AutoCAD 2010 :: Dim Scale Per Viewport?
Apr 6, 2011
i have in model one drawing, in layout i have 4 viewports, each have different scale, now.. how can i using same model and 1 layout to determine scale of dimentions per each viewport? or all viewports in same layout have same scale of dimention?
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Feb 14, 2013
In paperspace I set the viewport scale to 1-1/2"=1'-0" on a ANSI D-size plot. But when plotted at (layout) 1:1, it comes out to be 1/8"=1'-0" on a engineering scale.
Explain Autodesk's logic?
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Feb 16, 2012
I've always been taught to set the LTSCALE to the scale of my vport, and set psltscale to 0 (Civil Design). And it has always worked great until I came to work at an Enviromental Consultant frims, that likes to mix units and do stuff the hard way. But thats beside the point.
I've read multiple post about setting the LTSCALE to 1 or .5 and leaving PSLTSCALE to 1 or whatever. There are TONS of post about it.
The reason I'm bringing it up is because EVERYBODY in my drafting department sets the LTS to 1, then manulipates the linetype scales individually threw the properties. This drives me absoutly insane!
So if I have a drawing that the vport is to 1:80, what should the LTSCALE and PSLTSCALE be set to?
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May 2, 2012
In 2012, when I click on a viewport and try and to change the scale, in either quick properties or the properties window custom scale. AutoCAD only allows the standard scale settings, not a custom one. I think this is just a matter of some setting, but do not recall it.
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May 9, 2012
When I setup my viewports for my sheet I have a viewport that I set the viewport scale to 1:5. This is not showing up correctly and zooms the drawing off the sheet. When I go into the viewport and use the zoom to scale 1/5xp the scale is correct and totally different than the viewport scale 1:5. Since all my annotative text and hatching is set to 1:5 1:10 and 1:100 the annotations do not work since viewport scales 1:5, 1:10 and 1:100 are showing up incorrect and do not correspond to the correct zoom factors of 1/5xp 1/10xp and 1/100xp.
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Jan 16, 2013
We have a number of drawings, where the views in paperspace viewports are not orthogonal to the XY plane. Is there any way that we can adjust the viewport view to a TOP view (a view aligned to the XY plane) without changing the viewport scale?
If I activate the viewport and use either PLAN or View->TOP my viewport scale is destroyed, and the view is rotated along the Z-axis.
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Oct 25, 2013
I'm sure I had linetype scaling updating automatically after a change of viewport scale - perhaps it was a previous release of AutoCAD. Why must I now keep pressing REGENALL to update the linetype scale?
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Jun 26, 2009
am in the process of setting up a standard file for all designers to use our local office. This file will have most of the styles created for profiles, alignments, surfaces, profile views, etc... as mostly specified by the customer and industry standards.
I am having trouble maintaining the correct annotation scale in the viewport in paperspace and when plotting.
The attached word document has 3 figures. Fig 1 shows the correct viewport scale and correct annotation scale. Fig 2 shows how the annotation scale abruptly changes during the plotting process. This abrupt annotation scale change sometimes happens during the regen process or when I switch from layout to model space and back to layout.The annotation scale goes from 1:1 to 1:40 just as in the viewport. This change in annotation scale is not supposed to happen because I want to preserve a certain plotting height for my text versus a viewport scale by using various annotation scales.
I have researched the procedures for annotation scale and have not found any info related to this "abrupt change in annotation scale".
Curiously , this abrupt change in annotation scale does not happen if the text does not belong to any styles within Civil 3D. Stand alone text stays at the correct annotation scale and is not affected in the same way.
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Mar 29, 2011
I have a Viewport set to scale 1:100 and the Viewport is locked.The Annotation Scale displayed in the Viewport was 1:50.
When I clicked on the Synchronize Icon beside the Viewport Scale, the Viewport Scale changed, even though the Viewport was locked.
I was expecting the Annotation Scale to synchronize to the Viewport Scale.
Is this how it is supposed to work? and why does a locked Viewport Scale change?
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Nov 8, 2013
I have a drawing with several layouts, and in one particular layout only, I want the text to be smaller than the annotation scale would dictate (the viewport is 1"=300', but I want the text to display at 1"=50' annotation scale).
I tried selecting the viewport and changing the "annotation scale" property to 1"=50', then the "standard scale" property to 1"=300'.
Strangely, this seems to work for a bunch of MText objects I have in the drawing, but it won't work for an alignment station label group or for a particular linetype...for some reason, those two things insist on having their annotation scale equal to the viewport scale.
I tried messing around with the alignment station label group's style but couldn't figure anything out. As far as the line/linetype, I'm completely at a loss why that one wouldn't change.
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Sep 6, 2013
AutoCAD 2013 2D - when scrolling the viewport scale list, the viewport zooms with each scale instantly.
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Mar 17, 2011
When I scale a viewport, I normally type in the scale I want into the Viewports toolbar. So if I want the viewport to be 1 to 25, I type in "1:25". I have done this for years. Now all of a sudden, I have started a brand new drawing, setup the company border as A1. Then typed in "1:25" into the toolbar, and it zooms RIGHT in so you cannot see the drawing. But when I use the old fashioned command:
zoom - scale - 1/25xp
It works perfect. Why this is happening with the toolbar?
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Apr 27, 2010
I have just installed Autocad Architectural 2011 (64Bit) on my computer, since my laptop was struggeling with running autocad 2009.
I have opened a 3d model of my building (created in the 2009V) in Cad 2011, played around a little bit and am now at the point of having to create some viewports to plot elevations etc. But now i am stuck, i have created a viewport, selected it and can't figure out how to set the scale. I saw there was a 'button' (that is not working?) on the bottom, saying 'Vieport Scale', i can't click on it to change the scale, so i went to properties. When i select 1/100 Standard Scale, it automatically goes back to Custom Scale and sets it to 0.005. Basically nothing happens! The only way it changes the scale is when i double click on the viewport and zoom in/out on my building. But that can't be the only way to do it?!
I have got a deadline coming up, and really can't work on my laptop again as it keeps overheating and crashing on me! How to set the scale of my viewport and actually get it to do it?
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Jun 27, 2012
We have recently noticed that after printing a PDF of a drawing I plotted from AutoCAD we are coming up with differences when we double check the scale on the printed hardcopy using a carpenter ruler.
For example, there is a dimension labeled on the drawing of 200 ft. However, if I try to scale this out with a carpenter's ruler at the drawing was set to (say for instance it is 1 inch = 100 ft) I am coming up short of the 2 inches it should be (typically come up around an 1-15/16" or around 194 feet, approx 97% of the correct amount).
In the Page Setup Manager in AutoCAD, I have the following options selected (see the print screen as well):
Printer/plotter selected: DWG to PDF.pc3
Paper Size: ANSI full bleed B (11.00 x 17.00 Inches)
What to Plot: Layout
I don't have a plot scale scale other than the default 1" = 1'
No plot style selected
Then, on the print menu when I open the PDF that I have exported from AutoCAD, I have the following settings (see the print screens I have attached):
Printer: The printer I use (Konica Minolta c650 Series PCL)
And I have selected the Options "Auto Rotate and Center" and "Choose paper source by PDF page size**"
** Note, that I have tried unselecting the "Choose paper source by PDF page size" option and accordingly changed the paper size in the "Page Setup..." button at the btoom to match the document size (i.e. 11.0 x 17.0in) and it gets the difference to be closer (i.e. I now get 198 ft but some of my border gets cut off). See the print screen below for this a print screen of the print menu and sub-menu of Page Setup showing the paper size selected.
I saw that some people in other forums state that there is no real solution when trying to scale off of PDF's and that there should be a disclaimer saying as much if you are to send the file out to a customer who may rely on doing some in the field scaling from the printed copy of the PDF file. I find it hard to believe there is no solution as we have received some drawings from others whom the scaling works just fine.
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Mar 15, 2011
I work in autocad 2010 and I draw in scale 1:1 . What an annotation scale is, moreover I have never used annotative objects in my drawings.
Nonetheless, when I try to plot a drawing, while I am in the model view, I choose the scale in mm/units, I select the plot area and when I press preview or plot, I get the message THE ANNOTATION SCALE IS NOT EQUAL TO THE PLOT SCALE. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?
I press yes, I print it and the outcome is always a bit smaller than it should be.
When i am in the layout mode and I try to plot, I dont get this message. But I dont know how scaling works in this case. For example I want to plot in a A4 paper, scale 1:100. So I type 1000mm/100units, as I did in the model mode, but the result is wrong.
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Jan 12, 2012
recently upgraded to a new stand alone LT 2012 on brand new machine.I only work in metric millimeters. When I open a new drawing and set up a viewport on a new layout tab the viewport scale list is as one would expect i.e. 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:5 1:10 1:25 1:50 etc etc
when I open an existing drawing I only have the option of imperial scales i.e. fractions. I have tried simply adding the most commonly used scales to the list but once the drawing is saved and closed, they have disappear when reopened.
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Apr 26, 2013
In c3d 2013 in the layout tabs when I hover over the annotation scale for the viewport it automatically changes the viewport like a "preview" of that scale. Is there a way to shut that off?
I ask because I believe it is altering my annotative point descriptions so I have to regen everytime my scale changes to see if the scale will work or not. A co-workers computer doesn't seem to preview and it works fine on their computer my preview appears to mess the annotation up on mine.
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Apr 30, 2013
I double click in the viewport; under misc the annotated scale is in the list but not the standard scale. I want to set the scale for the viewport. Why doesn't the standard scale show as on option? Or, how to I set the scale in my viewport?
I'm using autocad LT 2008
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Aug 9, 2013
I have a serious problem with AutoCAD placing improperly scaled dimensions within viewports. I have a drawing where half of the dimensions are correctly scaled and the other half are off by as much as 4 times their value. This occurs randomly without any rhyme or reason- and sometimes occurs whenever a drawing is opened. I know of a couple of drawings that if I simply open them, a dozen dimensions will scale up to 12x their intended value. It has happened to everyone on my staff. We are using LT 2011- but I have had a similar problem using 2004 & 2007 full seats.
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Jul 29, 2013
I have tried to find if my problems has already been addressed but cannot find any reference.I am adding a value to the scale list in 2012. The list goes from 1:20 to 1:30 and I want 1:25.
When I add in the drawing it is still there in subsequent edits. When I create or edit another drawing the value is not in the list!!
Is the viewport scale list default needing to be edited elsewhere for it to become a global change because no matter what I try it only stays resident in drawings I edit the viewport scale list!
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Feb 14, 2013
I have a drawing where I adjust the scale in a viewport and I'm able to pan around and leave it without a problem. When I come back to the viewport, however, I lose the scale and it zooms way out on me. All I am doing is double-clicking inside of the viewport.
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May 30, 2013
Viewport. I have scaled the viewport to 1/16 in paperspace, but the drawing is to large and does not fit in the viewport I need to zoom in to make it fit.
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Feb 7, 2013
My scale list has metric list on it as it suppose to have both metric and imperial scale.
Screen shot..
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Nov 1, 2011
How to set the annotation scale for a viewport in version 2012. I am not having any success finding what the variable is that needs to be set. Is this possible?? If so, how?
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Aug 13, 2013
Is it possible to scale a viewport with different X and Y values? Kind of like inserting a block with different X and Y values.
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Oct 14, 2013
Why in layout in viewport scale in these two file different ??? with same scale 1:60???!!! i cant find answer in file f-metric scale 1:60 while in e metric 1:300 to be same file F-metric ??if you make it 1:60 in file E-metric view will not same ?? what the reason ?
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Oct 10, 2011
I'm using AutoCad 2010.
When I change the scale in a viewport and later want to access the viewport by dubbel clicking in the viewport, it keeps changing the scale to zoom extends. How can I access the viewport without changing the scale? It worked before but now it keeps changing.
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Mar 10, 2012
What these properties in a viewport mean to the overall scale of a drawing:
1. Annotation scale
2. Standard scale
3. Custom Scale.
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Mar 16, 2012
I have successfully created one drawing using annotative dims and text - I have set my text to 1:1 scale, height = 30 in paperspace (although I don't get what this refers to when it automatically says it's 30 in modelspace too) and my viewport is 1:20 scale. It's all good, the dims and text look great, which is what I want at the end of the day, however I got there.
But, when I want to set up another detail at 1:40 scale, I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the same dim and text style appear the same size as it was for the 1:20 detail.
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Jan 26, 2011
Seems this question comes up often so I put this together. If there are any errors or omissions
Options for setting Viewport scale.doc
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Feb 4, 2013
In paperspace the text are so out of scale and it only shows a specific area of the model view.the other viewports will have a realistic and 2d wireframe.
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