AutoCAD 2010 :: Search A Group Of Drawings For A Block?
Feb 16, 2012
I have been given a set of drawings (300+) and I need to find where and/or if certain blocks (and other objects) are used in these drawings. Is there a utility program or does AutoCAD have the ability to search a group of drawings for a block (by name) and return a list of all the drawings where the block is found.
On that same topic, is there a utility program that will export all the CAD data from a list of drawings to a .csv file or even excel so I can filter and search several drawings for layers, blocks, xrefs etc.
I have 20 seperate Acad drawings, which uses multiple blocks across all drawings. Is there a way i can create a block using Wblock and save seveal blocks in a folder. So when i need to make a change to a block, i make the change to the block in the folder and it automatically updates the block in all drawings? Is it possible to set this up without using xrefs, as i have hundreds of blocks.
I had a set of drawings that I needed to redefine a block in and had to go into each drawing and redefine it seperately. Is there a way to redefine it once and then possibly select the drawings this block is redefined in?
I have multiple cad drawings (300 *dwg's)that need some items changed, is there a way to seach multiple cad drawing in my project for specific instances of text in each drawing?
Do the drawings have to be open? Can you seach just thru the project with out opening each drawing, how does this work?!
Search for Main Group Not all Subgroup. My illustrator project may have 5 main groups, which may all included 100 subgroups. I would like to search for main group without having to search through all subgroup, because too many and too long for the script.
For the moment I have given a name to all Main group but the process is much too long.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator" activate set groupCount to count group items in current document repeat with i from 1 to groupCount set selection of current document to {} [Code] .........
I'm using AutoCAD 2013 64 bit and MS Visual Basic 2010 Express (and Excel 2007), and I'm trying to write VB.NET code to list all xrefs attached to a group of drawings. The list of drawings is in column 1 of an Excel spreadsheet, and I want to list all xref filenames in columns 2 onwards - one row per drawing.
The Excel part works fine. I just wish it was as easy to extract information from DWG files.
I created a "Windows Form Application" project in VB 2010 and added a button to Form1. Clicking on the button runs the code.
When adding references I added "Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library" COM for Excel (as per Excel website tutorial), and "acdbmgd.dll" and "acmgd.dll" (both with Copy Local=False) as per AutoDesk .NET tutorial. But I got warning messages saying Acdbmgd.dll and Acmgd.dll target a different processor. Is this different to the Excel COM target processor, or do I need to change the target processor for the whole project (and if so, how)?
I tried adding "AutoCAD 2013 Type Library" COM reference instead of "acdbmgd.dll" and "acmgd.dll" which got rid of the target processor warning messages, and I could then open the dwg files successfully, but still the project crashes.
Here's the code so far...
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
' do I need to include Imports for AutoCAD here? Various websites list AutoDesk.AutoCAD... imports here, but AutoDesk isn't an available option when I try adding this here - maybe because I have the wrong references?
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
When I run the project I also get a "A first change exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in MyProject.exe" message. How can I rectify this?
Currently it crashes when it gets to the cadDwg.Database.Blocks line saying "Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))".
The xlsx file and the dwg files refered to in the xlsx file all exist. I've tried running it both with AutoCAD 2013 running and with AutoCAD 2013 not running. Still doesn't work
I feel so close, but what am I missing? I haven't downloaded the "ObjectARX for AutoCAD 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit)" from AutoDesk yet because (i) I have to get a licence, and (ii) it's a very large file, and (iii) I seem to be able to open drawing files without it, but just not access the data I want in the files.
I've got 1500+ drawings to look at by the end of the week. If this doesn't work it's back to AutoLisp (and maybe script files, but that's another headache).
I am trying to insert a block (using .Net) that does not already exist on the drawing. It is on a network share, which is in the search path. If I, from the command line insert the block, it finds it ok and inserts it. But when I do this from .Net code it does not search for the block. So how do you get it to search for the block and insert it?
Here is a code snippet I'm using to insert the block:
Dim myDwg AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Using myDocLock AsDocumentLock= myDwg.LockDocument() Using myTrans AsTransaction= myDwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction 'Open the database for WriteDim myBT AsBlockTable = CType(myDwg.Database.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)
how to search for keywords within autocad file? word in title block, I got alot of DWG files inside the Hard drive, my co worker was asking me to plot out one of the drawing, don't know the drawing number but only know the date/mo/years was created, and the words inside the file. i typed in the window explorer as shown below but found none. sometime it's very difficult to look for the certain drawing when someone named by number and letter, i like to name the cad drawing with good description and then i put the dwg # or Pro# in the title block.
I've got problems using Acad 2012, i'm sure it isn't a hardware problem since the specs are HIGH
First Problem is, when mouse over an icon/box/whatever you call it (eg. Line tool, Circle tool, etc), it only displays the text, but it doesn't show a blue highlight like it's supposed to do, and when i select it, the Blue highlight does not transfer to it, it remains on the Line tool
Second, The Search box isn't working
Third, when i switch from Drafting & Annotation to something else or vice versa, the tabs remain the same, and is usually accompanied by some annoying lags.
this layer appears to be limited to the layer palette. many of us will start typing for the layer when searching instead of scrolling. now in the layer pull down in the ribbon this works as expected start typing the layer name (2-3 letters) and it locates the layer. if this is done using the palette it will only search to the first letter. if i use the classiclayer dialog it works the same as the drop down from the ribbon.
My computer is not searching for the xrefs correctly. Whenever I switch to another job and try to load an xref, the computer searches under the last job I worked on and nothing else. I have several folders listed as search paths but it just seems to be ignoring them. We never used to have this problem and I cannot figure out what has changed.
When I search an autoCAD file from windows 7, it only shows me the backup file and missed the DWG file. I’m using Window 7 professional, service pack 1, 64-bit operating system; AutoCAD2012. Are there any way to change the seetings so I can see the DWG file?
When I migrated to 2012 form 2011, it only migrated a partial list of the support file search locations. So, I reset the ones that were missing and exported out my profile.
Next I saved my workspace to my name and checked the box to "automatically save workspace".
I shut my computer down for the night. When I restarted my computer, then AutoCAD 2012 the missing support paths are missing again. I am not the only one in the CAD department that is having this issue. It is so annoying to have to reset my profile every time I shut my computer down.
I need to center-align a rectangle to a group/block object (also it's midle), how do I do that? Can I create/insert a grip or snap point in the midle of the group/block object?
We have a person in the office that would like to create their own .ctb file that we would like to have them to access but they will also need to access our .ctb files (Standard). We currently restrict access to the .ctb files as they can be alterered leading to problems for everyone printing. Is there a way to create another path so they we can have a locked folder of .ctb files and an unlocked folder for .ctb files.
How to force objects to move together without making them a block or a group? Never used the anchor command but it doesn’t' seem to "like" my objects either.
Specifically, I have a dynamic block I need to move with a table and not move from the cell it is placed above.
I'm trying to add a block with an attribute to a drawing. The command works if there is only one drawing open, but when there are other open drawings then the block doesn't appear. Strangely if I select the block in the block editor and then close the block editor the block suddenly appears. Do you know what is causing the block to not appear when other drawings are open?
I included the code below. "s1" works but "s2" has the strange behavior of the block not being visible.
[CommandMethod("s1")] public void AddBlockWithAttributeToDestination_WithNoOtherDrawingsOpen() { var attributeValue = "1234"; var destination = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; using (var transaction = destination.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { addBlock(transaction, destination.Database, attributeValue); transaction.Commit();
If you create a group, after that select it and click on the insertion point (grip) using a lot of time the space bar (to switch between move, rotate, scale and mirror) after a while autocad crash.
Tested in AutoCAD 2013 and 2014 in more the one installation.
I have a block that has to be update in a bunch of drawings -more than 20-. I updated in only one drawing, apply coy paste to the following but the block does not update in the drawing that I am pasting my new block. How is possible to update this block in the following 19 drawings?
I have done a new Title Block in our drawing templates.
It only works in New drawings if I open an old drawing I must "Copy/paste" the new Title Block into the browser to the left But I want all our old drawings to use the new Title Block.
Is there a way to have the new Title as default on all old drawings?