Illustrator :: Can't Convert Spot Colors To CMYK In Swatches Panel
Sep 17, 2013
I'm having an issue where I can't convert spot colors to CMYK in the swatches panel. Currently to fix I have to copy elements using the spot colors in to a new blank document, then convert them, then paste back into the original document.
Also if I try to delete the spot color, it doesn't fully delete the swatch.
Using CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.
I'm pretty new to preparing artwork for spot colour printing - it's a hoodie design in this case.
I created the artwork in CMYK originally, and have got some of the way towards converting into a 5 colour print job using Recolor Artwork, so I've got it down to 5 swatches.
However, the printer is asking for colours separated by layers, which makes sense - I think means knocking everything out so there is no overprinting - is this correct?
If so, what is the best approach to take, to avoid unnecessary work, to convert from the current artowrk, with a lot of overlapping artwork, to produce 5 layers each with vector artwork coloured with its own Pantone swatch?
I always find beautiful RGB-vectors which I want to use for a print design. But once converted via Illustrator to CMYK, the image often annoys me because of the less bright and powerful colours.
So: what is the best way to recolor a nice and colourful vector from RGB tot CMYK (possibly with finding the right alternative colors in CMYK?) in Illustrator?
Im in the process of converting a logo to spot colors. When I open the swatches panel and choose any one of the pantone books, the panel opens to what you see below. This same thing happens with all color books except for the basic illustrator books.
I have been using Adobe since CS3, now using CS5. Why is there still no way to have the color swatches FILL the panel.
I rarely use more than, say, 8 to 12 colors in a document. Why can't I set the Adobe products (I mostly use Ps, Id, and Il) so that the swatches panel has no blank space. I would like to have the colors will fill the entire space with LARGER tiles/icons. I find it very frustrating to have to click on a micro-sized square to pick a color. Or, try to discern small changes in the shade between 2 colors by squinting at such a small sample (again micro-sized square).
When placing a .psd file with a spot channel into illustrator, and then later copying this and pasting back into Photoshop the color shifts.
Original Photoshop spot color channel (0/100/81/16) Color after pasting back into Photoshop (13/99/88/4)
We are making renders of packaging, so the designs are from illustrator. We correct this by removing the Photoshop spot channel and recreating this as a CMYK layer, but looking to avoid this step as we do many many renders. Even with assign color profile set to none this happens.
Viewing Photoshop channels you can see a difference in values between the linked image and illustrator flat tint.
when I pdf a coreldraw document, no matter which pdf-preset I use, the "Convert spot colours to: CMYK" is greyed out so I can't tick it. I need to pdf a document to send to newspaper print. I have never had a problem like this before using CorelDraw X3.
Okay so I've just realised that my documents are CMYK and have changed the settings to RGB (File > Document color mode > RGB and from the colour fly out menu) although I notice that when I hover my mouse over the colors in the swatches panel that it shows me the CMYK values.
I've been having this issue with InDesign CC lately, its importing some of my pantone colors as LAB colors. I am able to change a spot to process, but as far as changing the LAB color to a CMYK color, the box is grayed out and is not giving me an option to do it. See screenshot: [URL]....
I'm making a simple template to laser cut. The laser cutter acts as a printer and you choose the power, speed, etc. for each color that is in the document. I only want to cut, so I only have RGB red lines at 0.001 pt thickness. Or at least that was the plan. One of the shapes in my template has come out a different red (the swatches were CMYK despite the document colour mode being RGB). I would now like to select all the paths in the document and make them all RGB red. However, when I open the color panel from the dock the sliders are CMYK, again this is despite the document color mode being RGB:
How do I change all the paths to be RGB red?How do I stop Illustrator offering me CMYK options and swatches and offering RGB instead?
I've looked everywhere for this answer and have found very little. What little I have found had to do with Windows, I'm on a Mac running Illustrator 5.5. This has bugged the crap out of me forever, how do I permanently add swatches to the swatch panel?
I have created a swatch panel with my own colours - named "custom 1" in to add a new colour to "custom 1" at a later stage? Surely once you create a custom swatch panel, it can have colours added to it?
I have recently traced a new picture and I am about to add colors to it so that I can upload it later on my gallery. I started the Tracing on a Cmyk based template because one day I will use print it to add it to my portfolio! I mean should I add Cmyk colors and them convert them to rgb in order to upload it?
Sometimes, when I'm working on a design, I realize that there's just a handful of colors in Swatches. Why does this happen, and how can I recover the whole palette?
I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.
When I use a Pantone color in CS5 and then convert to process, I get certain values for CMYK. However, when I use that same Pantone color in CS6 and convert to process, I get different values for CMYK.
For example, Pantone 2685C converted to process in the both applications yields:
I need to use a spot black on some packaging. The spot black will be used as a vignette on top of a photograph of the product which is done in Photoshop. I have created the packaging in Illustrator and need to import this file but it needs to have the spot colour intact. So far I have created a PSD with a Spot channel which I thought was the answer but Illustrator can't read PSDs with spot channels. I then saved it as an eps but when I import an eps it only shows a white rectangle as opposed to the actual artwork.
Some of the lighter, saturated colors in the PANTONE+ swatches library appear to be a different color in the swatch list than they are when applied to a design. see below for screen shots.
i can duplicate this situation on calibrated NEC MultiSync monitors and uncalibrated laptops. We are running on Mac OS X.8x and above.
Designers are complaining about not being able to pick a color from the Swatch Library in AICS6 or AICC. InDesignCC does not seem to have the same issue.
I'm still working on changing a document I didn't create. It needs to be CMYK, but I keep getting error messages when I save it that there is a spot color. I saw one spot color in the Swatches (at least I seem to remember that's what the little dot in the corner means) and I double clicked it and changed it to CMYK. And I selected the one item that seems to have that color and I changed it to the CMYK version. But the swatch still has the corner dot and I still get the error message when I save.
I created two PDF's from identical files in Illustrator CS6 using spot colors but the colors came out different when printed although I couldn't find any apparent differences in the settings of the two documents.
I also noticed that when importing an eps file that contains spot colors in Indesign CS6, and export as PDF the colors in the PDF are sensibly different to the eps. It never happened with CS4.
I have a doc that contains alot of logos from auto manufactureres. I am having it printed professionally and when I save the doc as a pdf my summarry has the warning telling me I have spot colors and that it does not match color profile. How can I QUICLY find the spot colors and do I need to trap these colors? Working in printing and proofing workspace.
I'm printing some spot colors on colored paper, and wondering if there is a way in illustrator (CS6) to approximate the ink/paper interactions. Im worried about the ink color (greens) shifting to brown on a yellow/peach paper. I've approximated the paper color in Illustrator, and designated the pantone colors. I tried Multply- and the ink color definitely shifts to what I think it would- but not sure if that is the best way.
I've been told that I need to change my spot colors (illustrator CS6) to Process colors, but for some reason, sometimes this feature won't work and is greyed out.