For some reason all of my linetypes have disappeared, and even when I go to Load, there are no options. The only linetypes available are lines and dashed lines, and I have a fence linetype but it does not show the circular pattern in the fence. How can I get these back?
Is there any way to have 3d polylines show a linetype? I need to have my contours that are created as a 3d polyline show up as a hidden linetype. These polylines came from an aerial mapping and have lots of vertices.
Today I noticed 6 or 7 linetypes that have appeared in every drawing I open and cannot be deleted.
They include "Amzigzag" " Amconstr" "ACISOTGB" and others.
If I delete everytjing in my drawing and purge the linetypes are still there. They even appear if I load old drawings that din't have these linetypes initially.
Ok over the years here they currentley have lots of differnt custom linetypes scattered over lots of drawings. What I am trying to achieve is to drive some standardization here
So what i want to do is create a series of standard drawings with various custom linetypes
So using design centre i can drag and drop linetypes into a standard drawing but what i really want to do is export these custom linetypes into a .lin file
I have a drawing that have blocks in them I cant find inserted. Â I cant purge them or the linetypes they have. How do I strip them out if I cant find them to explode them?
If I start autocad and draw a line then change its linetype from continuous to Fenceline2 it shows up like it's supposed to, a line with small squares in it.  I can also change it's linetype to Fenceline1 and the linetype shows up just fine with the line and small circles in it.
But when I call up some existing autocad drawings that have lines with the Fenceline1 or Fenceline2 linetypes assigned to them, the small boxes or circles are missing from the linetypes. When you type linetype at the command prompt the linetypes are listed in the dialog box, but for some reason they are not showing up right in the existing drawing.    When I type linetype, and hit the load button, and browse to my acad.lin file and select it, I get an error message of Bad Definition for linetype Fenceline1 and another for Fenceline2 and another for Batting etc.
So why are these Complex linetypes not working in the Existing drawing but work fine in the just call up autocad empty drawing, and how do I fix them to work in the existing drawing?
We recieved some drawings from a client for updating. The Pneumatic, System Link and Heat Trace lines all show up solid in the drawings when I open them up in AutoCAD 2012. We tried opening them in AutoCAD 2004 and are experiencing the same issue. In the Linetype Manager menu, under Description, the linetypes appear correct. Under Appearance, Heat Trace and Pneumatic appear solid and System Link appears dashed (just as they do in the drawing itself).
Here's the kicker. A co-worker has AutoCAD 2004 on his laptop and everything shows up and plots out just fine.
I can not get certain linetypes to start with the same dash length, see attached. The linetype will start with a longer dash then the stated length, depending on the length of the pline segment. Is there a way to fix this?
Here is the code for one of the linetypes highlighted:
We have a problem in our office. In some of our drawings we keep getting a lot of unwanted linetypes and text styles. Nobody is sure where they originated.
We have tried this method in getting rid of them but it doesnt work. [URL]
I created some custom linetypes. When I copied them over to my drawing, the text in the linetypes came in extemely large. I really need to get this figured out as I am setting up a template for a new customer, and they want all these included.
My menu bar has almost vanished. All I can see is "File, Window and Help" all the others have disappeared. I looked up what to do and CAD help told me to go to Window and then click on Pulldowns but this isn't an option that I can see when I click on Window.
While creating a drawing yesterday, I noticed that the RMB Options to modify a detail view has disappeared?
- Cutout Shape
- Detail Boundry
- Connecting line
I am not sure how long this has been like this, What I do know is that I had a corrupt model, (Broke when it migrated to 2013) I restored from backup and tested the model in ver 2012.
I can not say if bouncing between the two versions of inventor has perhaps changed something, or of this option has not been available for a while? Â Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2014 SP1 Build 222 Intel Core i7 (950@3.07GHz) Windows 7x64 (Home) - 12GB Ram Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1Gig - Ver:331.65)
And posts elsewere, there are two more buttons on the bottom of the options dialog box, under the user preferences tab, that I am missing. One is Initial setup and the other is default scale list.
In 2008, never had this issue.Just dumb, circles, and lines in a view port, that have hidden or center linetyoes assigned to them. When we go to plot using legacy hidden (this new for 2012?) the plot comes out with continuous lines. These are not solids. Just ordinary line entities.Now, when I change the shadeplot to "hidden" the linetype is shown correctly, but now my entities are coloured, when I just want my drawing to be black and white (going to PDF), even though all of the colours in the pen style are set to "Black".
Has this changed? Is there a new variable introduced?
I have installed the Corporate and Education version of VideoStudio Pro X3 on 20 computers in a lab at a small high school where this product represents a significant portion of our software budget. In the documentation, I see options like "Easy Edit" and "Burn" on the startup screen, however my startup screen only has the options of "Advanced Edit" and "DV-to-DVD Wizard". At every turn, where an option to burn a DVD should be present, buttons are missing. I have uninstalled/reinstalled a hundred times looking over every option, and I can't find anything that is unchecked. Do you know why VS Pro X3 has no Burning capabilities for me?
i have downloaded and intalled photoshop cs3 extended but i cannot see the 3D in the title bar can anyone tell me what has happened to it and how i can solve the problem.
I recently upgraded from VS9 to X2. When I "Create Video File," the audio format options I have are:
I seem to recall having more options than this with VS9, but I'm not sure if it's a VS issue or something that needs to be installed on my computer. I also have a new computer, so I don't have all the codecs and audio encoders that I had previously collected over time on my old computer. For example, I used to encode videos for youtube using Xvid. I always had the option for mp3 audio. Now, I only have the above options. I don't even know what most of those are.
Are there some plug-ins that I need to install?
Also, is there a manual that I can download somewhere? I didn't see anything in the install folder, the support area of Corel's site
Well my problem is that the toolbar that comes up when you press on (example paintbrush tool or type text tool), you know that stripe above evreything where you can can select font and font size and brush size and that stuffs, well that stripe is gone.
I have selected Window and then toolbar but the problem is that I must have pull that thing away from the window and so know I relly don't know where that stripe is. (The stripe is where you can select font or font size, brush or brush size. I call it the stripe ) Well I am getting so crazy because I doon't know how to get that thing back?
I have CS3, when I do save as, only about six options are avialable (tif, pdf, and a few others). Jpegs, Gifs, etc are all gone. Is there some setting I've inadvertantly chosen or reason I can't save as jpeg?
I have recently upgraded from VideoStudio 12 to Pro X4, and have noticed that I don't have all of the Video Save Options (specifically Media type and Audio format) that I have with 12.
I produce video for playback by a regional local access provider, and their requirements are mpeg-2 video with mpeg layer 2 audio. Both of these are options that are available in 12 but not X4. I understand that NTSC DVD video is mpeg-2, but I'm still at a loss with the audio format.
Here is a screenshot of the video/audio format I need to be able to produce:
In PSP X2, the menu options went suddenly missing.
I can see the Menu Bar (File, View, Effects, etc.). However, when I click on, say, File, I can see the drop-down options, but none of the options expand into their sub-menus. All I see is a grey box where the options should be.
I just now was able to reinstall PSP X2 after many months of problems due to the usual "illegally modified" message. It's very frustrating to say the least.
I can only create project with SD frame sizes. 720p or 1080p is not offered in the Project details setup.
Also when I want to capture from a 720p webcam I can only select "DVD" in the dropdown list for the capture proifle. Why are all the HD features missing
I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?
I have just installed CorelDRAW x4 and when I first used the 'Duplicate' tool, a pop up box appeared. The second time I used it, the pop up box did not appear and I cannot find how to open it again.
I cannot seem to find the clone tool options in the EDIT TAB. I have used PSP from version 7 through version X2. Normally when you click on the clone tool a series of options appear in the upper left hand corner near the pull down menus. One of the options is the ability to adjsut the size of the clone tool. These tool adjustment options are missing in version X4. Interestingly, the tool options are available in the Adjust tab.