Illustrator Scripting :: Assigning Random Colors From Defined Color Palette?

Mar 12, 2013

I'm using a mac running illustrator cs5 and have about 4 thousand eps files (all vector paths filled with black) that need to be assigned colors randomly from a defined color palette (25 custom swatches). The first 2 swatches should be omitted- they aren't relevant to this task.
The script should open the file select all vector elements and assign a random color form the defined custom swatch palette then save the file and move on to the next.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change Layer Colors Within Layers Palette In CS5?

Apr 3, 2012

For example I would like to make my images layer Green and my copy layer Red in my layers palette.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Color Value Of Spot Colors Cannot Be Adjusted Via JavaScript?

Jul 17, 2012

color value of spot colors cannot be adjusted via javascript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Getting Used Spot Colors In Color Legend On MAC JS Or Applescript

Mar 23, 2012

I've been looking around for a script that will take the used spot colors in a document and place them in a predetermined spot. I've came across several posts about this, such as the COLOR CHIPPER although I think it's focus was on swatches. What is confusing is the part of making New CMYKColor or RGB or if I even need to do that. I've looked at other posts and the Adobe docs, but none seem to work. Adding the text isn't difficult, it's getting these spot colors to reflect what's in the document that is. From what I'm seeing now:
I may have to use some other type of script such as Applescript to get rid of unused swatches first throught the actions panel, but I'm not sure.I could possibly use the getByName method to call out the specific rectangle and the and relative callout with the appropriate color instead of having to position everytime. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Random Delete A Selection Of Items

Aug 25, 2013

I am trying to create a script to specify a percentage of the selected items you want to remove.Here is what I have so far.
I still need to work out on the alert prompt and the if statement, but for now, I have the feeling that the selection.length keep changing each time Illustrator delete an object, and I don't know how to make it stick.
var selection = app.activeDocument.selection;
//alert prompt dialog for a percentage of deletion
for (var i = 0;  i < selection.length;  i++) {
    if (Math.random < 0.5) { //need to work out the percentage

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Xara :: Naming Colors Effect On Color Palette?

Nov 29, 2011

I was trying to learn about naming colors. I named a color, only to find it was now in my default color palette, which was now 'Untitled1'. I did not want to have the default palette that opens on the Color Line when I open the program changed and requiring me to rename it every time I named a color. I tried to undo my actions but had only partial success. The new named color is gone, but the color palette is still 'Untitled1', and how to restore the palette name. How can I correct this?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Palette Versus Dialog?

Mar 7, 2014

Is there any functions and methods that dont work on a dialog window versus a palette?
I sk because i was playing with some UI stuff and i almost got everything working but it doesnt work as a dialog just palette.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create A Palette With Some Buttons

Feb 8, 2013

I am writing a script for Illustrator. I created a palette with some buttons. I like to keep the palette open while working in Illustrator. The problem is, that the buttons don't work. For example, I have a delete button that should delete my active selection. When I change the Window Type from palette to dialog everything works correctly.

var w = new Window ("palette");
w.orientation = "row";
w.text = "Path Transform";
var f = File ("/C/icons/corner-tr.png");
var corner_tr = w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f );
var corner_tl = w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f );
var corner_br = w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f );
var corner_bl = w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f );
 corner_tr.onClick = function () {

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Photoshop :: How To Export As Indexed Colors For 256 And 1024 Color Palette

May 8, 2013

I designed a UI for a small screen device. The assets need to be exported now, with 256  and also 1024 indexed colours.I have never heard about 1024 color pallete. How can I do it?

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Illustrator Scripting :: ScriptUI - Bring Palette To Front On Mac

Sep 15, 2012

on my Windows 7 home computer I am able to create UI progress bars and popup messages for my UI window and everything works just fine.  Now, I come to work on the Macintosh and they don't work so well.  In this question, I would like to learn if there is a technique to bring a palette to the front when one is created, such as for this progress bar example, on a Mac.  The palette appears deactivated and in back for me.  It is unseen most of the time because it appears in the center of the screen behind the window by default, and when I move my window we can see the palette but there is no progress bar going on.
As you can see in the screenshot, my main window is deactivated because I attempted to get the progress bar active by deactivating the main window, obviously not successful.  I also set the palette to active, which did not work.And, as I have implied, on my home computer on Windows things appear just as expected with the progress bar working and palettes appearing in front and active. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Palette Disappears When Script Is Loaded?

Apr 23, 2013

When I run a script that brings up a palette window from ExtenScript toolkit the window behaves as I expect.But when I load the same script from illustrator (ctrl+12) the window does not show, or is instantly closed.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Debug Script Palette Button / Object

Jun 28, 2013

I've got a script that creates a palette that does some calculations when a button is pressed - but something in the script is failing silently. (this question is about how to debug things like this, not what the problem is in my specific script)
I've read the debugging tips in the Javascript tools guide, and based on that, re-opened the script in the Extendscript Toolkit instead of my usual text editor, chosen Illustrator, and hit the green 'Go' button. But, either I've missed something fundamental, or this isn't designed for palettes - the script runs in Illustrator, successfully pops up the palette, considers the job done, pats itself on the back, and closes the palette before I can begin debugging the button.
I'm looking for something where I can test the palette doing regular Illustrator work and see debug messages, set breakpoints, etc. I've tried the old-school approach of just filling the code with 'alert("blah")'s but it doesn't work - my code reaches an

" if(app.activeDocument.selection.length){ alert(1);} else {alert(2);} "

and doesn't alert either of them, or give any error message.
If I was working in a browser, I'd just plonk in a "console.log( app.activeDocument.selection )" and browse the object structure to see what's going on, is there any Illustrator equivalent?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Create A Color Chart With All Colors Of Single Palette?

Apr 11, 2013

Is there an easy :) way to create a color chart (which I can print later) with Corel Draw?

1. I want to use a single color palette, e.g. one of the Pantone range.

2. Each color of this palette should be the filling of a certain shape (all shapes are similar), so that the number of shapes equals the number of colors in the palette.

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Illustrator :: Few Colors In Swatches - How To Recover Whole Palette

Sep 7, 2013

Sometimes, when I'm working on a design, I realize that there's just a handful of colors in Swatches. Why does this happen, and how can I recover the whole palette?

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Illustrator :: Why Do Colors Change Automatically In Colour Palette

Nov 20, 2013

When I set C to 40% and MYK to 0% the program automatically change to other values in all four columns. Is it some kind of default settings? If so, how can I change it?

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AutoCad :: Assigning Keystroke To Tool Palette?

Oct 15, 2012

im using the tool palette, i want to assaign a keystroke to the tools i place there. how to do it?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Open Multiple AI Files Produce Error In Palette (8702 - No Document)

Aug 12, 2013

I try to open mulitple ai files through palette dialog but it fails on Error:8702, there is no document. But if i change to var win = new Window ("dialog", "Batch"); the open file works well. 
var txtSourceFolder =  win.add("edittext",undefined);
var btnOk =  win.add("button",undefined,"Run");

[Code] ....

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Illustrator Scripting :: Assign Default Colors To New Layer?

Aug 7, 2013

Is there a way to assign one of the default layer colors with javascript? like light blue, light red, or green.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Change Colors Of Path Item

Nov 26, 2013

I'm trying to change the colors of a pathItem corresponding to the string value of several text fields in my document. I've been successful in changing the fill and stroke color of the pathItem, but I can not find any reference in the Illustrator Javascript Guide for accessing additional strokes and/or fills that have been applied to the object in the Appearance panel.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Adding Custom Spot Colors

Dec 2, 2013

I am trying to create a script that adds custom spot colours to the swatch pallet. I've manage to put together something that works (I've adapted an existing script), but the colours added are not spots, just CMYK colour swatches.Also, I need the script not to error if the swatch already exists.
//Add Custom Swatches
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
function cmykColor(c, m, y, k) {
     var newCMYK = new CMYKColor();
     newCMYK.cyan = c;
     newCMYK.magenta = m;
     newCMYK.yellow = y; = k;
     return newCMYK;

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Illustrator Scripting :: Changing Colors Multiple Files?

Feb 6, 2014

I have about 300+ product labels that are in Illustrator, and some of them have an incorrect rich black color swatch. What I have been doing is going through and changing the color pallette to change them manually. Essentially going to the instance of black and changing them to regular black.
Is there any sort of script that can do this? The files are in CMYK.
Otherwise I have a lot of monotonous file editing to do.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Adding Lab Colors To Swatch - Not Implemented

Jan 14, 2013

I tried to add a LabColor with an Illustrator script.
function addLabColorToSwatch(L,a,b,swatchName){
var color = new LabColor();
color.l = L;
color.a = a;
color.b = b;
 var swatchgroup = app.activeDocument.swatchGroups.add(); = "test swatchgroup from jsx script";
The script crashes on the Line  'swatch.color = color;' with "Error 1202: Not implemented"..This seems to a bug. I allready filed it.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Generate Overview Of Colors Used In Document

Sep 2, 2013

I need to generate an overview of the colors used in a document.
For that, I would like to cycle through several rectangles of which I know the exact size. The rectangles are filled with a color  from the swatch palette.
What I try to achieve is that the swatch name of the rectangle's fill color is written to a text field directly above the rectangle. But I could not find a possibility to 'extract' the fillcolor from a pageItem into a pastable string.

Is there a way to do this with Illustrator and Javascript?

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Illustrator :: Apply Random Color To Group Of Objects

Jun 18, 2009

Here's my issue... lets say I have 600 different objects in illustrator (just little circles with a fill color, no stroke) and 6 different colors that these circles should be. That means, I'd like about a 100 to be one color, 100 another color, etc... Is there anyway to select all 600 and just tell Illustrator that I have these 6 colors and I want to apply them to the selected objects randomly?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Automatically Create Fill Colors Combination

Nov 11, 2012

I need to automatically create all the possible pattern combinations with 6 shapes and 6 colors.
I have an Excell file with assigned color combinations (values from 1 to 6) in the rows, and the shape name (A to F) in the columns.  Column 7 is a string containin the color combination names (i.d. 123456, 123345 etc...) so that I can output each combination with the color/numbers in the name.
I'd like Illustrator to pick every row and assign the contained colors to each shape of the column and to export a .png with the name from column 7 content.
Just simple as that!  But to me it sounds pretty hard! 
Is there a script that makes it already posted somewhere? - i couldn't find any -  or something simliar to start coding from?

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Illustrator :: Create A Shape With Pantone Color And Then Decrease Opacity In Color Swatch Palette

May 30, 2013

When I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors"  it highlights the pantone color being used in the file.  In previous version, it never did this.   This is for CS6.  Any know fix for this?

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Illustrator :: In Color Picker / Selection In Color Palette Is Different Than Preview

Oct 2, 2012

Working in Illustrator CS5 on a Mac. When choosing a color in the palette, the preview showing up is different than what is in the palette. If I hit "OK" the actual color chosen is the one in the palette, not the preview window... Including some pics for reference. In my 10+ years of using Illustrator, i have never seen this.I am using a Dell monitor on a mac... not sure if that would make a difference.

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Illustrator Scripting :: ESTK 3.6 Crashes When Open Preferences And Click Fonts And Colors

Sep 10, 2012

I am using a MAC OS version 10.6.8 and ESTK 3.6.  When I open ESTK the font is very small and I want to make it larger.  I go to ExtendScript ToolKit>Preferences when I click Fonts and Colors the program crashes and sends an error report to Apple. 
I would like to script Illustrator with .jsx instead of AppleScript because I am more familiar with JavaScript (plus it's cross platform compatible). 

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Revit :: Assigning Different Colors To Modeled Objects?

Oct 27, 2011

What is the best way to assign different colors to different objects types (e.g. columns, and beams) or different colors to the same object type (e.g. columns) in a model?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assigning Colors To Own Material In Content Center

May 8, 2012

I can not get the colors set to material in the content center. These are the steps I followed.
1) start new .Ipt => finish sketch.

2) go to "material browser"=> click "create new material in document"

3) edit new material => name "Steel Green " => generic color choose green. => OK.

4) add new material to your custom library or to the "Inventor Material Library". (custom library is in project file)

5) close document

6) go to Tools => Editor => Family Table => Column material Properties => choose "Steel Green".

7) Ok, publish OK. 

8) new assembly => place from content => get the new material.

9) check properties. Material is Assigned but not the color

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Illustrator :: Change Color Of Layer Palette Background?

Feb 2, 2013

Is there any way to change the background color of the Layer palette?  (CS6/Mac here)
Working with white type and objects is very frustrating.

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