AutoCad 2D :: How To Scale Viewport To 1/16 In Paperspace

May 30, 2013

Viewport. I have scaled the viewport to 1/16 in paperspace, but the drawing is to large and does not fit in the viewport I need to zoom in to make it fit.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Viewport Scale In Paperspace

Feb 14, 2013

In paperspace I set the viewport scale to 1-1/2"=1'-0" on a ANSI D-size plot. But when plotted at (layout) 1:1, it comes out to be 1/8"=1'-0" on a engineering scale.

Explain Autodesk's logic?

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AutoCAD .NET :: To Off Layer Only In Selected Viewport In Paperspace

Mar 29, 2012

I am trying to create a named viewport in paperspace and have to off selected layer only in selected view port. I Know to do this manually, but i don't get any idea for doing this using .net. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Paperspace And Viewport Display

Jun 21, 2012

Another user has created a bunch of sketches and somehow has set the drawing up where all the viewport and our title block are displayed in white. model space everything is fine and is as it should be.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Why Can't Modify Paperspace Viewport

Dec 4, 2012

When working in a paperspace layout I am not able to move or re-size the default viewport. Upon selecting the viewport and attempting to move it I receive the following command line message: "1 was not in the working set." The viewport appears to be fixed and non-editible. What does the message mean? Would putting the viewport in the working set make it editable, and if so, how is this done?

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AutoCad :: Rotate A View Through Viewport In Paperspace

Oct 27, 2011

I need to rotate a view through a viewport in paperspace and tried to use the mvsetup command but LT doesn't recognize that command. How I can do it?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label Styles Annotation Scale Versus Viewport Scale?

Jun 26, 2009

am in the process of setting up a standard file for all designers to use our local office. This file will have most of the styles created for profiles, alignments, surfaces, profile views, etc... as mostly specified by the customer and industry standards.

I am having trouble maintaining the correct annotation scale in the viewport in paperspace and when plotting.

The attached word document has 3 figures. Fig 1 shows the correct viewport scale and correct annotation scale. Fig 2 shows how the annotation scale abruptly changes during the plotting process. This abrupt annotation scale change sometimes happens during the regen process or when I switch from layout to model space and back to layout.The annotation scale goes from 1:1 to 1:40 just as in the viewport. This change in annotation scale is not supposed to happen because I want to preserve a certain plotting height for my text versus a viewport scale by using various annotation scales.

I have researched the procedures for annotation scale and have not found any info related to this "abrupt change in annotation scale".

Curiously , this abrupt change in annotation scale does not happen if the text does not belong to any styles within Civil 3D. Stand alone text stays at the correct annotation scale and is not affected in the same way.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Synchronize Annotation Scale To Viewport Scale?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a Viewport set to scale 1:100 and the Viewport is locked.The Annotation Scale displayed in the Viewport was 1:50.

When I clicked on the Synchronize Icon beside the Viewport Scale, the Viewport Scale changed, even though the Viewport was locked.

I was expecting the Annotation Scale to synchronize to the Viewport Scale.

Is this how it is supposed to work? and why does a locked Viewport Scale change?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Making Annotative Scale Different From Viewport Scale

Nov 8, 2013

I have a drawing with several layouts, and in one particular layout only, I want the text to be smaller than the annotation scale would dictate (the viewport is 1"=300', but I want the text to display at 1"=50' annotation scale).

I tried selecting the viewport and changing the "annotation scale" property to 1"=50', then the "standard scale" property to 1"=300'.

Strangely, this seems to work for a bunch of MText objects I have in the drawing, but it won't work for an alignment station label group or for a particular linetype...for some reason, those two things insist on having their annotation scale equal to the viewport scale.

I tried messing around with the alignment station label group's style but couldn't figure anything out. As far as the line/linetype, I'm completely at a loss why that one wouldn't change.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Viewport Scale List - Zooms With Each Scale

Sep 6, 2013

AutoCAD 2013 2D - when scrolling the viewport scale list, the viewport zooms with each scale instantly.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Viewport - Switching Between Model And Paperspace

Jul 9, 2012

Am using Autocad 2012 with SP2 downloaded, note the problem does not occur in Autocad 2013... So basically if you open the dwg you will see it opens in paperspace, the viewport is locked to a specific scale etc. Now go into model space where the dwg is, you should be able to zoom around, pan etc fine, problem is when you now go back into the layout or paperspace. You will notice that upon re-entering paperspace that the vport is highlighted, ie there is a thicker outline of the vport boundary, however am still in paperspace according to the tabs. When you now try zooming in or out using the mouse scroll you will notice an additional copy of the viewport is imprinted on the screen. Thats the problem.  Doing a few undos will set you back right again. 

So far we are inclined to think that its either something to do with the UCS or the units that the program is getting confused with but havent been able to find a solution. Also bear in mind that it seems to work fine in 2013. Its probably something really simple that we've missed but thought would try anyway Will attach the dwg file.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - Xref Rotate In Paperspace Viewport

Nov 10, 2011

I was in paperspace, clicked in the viewport to do something in model space and a compass with north south east and west showed up in the top right corner of my viewport.  When I clicked on it, my x-ref rotated.  How in the world do I re create this?  I have no clue how I even accessed it or what command prompted this to happen.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Paperspace Viewport Zooms Extents

Jul 10, 2013

In paperspace, each time I double click inside the viewport it automatically zooms to the extents of my drawing, changing the scale. Also, when I switch back to model space i am zoomed to extents in model space. How can I fix this?

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AutoCad :: Layer States In Paperspace Viewport Don't Save

Dec 12, 2011

issue I'm having in my plot files. The way our office sets up our drawings is that we have a set of base files (which is where we do all our plans and details, etc), and then those drawings get xrefed into a different files located in a "plot" folder that that has our titleblock and viewports of the xrefed base files.

The problem is that the plot files have started to NOT save any of my layer states that are associated with the base files. For example, I have a base floor plan that has demolition, construction, RCP layer states that are toggled with LMAN. But if I open the plot file for the RCP and set up the viewports so only the RCP layers are visible...the next time I open the drawing the RCP layer state is ALL the layers are on and I need to redo the viewport layer states...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Plot Drawing With A Viewport In Paperspace

Jan 10, 2012

I am trying to plot a drawing with a viewport (of a 3D planview) in paperspace. The viewport has the "3D Hidden" shade plot property applied. The plot preview shows all the entities color-by-layer. I am plotting with a plot style that assigns all colors to black. Typically the plot preview shows all linework black when plotting with this plot style applied. The resulting plot (from an Oce tds700) shows the linework in a "grayscale" quality, not the normal solid black linework typically associated with a 2D viewport plotted on the same plotter with same plot style.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Moving Paperspace Viewport In Modelspace?

Jul 26, 2012

Is there a way to see and move paperspace viewport boundaries in model space?

Explaining: You have created layout which includes multiple viewports with different scale and size (view, section). Now you copy the layout to create a new layout with with same viewports. Now you have to change the view in all viewports. I have used technique where you double-click in viewport and you navigate in modelspace (pan/zoom) until you reach the right position.

The problem is If you have like 100 layouts with 10 viewports each, it takes very long time to pan the views into right position.

I have a some theories:

1.  If I could see the viewports in modelspace, I could drag them all into right position without navigating them one-by-on in paperspace.

2. If I could pan the view in viewport by specific amount lets say 10m to the right.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Paperspace Text Over Viewport Disappears?

Dec 5, 2012

why the text and leaders placed over viewports (in paperspace) keeps disappearing? The text is still there...just not visible. i can select the text with no problem. and if i move it off of the viewport then i can see it just fine. this is happening with all the viewports in my drawings... on all tabs.  If i close the drawing and reopen then all the text appears again.....but when i switch tabs then come back...the text vanishes again. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Coloured Lines Inside The Viewport In Paperspace

Mar 8, 2013

I recently had to reload my Autocad and in doing so I now see all the coloured lines inside the viewport in paperspace. Previously these lines were in black, how can I return the viewport to that setting.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Linking A Paperspace Viewport With A Named View

Nov 21, 2012

I am working on a rendering on vanilla AutoCad 2013, and I am getting frustrated with having to reset my viewport to the named view every time I move my camera.

I know that when you create a viewport you can call up a named view, but is there any way to link it permanently?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Double Click Viewport In Paperspace - Cad Freezes

Feb 21, 2012

As soon as you double click on a viewport in paper space - cad just craps it self and i have to control-alt-delelte.

Is it this lame HP Z200 workstation. 

or is there a way to disable this command so when i accidentally double click it doesn't crash.

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AutoCad :: How To Scale Text Size In Paperspace

Dec 1, 2006

I am using CAD LT 2005 but also have access to AutoCAD 2005.

I am unsure about the best way of dealing with text in drawings. Originally I used to put my text in model space - which was fine until I started using multiple layouts in paperspace at different scales. The text would come out either to big or too small.

Others in my office say they put the text in paperspace ONLY at the right scale for that layout. This is fine until you realize that if you have to put text in 4 different layouts at 4 different scales 4 different times it takes forever.

So - I looked up about a command called SPACETRANS which seems to offer a way of working out the right scale for the text in paperspace. EG. Working in mm in model space a good text height for me was 1000. By using the spacetrans command in paperspace I worked out that the text height to be used here was 9.2. This basically gave me my text in paperspace at the relatively same height as it looked in model space.

I now realize that although I can scale my text happily to the right size in all my layouts it hasn't negated the need for me to type it all in many times over. Basically, I still have to type the text into paperspace at the right scale - in this example at 9.2.

How you can type your text in once anywhere (probably model space) and then scale it in all the different viewports without having to retype it all in?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions Changing Scale In Paperspace

Aug 27, 2010

Modeling 1:1 in MS, dimensioning in PS different scaled viewports.  Plotted from PS, did further work both in MS/PS and notice dimension readings have scaled up by 99.98% and 100% to what they were in hard copy.  Changed dims in properties but for some reason they have reverted back to the percentage increase?  For example I have a 5745mm truss span that is now a 574.5 meter spanning truss!!??  Haven’t altered dimstyle at all or any scalings.  Laid another dimension again in PS along side the exaggerated one using same endpoints in order to check things and it’s fine.

Would like to know what has caused the dims to scale up in PS and, how to undo the problem, hoping not to have to re-dimension.

Attached is the dwg. and yes, I have dimensioned in MS but there was a reason.  It’s PS that’s causing the grief.

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AutoCad 2D :: Set Linetype Scale For 3 Paperspace With Different Page Setup Within Single Drawing

Jan 25, 2012

How I set Linetype scale for 3 paper space with different page setup with in single drawing.

Explanation:I have a drawing with XRef attached, I want to make 3 paper space for this drawing with different page setup A0, A1 and A3. I am confused how I set line type scale for each paper space.

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AutoCad :: Scale Factors In Modelspace To Suit Different Scaled Viewports In Paperspace

Nov 26, 2011

In modelspace, architectural schematic plans sections elevations which, when viewported into paperspace drawings, are scaled to 1:100. I therefore work in modelspace with Current object scale = 1, global scale factor = 100. This makes dashed lines etc reproduce at legible scale in a drawing at 1:100.

What about when I move on to details, which in paperspace are scaled to 1:5? At present I start a new file with Current object scale = 1, global scale factor = 5. This makes dashed lines etc reproduce at legible scale in a drawing at 1:5.

Isn't there a way to achieve this, while keeping both the schematic and the detail drawings in modelspace on the same, single file?

Even the above system fails when I want to scale one elevation of the schematics at 1:50, or foundation details at 1:10.

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AutoCad :: Automatic Swap From Model To Paperspace When Working In Model Through Viewport

Nov 20, 2012

I just got back from maternity leave and I left work at Autocad 2011 and came back on Autocad 2013. I work thru my viewports in my model space, and I've noticed that when I pan and zoom in or out or move to quickly from one point to another (didn't notice which) my model space swaps to paper even if I'm in a command. Is this something I can deactivate?

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AutoCad 2D :: Viewport Scale To Be 1 To 25

Mar 17, 2011

When I scale a viewport, I normally type in the scale I want into the Viewports toolbar. So if I want the viewport to be 1 to 25, I type in "1:25". I have done this for years. Now all of a sudden, I have started a brand new drawing, setup the company border as A1. Then typed in "1:25" into the toolbar, and it zooms RIGHT in so you cannot see the drawing. But when I use the old fashioned command:

zoom - scale - 1/25xp

It works perfect. Why this is happening with the toolbar?

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AutoCad :: How To Set The Scale Of Viewport

Apr 27, 2010

I have just installed Autocad Architectural 2011 (64Bit) on my computer, since my laptop was struggeling with running autocad 2009.

I have opened a 3d model of my building (created in the 2009V) in Cad 2011, played around a little bit and am now at the point of having to create some viewports to plot elevations etc. But now i am stuck, i have created a viewport, selected it and can't figure out how to set the scale. I saw there was a 'button' (that is not working?) on the bottom, saying 'Vieport Scale', i can't click on it to change the scale, so i went to properties. When i select 1/100 Standard Scale, it automatically goes back to Custom Scale and sets it to 0.005. Basically nothing happens! The only way it changes the scale is when i double click on the viewport and zoom in/out on my building. But that can't be the only way to do it?!

I have got a deadline coming up, and really can't work on my laptop again as it keeps overheating and crashing on me! How to set the scale of my viewport and actually get it to do it?

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AutoCAD LT :: Viewport Scale List

Jan 12, 2012

recently upgraded to a new stand alone LT 2012 on brand new machine.I only work in metric millimeters. When I open a new drawing and set up a viewport on a new layout tab the viewport scale list is as one would expect i.e. 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:5 1:10 1:25 1:50 etc etc

when I open an existing drawing I only have the option of imperial scales i.e. fractions. I have tried simply adding the most commonly used scales to the list but once the drawing is saved and closed, they have disappear when reopened.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewport Scale Changes

Apr 26, 2013

In c3d 2013 in the layout tabs when I hover over the annotation scale for the viewport it automatically changes the viewport like a "preview" of that scale.  Is there a way to shut that off? 

I ask because I believe it is altering my annotative point descriptions so I have to regen everytime my scale changes to see if the scale will work or not.  A co-workers computer doesn't seem to preview and it works fine on their computer my preview appears to mess the annotation up on mine.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dim Scale Per Viewport?

Apr 6, 2011

i have in model one drawing, in layout i have 4 viewports, each have different scale, now.. how can i using same model and 1 layout to determine scale of dimentions per each viewport? or all viewports in same layout have same scale of dimention?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Set Scale In Viewport

Apr 30, 2013

I double click in the viewport; under misc the annotated scale is in the list but not the standard scale.  I want to set the scale for the viewport.  Why doesn't the standard scale show as on option?  Or, how to I set the scale in my viewport?

I'm using autocad LT 2008

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