AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions Changing Scale In Paperspace

Aug 27, 2010

Modeling 1:1 in MS, dimensioning in PS different scaled viewports.  Plotted from PS, did further work both in MS/PS and notice dimension readings have scaled up by 99.98% and 100% to what they were in hard copy.  Changed dims in properties but for some reason they have reverted back to the percentage increase?  For example I have a 5745mm truss span that is now a 574.5 meter spanning truss!!??  Haven’t altered dimstyle at all or any scalings.  Laid another dimension again in PS along side the exaggerated one using same endpoints in order to check things and it’s fine.

Would like to know what has caused the dims to scale up in PS and, how to undo the problem, hoping not to have to re-dimension.

Attached is the dwg. and yes, I have dimensioned in MS but there was a reason.  It’s PS that’s causing the grief.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scale Drawing With Dimension Lines Without Changing Dimensions?

Jul 4, 2013

How to scale drawing with dimension lines without changing dimensions in dimension lines? I got drawing with correct dimension lines but geometry is wrong.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions In Paperspace

Jun 25, 2013

When I make a layout with a part of my drawing in a viewport, I switch over to paperspace to draw dimension lines in it. Although the layout is displayed in another scale (e.g. 1:100) it puts the right dimensions at the drawing.

But now a problem appears:

With one of my drawings the layout does not put the right dimensions at the drawing in paperspace. I really don't know what went wrong. Strange dimensions appear, as if there must be a strange scale factor somewhere. (Dimlfac=1) 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Labeling In Paperspace - Dimensions Way Off

Jun 18, 2012

We do a lot of labeling in paper space and have been encountering a problem with our dimension command mislabeling lengths and widths.  Please see attached DWG.  The road width should be 24' and its labeling it 880'.  BUT measuring hoizontally it seemed to work fine.  Really strange.

I am using the dimension command and snapping nearest and perpendicular.  If I just click without using osnap it seems to work.

We tried using the DIM   /   DIMFLAC   /   V     /   and selectiong viewport

The funny thing is that I dont have this problem with every drawing.  Just some seem to have this glitch.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions In Paperspace Change Without Notice

Oct 28, 2013

See the attached JPEG files for a viewable explanation.

Dimensions placed in paperspace that are scaled by the viewports, change on their own. This happens at no apparent frequency. And for no apparent reason.

This has happened after I've saved a drawing and reopened. Also has happened when I've moved or stretched a viewport.

Currently I am using Autocad 2012, but this has been happening for some years.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Paperspace Applying Dimensions To Views

May 15, 2013

I am in paperspace applying dimensions to views. When making a new Mview and scaling the view all the diensions move to locations all over the drawing. Does something selected in the options I am not aware of?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Viewport Scale In Paperspace

Feb 14, 2013

In paperspace I set the viewport scale to 1-1/2"=1'-0" on a ANSI D-size plot. But when plotted at (layout) 1:1, it comes out to be 1/8"=1'-0" on a engineering scale.

Explain Autodesk's logic?

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions Not Changing Size / Scale?

Mar 15, 2013

I've just recently changed jobs and so I'm working on a new (to me) system with Autocad Mechanical 2013. I had been working with Mechanical 2010.

One (of the many) issues that is bothering me, is that I can't seem to scale resize individual dimension. Normally, I'd create the dimensions and then if I needed to tweak the fit, I'd go into the Properties pallet and change the overall scale under Fit. Not really a good standard of practice, I know...

But when I do that on my current system, the dimension doesn't change at all.

On top of that, I have a weird refresh problem. If I grab a dim by the grip and move/stretch it, it doesn't actually show the new position unless I Regen. Is that a setting or maybe just a slow reaction by my computer?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scaling Without Changing Dimensions

Mar 26, 2012

I've completed a drawing, with dimensions and everything and I have to reduce it to 1:2 scale to fit my drawing frame. How do I do this without changing the dimensions? Every time I reduce it the dimensions halve as well!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions Keep Changing In Paper Space

May 10, 2013

I am on ACAD 2012 overlaying dimensions in paperspace to objects in model space..The dimensions keep changing to an incorrect number..Can't identify when it is happening yet. The dimensions are always larger

If I change dim style and back again the correct dimension appears. I can then matchprop to get the other dimensions to appear correctly. But twenty minutes later they are all changed again

I turned of Annotative scale for dimension features and use overall scale of 1.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Paper Space Dimensions Changing On Opening File

Jun 11, 2013

I am on ACAD 2012

I am using paper space dimensions and have a problem that they keep changing

I have attached a drawing demonstrating my problem. The square is 12' x 12''. Everytime the file is opened DIM SCALE LINEAR is multiplied increasing all dimensions by the multiplier. It does this each time the file is opened.

You can right click  remove overrides on the dimension to get it to appear correctly (I don;t have any overides the software is overiding on open.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Set Top View Without Changing Viewport Scale

Jan 16, 2013

We have a number of drawings, where the views in paperspace viewports are not orthogonal to the XY plane. Is there any way that we can adjust the viewport view to a TOP view (a view aligned to the XY plane) without changing the viewport scale?

If I activate the viewport and use either PLAN or View->TOP my viewport scale is destroyed, and the view is rotated along the Z-axis.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Changing Annotation Scale Causes Text To Move A Kilometer?

Oct 23, 2010

When I change the annotation scale for selected text and leaders, most of it shoots into space. I have tried one at a time and many, all with the same result.

The text size looks correct, the leader looks fine, but the text x coordinate changes radically.

Changing from 1:1 to 1:15,000

Does this mean I have to relocate every leader text back to something normal, or am I missing something.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Insulation / Batting Line When Changing Annotation Scale

Dec 6, 2011

I'm more or less happy with annotation scaling, apart from the mysterious hatching problems that are not the issue of this message.

But there is a major annotative scaling issue with batting / insulation lines.  Insulation lines should NOT change with annotative scaling !  A 4" insulation layer shouldn't become 16" just because i'm printing in bigger scale ! 

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AutoCad 2D :: Get Paperspace Distances When Using Dimensions

Mar 22, 2011

When using dimensions in paperspace i get the paperspace distances. Not those of the object i've drawn in model space.
f.e.: if i draw a line of 100 mm in model, and my zoom e on it in a viewport of 420, I'll get the distance 420. Like the dimension is not interacting with the model, see? Thought it would have something to do with the snapping, but can't find the link.

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AutoCad :: Paperspace Dimensions Are Wrong

Aug 17, 2012

When I try to dimension my drawing in paperspace the dimensions are coming back as inches instead of the many feet that the drawing actually is. My viewport scale is 1/4" to 1' and ive done many other drawings without ever running into this problem.

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AutoCad :: Dimensions Show Backward In Paperspace?

Feb 20, 2012

In paperspace I have a left and right view. If i dimension something in left view it appears backwards in right. do i need to duplicate geometry for right view to dimension it there also? or is there a way to fix the reversed dimension?

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AutoCad :: Can Dimensions In Layout / Paperspace Be Associative

Apr 6, 2013

i want to add some dimensions in paperspace. after creating some dimensions, if i double click on my viewport and move it around a bit, the dimensions in paperspace stay where they are. is there a way to get them to move with the drawing?

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AutoCad 2D :: Attaching Dimensions To Object In Paperspace?

Jun 7, 2012

i have a little drawing in modelspace. in paperspace, i have a viewport. let's say it's set at 1/4" = 1'-0". everything looks okay so far.

i click on the 'annotate' tab, and then select 'annotative' for my dimension style. it has the little triangle icon thingy so it should be annotative.

i make a couple of simple linear dimensions on my drawing (still in paperspace). looks okay so far.

but now lets say i want to change the scale of my drawing. i change it from 1/4" to 1/2" = 1'-0". my drawing gets bigger, but the dimensions stay the same size and position. they're no longer attached to anything on my drawing.

then i change the scale again, let's say back to 1/4" scale. my drawing shrinks, but as soon as it's back to it's original size, the dimensions now suddenly get twice as big and are where they should have been at 1/2".

and it continues like that, when i change my scale, the dimensions change to whatever the last scale was at, so that they're never synced up.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions Not Snapping To Snaps In Paperspace

Aug 28, 2012

I have just upgraded to 2013 from 2012. When dimensioning my viewports in paperspace, I will snap using the linear or aligned dimension and it will appear to snap to the first point, but when I snap on the other end, it will go somewhere way off the viewport or give me a "0" dim.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Scale Viewport To 1/16 In Paperspace

May 30, 2013

Viewport. I have scaled the viewport to 1/16 in paperspace, but the drawing is to large and does not fit in the viewport I need to zoom in to make it fit.

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AutoCad :: How To Scale Text Size In Paperspace

Dec 1, 2006

I am using CAD LT 2005 but also have access to AutoCAD 2005.

I am unsure about the best way of dealing with text in drawings. Originally I used to put my text in model space - which was fine until I started using multiple layouts in paperspace at different scales. The text would come out either to big or too small.

Others in my office say they put the text in paperspace ONLY at the right scale for that layout. This is fine until you realize that if you have to put text in 4 different layouts at 4 different scales 4 different times it takes forever.

So - I looked up about a command called SPACETRANS which seems to offer a way of working out the right scale for the text in paperspace. EG. Working in mm in model space a good text height for me was 1000. By using the spacetrans command in paperspace I worked out that the text height to be used here was 9.2. This basically gave me my text in paperspace at the relatively same height as it looked in model space.

I now realize that although I can scale my text happily to the right size in all my layouts it hasn't negated the need for me to type it all in many times over. Basically, I still have to type the text into paperspace at the right scale - in this example at 9.2.

How you can type your text in once anywhere (probably model space) and then scale it in all the different viewports without having to retype it all in?

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AutoCad :: Changing PaperSpace Perimeter Color

Sep 14, 2011

AutoCAD 2010.

In paper space you can change the background color to black to show layout. This is done in tools -options - Display tab - color.

Is there a way to change the default light gray color that extends beyond the layout perimeter? I would like to change if form the default light gray to a darker color. For example a dark gray?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Quicker Alternative Changing Annotative Scale In Object Scale List

Apr 10, 2013

I would like to find a lisp that changes the scale of something that has an annotative scale and deletes all other scales in the object scale list.  Often i have many different scales of existing dimensions or objects. i waste a lot of time opening the annotation object scale dialogue box, selecting add, finding my scale and deleting the old scale. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Set Linetype Scale For 3 Paperspace With Different Page Setup Within Single Drawing

Jan 25, 2012

How I set Linetype scale for 3 paper space with different page setup with in single drawing.

Explanation:I have a drawing with XRef attached, I want to make 3 paper space for this drawing with different page setup A0, A1 and A3. I am confused how I set line type scale for each paper space.

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AutoCad :: Scale Factors In Modelspace To Suit Different Scaled Viewports In Paperspace

Nov 26, 2011

In modelspace, architectural schematic plans sections elevations which, when viewported into paperspace drawings, are scaled to 1:100. I therefore work in modelspace with Current object scale = 1, global scale factor = 100. This makes dashed lines etc reproduce at legible scale in a drawing at 1:100.

What about when I move on to details, which in paperspace are scaled to 1:5? At present I start a new file with Current object scale = 1, global scale factor = 5. This makes dashed lines etc reproduce at legible scale in a drawing at 1:5.

Isn't there a way to achieve this, while keeping both the schematic and the detail drawings in modelspace on the same, single file?

Even the above system fails when I want to scale one elevation of the schematics at 1:50, or foundation details at 1:10.

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AutoCad :: PROS Changing Out Sheet Sets In Paperspace

Aug 31, 2011

I want to start printing some of this stuff I've created, I used a sheet set I downloaded from somewhere but now that I'm further down the road I want to change the layout, title blocks and such. What's the best way you pros would handled this. I know there's times when a customer of yours walks in and says we want to change how the sheet looks, they have new logos, title block request and other things they want changed, they also want to change the sheet size, how would you handle these things, I'm really interested in how you would change the sheet size in the middle of a project.

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Photoshop :: Changing A 'scale' Of Colors To A Scale Of Transparency?

Sep 16, 2005

is it possible to create a gradient brush with the colors fading from black to white, and then edit the colors so instead of black fading into white, it's now black fading into transparent?

(so the pixels that were pure yellow are now completely transparent, the pixels that were slightly darker yellow are now almost completely transparent, the pixels that were dark yellow are now barely transparent, and the black pixels remain completely black.)

(I was only able to do it now because I started off with that black/transparent image)

I want to do this so I can change the color of the yellow.. I could use replace color,

What I'm basically trying to do is be able to change stuff in images/screenshots, like add a pattern to a white shirt (so, get rid of all of the white), but completely preserve the darkness of its wrinkles/shadows etc. A friend told me I should just desaturate it, then make it like 50% transparent, then duplicate it so there's 2 of those layers.. and add the new pattern behind it. But it doesn't look that good..

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scale On Printed PDF File Not Matching The Plotted Scale?

Jun 27, 2012

We have recently noticed that after printing a PDF of a drawing I plotted from AutoCAD we are coming up with differences when we double check the scale on the printed hardcopy using a carpenter ruler.  

For example, there is a dimension labeled on the drawing of 200 ft.  However, if I try to scale this out with a carpenter's ruler at the drawing was set to (say for instance it is 1 inch = 100 ft) I am coming up short of the  2 inches it should be (typically come up around an 1-15/16" or around 194 feet, approx 97% of the correct amount).

In the Page Setup Manager in AutoCAD, I have the following options selected (see the print screen as well):

Printer/plotter selected: DWG to PDF.pc3

Paper Size:  ANSI full bleed B (11.00 x 17.00 Inches)

What to Plot:  Layout

I don't have a plot scale scale other than the default 1" = 1'

No plot style selected

Then, on the print menu when I open the PDF that I have exported from AutoCAD, I have the following settings (see the print screens I have attached):

Printer:  The printer I use (Konica Minolta c650 Series PCL)

And I have selected the Options "Auto Rotate and Center" and "Choose paper source by PDF page size**"

** Note, that I have tried unselecting the "Choose paper source by PDF page size" option and accordingly changed the paper size in the "Page Setup..." button at the btoom to match the document size (i.e. 11.0 x 17.0in) and it gets the difference to be closer (i.e. I now get 198 ft but some of my border gets cut off).  See the print screen below for this a print screen of the print menu and sub-menu of Page Setup showing the paper size selected.  

I saw that some people in other forums state that there is no real solution when trying to scale off of PDF's and that there should be a disclaimer saying as much if you are to send the file out to a customer who may rely on doing some in the field scaling from the printed copy of the PDF file.  I find it hard to believe there is no solution as we have received some drawings from others whom the scaling works just fine. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Gone In Paperspace

Feb 27, 2012

A file created over a year ago (I believe with AutoCAD 2010) is needing to be updated.  I have AutoCAD 2012 and when I open it there is no text in my Paper Space.  However, if my manager is to open the same exact file with his AutoCAD 2012 he can clearly see all of the text is still in place.  Is there a setting somewhere that I have missed that may be making the text not show up?  All layers are on and visible.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensioning In Paperspace

Jun 6, 2013

Whilst dimensioning in paperspace I dont seem to be able to get the dimesions to sit above the drawing in model space. for example if I place a leader across the drawing to a specific point the leader sits under the drawing and is lost/hidden. how I set the dimensions to sit above the drawing.

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