AutoCAD 2013 :: Solid Hatch Selection - Select Group Of Item
Apr 30, 2013
I have a problem with selecting a solid hatch in autocad 2014 or 2012. from some reason when I click in random place on top of the hatch it always select it self even if it's not highlighted. It causes a problem when i need to select group of item which are on top of the hatch with the selection box. I did not have this problem in previous version. i also find it very strange that in different drawing in the same autocad version that problem do not exist. is there any variable to be set to solve that issue?
I have several objects in a drawing. These objects are placed on a layer: "Layerhatch". These objects all have a hatch pattern: "solid". Now I want with vba that the pattern of this objects change from "solid"into "ANSI31". (For example with a button).
I have tried this with a adadselectionset but it doesn't work.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim tSelSet As AcadSelectionSet Set tSelSet = getSelSetByLayer("Layerhatch") If tSelSet Is Nothing Then MsgBox ("No Selectionset") ElseIf tSelSet.Count = 0 Then MsgBox ("No objects found on Layer "Layerhatch") Else
What to do to change the settings so you can select an item or items and then type in the command you wnat to use? This seems to have changed between Autocad 2012 and 2013 and only executes command if typed in first then itmes selected.
I go to erase a line or a piece of text or block, doesn't seem to matter really. Anyways I select one too many items so I hit "r" for remove and select the item to remove and bam, I fatal error, civil 3D shuts down, asks if I'd like to save the file and then also submits an error report to the great unknown.
Civil 3D 2013, on 64 bit Windows 7 with all updates.
I have a Hatch in my drawing with Pattern as Solid on the top of an image. I made it transparent and it looks really nice in my screen, but as soon as I print either in PDF or hard copy the transparency feature disappear. How is possible to print my Hatch -with Solid as Pattern- with the transparency active either in PDF and hard copy?
I have a set of scanned drawings that they wanted marked up via AutoCAD to use for submittals. I made a nice check mark for all the "good" dimensions using a solid green hatch (which plots as green).
I brought the scanned drawings in as xref TIFFs and put my autocad objects over them. Problem is that when I go to PDF them, the check marks are transparent and I really don't want them to be. I've never messed with any transparency settings in our CAD and I've only noticed this issue when printing over top of images.
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?
I use this technique quite often in Excel. One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D. While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from: BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE. The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.
We have this need to have all of the solids in a drawing to be placed in the "solid" layer.
Sometimes folks are drafting lines to develop these solids, and keeping the lines on the "solid" layer, rather than moving them to another layer, or deleting them altogether.
I could get folks to run this command before leaving the drawing.
I'm thinking something along the lines of:
Select all entities that are on the solids layer that are not solids.
If nil, great, do nothing.
If entities are selected, let me do something with them.
I'm hoping the following can be modified ever so slightly.
(setq non_solid (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "3DSOLID")(cons 8 "solid"))))
Just downloaded Autocad 2013 and am missing quite a few of the standard hatches (siding, soldier, board and batten, etc.) What should I do to get them back. When I open old drawings with these hatches in them, they load just fine...but I am unable to hatch any new areas with these hatches (because they are not listed in the hatch library)
I presently have code that will select objects on screen based on particular stored object handles. The code then prompts the user to add additional selections once these handle selections are made. No problem. The problem lies with attempting to deselect the objects that were selected via object handles. I should say highlighted because that is what the present code is doing. It is highlighting the objects on screen. The code I am using follows:
Dim ids(1) As ObjectId ids(0) = ObjectIdFromHandle(myDocDB, "1D6") ids(1) = ObjectIdFromHandle(myDocDB, "1DE") Autodesk.AutoCAD.Internal.Utils.SelectObjects(ids) ' Get the Pickfirst selection
I have finally created the shell of the complex surface that you see. This is only a section of the part because I cannot show the whole thing for proprietary reasons. I formed solid surfaces using the network command. The propblem is that it will not convert to a solid because the surface seams are not "water tight." When the network command created the solid surfaces, the surface seams do not exactly match the lines so there are gaps in all the seams. I have tried blending, patching, etc. and nothing works. how to convert this to a solid without losing the outlines and the shape?
when I create a shape and fill it in for a colour ( so I can send it to a screen printer to be put on our product ), I get an issue with DN-P-2726.dwg. I was trying to recreate the part being painted red, so the screen printer overlays with the black and grey.
I have been having an issue with my hatches, especially when I use solid. I always make them associative but when I have to move an object using stretch, the hatch does not come along with it.
When I hatch an item I generally use the "pick points" option. Do I need to be using select objects?
I have a hatch (that is not solid). Sometimes it displays as a solid hatch though, although if I move the hatch (even slightly) the display issue is resolved and the hatch displays properly (i.e. not solid anymore). Regen doesn't fix the display issue, only moving the hatch slightly (temporarily).
I'm not sure how far away from the origin the hatch is although it is no further than what it would normally be when it works fine (and it can't be moved closer to the origin anyway as that would screw up my models real world coordinates).
Is it possible to trim a 3d solid using another 3d solid as a cutting edge? I want to cut the edges of a dam using the natural ground surface (which is also a solid) as my cutting edge.
i am having a hatching issue, it seems no matter what hatch pattern i use and what hatch scale, alot of the hatch looks solid instead of the pattern i want, for example i am using currently ANSI37 @ Annotative with a scale of .20 and on the same paperspace page one plan with the hatch shows the cross hatching and the other one below looks solid (see attached) now i can go and say change the hatch scale and it reverts to the cross hatching, but then when i zoom out it goes back to "solid" is it a graphical issue?
I'm having problems with creating PDF's and transparency hatching using DWG to PDF.pc3.
The PDF does show transparency but has a fine lined pattern at intervals in the hatched area, it does print just fine though with no evidence of the lined pattern. Only problem is most of our work is supplied as high quality PDF.
I prefer to use DWG to PDF.pc3 due to the excellent quality of the PDF. I have played with modified Adobe PDF.pc3 to mostly remove the lines from the hatch but quality suffers in the bitmapping of the document.
I am using AutoCAD Map3D 2011 and AutoCAD 2011 on a windows 7 boxes and Acrobat X Pro. I get this problem with normal solid hatching and SHP file polygon transparency.
Are they any secret/magic settings to fix solid hatch transparency using DWG to PDF.pc3?
I'm using Autocad 2012. I've created a 3D model, one of the components of the solids model, I've assigned a transparency value t which appears in the model, and in the orthographic layout view, and plotted as I need and expect it to. The problem I'm having is that in other layout views, other components include a Dots hatch (I've inserted this dots hatch pattern in both paper and model space in attempt to fix the problem). This Dots hatch appears as I need and expect on the computer screen, but when I plot the layout drawing this hatch pattern plots transparent too, even though it resides on completely different layer than the solid component that I do want transparent. I want the hatch pattern to plot opaque, not transparent (in other words the dots appear very, very light....almost invisible when I plot).
I am not sure when but at some point my solid hatch went missing from my CAD is there anyway to get it back? Where would I download this hatch pattern from?
I'm currently plotting a site plan with different zones highlighted in a solid hatch. Each zone has a different colour and all zones are slightly transparent so i can see the site plan underneath.
The problem is that when transparency box is ticked , the site plan becomes more faded.Is there a way where I can use the transparency tool but keep the original line weights of the site plan.
I'm drawing over a bitmap image where I'm outlining certain objects. I'd like to hatch over them but make the hatch translucent so image underneath will be partially visible. Is this possible in AC 2012?
I have a drawing in AutoCAD 2013 with carefully laid out hatch patterns for traced text using clean, closed, non-overlapping, polylines only. (with islands in the holes). When I import this into Inventor sketch the hatch comes through but the islands do not. Such as the 0 gets completely filled in. I don't have the ability to edit this hatch and add the islands.
I can import the dwg without hatch and fill it within Inventor, but I need to have all the enpoints constrained, or the Fill command won't recognize the boundaries. If I import this with contraining the endpoints, then the import takes a very long time (I gave up after waiting 5 minutes).
i encounter this. In model space i have hatch few objects with solid hatching. When i bk to paper space apply revision cloud for the few object its appear hiding behind the object. What happen??
I drew a solid model of a structure in Autocad 2010. By using that model, I want to make a FEM analysis in Sap2000. The problem is that Sap2000 takes only polygon meshes (not solids) in 3d. The question is that how can i make a group of polygon meshes of the solid model that represents the structure.
(Since i am not an expert of Autocad, i will be glad if the solution is explained in a simple language.)
I needed to prepare a Map in which certain area has to be marked out. I did with hatching spending hours on it. But i need to convert it into solid colors. Is it possible to convert them without repeating whole procedure?
I face new problem in using solid hatch command ,when I choose poly lines and use hatch some unwanted lines appears inside hatch area which make my shape separate from others part be meant be unify. I am amateur in using auto cad .BTW , my scale is about 5 micron meter and when I export the drawing int pdf all straight lines become curvy .I upload the image which describe itself my problem. URLs...