AutoCad :: Drawing Options From Rhino 3D

Oct 11, 2011

Only two weeks ago I started using Autocad. In the past I used to do a lot of modeling with Rhino 3D. Because of the similarities among the two products, the change was quite smooth. Still, there is a series of (basic) operations I miss a lot. I hope they exist in Autocad too (who knows, under a different name).

Among the features I miss the most, are the following:

-Draw line > Both sides
-Offset > Both sides
-Direction lock (tab key)

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fillet Edges Faster Than Rhino

Apr 23, 2013

I use Rhino to make pendant models but I find that Rhino's fillet function very slow and inefficient, so I'd like to know if Autodesk would be better at doing that.

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Maya :: How To Export From 2013 To Rhino

Sep 16, 2012

I am trying to export my hair curves from maya 2013 into rhino. I select my curves and try to export the selection and try to export as an .iges file. but maya is giving my an error.

i see that the .iges export is now .iges DCE..

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Revit :: Editing Imported Rhino Mass?

Feb 14, 2013

I have a relatively simple mass modeled in Rhino that I imported to a Revit Mass Family (via .sat file).  I then placed walls, roofs, structure on the face of this mass.  However I would like to be able adjust this mass, either in Rhino or Revit and the walls and structure adjust accordingly.  Now however, if I reload the mass into my Revit family, and then reload the family to my model, and then attempt to Update to Face, the error "Faces defining this Element cannot be reacquired." and my only option is to delete the offending wall/roof etc. 
Is this just a limitation in Revit/Rhino, or am I totally doing it wrong?

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Maya :: 2012 IGES Export To Rhino?

Dec 6, 2011

I am trying to export IGES file to rhino however when I open the file in rhino it says there is no geometry

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AutoCad :: Options Window Not Display When Typing Options In Command Line Or Selecting From Drop Down

Jul 2, 2013

The options window will not display when typing "options" in the command line or selecting from the drop down. The options menu has to be hidden somewhere because AutoCad will not allow any other commands after typing options until I hit escape. I have tried restarting CAD and rebooting my computer with not luck.

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AutoCad :: Fastest Way To Get To Options?

Jan 28, 2012

I've probably only done it 2 or 3 thousand times, but I haven't been Cad'ing too much lately, and somehow I've forgotten the shortcut to get to "Options" (ie Tools>Options)

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AutoCad 2D :: Menu Bar Options Missing

Mar 25, 2009

My menu bar has almost vanished. All I can see is "File, Window and Help" all the others have disappeared. I looked up what to do and CAD help told me to go to Window and then click on Pulldowns but this isn't an option that I can see when I click on Window.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Set Folder In Options During Statup?

Sep 11, 2013

The list of folders for network drives or local will be part of configuration XML. User should just modify the XML and AutoCAD would set the folders in options during startup. The XML would contain data for different profiles.

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AutoCad :: Command To Use To Switch Between These Two Options?

Apr 26, 2012

sometimes the 'last' entity is whatever the last one in the current view is (the entities you can see on the screen), but sometimes the 'last' item is the very last item created, whether you can see it in the view or not. what is the command to use to switch between these two options?

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AutoCad :: Publishing Options Lock Up

Jul 14, 2010

My Company runs AutoCAD LT 2008

One of the PM's I work with is having problems getting to the Publish Options. He needs to change the Layer option to Publish with Layers but he is unable to get the Publish Options window to open and not lock up his AutoCAD. I also had him try to go through the Options-Plot & Publish and see if that would give him any other result. We have rebooted the PC and tried to launch AutoCAD and then try with no luck.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Get Options Back

Jul 19, 2013

I have been having several problems with AutoCAD 2014.

1) When I make a line-I used to be able to type in the start point, angle, length, and end point.  Now I make a line I don’t have that option.  Furthermore I hover the muse over line and try to make an extension of for example 3.5" from the start point after I hit enter it will put the start point at what i think is a random point of the screen.  How can get the options back.

2) When i press-pull an object-When i would press-pull an object i would (with my mouse) drag it in the direction that wanted it to go hen type in the length.  So if i were to pull it to the right then type in the number it would go to the right.How can change that

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Missing Linetypes - No Options

Feb 26, 2013

For some reason all of my linetypes have disappeared, and even when I go to Load, there are no options.  The only linetypes available are lines and dashed lines, and I have a fence linetype but it does not show the circular pattern in the fence.  How can I get these back?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Menu Bar Display And Options Across Top In UI

Aug 2, 2012

How do you add the menu bar back in across the top and also how do you add the traditional "File", "Edit", "View", etc..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Pan And Zoom As Options In UNDO?

Nov 22, 2013

In AutoCAD 2013/14, there is finally the option for removing Pan and Zoom from the UNDO list?

That would be like the invention of the wheel. For me it's a Buy/Don't buy option.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Align View Options In IDW

Dec 27, 2012

I am detailing a drawing with typical hole dimensions on a piece of steel angle. The drawing is setup such that the fabricator will have two options for each end of the steel angle. I have created two parts with the two options per end and have placed them outside of the page for reference.

I would like to reference each end of each piece, so that there are four pairs of views on the page (the two legs of the angle at each of the four ends), aligned in a grid. I have determined the best way to do this is with detail views. (Using breaks causes the break sign to appear huge, given the large gap I want between views. Using cropped views does not make it obvious that each end is a cutaway.)

My issue now is aligning the eight views. I know of the align options (horizontal, vertical, and in position), but they align to the "origin" of each detail, which is the center. With the angles being the same size, this works fine horizontally, but vertically, the pieces will never line up exactly, which is crucial to at least lining up the two legs of a single angle. The best I seem to be able to do is get the detail sizes as close to exact as possible so the centers come close to lining up. Even creating a projected view from a detail treats the cutaway end as part of the geometry, making it look a bit ridiculous.

way to precisely line up the views? I have done extensive searching and am confident that there is no inherent way to align based on a point or edge (seems like a deficiency on Autodesk's part), but is there a way to move the origin of a detail or something like that?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Toolbar Options For Blockeditor

Nov 13, 2012

I have 2 pcs in the office running 2012.  1 pc has a toolbar option that allows me to save/close the blockeditor along with other options but 1 have 1 pc in the office does not show this option.  i have included a pic and boxed it in red.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Application Options Not Showing Up?

Mar 12, 2013

When I click Application Options it opens up, but the window doesn't show up, eveything else in the program gets disabled and I am able to hit Esc to get out of it. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Inspect Options For Fillets?

Aug 21, 2013

I have come to Inventor after using Pro-Engineer and Solidworks. How to find the inspect tools difficult to use? The effort required to find the radius of a fillet (for example on imported parts) is huge. I am using IV 2013.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 - Set DefaultFormatForSave For ALL Users Options

May 16, 2012

I recently upgraded AutoCAD LT to 2013. It now appears that we need to drop the save as format back down to 2010 format.

I realise that there is a reg edit for "defaultFormatForSave" which can be changed to "48" but when a user first runs AutoCAD LT the setting is overwritten.

change the default save format to the 2010 format?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Repeat Command With Same Options

May 1, 2012

How to repeat a command with options used previously? For example, I create Arc with "Start End Radius". If I repeeat command pressing spacebar or enter, an arc creates with options by default ("3-point").

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: PDF Publish Options Ignored

May 31, 2011

I am using Autocad 2010, and have upgraded to windows 7.  When I publish to pdf using Dwg to Pdf.pc3, my options (single-sheet file, do not include layers, etc.) are ignored and I always get multi-sheet files with layer information included regardless of what options I select. 

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AutoCad 3D :: Different Options For Rendering Civil 3D Files

Sep 8, 2011

I have been reading a great deal about all the different options out there for rendering Civil 3D files. I need to not only realistically render static views but also add fly-by and walk throughs. Additionally in the near future I want to be able to add (for example) moving vehicles to static views and fly-bys (sp). It seems that most indications are pointing towards 3DS Max Design 2012. Would this be a correct observation? Aslo, does 3Ds Max Design readily accept native C3D files?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: DXF Export Layer Options

May 28, 2012

We produce our own plasma cut sheet metal parts (up to 60 mm thick) for our manufactured machines. We have just installed a new machine that has a 24 station drilling/tapping head as well as the plasma head.

Our existing method automated of exporting the DXF shape files works great but I have a problem with drilled/tapped holes. I have configured the DXF output to put the external profiles on a named layer and done the same for internal profiles.

The problem arises with the DXF output of a drilled/tapped hole also being on the internal profile layer as the plasma machine see's any hole (drilled or not) as a plasma cut hole. I need to to be able to put drilled/tapped holes on a different layer but I don't want to have to do this manually (open DXF in Autocad, select and change drilled/tapped holes to another layer), save DXF file, as 80-90% of the parts we use on a machine are plasma cut 9no manual cutting).

So I'm putting it out there for the developers of Inventor to increase the DXF output layer options so that features (drilled/tapped holes, slots, etc..) can be put on a different layer to the inner and outer profiles.

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AutoCAD LT :: Setting Options In A Macro For 2012

Oct 31, 2011

We're about to roll out LT 2012 now the SP1 is out, normally I would run round and change the default options by hand (template locations, support file paths etc..) Is there any way I can do this in a macro, or some other way, which means I don't have to go to 100 PC's?

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AutoCAD LT :: Lose All Hot Key Options And Can Only Use On Screen Icons

Nov 18, 2011

I am having problems with my acadlt.pgp file when I take my laptop home with me. I lose all hot key options and can only use the on screen icons, or I can do some commands (save, line, ect.) in longhand command. I was told by our I.T. guy to mention that it could be a "roaming profile" issue?  How can I get my hot keys back when i'm disconnected from our work server?? This is actually becoming an occuring issue with others in our department as well.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: No Contour Label Options?

Jul 18, 2012

I have no option to select my contour label style in my drawing all of a sudden. See attached dialog. They do exist in the settings but no option is available.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Creating STL With Options?

Sep 11, 2013

I created a iLogic routine to generate a STL file if the iProperty "Printed Part" is set to YES.  

I am getting an error when Ln33 oTranslator.SaveCopyAs(oDocument, oContext, oOptions, oData) is executed.
If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Printed Part") = False Then 'False = "NO"ReturnElseMsgBox ("Selected to output STL for printing" & vbCrLf & "Disable by setting the custom iProperty:Printed Part to NO")End If'Create _OUTPUTS directoryoPath = ThisDoc.PathoFolder


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AutoCad 3D :: Multiple Options Via SUBTRACT Command?

Nov 9, 2011

I would like to be able to extrude an object then do a subtract or something similer, then somehow put the subtract on a layer so if i hide said layer the extrueded object will be showen as if it never had the subtract applyed. But if the layer is show agean then the extrued will have a hole in it agean.

P.s. for an example of one thing this could be used for, modeling wrenches with difrent shaped grips but the same handle. Without just making multiple copys of the handle.

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AutoCad :: Any Way To Change Options In Plot Menu

Jun 3, 2012

I was wondering if there is any way to change options in the plot menu. For example I have a long list of printer's and many duplicates, when I only use 2 of the 25 printers on the list. I would like to just have the 2 printers i use displayed, rather then having to search through all the names every time. There is other options I wish to customize in the plot-model tab as well.

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AutoCad :: Make DWG File Into PDF - Print Options

May 11, 2013

Need to make the dwg file into pdf but I also need to set margins (10mm top,right,bottom and 20mm on the left side), tried with some programs but it only gives me the option to set "global" margins and if i use CAD it trims the drawing. I'm working with A4(210,297).

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