I have thousands of thumbs in where i would like to improve brightness sharpen etc automatically. I created an action that do it all and save for web in specific folder. But now i get a problem.
Name of thumbs have sizes 40-50 chars. So everything will be alright if photoshop didnt have some limits for save for web filenames, it cut my names to like 16 chars and overwrite all thumbs in gallery in 1 file
When i tried "save as" thumbs weight 3x mroe then initial, even when i tried low quality..
Is it any way to fast improve quality of thumbs that are all in different folders? The best thing would be if program could just overwrite thumb so there would be no problem but I don't know how to do it.
I would like to do it all automatically cause i have many galleries where i would like to change thumbs.
I have thousands of thumbs in where i would like to improve brightness sharpen etc automatically. I created an action that do it all and save for web in specific folder. But now i get a problem. Name of thumbs have sizes 40-50 chars. So everything will be alright if photoshop didnt have some limits for save for web filenames, it cut my names to like 16 chars and overwrite all thumbs in gallery in 1 file lol.
I'm trying to automate the process of scanning a bunch old public domain magazines. When I try to create an Action to automate the process of the following mouse clicks:
File > Import > WIA Support Click START button on WIA Support screen Choose which device I want to use [flatbed scanner] > Click OK Choose Custom Settings > Click PREVIEW
the Action stops at the very first step above (File > Import > WIA Support).
Maybe Actions aren't the best way to go about automating this entire process. If there is a better way this can be done how do I go about it? I want the macro / Action to stop at the last step above because I often need to adjust the portion of the page that I actually want scanned so I need to do the final step manually (actually scanning the page once I'm satisfied with the preview).
I'm trying to recreate a bunch of IV-Studio settings to match a bunch of renders made by previous staff that did not leave behind the assembly files they used to make them in the first place.
I've ran into a problem with some parts displaying incorrectly. (they display incorrectly in the render/in the studio environment/ in the assembly/ and when in the part file) I've played with material and appearance styles but they have no effect, I've also tried quality/performance/compatibility hardware modes.
We have 5 or 6 parts that share the ridge pattern that is causing problems and they are affected in the same way.I'm running XP(32), IV2012-sp2, fx1800 with 6.14.0012.6570 drivers.
Software & Version: Adobe Photoshop CC OS: Windows 7
I have a bunch of images which need to be resized - all to 300x195 px at 300 dpi in .jpeg formatAll the images are of different sizes in their original form.While resizing, there should be no distortion. The scaling needs to be in proportion.While saving the resized, all the images should be saved using the same naming convention. Here's how I am doing it...
1. New Blank document - 300x195px, 300dpi & RGB mode. 2. Drag all the images into the blank document, and middle-align each layer. 3. Resize each layer individually while holding Shift+Alt to do it proportionately. 4. Save each layer seperately as a .jpeg using the naming convention required.
In the old Photoshop Album, I could transfer 300 photos (or more/less) at once, hit ctrl-A, then click "Photo Fix" and it would fix all the photos without having to select one at a time and taking forever. Checking to see if Elements does that as well before I buy it.
I have a number of images (faces) that I want to use for 3D texturing, but to use them, I need to do a few things:
1) open the eyes wider (whenever the subject is squinting); 2) Flatten the lips into a neutral position if smiling or frowning 3) Close the lips so teeth are not showing at all if the subject had mouth open (talking or smiling)
Best ways to do this in Photoshop (CS6) or if I'm better off using a different program. I'd like to keep things as 'photo realistic' as possible, though doesn't really have to be perfect - just don't want jagged edges or cartoon appearance.
When I use the art history brush at a very small size, it acts very weird. As soon as I click in the document, a bunch of snake like things appear all over. Like a bunch of little worms spreading all over the page. I've trashed my prefs, I've reset my tool, I've tried different brushes, I've checked scattering, noise, etc. in my brush settings, I've checked my blend modes, pretty everything I can think of doing, and they are still doing it.
I need to create a background for a piece... but it cant look cartoony or anything, and I dont want any planets. I just want really cool looking stars.
way in photoshop to optimize a bunch of tiff files in a folder to jpegs at the same time. I have about 260 tiff images different sizes I need to optimize them to jpegs.
i have a messy drawing, and i'm sure there are places where like 15 identical lines are laid one on top of the other.. is there a way to have these instances 'revealed' so i can delete the junk information?
so we receive several hundred autocad drawings from five groups across the country. each group has their own format - they each have their own titleblocks, some do their layouts in modelspace, others in paperspace, some use attributes, some use tables, some are just awful, layering is all over the place, etc etc.
the one common thread between all groups is that the actual drawings are all in model space. anyway we would like to see all these drawings eventually become standardized.
i don't think any of the groups will go for a 'start from scratch' approach. ideally i would give them a template that everyone in my office is happy with, and a layering standard of some sort, and tell the groups to all hire summer students and get cracking. unfortunately i think there will be a lot of resistance to this approach.
so here's what i'm thinking so far:
1. i let each region keep their own titleblocks, but ask them to add any missing information that we need. i would like them to use attributes if possible (some already do, some don't), because i get the feeling that down the road if i wanted to present them with a standard 'titleblock', it would be easier to export the attribute data into my new titleblock. can this be done?
2. i am going to push them to use a standardized layering system. (right now the layers are all over the place).
3. the drawings, for the most part, consist of building outlines and room names (or at least this is the information my group is most concerned with). all five groups have a room legend in model space that lists the room name and number. i'm going to see if they can put this information in a table, because it will be easier to export this data into our database. right now one group already uses tables, 3 use multitext, and one uses a bunch of single line text. i will also tell the groups what font to use, and what size the font should print at. (rather than get involved with whether they should make their text annotative or put it in paperspace, etc.)
4. each drawing should have a key plan. some groups already include this, and i think they all have the key plan as a xref, which is fine by me. i'm going to ask the other groups to include an xref'd key plan as well.
5. i'm not going to worry about lineweights too much - the drawings are uncomplicated and we can generally print as a single lineweight, so i can just have a .ctb file that reduces all colors to a single black lineweight.
6. ideally i would like them to hatch their buildings and provide me with the area of each building. i guess a field in the titleblock would be the easiest thing to do here?
anyway that's about as far as i've gotten. when i type this all out, it seems like just as much work as starting from scratch. also, if we decide to go this route and have the groups all 'update' their drawings, i'm hoping that we end up with drawings that all have the same layers, same title block info (in attributes), and tables with the room numbers and names... and i'm also hoping that with this information, i could create a template with an 11x17 layout with a standard titleblock, and somehow be able to batch import/export these drawings into this new template. do you think that will be possible to do at that point?
It's really convenient when using an effect a lot to keep pressing CTRL+F. Is there any way I can do this but with multiple effects? I was thinking there might be a way with CodeLab, but I couldn't find out how. Is there a way to do this?
using lightroom 4. i have edited a bunch of raw files in LR4, before i exported the files to jpegs i accidentally deleted the raw file from the hard drive. i ca n still see the the file and images in LR4 is there any way I can export them to jpegs or do anything with them so as I can use them?? yes I have also emptied the recycle bin
I used LR4 successfully last night for about three hours and everythig worked fine. Just tried to import a bunch of photos the way I always do with my Lexar CF express card reader and LR4 gives me a huge error box and won't go any further. I've rebooted but the same error returns. I've attached a screen shot of the error. Other software functions fine but I can't even close LR4 because of this error.
I want to mass-produce some cards (like quiz cards in trivial pursuit), and I have made a image (card template) in GIMP that I want to import information to, from a excel book, that have 3 sheets in it.
I want cell A1 from sheet 1, cell A1 from sheet 2, and cell A1 from sheet 3 imported into this card layout, in 3 different text-fields, 1 field for each cell-content. So there will be 3 quiz questions on each card.
After that i want to make a serial number in another text field, going from 001 and up (this is not mandatory, but would be nice).
When all that have been done, i want the card to be exported/saved as a PNG with the serial number as the image name.
After that i want the loop to continue, importing B1 in sheet 1, B1 in sheet 2 and B1 in sheet 3.
I needed to make a bunch of concentric circles (something like 30 or 40), and I used offset command; I'm wondering if there's a way to 'array offset'? It's already done and wasn't that difficult, but I just have to know..
is there any way to convert a bunch of splines into a poly? Its going to be a city, the shape is given. I need it as a poly, now its just a bunch of splines.
I'd like to know how to apply a "filter" to a bunch of images. By "filter" i mean a grid for sharing image in equals parts. How to be able to locate elements in a image. And to "apply" this grid to all the images of a directory even by script-fu if necessary.
I have a number of objects stacked on top of each other and I want to make a hole through them all so that when I save the finished artwork as a web image the hole will be transparent. A bit like a donut but it's not just a circle with a hole in it. It's all these other shapes piled on top of each other.
I've thought about the Eraser Tool but my hole needs to be quite precise (and there are to be four separate holes). I have looked at making a clipping mask but I can only really find tutorials that show me how to clip like making a photo vignette and I've thought about Pathfinder.
I am trying to create UVS on a bunch of spherical rocks. Is there a way to do this all at once without having all the rocks on the same projection? I have tried using MEL but can't quite figure it out.
I need to move a bunch of pictures located in different sub-folders on Drive C: to my new 2Tb Drive D:
I try to move it in LR via the import function with MOVE. But, they are all greyed out (not selectable) and when I try to move 1-by-1 by right-clicking on a picture, a message is displayed telling me that the picture is already in the catalogue. I know it is already in the catalogue. All I need to do is to move it to another HDD.
How would you do this? I have just thought of deleting all files in the catalogue and import them then, but it just does not feel right.
I have created an action to embed a watermark. However when I run the action on multiple files I have to press Ok to embed the watermark for each file. How can I automate pressing the OK key so it just processes a whole batch?
What this automate function is in CS6 does? Under File-->Automate, I see a "Plug-in on new layer". However, when I click nothing happens..I am wondering if this was installed with another plug-in. What this does or how to use it?