AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 Will Not Plot Raster Images?
Mar 26, 2012
We frequently create PDF files using the DWGtoPDF.pc3 . We have a lot of drawings with a raster background image. In version 2010 I could create a PDF and the raster image would show up. We recently upgraded to Map 3D 2012 and although the raster shows up in the preview, it does NOT get plotted to the PDF.
I am facing the following problem in Autocad 2012:
I have set all the drawings I want to print in the Sheet Set Manager and I publish everything to plotter for unattended plotting. However, when publishing the same drawings to PDF using the SSM, all raster images do no print. If I open each drawing and plot the same layout on its own, everything prints just fine. So I think there is something wrong when publishing through the SSM.
The funny thing is that before using Autocad 2012 I was using version 2010 and everything worked as expected, the raster images were printed no matter where I was printing from.
When I Print from AutoCAD 2000i (Windows XP, 2GHz, 2GB Ram) to a Canon IP6000 and an HP9800
I get evenly spaced white stripes in raster images (inserted via insert or ole) Vector lines and text appear just fine on top of the image. I've tried changing the spooler location and image quality to no avail. I have attached a scan of the output I am getting.
I am working on a project that requires a number of raster images to be compiled in a base file and then x-ref'ed into titleblock sheets. The base file is not giving me any problems but the files it is x-ref'ed into keep giving me fatal errors and shutting down AutoCAD. I am working in 2012 LT. I was able to find a HotFix for this problem for 2008 but have not been able to find a fix for my version.
I use a raster image (JPG) on my title block for the Company Logo. This all worked fine in Revit 2009. Since I installed 2010 the logo no longer prints. I have tried other images and even converted it to a TIF.
It does not seem to be linked to any one printer. I have tried plotting on a HP Plotter, HP Laser Jet, Sharp Printer/ Copier, and even to a PDF. All have the same result. No Logo.
I recently upgraded from 2010 to 2012 and when trying to plot, using the very same page setups as before the upgrade, the quality (or resolution) of the plot is very poor and pixelated. I am using very high resolution aerial imagery. The output is not at all high resolution (totally pixelated, not presentable as professional). It seems like AutoCAD is reducing the image quality now. Is this a system variable that can be adjusted?
I have a drawing that refuses to plot the raster image when i plot to a PDF. It will plot the raster when I send it to the plotter. The raster is visible in the print preview. I've tried using the Adobe PDF driver and the DWG to PDF.pc3.
All I get is the line work.
Plot tranparency is off. Image is at Brightness 50, Contrast 50, Fade 0.
I have successfully draped an orthophoto over a DEM in Map3D but the resulting quality of the the image is so poor it is unusable. I have attached a couple screen shots of the 2D and resulting 3D images. Is the resolution in 3D dependent on the 'resolution' of the DEM? The orthophoto is 10cm resolution.
I have tried REGEN and to Resample Raster but I haven't had any luck.
I have problem with AutoCAD DWG to PDF printer. When I use a vector drawing with a raster map attached and print the layout with the DWG to PDF printer, all the vector elements looks perfect in the output pdf file, but the raster image is almost unreadable. It doesn't work if I increase print resolution and it looks if there would be some kind of default jpeg compression inside this printer but there aren't any settings to control it or simply turn it off. After plotting such a drawing on the HP plotter it is so awful that there is no use of such a file.
Two different plot settings (saved as page setups) will produce different results for exactly the same 34"x22" output. I have been bucking this problem since I started using AutoCAD C3D. I have a program to adjust the label scaling of my point labels so they are readable in both model space and layouts and when non-raster plotters are used, but now I must adapt it for other C3D labels before I can use them.
Below is my setup for plotting ANSI-D (34"x22") TIFF files at 288dpi. I have been using this plot device and setup almost exclusively since about 2001. The output is 9792 pixels x 6336 pixels which is set as a custom paper size to match my 288 dpi resolution (it is 288dpi because that is a multiple of 72dpi which is the default resolution of AutoCAD's TIFF raster output. It is 72dpi regardless of the fact that the plot scale is specified as 288 pixels = 1 unit or 288dpi). I must reset the dpi to 288 using image software so the resulting PDF will have a size of 34"x22" instead of 136"x88". You can see in the preview output I captured that their size difference cannot be attributed to these size differences. The plots are of the exact same layout showing point labels with only the page setup changed.
TIFF Plot Setup
PDF Plot Setup
TIFF Plot Output (34"x22")
PDF Plot Output (34"x22")
how to get Autodesk to address or even acknowledge this label scaling error?
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
Following instructions from Autodesk as to how to install the Raster driver for image exports I installed "plotters" for JPEG, TIFF, BMP and PNG. None of them work. When I try to one of them, the result is a blank file about 39KB in size.
Where can i get satellite images in .j2w .jp2 format to import to Autocad Map 3D, can i get this type of formats from google earth or other "free" sources?
I normally am a Civil 3D person. Learning something new as the company I work for has been tasked with creating some GIS maps for a client. Still have only a couple of months experience with Map 3D. The current task at hand is creating a map of our client's district boundary to replace an old exhibit hanging in client's office. I used mapiinsert to insert 64 MrSID raster images, then data connected some SDF file for the boundary, major thoroughfares, and tributaries. The overall aerial imagery, after clipping, is about 11 miles by 17.25 miles. I am planning to plot this on a 48" x 76" sheet of paper at a 1200 scale.
The problem is that I get about 1/8" of an aerial image and 75-3/4" of blank paper when I try to plot. I have tried to reduce the raster image quality and bumped up the Rasterpercent and Rasterthreshold system variables to their maximum settings with no improvement. Images show when I do a preview, but do not plot out. I also tried creating a PDF but I get the same result with a thin strip of aerial when I do that. I use Bluebeam for PDF.
Map 3D 2011
Intel Core i7 processor
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit OS
HP Designjet T1100ps with optimized driver
Yes, I know the HP is only a 44" plotter, but I am plotting to fit a 36" roll so that we can view a check plot before we forward the file to our reprographics company for full size plots. I have also tried different settings on the plotter but nothing I have tried has had any impact.
I just loaded AutoCAD 2013.... when I printed out a drawing which included a picture .bmp file format, only the picture comes out completely black. It's looks like the raster images printed were reversed. It appear as a negative image.
Heard complaints about how XREF's with raster images take forever to load and unload? Any time you select the XREF in the Xref Manager the images process, whether they are turned on or off. When did this behavior start?
My boss has been having problems with some drawings containing Raster Images, they display on every workstation besides his.
The saved path is correct but the images all list 'Unreferenced' as their status, I've tried reloading them and even detaching before reinserting them but to no avail. He is running Autocad 2013 (SP2 installed).
Also, he's had this problem for awhile now but it's happening on his brand new pc too, which suggests a possible network problem? He's on the same wireless network as half of our office but he's the only one experiencing this issue.
My Raster images TIFF are not printing although they show up in the print preview. They are attached as exernal referneces, loaded and the layers are set to plot. I would like them to plot. Autocad Map 2011
I imported the .dwg file from ArchiCAD 12 to my AutoCAD 2008.
The problem is that, there are some dots (Autocad recognizes it as "raster image") all over the drawing. And I need to delete them manually each one of them.
Is there way I could do this automatically? Is there a way to select all the "raster images" at once, and then delete them?
In the old days (15years ago) we scanned a lot of files to DXB, and simply imported the image into the .DWG as small objects. (I believe they were treated as polyline segments). The lines from the original scan became a series of small polyline segments (not joined) but the scanned image plotted as good as the original, and even better, the objects could be erased and a "hybrid" drawing created without xrefs or "embedded" raster files. You could manipulate the scanned objects with normal autocad commands, and they existed on Layer 7.
Now, I am forced to Import a TIFF and "embed" the object (if I want it to be a permanent part of the drawing), and edit it with seperate programs like Raster Design.
QUESTION: How to convert a "embedded raster image" into a DXB image?
The scanner used to do the work for me and save the image as DXB. It was not a "vectorization program", but the raster lines became small (not joined) polyline segments in the process.
I don't want to "vectorize" with a seperate program, because then it just "traces" with a zero-width polyline.
The old scanner used to save to DXB, now I don't even see that as an option.
Any words of wisdom about creating a "scan" that can become "objects" (even small dots) INSIDE the DWG file, instead of a "Raster Image" that has to be xref'ed or "embedded", and will not even plot to a DXB or HPGL format?
I have mostly TIFF files that I would like to "convert" to DXB, and not have to re-scan them. I hate that the Raster file is treated as a seperate xref or "embedded" Raster Image.
I KNOW we used to scan directly to DXB and bring in the objects with the DXBIN command!
In the old days (15years ago) we scanned a lot of files to DXB, and simply imported the image into the .DWG as small objects. (I believe they were treated as polyline segments).
Now, I am forced to Import a TIFF and "embed" the object (if I want it to be a permanent part of the drawing), and edit it with separate programs like Raster Design. How to convert a "embedded raster image" into a DXB image?
The scanner used to do the work for me and save the image as DXB.It was not a "vectorization program", but the raster lines became small (not joined) polyline segments in the process.I don't want to "vectorize" with a separate program, because then it just "traces" with a zero-width polyline.The old scanner used to save to DXB, now I don't even see that as an option.
Any words of wisdom about creating a "scan" that can become "objects" (even small dots) INSIDE the DWG file, instead of a "Raster Image" that has to be xref'ed or "embedded", and will not even plot to a DXB or HPGL format?
I want to iterate through the Image Dictionary and Connect into the Raster ImageDef Properties.
I want to be able to modify and fix missing Raster Images.
How to get this code sorted out.
For Each myObjID As ObjectId In myModelSpace Dim myEnt As Entity = myObjID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) If TypeOf myEnt Is Image Then Dim myRasterImg As RasterImage Dim myRasterImgDef As RasterImageDef 'Open The Dictionary Dim ImgDict As ObjectId = RasterImageDef.GetImageDictionary(DatabaseIn) For Each dictEntry In ImgDict NextEnd If
I have problems printing successfully the raster embedded images within a dwg file using the xerox 6279 accxes controller plotter. I use the 6279 hpgl/2 v 15.0.5 driver but when the file is longer than 1 meter long i lose the embedded images or are misplaced anywere in the drawing. I have also the same problem using other similar files with embedded ratser images