Illustrator :: Few Colors In Swatches - How To Recover Whole Palette
Sep 7, 2013
Sometimes, when I'm working on a design, I realize that there's just a handful of colors in Swatches. Why does this happen, and how can I recover the whole palette?
I'm having an issue where I can't convert spot colors to CMYK in the swatches panel. Currently to fix I have to copy elements using the spot colors in to a new blank document, then convert them, then paste back into the original document.
Also if I try to delete the spot color, it doesn't fully delete the swatch.
I am proficient in Illustrator, but this has been one of a few enigmas. Every once and a while in a file, I have noticed that after deleting a color that is definitely not in use(ie there are no strokes, fills, stray paths etc) using these colors. I have made sure of it. I will delete the color from the swatches and as a final pass I like to add used colors and sure enough that color will come back. I tried making sure it's not checked global, didn't work, some I don't even think are global colors, and in fact they are generally CMYK. I often notice that Black and C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 don't like to delete from the swatches among some other colors when you delete unused swatches. I thought perhaps they were in guides or something but it's truly unexplainable, and generally with a fresh file if all colors are deleted it'll still leave black white and gray.
Or ways to troubleshoot better other than creating a debug file and deleting lines of code as recommended in the older forums?
When I set C to 40% and MYK to 0% the program automatically change to other values in all four columns. Is it some kind of default settings? If so, how can I change it?
I'm using a mac running illustrator cs5 and have about 4 thousand eps files (all vector paths filled with black) that need to be assigned colors randomly from a defined color palette (25 custom swatches). The first 2 swatches should be omitted- they aren't relevant to this task.
The script should open the file select all vector elements and assign a random color form the defined custom swatch palette then save the file and move on to the next.
Im in the process of converting a logo to spot colors. When I open the swatches panel and choose any one of the pantone books, the panel opens to what you see below. This same thing happens with all color books except for the basic illustrator books.
I just started using PSP X4, but I have used previous versions of PSP in the past to do the following:
1. First, I use a different program (AutoCAD) that exports a .bmp. This bitmap has more than sixteen colors. 2. I open the .bmp in PSP. Then I load a 16 color palette (.pal file) by going to Image | Palette | Load Palette. This converts the .bmp to sixteen colors (just the colors that are included in the .pal file). 3. At this point, in previous versions of PSP, I am pretty sure that the Materials Palette would only display the colors from the .pal file that I had just loaded. Now with the new X4 version, it seems that the swatches shown in the Materials Palette have nothing to do with the .pal file I just loaded.
Is there a way I can force the Materials Palette to show the colors from my .pal file (and only the colors from my .pal file?
For some reason, when I try to change colors anywhere (it could be the color of text, or the main foreground color) a dialog with swatches appears instead of the eyedropper tool I'm used to using in this scenario. I can't click on anything else in the screen except the options in this annoying swatches dialog.
It looks like this :
As this dialog won't tell me what the hexadecimal color values are (even when I click "Define Custom Colors"). As of right now, the project I was working on is stalled until I figure out how to make this thing go away and let me use the eyedropper tool to change the color of something.
This problem is new. I had my CS4 running since it came out and it never did this before.
I have been using Adobe since CS3, now using CS5. Why is there still no way to have the color swatches FILL the panel.
I rarely use more than, say, 8 to 12 colors in a document. Why can't I set the Adobe products (I mostly use Ps, Id, and Il) so that the swatches panel has no blank space. I would like to have the colors will fill the entire space with LARGER tiles/icons. I find it very frustrating to have to click on a micro-sized square to pick a color. Or, try to discern small changes in the shade between 2 colors by squinting at such a small sample (again micro-sized square).
Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
Is there a way to have more than 12 colors contained in my color palette in GIMP?
In the image seen below, I see that it can remember 12 colors in the main palette on the left, but with the color dialog palette on the right, there seems to be no way to add or change colors there, but it has more room than for 12 colors.
Is there a plug-in that allows GIMP to remember more than 12 colors? I did a search in the plug-in registry but I didn't find one.
Current problem is that I've created certain colors for an art piece - basically, it's different poses of a character. I'm outlining each pose on a separate Xara page. So I've inked in the first pose, and, in so doing, created a couple of new colors, which I've named.
Those new colors do not show up in the color palette when I open a new page to ink in another character pose - the palette just defaults to its basic lineup. Is there a way to create a new color and keep that color in the palette for any and all art pieces?
I want to detect percentages of my artist's oil colors in any area of a vectorized photo that I point to.
So, I want to first vectorize a photo to reduce it to manageable separate color areas. Then, I want to be able to get a list of the various percentages of 108 different colors that make up any of the vector color shapes I point to or select. These 108 different colors are somewhat accurate small bitmap swatches that correspond to 108 artist's oil paint colors.
Alternatively, can I just somehow plug in this 108 swatch palette and have a software (Xara?) break down a bitmap into areas of vector color using only this custom palette?
Is this possible in Xara, or by any other means you know of?
is there a way to take an image opened in Gimp and display the palette of colors in the image or convert the image itself into a palette of colors that are in the image?
I have built a VBA form for generating stripes at random from a user defined palette (with a few parameters decided by the user) via a user form.
I now need to include an option of displaying the palette (maybe by using a method to include this in the form or by shifting the focus to the coreldraw window/palette) and then the ability for the user to pick colors from this palette (which will then be passed to the script for further processing).
I was trying to learn about naming colors. I named a color, only to find it was now in my default color palette, which was now 'Untitled1'. I did not want to have the default palette that opens on the Color Line when I open the program changed and requiring me to rename it every time I named a color. I tried to undo my actions but had only partial success. The new named color is gone, but the color palette is still 'Untitled1', and how to restore the palette name. How can I correct this?
Have an open image in gimp 2.8 on suse 12.2, I call the "import palette" function, I set 64 colors, step 32, check the "from all layers" etc etc, and in the preview I see the 64 color palette I'd like. Looks good.
BUT: underneath the preview it says "the selected source contains no colors."And continuing the palette is indeed empty.
I know how to use eyedropper to pick up colors and save them into a palette. could I export the colors I picked up (one by one) and save their RGB values into another file directly. Suppose I picked up 10 colors, I want the RGB values of these 10 colors could be retrieved by a single time. Now I have to type these RGB values into another excel sheet one by one.
Is there any way to save colors to the Palette, For instance, I have a list of colors made from user input and I want to put the in the palette...any code for that? Is that a valid Urinary Pixel Operation?
I designed a UI for a small screen device. The assets need to be exported now, with 256 and also 1024 indexed colours.I have never heard about 1024 color pallete. How can I do it?
See the examples below. I have a table with 24 different colors. When I determine to create a custom palette with 24 shades of this table, all colors are added to my custom palette (pic. 1).
Now, assuming I double them to 48 tones, which the criterion adopted by CorelDRAW to create the midtones? Note that Green color, in the second row (pic.2), has not an intermediary tone, while for White (last color) were created three options.
My document palette adds the same colors that are NEVER in my art every time. I swear it's a glitch. The colors are so bizzare. And when I go to delete any of them, it says I can't because they are in use. But they are for sure not being used.
Here's a list of the colors:
Black A0QM, Pantone 142, Black A0QM (1), Black A0QM (2), Black A0QM (3), DIC 2287p* (1), PANTONE 142 (1), Black A0QM (4), PANTONE 142 (2), Black A0QM (5), Black A0QM (6), Black A0QM (7), DIC 2287p* (1) (1), PANTONE 142 (3)
That's the order they are always in. I don't even know where you would get any of those colors and what they would be used for? Except the Pantone of course.
I recently started having this problem with the material palette changing colors back to what I had previously used. I am using windows 8 operating system 64 bit, and PSPX5. I will be working on something and if I change tools then my colors will change.
I used to have X4 installed on XP and it worked fine. Recently I re-install the program onto my new Win7 PC. It was working fine at first but one day my CMYK palette turn into some weird colors (much brighter than the original one)
I tried to hold F8 to launch X4 to turn it back to dafault settings but no go. I tried uninstall and reinstall and it's the same. Finally I downloaded the latest X5 Free trial and the color palettes are displaying correctly! (So i figure it's not my monitor's problem nor some Windows setting.)
(X5 Displaying the correct CMYK color palette)(Ised X4 for a few days and the colors became much brighter than the original ones.)
Is there a setting in CorelDRAW that will automatically add the colors in a design when it is imported/copy-pasted/opened to the color pallette? Like you import a logo and the colors are automatically in the pallette?