AutoCad 2D :: Creating Consistent Annotation Scaling Of Text And Dimensions

Mar 12, 2012

How to create a consistent annotation scaling of text and dimensions in a layout drawing in paperspace?

How to update dimensions/annotations scaling in modelspace to create consistant scaling of annotations for an entire drawing that has annotations that have different/inconsistent scaling (arrow size text heights all differ slightly)?

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AutoCad :: Annotation Dimensions Move After Saving

Mar 5, 2012

After modeling my design. I moved to paperspace to add in dimensions. I make sure I put dimensions on its own layer. After finishing a layout I save my work. when i reopen the file and go to the layout page, all the dimensions have moved around to other locations and many of the numbers have changed.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Why Dimensions Doesn’t Respond As Annotation Scale Changes

Oct 9, 2012

Why the “dimensions” doesn’t respond as the “annotation scale” changes…

I’m wondering why the “dimensions” doesn’t respond as the “annotation scale” changes when the “Automatically add scales to annotative objects when the annotation scale changes” is OFF?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scaling Without Changing Dimensions

Mar 26, 2012

I've completed a drawing, with dimensions and everything and I have to reduce it to 1:2 scale to fit my drawing frame. How do I do this without changing the dimensions? Every time I reduce it the dimensions halve as well!

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions In VP Set Scaling To Match Viewport

Jun 23, 2011

Dim style is set to scale dims to match vp but when I layout a dimension it is not correct. I ran the "dimreassociate" command and that fixes it but only on the dim that I fix/selected. What am I missing? This is an existing legacy drawing so there must be some setting that has been changed.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Creating Annotation For Pipe Diameter On Water Main Atlas

Mar 28, 2013

I'm creating Annotation for pipe diameter on a water main atlas.  I have spans of pipe that are 50-200 feet in length. I often don't want the Annotation for pipe size to be placed at the midpoint of the line segment.  I'd prefer it to be placed at the location where I 'select' on the feature. It seems like .LAGELPT, .CENTER, AND .CENTROID all place Anno at the midpoint of the line.  X1,Y1 places Anno at the start of the line.  X2,Y2 places Anno at the end of the line.

Is there an Expression String or Property I couldspecify, that would place the Annotation at the point where the feature was selected on-screen?

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Photoshop :: How To Consistently Crop To Specific Pixel Dimensions Without Scaling

Aug 11, 2013

I have a set of drum scans of medium format film images. The pixel dimensions of the scans vary slightly. But they all consist of images of the same frame size, with borders around the image (scanned film outside the image.) All of the scans were done at 4000 pixels per inch, at 100 percent.
For example, the pixels dimensions of one scan is 10492 x 6907, another is 10390 x 6968, and another is 10483 x 6976.
I want to crop all of them to 10200 x 6738 pixels. I want to delete the cropped pixels, and I do not want any scaling to take place. I want to preserve the original metadata (the scanner model, pixels per inch, etc.); in other words, I want to modify the files (or copies of the files), not create new files. The print size does not matter.I've tried several approaches, and none of them let me do what I want:
1.) Manually cropping each scan individually does not give me the control that I need for cropping to precise pixel dimensions.
2.) Creating a Crop Preset with the desired pixel dimensions doesn't work because using it results in scaling (I think.)
3.) Using Canvas Size doesn't work because the borders in the scans are not equal on all four sides. I need to be able to move and position the image inside the crop area.
4.) Using New, and Place… allows me to create a Canvas Size with the desired pixel dimensions and resolution, and move the placed images; they will fit without scaling. However, this results in a new file being created, and therefore the metadata is lost.

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Revit :: Creating Custom Annotation Symbols

Jul 29, 2012

We have just made the switch to Revit 2013 and the first order of business is creating a template.  I, as is my entire office, is learning as we go.  I have followed the No Experience Necessary Revit book which was fantastic.
Now, at the beginning of creating my template I am stuck.
I edited the elevation marker and saved a new copy into my standards / prototype folder on my server.  I customized it to look just like our CAD elevation marker, great...
I have the family loaded in the template.
Now when someone clicks on the elevation marker in the ribbon how do I get it to load mine instead of the default Revit one?  Otherwise, I know I am going to find inconsistencies on our drawings as staff goes to that button.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Text Block Annotation

Aug 12, 2013

I am attempting to create some blocks, which consist only of text.  The issue I am having is with the option to make the block annotative.  I have set the text within the blocks to annotative, and it seems to work, but when I reenter the block editor and highlight the text, it still says "Annotative - NO". 

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Text Annotation Parallel To The Line?

Feb 2, 2011

What I have is a shape files that contains the road centreline of a city I am working on. And that shape files also have a data of its road name etc.

I know how to do it as FDO (using map connect). But what I require is an autocad text entity.

I can save the map as a drawing. But what I only want is just a number of road names and they are not adjacent or near to each other so map filtering is not recommended.

So what I did, I add the shape files using map import command and added the road name data. And then, I used the command Annotation and do the "define annotation" and "insert annotation". From here, I am doing fine. I created a text/block annotation that will extract the road name on the imported centreline on the line I just selected.

Now, my problem is, all the text are in just one direction (in my case they are all horizontal). I tried playing the "rotation expression" but still without luck.

how or what "rotation expression" should I use to make the text parallel/along the centreline.

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AutoCad 2D :: Annotation Text Boldness - How To Change It

Mar 11, 2013

I have a site survey which has existing spot heights all over it using MICRO text. I am marking in new spot heights so want a text style which is different, but not over powering.

Currently I am using Browallia UPC which looks like a good style match, however the text looks like its set to SUPER BOLD or something, because when I do a test print it visually dominates the entire drawing.

Is there a way of changing the "boldness" of a text style?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mac Dimension Annotation Text Not Showing Up?

Dec 6, 2012

im a mac user - whenever i go to do a linear dimension nothing shows up?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotation Text Versus Labels

Feb 28, 2013

What is the difference between Annotation Text versus the Civil 3D Lables? Do you have more control over the annotation text? Do lisp routine work better for annotation text than the Civil 3D Labels?

I have a routine that will create a quick leader and text from the object layer that it selects.

Layer EX-PAVEMENT ----> the quick leader call out would label it as Existing Pavement.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Select ALL Annotation With Same Text And Change Them For New Ones

Apr 18, 2013

I have a set of drawings (19) with a lot of annotations, however I have to change them according to the original text:

Example: Return Air Drive by RAR, Sump by SMP etc. How is possible to select ALL the annotation with the same text and change them for the new ones? Every time that I select by text, either the MultiText or the Multileader objects are selected correctly but I can change only one at the time. Is there anyway to do the changing process in one shot for Text or Multitext with the same contents?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Import / Export Text Annotation Settings

Jul 9, 2012

I have been trying to export my annotation settings using the  profile function on Autocad 2010.  I can't get it to work, and I don't think this is the best way to achieve my goal.  I've made a template file, but I don't know how to import it.

My goal is to, as quickly as possible, give 8 drawings the same annotation settings.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: XREF Drawing For Profiles And Annotation Text

May 7, 2013

I am trying to XREF my C3D Design file that has my profiles and sections in it into a drawing with a title block and viewport.  Everything is fine in Model Space...but when I create the viewport in Paper Space none of the annotative text of the profile/section shows up...or is microscopic.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block With Attribute And Annotation Text Style

Apr 8, 2013

Got a problem with the attached drawing. (The drawing will eventually be used as an xref).

I have created a dynamic block that has a (multi-line) attribute applied. This attribute is linked to an annotative text style. The drawing contains annotation scales. I have applied some of these annotation scales to the attribute so that it shows at 4.5 in paper space.

The annotation scales (metric) contained in the drawing are "1:500, 1:1000, 1:1250, 1:2000, 1:2500, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:20000 and 1:25000". All these annotation scales are applied to the attribute.

The block contains a look-up table of properties that when applied, size the block to be used as a boundary to the following scales "1:500, 1:1000, 1:1250, 1:2000 and 1:2500".

Now, for example, i wish to set the blocks to be shown at 1:2500 in the drawing. I select the blocks and make them 1:2500 in the 'look-up' table. However, if i wish to set the annotation scale to 1:20000 (because this will xrefed into a drawing plan of a scale of 1:20000) it incorrectly shows the size of the attribute. The attribute has a 1:20000 annotation scale set to it but its size is not correct. This happens for other scales but for other scales (1:25000 for example) its fine. Also, the attribute could move when switching annotation scales and appear near the 0,0 WCS.

The layout tab shows the annotation scale and viewport scale set to 1:20000 but as you can see, the text is not set to 4.5.

I would prefer to have the attribute linked to the block though. I have tried ATTSYNC and RESETBLOCK but the bug keeps coming back.

Using AutoCAD 2011.

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AutoCad :: Altering Annotation Text Size And Snapping To Right Angles?

Jul 7, 2011

I have grasped the basics but since loading up CAD recently drawing lines does not seem to automatically snap to right angles like it had done before. Where abouts do I tweak this?

How to enlarge the annotation text and also limited the decimal points. At the moment i have readings of 0.0000 when 0.00 would suffice.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Annotation Without Annotative - Scale Text From Tool Palette

Apr 5, 2012

Unfortunately, a new project we have does not allow us to use annotative objects, so we are back to switching scale by creating several dimstyles with a varying dimscale (eg. Dim96, for 1/8", Dim48 for 1/4" etc.)  Now I have created a button on the tool palette that brings in text and it allows me to set the size of the arrow by matching it to the dimstyle, but the text comes in always at the same size - 9" which is 3/32" for a 1/8" plan.  The arrow changes but the text does not.  I know I have to change the CANNOSCALE, but I can't seem to figure out a way of making it work so that the user will only need to switch the dimstyle from the pull down up at the top right and then be able to use a tool palette button that will bring in a text with leader with it's arrow head and text height matching the dimstyle scale.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Changing Annotation Scale Causes Text To Move A Kilometer?

Oct 23, 2010

When I change the annotation scale for selected text and leaders, most of it shoots into space. I have tried one at a time and many, all with the same result.

The text size looks correct, the leader looks fine, but the text x coordinate changes radically.

Changing from 1:1 to 1:15,000

Does this mean I have to relocate every leader text back to something normal, or am I missing something.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Dimensions On Sketch?

Dec 17, 2012

One of our senior designers seems to think there is a setting when creating a sketch that will automatically dimension.

So if a straight line is draw and 5 mm length is entered a 5 mm line will immedialtey be created, he seems to think that you can then immedialtey Dimension said line??

I can't find anything, settings wise?

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AutoCad :: Scaling Text In Xreferenced Drawing?

Jul 26, 2012

I'm currently using Autocad 2012, how I can scale a text in viewport whose drawing was referenced in the model view.

fyi the referenced drawing is a survey drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Annotative Text Scaling

Jun 11, 2013

I had started placing dimensions in a drawing before I realized that I had to change the scale of the entire drawing.So now I would like to change the annotative scale of an existing dimension style but I am not clear on how to do it.

This would be for any new dimensions that I add.They continue to appear at the old scale. All of the dimensions are correct I would just like to see the dimensioning scaled up to the proper size for the drawing.

I realize that I could just create a new style but instead would really like to know how to change what I am already using.

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GIMP :: Creating Collage Image With Numerous Large Photos - Lossless Scaling

Dec 13, 2013

I want to create a collage image with numerous large photos, each in it's own layer during editing. In order to fit, all the images need to be scaled down to varying degrees, but when I'm starting out, I'm not sure what scale each image will need to be. With the default, if I shrink them too much then they get pixellated when I try to enlarge them again. Is there a way of enabling gimp to scale each image, but drop this version and reuse the original data on future scale operations (ie a "lossless" scaling operation)?

Currently I'm having to essentially create the collage twice - first time various shrink and expands til all images fit together, then start again but just rescale once to the required size.

I presume I'm correct in thinking there's no record function in GIMP yet, so I can't record my actions to GIMP then just delete redundant steps and replay...

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AutoCad :: Adjust Scaling But Text Didn't Follow

Aug 23, 2011

Having problems importing spreadsheet. The scaling of the table is off. The table comes in really small. I tried adjusting the scaling but the text didn't follow.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimension Text / Arrows Not Scaling Properly?

Dec 15, 2013

When I have to scale something after bringing it in from another drawing (Windows copy, paste), usually (but strangely not always, it seems) the dimension text and arrows are all messed up.  If I scale down, they are (obviously) way too big, up, and they are microscopic.  How is this best avoided / dealt with?  I imagine it is something with the DIMSTYLE not being copied over or something?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Text Scaling By A Factor In Model Space

Nov 21, 2013

For some reason when I edit text and dimensions in model space the text will go huge and my text is non-annotative. If i change it in properties box it does not multiple it or if I am editing text though a viewport it will not multiply.  Example - if I have style set to 4 (height) and I create mtext. 

Then I decide that I want text to be 5 so I double click on mtext and highlight the text and change to 5 and the text will instantly be 200 not 5, but if I change in properties box it will stay at 5 or if I am in a viewport and change the text by double clicking and highlighting and then changing it to 5 it stays at 5.  My issue is for whatever reason only in model space is the text being multiplied by a factor and I cannot figure out why this is happening.   

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AutoCad 2D :: Scaling Text Field Size Without Moving Its Position?

Jun 22, 2012

I am trying to enlarge the text from an exported cad drawing from Dialux (lighting calculation software) has exported a field of values over a large area but the text is really small and illegible when its plotted as an A1 pdf

Is there anyway to blow all the text values up at once without moving them from their positions with relation to the boundaries of the roads and buildings? Here is a screenshot of the view with CAD...this is a small area of the entire scheme and those little black smudges are the numbers i need to scale

CAD Screenshot.jpg

I guess in a 3D program this would be equivalent to having the pivot point located in the centre of each set of numbers so you could scale them using the centre of each number as its scale point but I am stumped by how to do this in Autocad Architecture 2011..

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AutoCad :: Put Text And Dims On In Model Space - Scaling Viewports

Jun 27, 2013

For some reason I have it in my head that you can put all of your text and dims on in model space, then when scaling your viewports the dims and text will re-size its self automatically for that viewport setting. I.e text will be 25 in model space, but in vieports it will plot at 10 or 2 depending on the viewport setting.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Practicad Text Size Not Scaling Properly

Oct 5, 2012

When I xref a drawing created by Practicad into my host drawing, the text size shows up less than half its normal size. This occurs regardless of choosing or not choosing any of the radio button options in the proxy info box that pops up when I open the drawing. It happens on both my desktop and laptop. Practicad (MetaLab Inc.) web-x'd into my computer and confirmed the enabler is installed and the issue has noyhing to do with them. My host drawing scale is set to the same scale as the xref.

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Revit :: Annotation Text Duplicates And Change Position On View

Sep 5, 2011

We have a problem in some of our views (mostly dependent views), Central file.We place normal annotation text (not littera) and everything looks fine.

Then it happens, random can take days, and noone tuch the views nor the text style, that the text duplicate itself up to 1-4 times, and also change its location on the view.(The text don't lie on each other, but spread around the view, but keeps the condition in location to each other from the origin texts that was placed)
When we have encounter this we have deleted the copys and placed the text right again and then it works for a while...everything repeats itself, and in the end (random timeflow) the text deletes itself completely.

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