I have problem with AutoCAD DWG to PDF printer. When I use a vector drawing with a raster map attached and print the layout with the DWG to PDF printer, all the vector elements looks perfect in the output pdf file, but the raster image is almost unreadable. It doesn't work if I increase print resolution and it looks if there would be some kind of default jpeg compression inside this printer but there aren't any settings to control it or simply turn it off. After plotting such a drawing on the HP plotter it is so awful that there is no use of such a file.
In AutoCAD 2014 and ASD2013 I cannot choose one of the printer, which is installed on Windows (OCE TDS600). It is strange, because Autocad sees it on the list of available plotters, but when I try to select it - it automaticly changes to "None".
The plotter is properly configured - I can print with it from Revit 2013 without any problems. Also when I switch account to any other (on that same computer) everything works fine.
I tried to add this plotter through "Add-A-Plotter Wizard", but each time I obtain an error massage "Autodesk Hardcopy component failed..."
I have a new machine with windows 7 64 bit and autocad 11. When I choose the 6204 as my plotter I get the following message : "This plotter configuration cannot be used for one of these reasons: the driver cannot be found, the device cannot be found, or the driver has a problem. The None plot device has been substituted." it does not matter if I choose to try and print to the plotter or make a PDF this error comes. up..
I recently stopped using my HP755 plotter and am now plotting "dwg to pdf". The problem is when I go to plot I get a warning message stating that "this plotter configuration cannot be used" and it goes on to list a few reasons why and selects the "none" plotter. Then when at the plot setup page I can continue to plot as I normally would. Why am I getting this warning and how do I stop it?
I just got Autocad 2000i as an upgrade from 13 and 14. I have a summagraphics HiPlot 7200.It was set as a windows system printer on the old autocad versions, 2000i will not accept the widows driver (which works great on the old systems) and i have to use hpgl emulation wich sucks on 2000i
We recently made the switch from R14 to 2000. In the LONG process of trying to figure out plotting in 2000, I ended up having a lot of plotter names to select from when I go to plot. We have 2 HP 450C plotters and 2 printers (HP5000N & HP 1220C) and I only have one pc3 file for each on the server. I want to nknow how to remove some of the plotter names from ACAD and have only the 2 plotters and 2 printers to choose from when you go to plot.
I was wondering if there is a way to set the plotter to cut directly after the drawing. i have changed the setting to extent but it still prints the whole page size.
I'm trying to plot a pdf file that is approx 1MB. We have a HP designjet 500 plus, with 32MB of Ram. When I try to plot it though, The plotter displays a messag: 'Out of memory. Data Lost'. I unfortunately only have the PDF file. Is there any way for me to plot this file?
I tried to print it as a pdf by using a virtual pdf printer, but the end result is the same.
I need to change printer/plotter (maybe PC3 file) on my drawings. For example I have 'printerN.pc3' setted and I need to set 'PrinterM.pc3'. Also need to change print scale. But since I have many drawing I need somithing thatcan do iy automatically. So what I need:
I need to replace specific plotter to anither plotter:
1. For example if plotter setted to "HP" -> change to "Canon"
2. If paper size (2) is A3, set Plot scale (3) to 1:1.015, if Paper size (2) - A4, set Plot scale (3) to 1:1.02
I get this message when I go to print in acad 2008.The following shortcuts in the plotter search were invalid and ignored: (invalid path is displayed here...) ending with .ink.The path exists and yet it says invalid and ignored. I hit OK and it continues to the plot dialog and everything works. How to correct the path or disable the dialog... I looked in the options/files(tab)/printer support file path and they are setup to our printers, but the error continues to pop up.
I don't need the capability to print directly to a plotter, but I need to set up a dummy plotter to generate plt files that will be changed to tif files with our Kip. Any plotter driver that works for this situation? Every one I have tried has generated a plt file, but the Kip would not convert it or open it.
I have a question about plotting at Canon plotter (Canon imagePROGRAF iPF750) with possible has feature to plot as a drawn area.
Simply say I want to specified only one custom/roll paper size, make it custom size as a default. After that I want to plot exactly the accurate drawn area from my dwg. So with this settings I cannot specified custom paper size for each unique dwg.
For example I'm using this settings with another plotting device -- Xerox WF (picture to see the chosen settings) and working like a charm.
In the process of releasing 2013 to the office. We have about 60 machines being loaded, varying from 64-bit Win 7, 32-bit Win 7 and 32-bit Win XP. I have gone through and created new PC3 files for our two KIP printers (3000 & 7000 series). I added one custom page size to each to create a PMP that goes along with them. These files have been placed onto a network folder for all users to access. This is where my confusion begins.
When other users go to utilize these files it is giving an error stating that "the plotter configuration cannot be found, driver cannot be found, device cannot be found, yada yada. The none has been substituted."
So we began to look at the PC3 files and see what the issues are. When the same file on the Server is copied down to a local machine it changes back to a KIP10 driver down from a KIP11 driver on the network. Make Sense?
In order to fix I began running the "Add-A-Plotter Wizard" on the local machine. Created a new PC3 wiih a different name and went back into the program. Now the PC3's that did not work before WORK.
In short, since the 2013 version has a new file format do we have to run the "Add-A-Plotter Wizard" on all local machines before the standard PC3 file will work effectively? Or does having 2011 version still on the machines have an effect on these files?
Win 7 Pro 64-Bit - Dell T1600 Intel Xeon 3.30Ghz 8Gb RAM Civil 3D 2013
I made an attempt at drawing out what I'm trying to say in MSPaint. At my office we use an HP Designjet 800ps to plot our drawings, most everyone uses AutoCAD 2010-2011 and I use AutoCAD LT 2010. All of our drawings are ANSI C size (17"x22") and we use paper rolls that are 24" wide x 150' long. For some reason our plotter always prints our drawings sideways causing us (read 'me, the assistant') to have to trim the excess off of every single print. Not only is this time consuming but it is a huge waste of paper! If I can get it to rotate we will get 19 MORE plots out of every roll of paper!!!
I was wondering if there is some way to change settings somewhere so that our drawings are printed the correct way, saving me lots of time and saving our company lots of paper? Is it normal to plot this way?
When I Print from AutoCAD 2000i (Windows XP, 2GHz, 2GB Ram) to a Canon IP6000 and an HP9800
I get evenly spaced white stripes in raster images (inserted via insert or ole) Vector lines and text appear just fine on top of the image. I've tried changing the spooler location and image quality to no avail. I have attached a scan of the output I am getting.
Following instructions from Autodesk as to how to install the Raster driver for image exports I installed "plotters" for JPEG, TIFF, BMP and PNG. None of them work. When I try to one of them, the result is a blank file about 39KB in size.
I'm using autocad 2000 and I have a problem printing & plotting. The print, plot preview only shows a section of the drawing. What settings do I need to change for the entire drawing to print for the paper size I need.
Whenever I plot the 3d drawings in PDF or in our plotter, Some lines or some drawings are not shown in the printed layout. sample.jpg. try to check the red circle, there should be other stuff inside it. and in the second circle the one with the line should have a line itself, i just put some red lines to show in the drawing, but please try to check all.
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
I am trying to set default plotter and plot style so I dont have to select every time but AutoCAD is not keeping the setting. I went to "Options", "Plot & Publish" and selected my plotter I want to be default but it's not keeping that setting. I also changed the default plot style under "Plot Style Table Settings" under "Plot & Publish" but AutoCAD is not keeping that setting as well. URL...
I have a drawing that refuses to plot the raster image when i plot to a PDF. It will plot the raster when I send it to the plotter. The raster is visible in the print preview. I've tried using the Adobe PDF driver and the DWG to PDF.pc3.
All I get is the line work.
Plot tranparency is off. Image is at Brightness 50, Contrast 50, Fade 0.
We frequently create PDF files using the DWGtoPDF.pc3 . We have a lot of drawings with a raster background image. In version 2010 I could create a PDF and the raster image would show up. We recently upgraded to Map 3D 2012 and although the raster shows up in the preview, it does NOT get plotted to the PDF.
I have just installed AutoCAD 2012 and a HP Deskjet 510 plotter. The plotter does not print out the colours in true colour i.e. when the line on the CAD file should print in red, it is actually printing out in orange. There are also problems with other colours not printing out as they should.
I have printed PDF documents to the plotter and using this route the colours will print as they should so the problem is not plotter related. I suspect its something to do with the AutoCAD
how to print two separate A2 drawings side-by-side in A1 paper space on an HP plotter? I'm assuming that this would be handled by a third party print management software or something along these line. I'm looking for any solution to save on paper!
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
Two different plot settings (saved as page setups) will produce different results for exactly the same 34"x22" output. I have been bucking this problem since I started using AutoCAD C3D. I have a program to adjust the label scaling of my point labels so they are readable in both model space and layouts and when non-raster plotters are used, but now I must adapt it for other C3D labels before I can use them.
Below is my setup for plotting ANSI-D (34"x22") TIFF files at 288dpi. I have been using this plot device and setup almost exclusively since about 2001. The output is 9792 pixels x 6336 pixels which is set as a custom paper size to match my 288 dpi resolution (it is 288dpi because that is a multiple of 72dpi which is the default resolution of AutoCAD's TIFF raster output. It is 72dpi regardless of the fact that the plot scale is specified as 288 pixels = 1 unit or 288dpi). I must reset the dpi to 288 using image software so the resulting PDF will have a size of 34"x22" instead of 136"x88". You can see in the preview output I captured that their size difference cannot be attributed to these size differences. The plots are of the exact same layout showing point labels with only the page setup changed.
TIFF Plot Setup
PDF Plot Setup
TIFF Plot Output (34"x22")
PDF Plot Output (34"x22")
how to get Autodesk to address or even acknowledge this label scaling error?
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1