AutoCad 2D :: Viewport Scaling In Map 3D 2010
Nov 9, 2011
We have recently been upgraded to Autodesk Map 3D where I work which when we first got it was a big improvement from what we were running. When I first started using the programme I found the lovely little box in the bottom right hand corner where you can change the view scale.
This allowed me, when in paper space, to double click in a viewport then click the drop down arrow next to the Viewscale box, select custom and then type in the scale I wanted (i.e. if 1:200 I typed 200 then hit ok).
However all of a sudden I am no longer able to do this. When I press ok, nothing changes. There are no error messages or any message. It appears to disregard the command. There is also a closed padlock next to this which when hovered over gives the discription "click to link/unlink AutoCAD Map 3D stylisation while zooming". I am unable to unlock this by clicking on it, the padlock seems protected almost so I am wondering if this is my problem?
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Sep 24, 2013
Trying to scale a viewport in AutoCAD 2010, and ran into this error "Error: AutoCAD variable setting rejected: "cvport" 3". I've scaled viewports all the time, and this is the first time I've ran into this issue.
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Jan 19, 2013
I have made a landscape model in meters as units in the modeling area. Now, when I want to scale the drawing in the paper layouts, within the viewport, it seems to me like it's scaling as if the drawing was done with millimeters as units.
I think this might have been caused by me starting to draw, thinking I was plotting in with meters as the unit, but then found that it was set as millimeters. I changed the unit setting for the model to meters and that seemed to work fine. But I'm guessing it didn't work.
I have tried using the INSUNIT command and it says the drawing is in 6, which is meters, so why is it scaling as if it was in millimeters on an A3 layout?
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Jul 11, 2012
I'm pretty new to AutoCAD, I've been self-teaching myself for about a month so that I can do some floor plan drawings for a company I work for.I've been drawing in 1:1 scale in model space, but when I plot/print to check my work, I print on A4 paper.
My question is, on A4 paper my 1 drawing unit : 1 mm scale plots perfectly. But obviously if I were to compare that scale to real life, it would not be 1:1. How do I figure out the scaling on the viewport to compare to real life?
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Jun 23, 2011
Dim style is set to scale dims to match vp but when I layout a dimension it is not correct. I ran the "dimreassociate" command and that fixes it but only on the dim that I fix/selected. What am I missing? This is an existing legacy drawing so there must be some setting that has been changed.
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Apr 23, 2012
I have about 10 instrumentation enlarged plans that are drawing in model space and all the equipment text and instrument bubbles and blocks are in paper space.
All of the drawings are at 1/4" but they are getting loaded down with too much info, so we are cutting each of them into twenty drawings instead of ten. While I can change the view port very easily and scale it up accordingly, after I do that I will have to re arrange the text and blocks. I'm looking for a way to scale the blocks and text in a way to where it will change the location of the text and blocks, without actually changing the size. So I bring the drawings up from 1/4" = 1'-0" to 1/2" = 1'-0". If I scale all of the blocks up by 2, it will put them in the right location, but all of the text and blocks will be too large. I could select them all and change their scale down in the property palette, but I would still have to trim down all of the leader lines going from the instruments to their bubbles.
Long story short, is there a way to scale a block or text from a basepoint to where if you scale it, it will change it's location, but not the scale of the block or text?
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Oct 19, 2011
Looking for a tutorial or some input on how to get my civil engineering (water design) drawings to plot at a 1" = 40' scale (or some other variable of the 1" = xx feet setup). Running AutoCAD Map 3D 2011...and the .DWT files we have in our library USED to show a scale list that included all these engineering scale settings. Where can i learn about the variables/settings/unit settings/scale lists i need to have in my templates to be able to plot at these scales?
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Apr 3, 2011
What i have is a low polymodel that's quite small in scale, i'm modelling around a higher poly model, when i zoom in, the viewport clipping kicks in and parts of the model disappear, so i cant work on the small details. What i need to do is scale up both my low poly and high poly, work on the small details and scale it back down.
In maya there are multiple solutions to this; The first and most obvious would be to increase the near clip in the camera attributes.
The second would be to freeze transformations on the low and high poly, scale up the model, work on it and then scale it back to the value of 1.
The third would be to put both the low and high poly models into a group, scale up the group, work on the model, return the group back to its default size and ungrouping. Personally i would use this method to preserve the original scale values on the low and high poly models.
Is there a way of doing any of the above in 3ds max?
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Feb 21, 2011
I then change to my A0 template on a different tab in the same drawing, size up the model in model space within the viewport (everything still fine), then as soon as I scale the model to 1:200 the icons I've added to the drawing (I say icon it's one particular group of icons - CCTV camera icons I've made and added) suddenly become massive and three times the size.
If I add them when already at 1:200 they're fine but it only seems to do this when I actually scale the drawing.
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Feb 4, 2012
I'm having problems on setting my scaling up in dwg1 that was sent to me. dwg1 did not have any viewports set up. dwg2 has a scale of 1''=20' I need to set up dwg1 to 1 to 1 first, this is my master drawing,
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Mar 26, 2012
I've completed a drawing, with dimensions and everything and I have to reduce it to 1:2 scale to fit my drawing frame. How do I do this without changing the dimensions? Every time I reduce it the dimensions halve as well!
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Apr 1, 2012
I am updating a drawing that someone has sent me. The drawings are to be scaled in 1/2"=1'-0", but the drawings are all done in metric. So I reset the scale list and set it at 1/2"=1'-0" in paper space ( the paper size I am working with is 8.5" x 11") when I click on the 1/2" scale my drawing becomes huge and I cant see all of it. In page setup manager I have the plot scale at 1:1 and right below that it says 1 mm and under that 1 units. In model space the drawings have been done in 1:100.
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Dec 8, 2011
I am a beginner for CAD Drawing and a want to scale an entire drawing in just one axis without modifying the dimensions in other.
scale the attached drawing document along X axis by reducing the lenght to be fit into an A4 sheet. Without compensating the markings' visibility.
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Jun 11, 2013
I had started placing dimensions in a drawing before I realized that I had to change the scale of the entire drawing.So now I would like to change the annotative scale of an existing dimension style but I am not clear on how to do it.
This would be for any new dimensions that I add.They continue to appear at the old scale. All of the dimensions are correct I would just like to see the dimensioning scaled up to the proper size for the drawing.
I realize that I could just create a new style but instead would really like to know how to change what I am already using.
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Aug 6, 2012
I have two drawing files of arrows. One inserts uniformly and the other assumes that I want to specify the X and Y scaling separately. These drawing files do not contain blocks at the moment, but may have as some point in the past. I can't find anything in the drawing files that sets the block scaling when there isn't a block in the drawing, but one of them is behaving as if there is and the other one is not. How do I change all of my similar drawing files to insert scaled uniformly?
I see the option to scale uniformly on the insert dialog box, but I need this for a script, so I need to use the command line version.
Here is a copy of my command line for inserting the two drawing files:
-INSERT Enter block name or [?]: Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left
Units: Inches Conversion: 1.0000
Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/Rotate]: 0,0
Specify scale factor <1>:
Specify rotation angle <0>:
-INSERT Enter block name or [?] <Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left>: Sign-Arrow-16-A-Left
Units: Inches Conversion: 1.0000
Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate]: 0,6
Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZ] <1>:
Enter Y scale factor <use X scale factor>:
Specify rotation angle <0>:
Note that the first time Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left comes in with no reference to option X/Y/Z, but the second time Sign-Arrow-16-A-Left has the option, and there for requires the extra line of input.
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Jan 9, 2013
I work in both metric and imperial dimensions. I specify european cabinetry, and most of the architectural drawings i receive are for US clientelle so they're in ft and inches. When dimensioning, it's important that the cm dimensions are accurate for the factory, but the inches are accurate for the contractors.
So my drawing had 1 plan and 4 elevations. All drawn correctly. All scaled together, never one at a time. Yesterday morning everything printed correctly with this drawing.
Randomly, after some very minor changes to the drawing, 1 elevation remained at the correct scale and the plan, and 3 elevations randomly scaled down and at different scales from each other. Also, when i plotted this to a printer it matched what was on the screen. When i plotted it to PDF immediately after, the PDF's reflected 5 totally different scales where all 5 drawings and didn't match the screen or print. For example: a cabinet height in one elevation was 87cm, the next 86cm , and the next 83.9cm. Printed to pdf at totally different dimensions (see attached).
The file was closed and reopened, and the plan, and 2 different elevations were at an even different scale, smaller scale than before. They more closely matched what I got when plotting to a PDF.
I purged, and audited (no errors found), I copied only the bare bones necessary info into a new document, and scaled everything by reference to the size it needed to be. Most of the drawing automatically corrected themselves to the correct dimensions with the one step.
However, certain lines on my plans scaled at a far greater scale, while one wall was accurate, and one wall was off just a fraction. So even though i selected the entire thing and scaled it up together, different layers scaled differently. Basically i had to redraw the plan almost entirely.
The same happened with 3 of the 4 elevations. One section scaled correctly, one section scaled more than it should have and made that portion off.
So i had to redo that elevation as well.I created guidelines and set them where they need to be to align every single wall and cabinet and locked the layer in the hopes that if things move again, the guides will remain.
This has happened randomly with drawings previously, but only by a degree of .1 to .3 cm. I figured this was from scaling the drawings and dimension accuracy. While that was annoying, it was minor. This time we're looking at 2-8 inches difference which can really mess up a job if unnoticed.
what could cause only portions of drawings to scale differently than the rest and at random times even when the scale command hasn't been used? And between closing a document and reopening it? AND from printing to a printer and to a PDF?
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Oct 17, 2012
I have a drawing (attached) with the following settings: LTSCALE = 1, MSLTSCALE = 1, PSLTSCALE = 1.For some reason the linetype is not scaling based on the annotative scale. It will update correctly if I change the LTSCALE but for some reason it wants to ignore the MS and PSLTSCALE variables.
As a note, the drawing was converted from a Microstation drawing and the linetype is a converted Microstation linetype.Is there something in the linetype that is doing this.
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Oct 19, 2012
I think the MSLTSCALE / PSLTSCALE / annotation scales are fantastic to use when showing the details / plan at different scales (1:100 / 1:50 / 1:1) without having to use LTS to show different scales. I am using AutoCAD 2011.However, I noticed one snag. In the old Autocad before the MSLTSCALE was introduced, I used a shape linetype - a sino shape which I created for insulation in the wall cavity as well for curtain in the interior plan layout (with MSLTSCALE set at 0 and LTS set at scale factor at 1 and use paperspace scaling at desired scale.
When MSLTSCALE / PSLTSCALE are set at 1, the sino linetype will of course changed accordingly to different scale .I prefer to keep the MSLTSCALE / PSLTSCALE at the default 1 with LTS at scale factor 1 as I want the dashed linetypes to updated accordingly to the scale. At the same time I don't want to have the sino linetype changed (keeping the sino linetype at constant 100mm width). Is there a way to control one linetype at MSLTSCALE = 0 and keep the rest of the linetypes at MSLTSCALE = 1.
I don't think it is possible as MSLTSCALE is for general setup. Instead I would have to forgo using the sino lintype and used a block instead. But a way to control an individual linetype scaling.
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Oct 30, 2012
After drawing in model space(1:1 Scale) I then dimension as needed using Annotative Dimensions, Multileaders and MText using the same 1:1 scale. But when I create the variuos viewports on my layout pages the dimensions aren't scaling to the viewport scale.
This is where it may be partly my fault; When I first started using annotative dimensions etc. a box would pop up asking what scale to use. Because I am dimensioning in model space, rather than always seeing this text box I selected "Do not ask again" check box to always use 1:1 scaling.
These are some of the other settings in place;
Annotation Visibility = ON
Automatically Add Scales = ON
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Oct 5, 2012
When I xref a drawing created by Practicad into my host drawing, the text size shows up less than half its normal size. This occurs regardless of choosing or not choosing any of the radio button options in the proxy info box that pops up when I open the drawing. It happens on both my desktop and laptop. Practicad (MetaLab Inc.) web-x'd into my computer and confirmed the enabler is installed and the issue has noyhing to do with them. My host drawing scale is set to the same scale as the xref.
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Apr 6, 2011
i have in model one drawing, in layout i have 4 viewports, each have different scale, now.. how can i using same model and 1 layout to determine scale of dimentions per each viewport? or all viewports in same layout have same scale of dimention?
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Dec 14, 2012
I have a problem with one specific drawing where I have created a right viewport; however, if I double click in the port to enter model space, the viewport automatically changes to a top view. If the viewport is locked, no change to the view. This problem only exhibits itself in one drawing so it must be some setting that is drawing specific.
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Feb 14, 2013
In paperspace I set the viewport scale to 1-1/2"=1'-0" on a ANSI D-size plot. But when plotted at (layout) 1:1, it comes out to be 1/8"=1'-0" on a engineering scale.
Explain Autodesk's logic?
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May 23, 2013
I'm working on a new computer and some of the ACAD settings are different.. When I am in paperspace, I am used to just double-clicking in a viewport to work in modelspace..
Whether the viewport is locked or not, I am used to being able to zoom in and out to scale, or just work there and the viewport stays stationary.
There is some setting that is causing the viewport to "zoom out" every time I double click in the viewport. I have to then lock it which means that I can't change the zoom-to-scale factor.. It's also a pain in the neck.
Also, when I have multiple viewports open that are not locked, they all "zoom out" also when I double-click in one..
Any knowledge of some setvar to fix?
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Dec 21, 2011
I have this problem with AutoCAD 2012 and with LT2011. When first opening a drawing in a layout with the viewport locked and activated, the first scroll action moves the drawing within the viewport. After the first scroll, any scrolling moves the entire viewport as it should when locked. Putting the drawing back to where it was within the viewport requires unlocking the viewport or undoing everything back to the first scroll action. This is very anoying especially if you are zoomed in and can't see the edges of the viewport and don't notice the move right away. I did not have this problem in the older versions.
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Dec 12, 2012
I have a master drawing with multiple xrefed building sketches. Looking at the model space on the "master" I can see all the room identities. However, if I go to the sheets that I have created and look at the view ports. The room identities are not there. The layer is called A-Room-Iden and it is on and not frozen...
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Oct 9, 2013
I have a drawing which has 3 viewports in it, two of the viewports are ok but with the third one when i try to have a leader from it to a text box outside the viewport in paperspace, the section of the leader within the viewport is blanked out,. I have tried bringing the leader to the front and sending the viewport to the back along with regenning the drawing to no avail. the leader works ok with the other two viewports no issue there but with the third one it just will not work. The viewport is used for viewing a location using a raster map image and it does show the leader / line object when zoomed out and disappears again when the line goes over the raster image.
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Aug 26, 2013
I have a few viewport on a drawing and when I hit Print I get the following warning:
" some viewports do not fit the right zoom conditions. Do you want to update them before plotting"
It then proceeds to print correct.
What is the reason for this error message and how do I get rid of it?
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Sep 2, 2009
I am trying to figure out a way to exit a activated viewport that I am in. I am zoomed in on a area in the activated viewport. Well sometimes I forget to lock the viewport before I zoom in. So then I cant zoom back out and deactivate the viewport.
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Aug 26, 2010
Why is it that some dimensions in a viewport are out of sync with the rest of the dimensions? Eg. a correct dimension is 240, but the next time you dimension the same distance, you get 24 as a dimension figure?
Also, in a long run of continued dimensions one or two of the dimensions is out of scale? I have tried making all dimension Annotative, same dimstyle, etc.
I think sometimes Autocad forgets that it is in a viewport, so some dimensions are correct to the viewport scale while others are to the limits of the paper size?
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Mar 25, 2013
how to keep the current zoom scale in (Model) viewport AS IS..the problem is, when i click the other of viewport, the other view zooms to drawing extent..
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