color, the color panel opens automatically. How do I turn off this "feature"?
View 4 RepliesIn CS6 Illustrator, when I click on fill or stroke color, the color panel opens automatically. How do I turn off this "feature"?
View 4 RepliesHow can I stop Lightroom 3 opening automatically whenever I insert an SD card?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFor no reason that I can think of, When I click on a single image in Bridge to preview or to try and select multiple images to load as layers or merge to HDR, the first image clicked opens in ACR. How can i Stop this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust started elements up and all my files appeared, most of which i didnt want to open.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I open a RAW file into Photoshop CS5Â from LR3, it automatically creates and saves a PSD or TIFF file. Is there a way to stop lightroom from doing this? When I used LR2, I saved these files only if I choose to. I always convert my files to jpg after I'm done editing in PS and don't need these huge files hanging around.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI need to export with artboard. Illustrator automatically adds a number to my original file name. It won't even let me replace the old file. It is extremely annoying and makes flow with other programs really hard because they can't auto update, since the file name changes. When you have multiple files, you can't be manually renaming all the time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.
It was working perfectly fine over the weekend and then Monday I open illustrator and try to open a drawing I was working on and it closes on me everytime. Now I can't open or save files without it closing itself. I would uninstall and reinstall it but i lost my code. I have to make vector images for a couple of clients of mine!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a file with two squares with red and blue fill colors respectively and transparent surrounding strokes. I'm trying to find a way to automatically set the stroke color of each square to the respective fill color. Is there an Illustrator script somewhere that would achieve that? I am not aware of an internal Illustrator command for this purpose.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWe just got illustrator cs6 in our office. I was given a book and told to learn it, but WOW, it is not easy.
I feel like an idiot asking a question that should be basic, but I swear I have been seaching all over the place and can't find the answer.
I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book which refers to 'Fill color in the Control panel' without explaining what exactly it is. Googling "Fill color" returned an image of a label 'fill' but my Illustrator CS6 has no such thing. Instead, it shows a couple of pull-downs when the Selection tool is selected. what Fill color is on this Control panel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have over 900 barcodes provided in EPS format. When I open them in illustrator, they are coming in as an RGB color space file. I need them gray scale solid black in CMYK color mode. I can batch using actions to convert the artwork using "Edit Colors > Convert to Grayscale". However, the document color mode remains RGB. It appears, even after using "Convert to Grayscale", that the RGB color mode goofs up the placed .ai file in InDesign, treating it as RGB and seeing it as a mix of CMYK rather than the 100% black only it needs to be for proper sharp printing.
The actions pallet doesn't record converting the document color mode. Is there a way to automate that file conversion so they are all saved as CMYK rather than RGB, or am I stuck opening each of the 900+ files manually?
go to add a text block to an image, a new layer is created. I want to be able to manually create layers and simply click on the layer I want to work under and then do so. I want to shut off this automatic creation of layers. If I don't, I'll have about 200 superfluous ones.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn our workflow, we have a few users who are doing design work on Windows installations of IinDesign CS6 (2 in WIndows 7 and 2 in Windows 8). On all four systems, we have noticed that when we open files from packaged folders that contain the Document Fonts folder, that InDesign slows to an excrutiating crawl, which makes working on the document near impossible. We've narrowed down this behavior to the AdobeFnt14.lst file that seems to be a result of InDesign opening the file using the fonts in that folder without being told to. Deleting that file will temporarily fix the problem, but InDesign recreates it when you open the corresponding document and then you have to delete it again.
We use Universal Type Cient for our font manager, but as far as I know, we didn't install any font auto activation plugins.
Other than deleting the font folder, we've not been able to figure out how to stop ID from trying to automatically load the fonts. We'd love to just turn that "feature" off so that we don't have the hassle. I'd rather have fonts missing and turn them on using our font manager, than have ID slow to an impossible crawl whenever we open archived files. How to stop ID from automatically loading fonts from a document fonts folder?
it took some effort, and i dont remember all of what i did, but i finally got bridge to stop making auto adjustments on my raw images--though it still does if i zoom in when im full screened.
regardless, when i open a raw image in photoshop, it makes auto adjustments (and they are always hooorriblee).
-all the boxes under default settings are unchecked
- i select 'as shot' for white balance,
and so on; but without fail, every time it makes these ugly over saturated over contrasty or otherwise hideous versions of my images.
im not buying the whole 'digital negative' deal. i can see a full view images of my nondestroyed raw image, and seriously there needs to be a point to all the work i do on set to to get the right light and colors, and so on... im about to reinstall photoshop.
if i dedicate a lot of time, effort, and frustration, i can get them close to what they were, but its so impractical and frustrated to input this additional time for work.
I'm running PSE9 on a imac 10.8.2
I'm not sure why but PSE has just started opening up when I turn the computer on. How do I change this prefernce?
I must have clicked something or inadvertantly pressed a keyboard shortcut or something because a couple of weeks ago, the sub-tools on the tool palette started popping up without me having to hold down the mouse button for a second. Now when I click a tool (the rectangular marqee tool for example), the hidden tools (eliptical marqee, single row etc.).
I'm using PS CS5 on Windows 7.
How to stop the UCS from automatically turning to world when extruding a circle?
Example: If you start with a circle drawn to your set 3 point UCS the quadrants are in line with the X & Y but as soon as you extrude the circle into a cylinder the UCS turns the quadrants to world, I want the quadrants to stay in the same place as my 3 point UCS position.
Not sure if it's just a system variable that need changing.
I want myself to decide what and when something shall be added to organizer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI connect my camera Photoshop opens. I am running Windows XP. I have tried opening the camera and changing its default to not open, but it keeps happening. I can't find some global setting in Photoshop or on XP to stop this.
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust installed PS CS. on Win XP.
How do i stop PDF docs opening in Photoshop?
I do have Acrobat Reader and Distiller installed too.
I can't seem to be able to stop the physx toolbar from opening on startup. I've tried deleting it and resaving the maxstartui file with no luck.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to run some code BEFORE AutoCAD opens a drawing. It's a simple validation routine. Ideally speaking the sequence would run as follows...
The user opens a drawing in some way (file dialog, windows explorer, sheet set, etc) I run my validation routine If it passes validation let AutoCAD open it / If it doesn't abort the process.
I can override the OPEN command and substitute my own, but there are a variety of ways to get a dwg open. How to stop or abort opening a drawing consistently? Even if it's not .net?
I have a D3000 and PSE9 and at one time my NEF files would open with the raw dialog box. Now they only open in the normal editor. How do I get my raw dialog back?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium on a Power Mac G5 (4 x 2.5 GHz), 4.5GB memory. Running Version 10.4.11 OS X. It had been working for a long time, I'm not sure when it stopped opening as I do not use the program every day, but now I'm in need of it on a regular basis and the program doesn't open.
I get the following error message "The application Photoshop quit unexpectedly." I've reported it to Apple but have not received a response as of yet
Every time I double click on a bitmap in Corel Draw, it opens up Photo Paint. How can I disable this option? I never use it and its a waste of my time because it takes too long to load up! I don't know if my mouse has a problem, but sometimes I can just click once on a bitmap and it triggers the photo paint to open.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am playing around with my .dwt and cui so cad will start up the same ever time
However i cant figure out how to stop "task pane" and "express tools" from opening on start up.
For some reason it has been doing this every since I edited photos from my external. I have deleted those photos edited in LR3 and it still opens up. I am completely new to using LR.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter I have edited a new batch of photos, I have found that the edits are now in a new folder dated today.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere is an image that keeps opening automatically when I open CS6 Photoshop? Why is this happening for only that one image? How do I stop it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from CS4 to CS5. I imported some of the actions I had created without problem.
I use one for sharpening with the following steps:
1. Convert to Lab Mode
2. Select Lightness Channel
3. Open Unsharp Mask Dialogue Box
4. Convert back to RGB Mode
The "Dialogue" box is correctly toggled to "on" in Step # 3
However when I execute the Action, the Dialogue Box for USM doesn't automatically pop up, as it did in CS4 - but if I click anywhere on the screen, it then does.
I tried recreating the same action in CS5, but it has the same problem - the Dialogue Box for USM doesn't open by itself, and only does so after I click anywhere on the screen.
This happens both on my Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit Desktop, and a new Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Laptop.