AutoCad :: Bunch Of Lines Are Stacked On Top Of Each Other?

Feb 20, 2013

i have a messy drawing, and i'm sure there are places where like 15 identical lines are laid one on top of the other.. is there a way to have these instances 'revealed' so i can delete the junk information?

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AutoCad :: Deselecting Line After Selecting Bunch Of Lines?

Feb 20, 2013

i'm use to using the shift key to deselect something. it doesn't seem to be working when i select a whole bunch of lines

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Recreate A Bunch Of IV-Studio Settings To Match A Bunch Of Renders

Jun 12, 2012

I'm trying to recreate a bunch of IV-Studio settings to match a bunch of renders made by previous staff that did not leave behind the assembly files they used to make them in the first place.

I've ran into a problem with some parts displaying incorrectly. (they display incorrectly in the render/in the studio environment/ in the assembly/ and when in the part file) I've played with material and appearance styles but they have no effect, I've also tried quality/performance/compatibility hardware modes.

We have 5 or 6 parts that share the ridge pattern that is causing problems and they are affected in the same way.I'm running XP(32), IV2012-sp2, fx1800 with 6.14.0012.6570 drivers.

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AutoCad :: Type Fractions In A Text Box As Non Stacked Fractions Rather Than Horizontally Or Diagonally Stacked

Jul 5, 2012

How do I set it so that when I type fractions in a text box it automatically keeps them as non-stacked fractions rather than horizontally or diagonally stacked?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Stacked Fractions

Apr 6, 2011

My Inventor's playing with me... When I use Leader text and type a fraction, a message box pops up asking me if I want to stack the fractions.  I don't, which has always been the default, so I just hit "Enter".  Suddenly, it's decided to go ahead and stack them, and now the box does not come up, so I can't tell it not to.  Where do I choke it to get it back to not stacking the fractions, or at least give me the option box??  R2010, S.P.0.

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AutoCad :: Standardizing Bunch Of Different Drawings

May 16, 2013

so we receive several hundred autocad drawings from five groups across the country. each group has their own format - they each have their own titleblocks, some do their layouts in modelspace, others in paperspace, some use attributes, some use tables, some are just awful, layering is all over the place, etc etc.

the one common thread between all groups is that the actual drawings are all in model space. anyway we would like to see all these drawings eventually become standardized.

i don't think any of the groups will go for a 'start from scratch' approach. ideally i would give them a template that everyone in my office is happy with, and a layering standard of some sort, and tell the groups to all hire summer students and get cracking. unfortunately i think there will be a lot of resistance to this approach.

so here's what i'm thinking so far:

1. i let each region keep their own titleblocks, but ask them to add any missing information that we need. i would like them to use attributes if possible (some already do, some don't), because i get the feeling that down the road if i wanted to present them with a standard 'titleblock', it would be easier to export the attribute data into my new titleblock. can this be done?

2. i am going to push them to use a standardized layering system. (right now the layers are all over the place).

3. the drawings, for the most part, consist of building outlines and room names (or at least this is the information my group is most concerned with). all five groups have a room legend in model space that lists the room name and number. i'm going to see if they can put this information in a table, because it will be easier to export this data into our database. right now one group already uses tables, 3 use multitext, and one uses a bunch of single line text. i will also tell the groups what font to use, and what size the font should print at. (rather than get involved with whether they should make their text annotative or put it in paperspace, etc.)

4. each drawing should have a key plan. some groups already include this, and i think they all have the key plan as a xref, which is fine by me. i'm going to ask the other groups to include an xref'd key plan as well.

5. i'm not going to worry about lineweights too much - the drawings are uncomplicated and we can generally print as a single lineweight, so i can just have a .ctb file that reduces all colors to a single black lineweight.

6. ideally i would like them to hatch their buildings and provide me with the area of each building. i guess a field in the titleblock would be the easiest thing to do here?

anyway that's about as far as i've gotten. when i type this all out, it seems like just as much work as starting from scratch. also, if we decide to go this route and have the groups all 'update' their drawings, i'm hoping that we end up with drawings that all have the same layers, same title block info (in attributes), and tables with the room numbers and names... and i'm also hoping that with this information, i could create a template with an 11x17 layout with a standard titleblock, and somehow be able to batch import/export these drawings into this new template. do you think that will be possible to do at that point?

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AutoCad :: Dimension Override / Diagonally Stacked Fraction

Apr 1, 2013

I need to override a dimension and I need it to be a diagonally stacked fraction (8 1/4). How do I do this?

I know there is a box in properties for text override, but it won't stack my fraction for me.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Reset Stacked Text On A Drawing

Apr 18, 2012

Is there a way to reset the stacked text globally on a drawing? Or is the only way to select text individually and update it a hundred times or so?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Stacked Less Than Or Equal To Symbol?

Mar 1, 2012

Is there a way (key combination) to make a stacked less than or equal to symbol?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Old 2007 Stacked Fractions Not Working?

May 22, 2012

On our older 2007 version, we used the command %%140 (and so on) to make the stacked fraction 9/16 in our string of text.  Now with version 2010, all of the fractions (where this command was used) display as a question mark.  This is a major issue since now all of our isometric drawings are displaying this in regards to text. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions Coming Out With Fractional Portion Being Stacked

Feb 11, 2013

All my dimensions are coming out with the fractional portion being stacked. That has become a problem for clarity reasons and I need them to come out diagnally. Is there a way I can set them to do this automatically and not have to go back and change them via the editor?

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AutoCad :: Make A Bunch Of Concentric Circles?

Jul 10, 2006

I needed to make a bunch of concentric circles (something like 30 or 40), and I used offset command; I'm wondering if there's a way to 'array offset'? It's already done and wasn't that difficult, but I just have to know..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Convert Many Regular Fractions To Stacked Without Editing Each One?

Oct 22, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to convert many regular fractions to stacked fractions without editing each one.  I have a file full of fractions that all need to be stacked.  It seems it would be quicker if I could select all the fractions and stack them at once rather then edit each one individually. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Stacked Fractions In Single Line Text

Jul 9, 2010

When using RomanS, how do you stack fractions in single line text?  AutoCad will do it automatically in multiline text but I am having trouble in single line text.

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AutoCad 2D :: System Variable To Keep Stacked Fraction With Leading Number?

Jul 5, 2011

System variable to keep a stacked fraction with the leading number?

We open the same drawing on different computers at work and on one computer the number will be 21/2 but on the next computer that opens the same dwg the 1/2 will have been bumped down to the the following line. I don't know if this is a problem with the autostack properties, although I can't find anything about that, or if its a problem with the tabs.

I'm completely at a loss and its becoming a problem because if one person opens a project to plot it and it looks fine but the next person opens it and every mtext in the dwg is wrong it becomes very time consuming to fix.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Displaying Stacked Text (Fractions) In Label Texts?

Feb 22, 2013

I'm trying to use diagnol fractions in my label text for 1/2 and 1/4 deltas. It displays and seems to work fine in Autocad, but when I plot, the numbers have trouble displaying themselves.

I'm using a light color from our .ctb, so I thought that was the problem, but that doesn't seem to be the case (I tried two heavier lineweights and it only got worse). Increasing the percentage size of the fraction also has no effect.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Stacked Fraction In 2011- How To Set Default To Stack Diagonally

Feb 15, 2012

How to set default to stack diagonally?  It used to work automatically, but somehow it turn off so that every fraction I write needs to be highlighted and then converted by pressing the a/b button. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Code To Set Parameter In Bunch Of Parts?

Jun 25, 2013

Is it possible with iLogic code to set a parameter in a bunch of parts equal to another paramter?

I want some iLogic code that will go into my pipe parts and make the PL param = D2.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Extract Bunch Of Drawings DIMSCALEs Automatically

Jan 19, 2012

Any utilities that would spit out the dimscale of a bunch of drawings to a delimited file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Shrink Wrap On Bunch Of Files?

Sep 17, 2010

I need to create shrink wrap on Bunch of files. I would like to create a programme.

let me know the code to proceed for Programme.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating Stacked Fractions For Dimension Override

Sep 30, 2011

I wrote the code below (allow the user to pick points in different viewports and then override an existing dimension's text with the difference in X values.  The (hopefully) last issue is that the fractions should be vertically stacked and at 100% text size. 

(defun c2text ()
(command "mspace")  
(setq p1 (getpoint "Select left point "))


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Turning Bunch Of Points Into Solid Object - Loft Command

Mar 16, 2013

I have a bunch of points that I am trying to turn into a solid object. I am doing this by using the 3D poly command and then LOFT, UNION and CONVTOSOLID. this has previously worked well, but this time when I use the LOFT command it does not produce a 'closed' surface, but rather a grid like surface which wont convert to a solid. Are there different settings for the LOFT command, and if so, How do I change them to produce a closed surface?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Script To Go Through And Clean Up Bunch Of Drawings In Given Folder

Feb 7, 2013

I was wanting to create a script to go through and clean up a bunch of drawings in a given folder. I've written a lisp routine (cleanx) that works fine when you run it on a single drawing, but I'm having some trouble integrating it into a script. As it is currently, I'm experiencing several issues -

1) It prompts the user for an 'object' after finding 0 objects. It seems to be caused by the line,

(command "-layer" "u"    "*" "t"    "*" "on" "*" "" "")

in 'cleanx' based on the text window, but I'm not sure why it does that given that if I run cleanx directly it doesn't prompt me.

2) It ends with saying 'Really want to discard all changes to drawing?' which confused me as I use Qsave before I close, and then confused me further when I realized that the text window suggests that this prompt comes up after the 'open' command, and that if I type <Y> (exit without saving) then it asks me to select a file. Why doesn't it save, close and then open the next file automatically?

;;; Main program, command: batchjob;;; By Abdul Huck(defun c:cleanb (/ dwgs file dwgName scrFile folderName) (setq folderName (browsefolder "Select folder to perform batch job: ") ) (setq dwgs (vl-directory-files folderName "*.dwg")) (setq scrFile (open (strcat folderName "\batchJob.scr") "w")) (write-line "SDI 1" scrFile) (foreach file dwgs(setq [code].......

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Photoshop :: Merging A Stacked Layer Set

May 26, 2009

I just completed a procedure to merge five images, taken with manual focus at evenly spaced distance intervals, to increase depth of field (DOF). There are two issues1. Procedure appears to create halos around items of contrasting colors, amounting to about 50 px in thickness. See Halos.jpg, attached.2. The image is of a daylily having abundant texture on its petals. Near the border of the composite, running parallel to the border, are ~200-px bands of pure color, i.e., washed-out areas, containing pure, featureless color, where there should be texture. Please see defocusbands01.jpg and defocusbands02.jpg, attached Further details: Photos were made with Leica DMR 10 Mpx sensor. Merged image is 3939 x 2627 px. in size. Extended DOF procedure was as follows:  
a. Open 5 raw (DNG) images in ACR | open images (in Photoshop editor); 

b. File | Scripts | Load files into stack | Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images; 

c. Layers | Select all; 

d. Edit | Auto-blend Layers | Stack Images | Seamless tones and Colors; 

e. Flatten and save output file as PSD. 

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Revit :: Stacked Wall Preview

Nov 30, 2012

I'm using RS2013. My stacked walls are not displaying in preview when editing them. Why would this happen? Even the out of the box walls are not showing. The wall shows fine in the model. This is the first time I have has this happen. I tried scrolling and panning the preview to look but to no avail.

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Illustrator :: How To Select 2 Of 3 Shapes All Stacked

Oct 30, 2012

I have 3 rectangles all stacked up. I just want to select the top 2, how can I do that?
In general, how do I select certain *multiple* shapes if they are all stacked? I know how to select them one by one.

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Illustrator :: Add Values On Top Of Stacked Bar Graph?

Sep 24, 2013

Is there a way (plugin?) to add values on top of Illustrator Stacked Bar Graph? In the picture attached the numbers on top of the chart color areas are inserted manually. In powerpoint those can be added automatically.

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Photoshop :: Automate Bunch In Ps Cs2

Jun 10, 2007

I have thousands of thumbs in where i would like to improve brightness sharpen etc automatically. I created an action that do it all and save for web in specific folder. But now i get a problem.

Name of thumbs have sizes 40-50 chars. So everything will be alright if photoshop didnt have some limits for save for web filenames, it cut my names to like 16 chars and overwrite all thumbs in gallery in 1 file

When i tried "save as" thumbs weight 3x mroe then initial, even when i tried low quality..

Is it any way to fast improve quality of thumbs that are all in different folders? The best thing would be if program could just overwrite thumb so there would be no problem but I don't know how to do it.

I would like to do it all automatically cause i have many galleries where i would like to change thumbs.

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Illustrator :: Phantom Line Around Stacked Objects

Mar 16, 2014

Whenever two shapes are stacked directly over top of one another there seems to be a phantom line at the edge of the top shape.  At first i thought it was a way to indicate to the user that there are two shapes stack agansit one another.  but when I export the graphic as an image, the phantom line is included.  This is also the case when using a clipping mask. (image example below)
 A few work around that I've used are exporting the file with Art Optimized (Super Sampling) selected in the Anti Aliasing setting. Also, manually creating a sort of ink trap around the bottom shape so that it doesn't reach the edge of the shape above it.  Sometimes this becomes a painstaking task when dealing with complicated objects.  
As a designer who works with screen printing i'm weary about sending the production file to the printer because of the possibility that they will not understand this glitch/setting and i'll end up with phtanom lines around objects when printed.  

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Lightroom :: Can Search A Photo If It Is In Stacked Position?

Apr 5, 2014

I was searching for a photo by filename, I could see it in windows explorer but Lightroom was not able to find it. When I went manually looking the photo, I realised to see it was in a closed stack.

After few crosschecks I found Lightroom does not find a photo if it is in stack. Does this mean if a photo is in stack it wont show up in keyword seach also ?

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Revit :: Dimension Stacked Walls To Core Centerline

Aug 18, 2011

I have created several stacked walls in my model and I am to the point of dimesioning my walls. I am wanting to dimension to the centerline (core) of walls; however, when I try to dimension a stacked wall it won't give me the choice to dimension to the core centerline.

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