AutoDesk Smoke :: Copy / Paste Colour Swatches Or Save Them To Palette?
Apr 17, 2013Is there a way to copy/paste colour swatches or save them to a palette?
View 5 RepliesIs there a way to copy/paste colour swatches or save them to a palette?
View 5 RepliesWhenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I copy the timecode from the clip in my viewer, and jump to that point in another clip?
I use this often to compare the same point in time for an offline to online clip. I can open the timecode input window, and manually enter the timecode from one clip to another, but I can't seem to find the copy and paste commands that will use that timecode as the input.
I run AI CS6. I open new document and prepare two shapes and fill them up with Pantone colors for reference, for my design. I procced to make some work, name cards for example.
Now I want to send the card to my printer, while I work on the rest of colleterals. So I open new document, identical to the one I oppened 30 minutes ago. I don't change color setting or anything. But when I paste the cards to new document, they change color.When I sample the colors, the Color Pallet identifes them correctly by thier pantone number.
My colour swatches disappeared although I clicked on "show all swatches". What do I have to do to appear regularly when opening Illustrator?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhere colour source on the timeline is. I am always droping black or coloured frames into the timeline either as a background for some softFX text or even as a fill for the softFX text so I can then track that text to the background.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a job done in Smoke 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack and exported an RGB uncompressed QT. I can pull this pack into the same software version on any of the other 14 Smoke on macs I have and it is exactly the same as the original. I have installed the new bug fixed Smoke 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack2 and this same clip comes in with a large colour shift. The whole image is about 10% darker! I have exported the same clip as YUV2 uncompessed QT and also a TARGA sequence and pulled these into both software versions and it is identical to the origianl. NO CLOLOUR SHIFT.
I also have 2013 beta version and I'm getting the same colour shift.
Have you done something to the colour management of RGB Uncompressed QT's in your newer software releases.
All my masters source files have been RGB uncompressed QT's for years and this is now causing big concerns.
When keying a shot over a background I find that if I then want to colour grade the foreground that it affects the quality of the key as it's obviously applying the colour change before the key.
I would colour grade first but that doesn't suit the workflow the director wants to use.
what is a better tool?
A Colour Correct
B Colour Warper
Are both capable of delivering the same result? Is the underlying tech the same on both and its only a matter of UI?
Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5
I'm coming from a Smoke Linux perspective so the terms might not be right:
Pre-Release 6, I've imported and EDL, linked it to DPX film scans on the network, and consolidated 10 frame handles. I can "cache" the files locally as ProResHQ, but how do I do a "store local copy"? That is make a copy of the DPX files I need on my machine.
can i clone (not copy) cfx clip ? so any update made to the cfx clip will automatically update all the instance ?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can I copy a batch Fx Text, to other one, without changing the text file, in smoke 2012 ext2?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI try to copy an edit from one project library to anothe project library, I get the error message: Clip Mgt: Entry "..." has pending rendered video media. Deselecting entry.
How can I find out which media ist still pending render? Because everything is processed, everything has been loaded in via store local copy... The only thing I couldn' figure out is, my edit has the little lightgrey SOFT icon on it (although no clip within my edit has that icon....the only light grey icon there is in my edit is the H for clip history. so I don't know where this is coming from, and maybe it all connects together...)
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
It's not a show stopper but if you select more than one clip on the thumbnail desktop and pen copy they don't copy to where you place them but jump to be half hidden off the source area.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am conforming three 2 minute long sequences and am trying to soft import all the footage, then conform, then consolidate to 24 frame handles, then Store Local Copy all the footage (only used in each sequence). I feel like i used to get a "Pending Render" super over the preview player in the Library. For some reason i am not getting this message. Is there any way to check the progress of the Store Local Copy, or to make sure that smoke is actually storing a local copy? The drive that the media lives on is a 2TB GRaid and i am getting awful performance in smoke when trying to do anything with the clips/sequences, which i expected...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a number of clips that were soft imported, then used in the paint module to remove some blemishes. I have since done a 'store local copy' on the original clips.
The painted clip still has the 'soft' indicator. How do I update the painted clip?
Is there a way to go into the history of the painted clip and replace the soft import with the local copy? Do I 'store local copy' on the painted clip?
Is there a way to save a CFX set up with its media (in my case, still images) as a preset to be used in other projects?
View 9 Replies View RelatedQuite often I'll paint up a frame, having forgotten to switch 'current frame' to 'sequence'. Is there any way to copy and apply a current frame's paintups to the sequence after the fact?
smoke 2013 EXT1
iMac i7 3.4Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB
MAC OS X 10.8.3
Promise R6
I'm using fcp hotkey , by default the 'drag copy (single frame)' is mapped to ' alt-c' . Normally this will work fine. But in some case where a cfx clip is selected or my time indicator is parked on top of a cfx clip in active timeline , then do 'alt-c' will give an error message "connectfx cannot be modified inside the containers. Proceed with edit ? "
So to solve this temporarily, i have to first deselect the cfx clip or move the current positioner on top of a non-cfx clip.
Coming from 2012, we had source and record areas. These were green and red respectively. Which was very easy to keep multiple source and record areas available. How is this functionality reproduced in 2013?
The reason I ask, is that I have just been adding rec area clips and now I have a lot and I don't know what to do with them. In 2012, I save the record area to the library and then make a new rec area. That way I know my very important masters are safe. How do I do this in 2013?
What combination of keys is that for save project?
Is it possible to save snapshot cfx in Smoke 2013 on mac or is it only on Linux version?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to save a setup in Action so that I can use it again in another Action composite? What I'm looking for is what ConnectFX Clips do in Smoke2013. I have some 3D models, connected together with Axis and some bkgd elements that I'd like to use over and over again in different Action composites. I'd like to just import those setups (models etc.) into new Action composites. Is this possible?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP3
how can I save Node Setup in CFX with PreRelease 3
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have to do a freelance gig on 2013, so kicking and screaming I drag myself to the SMac and get into cfx.
My first bugbear is when saving or loading an action setup in cfx. The node load/save buttons are on the other side of the screen from the cfx load/save button, yet in the modular keyer, when you want to save a colour correction, the node load/save button simply replaces the mk load/save button. I find this much faster. Can we move the cfx node load/save buttons to keep inline with action and the mk?
The colorwarper is unusable in cfx. I know you know. So ?
And what's with the hotkey for gmask in action Modular Keyer. I can't get it working?
BTW, I downloaded the trial yesterday, so it is the most recent version Smoke 2013 SP2
Is this a bug? I can't save a custom export preset. I set it up, hit save, give it a name then don't see it in the list.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm wanting to work on my laptop at home, and my machine at work. I have an external tunderbold SSD array that I want to use. How would I set smoke to save projects to the external drive? Whats the best work flow for this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat's the best way to pre-build graphic elements and save them to be used in a composite? This is what I've done so far: used a color generator on the timeline then added the wipe effect. Within the wipe effect I created as series of shapes (which turned out to be animated which I didn't want). What I want to to do is use just 1 still frame of this graphic with its matte in a composite but I'm not sure how to get that into my connect fx or action. I tried saving that wipe effect but once in connect fx I can't access the wipes. Can I save the wipe effect as a gmask?
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow can i save selected spline/geom of gmask node ? i want just to save couple of spline not the whole gmask setup. is it possible ? for example i have 20 geom in my gmask but i want to save just 3 of them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedInside my current action, I have this Axis+Image with some keyframes on opacity and transformation, also some keyframes on X blur/Y blur in my Media list. How do I recycle this setup for other Action?
I tried the save selected object, but when I load it from other action, using Add Nodes + Media method, only the Axis and Image show up (with keyframes). The Media of it shows empty.
I have calculated some test renders on a small portion of the timeline in order to check things up. Now I would like to delete them and calculate everything at a later time.
Do you know the way to delete renders in order to save hard disk space ? I have tried the "force purge" function, but it didn't delete anything, the "Autodesk media storage" folder is still the same size...
And manually deleting renders in the "Autodesk media storage" folder messes everything up.
Is there a way of organizing the colours in a swatch to something other than the default.
You can delete, or add, but you can't drag them to new positions to arrange.
I'm creating some swatches of my own, but the order of the colours is not to my liking. Just can't figure out if they can be organised by Hue, Brightness etc, or moved around individually.