AutoCAD .NET :: Control To Add Viewing Windows In Dialog

Dec 3, 2013

is there a control to add a viewing window in a dialog so that the it shows a drawing such as a rectangle in the viewing window as you change the width and height in the dialog.

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Photoshop :: No Thumbnails On Viewing Files On Windows Pro.?

Jan 13, 2007

I had to make a new system. and now ..after installing PS CS..I cannot see thumbnails of the files. I normally see them and see thumbnails for JPEG..but not the PSD's with a newer version of PS. I remember reading about this bug..and a reg setting some time ago...anyone know what it takes to fix this..? (my win pro media has ALL updates and is legal..just bought it)

ver 9 PS CS2 -

Do i have to install the old PS 7.0 to see them..?

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Photoshop :: Thumbnail Viewing In Windows Explorer

Nov 15, 2006

Is there a way to set Windows Explorer viewing options so that when viewing files in Windows Explorer in the "Thumbnail view", you see the thumbnail of the PSD file rather than the generic/default PSD icon?

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Lightroom :: Viewing Photos In Windows Pictures After Importing?

Jun 3, 2013

After importing pictures from my digital camera in RAW format using Lightroom 4 it places them in my Pictures file on tghe hard drive.  When I go to my Pictures file and try to open the photos i get the message:  Photo Gallery Can't Open The Images Or Video Because The Format Isn't Supported Or You Don't Have The Latest Upgrade To Photo Gallery.  Pictures from a small point & shoot work fine.  I get the same results when importing using the camera Mfg's software. 

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Paint.NET :: CMYK Control In Color Dialog

Feb 20, 2011

I would like to request a CMYK control in color dialog that would replace RGB control per user option.

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Illustrator SDK :: Can't Find Any Control To Draw Image At ADM Dialog

Jun 25, 2012

can't find any control to draw image at ADM dialog.

All I need is just render a picture from png or jpeg file or from memory on a top half of ADM dialog and CS4 SDK.

I suppose I have to use IADMDrawer, ADMImageSuite...

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AutoCAD .NET :: COM Library Windows Dialog Box

Jan 3, 2014

Is it possible to use modal dialog boxes with using COM libraries? I have two files one specifies the endpoint of a line in code the other ask for user input for the endpoints of the line.

The program that specifies the endpoints work fine. I can make it modal, modeless, and run it in process as a dll or out of process as an exe file. Although it wants to flash if any program is open hidden behind AutoCAD.The program I ask for user input will run fine out of process as an exe file but I get an error message “AutoCAD main window is invisible”

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Public Class myLINE
    Dim Acad = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
    Dim ThisDrawing As AcadDocument = Acad.ActiveDocument
    <CommandMethod("runlouver")> _

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Dialog Minimizing Windows 7

Jun 11, 2012

I am working with and extension to AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 on Windows 32. When a dialog opens it sometimes immediately minimizes and must be restored via the Windows task bar. I have also noticed that the dynamic input command line is visible when the dialog disappears and is present even if the dialog does not disappear. I have shown this in the image below.  This also occurs on Windows 7 64 bit, as well.

 If I set the workstation to windows Basic Theme or turn off dynamic input, this does not occur.

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AutoCAD LT :: Printing Preferences In Windows XP Control Panel

Nov 8, 2013

What are the proper setting on windows xp control panel - printers & faxes - printing preferences, in order to be able to plot any size sheet in ACAD LT 2007? We are having to change the preferences in the windows control panel whenever we change from a d size sheet to an e size.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Can't Set Location For Windows Form Control

Mar 21, 2013

I am trying to create a windows form within iLogic. Everything works except the lines defining the location on the controls. I keep getting the following error: 'New' cannot be used on an interface. The error refers to lines in the code that try to set the control location on the form. (i.e. "button1.Location = New Point(10,10)") Ihave pasted the code below and have it attached as well. I am in Inventor 2013.

AddReference ("C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Drawingv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.dll")Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrenceTry oOccurrence = ThisDoc.Document.SelectSet.Item(1)Catch MessageBox.Show("Please select a component before running this rule.", "iLogic")

[Code] ........

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Default Windows Explorer Folder Tree In Open Dialog Box

Jan 12, 2012

Is it possible to display the default windows explorer folder tree in the open dialog box instead of the current "Libraries" folder?

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After Effects :: Effect Control Windows Not Saved With Workspace

Dec 19, 2013

Why aren't multiple effect controls windows saved with a workspace?
I have many projects where I use a null as a controller with many sliders etc to control the animation of many layers. I open a couple of effect control windows and lock them with the contents of the controllers in them. Works great UNTIL I switch to a new workspace - even if it's based on the original and was saved with the effect control windows open in it. At that point, all effect control windows are removed.
I have to then re-open, position and select layer, lock etc - takes ages.
Why aren't the effect control woindows saved, even if they're empty, it would work as you'd expect it to.

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Photoshop :: CS5 (Windows 7) To Control And Navigate Cursor Position Automatically?

Dec 15, 2012

I wonder if it’s possible with Photoshop CS5 (OS: Win7)  to control and navigate the cursor position automatically?
Situation: I have a layer with many scattered points.

Wanted: I would like to jump automatically (e. g. by mouse click) to every single point.
Or is it basically not possible because it is a Graphic-  and *not* a Vector Software.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Windows - Open Save As Dialog Box?

Mar 11, 2013

Why in Photoshop & Illustrator CS6 "Open" and "Save as" dialog box style is from Windows XP?
In AfterEffects, Audition and other is new dialog box style:
Can Adobe add in "Preferences" - option with checkbox for users Windows 7/8 who can use the new windows explorer with extended folder bar? That would be simplified and speeded up a lot of things.

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3ds Max :: How To Switch To Dialog Windows For Open / Save Dialogs

Feb 1, 2013

How do I switch to Windows' dialog windows for open/save/etc dialogs ?

On Photoshop CS3 we had this option (PS's had more options, but Window's gives a better view).

For the same reason I would like that on AutoCad : AutoCad's dialog is misorganized and carries a bad side menu. I really prefer explorer's .

I know there is an option on AutoCad to use Thumbnails instead of list, for example, but it won't apply to evey folder.

And the side links (see the picture) poins to useless places, and I cannot add my shortcuts, oppose to windows', where I can.

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Illustrator :: Dialog Windows Close Prior To Action CC

Nov 12, 2013

When I select "open" from the menu, the "open" dialog box opens and then immediately shuts.  I can't open a document in Illustrator.  Also, this has been happening in other dialog boxes, such as save as....
Creative Cloud indicates my software is up to date. 

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Photoshop :: Extremely Slow Print Dialog Response In CS4 (Windows 7 64bit)

Jan 3, 2012

It's a Q6700, 4GB, 2TB drives, Epson R2880 running Windows 7, 64-bit.  CS4 is very peppy, runs great, opens, closes, edits, NO PROBLEM.
UNTIL you decide to print.  Once you hit the print selection it takes a MINIMUM of 40 seconds for the CS4 print dialog to appear.  If you then hit the "page setup" button, it'll be at LEAST another 30 seconds before that appears.  Once they're up, you can navigate around and make changes, but once you hit the print button on the dialog it'll be another 10-15 seconds before it responds and if you specify "Print Preview" it'll be at least another 30 seconds before you get the preview.  Once it hits the printer, it prints fine.  There haven't been any software or hardware changes in weeks, except the weekly MS updates that get installed.
I've tried large images, and small images in case there was something CS4 was doing.  This process is this slow when printing a 4x6 greeting card or a 12 x 18 photograph.
What's interesting is this is a new phenomenon...  It worked FINE up until sometime last week.  Then suddenly, slow.......  Concurrently, the print dialog STOPPED DISPLAYING INK LEVELS.  The status monitor still displays them, but the printer dialog no longer does.
I've unloaded the printer and cleaned off every file I could find that appeared to be associated with an Epson print driver.  Went to Epson and got the latest, Windows 7, 64-bit set of drivers and status monitor and installed that.  No difference.  Also tried a new USB cable AND switched it to the other USB port on the printer and on the PC.  Nothing's made any difference......
If necessary, I can have her re-install CS4, but is there anything that should be done before we start clobbering major applications, or ever worse, the operating system?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Control Print Line Weights On Feature Control Frames?

Nov 8, 2012

Using AutoCAD 2013 and TOL command to generate feature control frames.  We set our lineweights based on layer assignments.

Problem is that when printing, AutoCAD seems to randomly assign a lineweight to the feature control frames.  It can vary from what it's supposed to be (such as lineweight set for the dimension layer) or thicker than even what the object lines are set at.  Seems to pick a random linewieght at time of printing for these elements (just the boxes, not the symbols/text itself).

Is there a setting we should be defining somewhere to force it to follow the lineweight of the layer that it has been assigned to?  Known bug?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Viewing MDT File

Sep 6, 2013

Not sure of the version of MDT files, but they won't export into Inventor 2011 so they are older than MDT 2009.

I have been trying to figure out why client cannot see objects drawn in MDT when opened in vanilla Acad.  I had him check what I believe is the main variable affecting this, proxy show, and it was set to 0.  After setting it to 1 and doing a regen, still nothing.

I also checked proxy graphics and proxy notice and they are both set to 1, but neither affect this issue directly.

I've had a few people check this file on their systems and they can see the objects.  Various O.S.'s were used to test the file, Win7/64 and 32, however the client who is having problems is using WinXP/32.  I am also able to open and see the object on another WinXP system.

Something else to note, I realize this isn't the correct way to use aectoacad, but I tried opening the file in vanilla Acad and used that export to acad command and guess what?  The client can see the object now!

I thought export to acad (aka aectoacad) was suppose to be used from what ever application the dwg first originated in?!?!  If it works this way then so be it!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save To PDF For Viewing

May 2, 2012

Switch to Inventor many years ago. I have an old Vellum file I need opened and save to a pdf for viewing?

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AutoCad :: Export Drawing To 3D DWF For Viewing

Jan 25, 2013

I often use "EXP"/"EXPORT" to export my drawing to a 3D .dwf for viewing in Naviswork Freedom as it's much easier to get in and pan about looking for routes etc.

Only trouble is, I have a main drawing with multiple floors/services/steelwork/etc, and I often try one thing, then move it to the side and try something else. All well and good, but exporting the whole building when I'm only interested in one little bit is really annoying and pretty time consuming at awkward bit where I'm changing and re-exporting every 5mins.

Is there a way to only export the current selection? The only methods I have found, both of which often cause more problems than solves, is to copy and paste what I do want into an new drawing, or delete everything that I don't, and export what's left. Trouble is when layers are locked, you have to go round unlocking, etc.....

There must be a better way?!

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AutoCad 2D :: Viewing Scale And Dimensions

Jul 28, 2013

I've got .dxf files of parts that need to be manufactured, however in this instance I need to manufacture 3/4 scale versions of these parts. So far I've been simply printing the plans and using my trusty calculator to change the scale of the dimensions.

But now I've got a couple of pages in this set of plans that have over a thousand dimensions on them. It would be really cool if I could just open a dialog or enter a command and have all the dimension on the page multiplied by a scaler so I can print the plans with the correct dimensions on them.

Scaling the model has been suggested. I assume that when you scale a model that the dimensions automatically update. However, I have no idea if these .dxfs contain model information or just 2D plan data and I don't know how to check.

The second question of my post is only; Is there a way to view the actual size of the plans in auto cad? Sort of a "Display actual size" button?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Disable Viewing Of DST Files

Jun 10, 2010

Is there a way to disable the Viewing of DST files in the Recent Documents Pull down so that only DWG files are shown?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Viewing Parts / Holes

Apr 12, 2012

I have an assembly which consists of parts and holes, when I open a part the holes are not visible as they were created in the assembly - how do I display the holes for these parts that were created in the main assembly when opening a part file ?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Snapping And Viewing Of Shapefile Features In Map

May 9, 2012

I have several shapefiles that I have brought into a new autoCad drawing all with the same coordinate system. All display fine when zoomed out to the extents but when I zoom in the features disappear. The scaling is set to the default 0 to infinity onside of the styling so they should disappear like they are or like one would think if that was set to something else.

I also can not snap to these features while zoomed in either. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Viewing Blocks During Insertion

May 29, 2013

Is there a system variable that controls being able to view a block during insertion? Currently I cannot see the block I am trying to insert on the cursor to see where I will be inserting it.

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AutoCad :: Beam Complex P&IDs For Client Viewing

Aug 2, 2013

I need to beam complex P&IDs for client viewing. The drawings are in AutoCAD2012. I find it difficult to zoom and pan to the desired place. Beaming individual component P&IDs is also not an option as the client usually wants to see the enitre layout first. The entire layout, when beamed is unreadable without zooming. I was hoping for a solution similar to drilling down in databases (clubbing of data when we at the top levels and then the ability to view details when clicking on a particular cell); where only the important lines and symbols are shown at the top levels so that they can clearly be seen on beaming.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: SLOW Regen When Viewing From The Right?

Jan 9, 2013

What would cause AutoCAD to choke, ONLY when viewing a model from one direction? In my case, it's the right view, and it doesn't matter how I get to that view, ie "view, right" or "dview,clip". Views from other directions regen almost instantly, but from the right takes a full minute, while Acad tells me up top that it's [not responding].

Issue is only in single dwg. Tried audit, purge, etc. Wondering if there is some obscure (dwg specific) system variable causing this, before trying the WB to get rid of an offensive entity.

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AutoCad 3D :: Viewing Models In Perspective View

Feb 11, 2012

If there is a way to view your 3d model in perspective view in model space.

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AutoCad :: Viewing Or Converting SHX Files In 2012?

Nov 16, 2011

I have had a client send me over some information about a site we have out in the middle of nowhere, Australia, and they've sent over the info in a bunch of .shx files. The types are shown as Shape Source and Compiled Shape. So, is there a way for me to change the .shx files to .dwg or .dwf files without downloading a piece of software for $150-250USD without knowing if it really works? I've looked through the forums, but I don't want to convert the files from .shx to .shp, I also tried a couple of trial downloads for converters, but for some reason have only found downloads for 32bit machines, whereas I'm working with a 64bit machine, or they don't do what they say they do.

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Stop Drawings From Opening In Separate Windows Using Windows 7

Jan 10, 2012

This just started happening after I downloaded DWG TruViewer. I am working on LT 2008 using Fusionware on a MacPro. I needed the viewer to convert newer drawings from an architect. Now, when I double click on a drawing in Explorer a separate AutoCad window opens for each drawing I need open. I prefer to just go up to Window>and click on the one I need at that time, especially if I have several to switch between because it is easier to see the file name I want.

SDI is set to 0

Taskbar is set to 0

Relaunched the program

I can't open files using File>Open because the program crashed each time and Autodesk is not issuing anymore fixes for 2008.  (Yes, we should upgrade but there is no money budgeted)

Right-click on any .dwg file and go to Properties>General>Change> and select the AutoCad LT launcher as the preferred program

Since I am in Window 7 instead of XP the File Types tab has been removed from Folder Options  so I can't fix it that way.

So, why did this change? FYI that stupid TruViewer made lots of unnecessay changes to my AutoCad and Explorer programs that I am still trying to sort out like changing the file icon and hiding the file extensions. Are they trying to make it hard to find files or what?

And next, how can I reset the default so that double clicking on a .dwg in Explorer opens in already open AutoCad window?

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