I have a problem with selecting a solid hatch in autocad 2014 or 2012. from some reason when I click in random place on top of the hatch it always select it self even if it's not highlighted. It causes a problem when i need to select group of item which are on top of the hatch with the selection box. I did not have this problem in previous version. i also find it very strange that in different drawing in the same autocad version that problem do not exist. is there any variable to be set to solve that issue?
I have a floorplan of a building and am labeling exits of the building for evacuation routes. Each exit label is on its own layer. I need to show the floor plan from different perspectives/orientations and therefore need to rotate the exit labels in place on their own individual axis. So far I have been going in and selecting the image (label) on each layer and rotating it 90 degrees and then repeating the process for the next label. When I group the layers they all rotate on one axis and therefore are not near the exit they are supposed to be near. Is there an easier (quicker) way to rotate the labels as I have to do this for four different perspective for each of four floor plans?
I am running AutoCAD 2010 full version. Every time I select a line or a group of lines or objects. My program freezes up for a couple of seconds each time, to scan the drawing. So a task that should take 10-15 minute is turning into 25-30 minutes nightmare. Every selection I make there will appear a progress bar and the words "Scanning the drawings..." in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Is there some setting somewhere i can turn this scanning feature off? Is this issue linked to the layer states?
I'm having issues moving individual layers once they've been put into a group in CS5. It just moves everything in the group! Very inconvenient. This hasn't happened to me before or in CS6. How to correct this?
I have table, several chairs and some glasses and plates on table. I want to group them and instance that group, hundred of times. Problem is that I do not have materials implemented and I will not until client is satisfied with arrangement. I have problems later, even using many scripts I found, to add material to all instances. Only way is to select one by one.
Other thing is that there might be new objects added into set, so best way would be to add to master group and that will be added in instances of that group automatically, but that does not work with Maya.
I have determine that my AutoCad 2009 will allow me to drag/drop layers to an existing Group Layer Filter, but it will not allow me to right click on the Group Filter>Select Layers>Add. Once I go to the model space an select layers then "enter" no layers are added to the Filter Group and it gives me an error message that says "unable to modify layers while another command is active".
Why my AutoCad 2009 will not let me select new layers to a specific group layer filter. It was working just fine and yesterday all of sudden it will not let me add new layers to a specific filter. Is there a button or command that maybe would have changed that function. Everything else seems to be working on the Layer Manager.
I use a lot of Group Layer Filters so I can turn things on/off quickly. My problem is I have been creating my Layer Filter Group by right clicking on the Layer Group Filter>going to Selection>then click Add> then go back to my drawing or Layout tab and select all of the layers I need then click enter. One day my AutoCad would not let me do that anymore, and even after I click on enter it gives me an error message saying the command is still active. Now from my Layer Properties Manager I can select any layer and drag/drop it into any filter and it works, but I really need to be able to select things within the model space or paper of each layout tabs.
Is there some way to force the lasso tool to fully select objects that are not fully encircled by the lasso tool? I want it to fully select any path it touches, similar to the group selection tool.
I have an issue with a view. I am unable to select my model groups with in a specific view. When I go to select a group all that is selected is an item in that group, not the entire group. There must be a setting that is turned off, as other views I can grab entire groups. Currently I have to open a 3-D view and select the group I wish to edit or change, instead of being able to select that same group on the 5th floor of my building. ( I can select the same group on the 4th floor, but I don't see any diference between the two floors?)
Question: How to select a specific layer inside of a Group, with a shortcut?
Need a shortcut command...
I can select an individual layer by holding CTRL and clicking on an area of the image (which is on a layer) in my document. This will direct me exactly to the layer by highlighting it (under layers). This makes it easy to find an area of the art/and the layer it's on.
I am wondering if there is a similar way to select an image that is inside of a Group? (in CS3)
When using the CTRL and click on image command, it goes directly to the Group folder the image is in (instead of the exact layer it's on). I would like to have a command that will go directly to the layer in a group.
I do know about right clicking on an image area and getting a list of the layers. I do not want this.
I found a lisp to get block attribute data to a other block. See attachment. I can only apply it to one block. I like to apply it to selected blocks or blocks in a group. Is this possible?
I built a building in AutoCAD Architecture 2013 and inserted the file into 3DSMax 2013 via the file link manager. I would like to group certain AEC objects from my DWG file in 3DSMax so that I can assign materials, move them around without losing placement, but the "Group" and "Assemble" drop-downs are disabled. Why am I not able to group these objects?
My workstation had a major reset and my customization (retrofit) making my group lock key-combo [Ctrl+Shift+A] as it had been some time in the past is lost. It has been so long since I meddled with setting hotkeys that I cannot remember where that is done. I either need to know how to toggle the group lock in the "out of the box 2012" or where to set my hotkey prefs.
It is said that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words... I'm just writing this stuff instead of saying it outloud... that's my loophole.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
I routinely add paths to existing Live Paint Groups, by dragging a path that is outside the group, into the LP group. But AI won't let me drag the "selection icon" from a nested layer, into an existing LP Group. Why?
It seems I'm requesting the same action, but AI won't allow the icon to be dragged into the group. I have to either open the layer and drag the objects directly, or drag the objects into the main layer, then into the Live Paint Group. I think this is an interface flaw.
FYI… I realize I could jump into the Live Paint Group using Isolation mode, but that takes extra steps and makes the template less useful.
I want to select only one word of a group of characters. The problem that I'm having is, when I go to click one of the letters it selects all the characters in that word. How would I only select one character at a time?
I'm new to Maya, so this is likely something I'm just missing or that I've done without realizing it, however...
I've created a scene with a few polygonal objects. As an example, imagine a house with plants around it and a cloud above. The plants are spaced evenly along a curve, and the cloud is also made using a Paint Effect with a Modifier around it to control it's shape using slight forces, etc.
However, when it's done and I select the entire group of objects to drag to a different position, weird things happen. The plants seem to move much more quickly in that direction, so that soon they're no longer positioned where they should be at the base of the house, and the clouds move in the opposite direction from where I'm dragging (i.e. down not up). What I'll call the 'normal' polygonal objects (e.g. the house, car, etc.) all move fine, but I cannot figure out how to fix the other items so everything maintains its relative position, or lock the whole scene together to move as a group.
I've tried to combine them, and even 'parent' everything to the house, but I suspect I've changed something like a control handle position or rotated something that now moves opposite the normal xyz directions.
I have been given a set of drawings (300+) and I need to find where and/or if certain blocks (and other objects) are used in these drawings. Is there a utility program or does AutoCAD have the ability to search a group of drawings for a block (by name) and return a list of all the drawings where the block is found.
On that same topic, is there a utility program that will export all the CAD data from a list of drawings to a .csv file or even excel so I can filter and search several drawings for layers, blocks, xrefs etc.
I have created multiple tool palettes that i load depending on whether im working on a rcp plan or a toilet room plan, etc. On the right hand side it says Tool Palettes - All Palettes. How to rename that to say rcp,civil, etc? If I right click on the right side of the tool palette & select rename it renames all tool palettes to whatever I type in. I thought it might be tool palette groups but I am not sure. I can't seem to set one to be current. The selection is grayed out