AutoCAD Map 3D :: Dialog Minimizing Windows 7

Jun 11, 2012

I am working with and extension to AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 on Windows 32. When a dialog opens it sometimes immediately minimizes and must be restored via the Windows task bar. I have also noticed that the dynamic input command line is visible when the dialog disappears and is present even if the dialog does not disappear. I have shown this in the image below.  This also occurs on Windows 7 64 bit, as well.

 If I set the workstation to windows Basic Theme or turn off dynamic input, this does not occur.

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AutoCAD .NET :: COM Library Windows Dialog Box

Jan 3, 2014

Is it possible to use modal dialog boxes with using COM libraries? I have two files one specifies the endpoint of a line in code the other ask for user input for the endpoints of the line.

The program that specifies the endpoints work fine. I can make it modal, modeless, and run it in process as a dll or out of process as an exe file. Although it wants to flash if any program is open hidden behind AutoCAD.The program I ask for user input will run fine out of process as an exe file but I get an error message “AutoCAD main window is invisible”

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Public Class myLINE
    Dim Acad = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
    Dim ThisDrawing As AcadDocument = Acad.ActiveDocument
    <CommandMethod("runlouver")> _

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AutoCAD .NET :: Control To Add Viewing Windows In Dialog

Dec 3, 2013

is there a control to add a viewing window in a dialog so that the it shows a drawing such as a rectangle in the viewing window as you change the width and height in the dialog.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Default Windows Explorer Folder Tree In Open Dialog Box

Jan 12, 2012

Is it possible to display the default windows explorer folder tree in the open dialog box instead of the current "Libraries" folder?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Windows - Open Save As Dialog Box?

Mar 11, 2013

Why in Photoshop & Illustrator CS6 "Open" and "Save as" dialog box style is from Windows XP?
In AfterEffects, Audition and other is new dialog box style:
Can Adobe add in "Preferences" - option with checkbox for users Windows 7/8 who can use the new windows explorer with extended folder bar? That would be simplified and speeded up a lot of things.

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3ds Max :: How To Switch To Dialog Windows For Open / Save Dialogs

Feb 1, 2013

How do I switch to Windows' dialog windows for open/save/etc dialogs ?

On Photoshop CS3 we had this option (PS's had more options, but Window's gives a better view).

For the same reason I would like that on AutoCad : AutoCad's dialog is misorganized and carries a bad side menu. I really prefer explorer's .

I know there is an option on AutoCad to use Thumbnails instead of list, for example, but it won't apply to evey folder.

And the side links (see the picture) poins to useless places, and I cannot add my shortcuts, oppose to windows', where I can.

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Illustrator :: Dialog Windows Close Prior To Action CC

Nov 12, 2013

When I select "open" from the menu, the "open" dialog box opens and then immediately shuts.  I can't open a document in Illustrator.  Also, this has been happening in other dialog boxes, such as save as....
Creative Cloud indicates my software is up to date. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Minimizing Groups In A Form

Dec 10, 2013

I am creating a large form.  The goal of the form means I am unable to break it down into smaller forms as there is a great deal of interaction between all levels of the form.  

One of my first fields is a multi-value field (Foundation Type) with four options  (None, Slab, Piers, Wall).   Three of those options have a group of fields lower in the form with between 1 and 5 fields.  

(Multi:Value Option: Example of fields specific to that option)

Slab: Thickness, Edge Depth, Edge Width
Piers:  Diameter, Depth.Offset
Wall:  Footing (T/F), Depth, Width,   

 I currently disable all of the groups of fields that are not part of the active option in the primary multi-value field throught the (Enabling Paramter Name) option with a rule.   This keeps the user from entering values that affect a Foundation Type that is not currently active, but the disabled fields take up a lot of room on my form and may confuse end user less familiar with the system,

The group function in the form has a minimize toggle next to the group name, but the Form Editor does not show any options to manipulate this toggle.    Is there a way to automatically toggle this minimize/maximize function through a rule or other means)?  Or are there any other means of hiding form fields that are not currently enabled?

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Photoshop :: Extremely Slow Print Dialog Response In CS4 (Windows 7 64bit)

Jan 3, 2012

It's a Q6700, 4GB, 2TB drives, Epson R2880 running Windows 7, 64-bit.  CS4 is very peppy, runs great, opens, closes, edits, NO PROBLEM.
UNTIL you decide to print.  Once you hit the print selection it takes a MINIMUM of 40 seconds for the CS4 print dialog to appear.  If you then hit the "page setup" button, it'll be at LEAST another 30 seconds before that appears.  Once they're up, you can navigate around and make changes, but once you hit the print button on the dialog it'll be another 10-15 seconds before it responds and if you specify "Print Preview" it'll be at least another 30 seconds before you get the preview.  Once it hits the printer, it prints fine.  There haven't been any software or hardware changes in weeks, except the weekly MS updates that get installed.
I've tried large images, and small images in case there was something CS4 was doing.  This process is this slow when printing a 4x6 greeting card or a 12 x 18 photograph.
What's interesting is this is a new phenomenon...  It worked FINE up until sometime last week.  Then suddenly, slow.......  Concurrently, the print dialog STOPPED DISPLAYING INK LEVELS.  The status monitor still displays them, but the printer dialog no longer does.
I've unloaded the printer and cleaned off every file I could find that appeared to be associated with an Epson print driver.  Went to Epson and got the latest, Windows 7, 64-bit set of drivers and status monitor and installed that.  No difference.  Also tried a new USB cable AND switched it to the other USB port on the printer and on the PC.  Nothing's made any difference......
If necessary, I can have her re-install CS4, but is there anything that should be done before we start clobbering major applications, or ever worse, the operating system?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Minimizing Title - Eliminate Listed Profile

Mar 26, 2013

Is it possible to eliminate the Profile listed in the title are? I prefer to view the path in the title area. Sometimes the path can be fairly long and characters get cut off. If I could eliminate the current profile from being listed here, I could view more of the path. See attached.

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Photoshop :: Panels Keep Minimizing (CS4 - Win 7)?

Jul 18, 2012

I'm using Photoshop CS4 on Windows 7 at work and every time I minimize or close Photoshop and then maximize/re-open, my Swatches and Layers panels are minimized.My workspace is saved, and I've tried resaving it (including panel locations, shortcuts and menus).
If i'm just simply switching programs/windows, it doesn't happen. Its only when the entire program is closed or minimized.It doesn't make any difference if I have a file open or not. Screenshots: left is before minimizing, right is after minimizing and maximizing again.hasn't always happened. Its jsut been in the last few months, and its driving me nuts. I mean its not like its hard to open them again, but when i'm switching back and forth between other programs and trying to do things quickly, it gets extremely irritating.
It doesn't happen on my colleague's computer, and she has the same version of everything. I've never seen it happen before (before it started doing this).I have CS5 (and have had CS3 and CS4 in the past) on my Mac at home and its never happened. Although you can't actaully minimize Photoshop on Mac anyway.

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Photoshop :: Minimizing Photos Outside Of CS6?

Oct 19, 2012

I've got PSCS6. I work with multiple images at once and sometimes I have to minimize them to make room as I use PS maximized over my desktop and I use litestep as my computers shell so I don't have the taskbar in the way. Anyways, I find that PSCS6 likes to minimize my images to the hidden taskbar, which I find annoying as all hell. Why isn't it minimizing the photos within PS like it did in CS5? And is there anyway to make it do that again in CS6?

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Photoshop :: Minimizing Images For The Web

Jan 27, 2005

is there a way to minimize the size of a picture but still have great quality for a picture that is posted on the web, and good quality even when I make the picture smaller on my web site.

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Photoshop :: Prevent Document From Minimizing - CS5?

Mar 28, 2012

I am constantly opening documents and moving them around on my screens.  I never remember this problem in CS4, but in CS5 when I try to move a document by clicking in the top gray bar and dragging, the document often minimizes and goes hides in the Mac bar at the bottom. 

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GIMP :: V2.8 Minimizing When Changing Desktops?

Jun 5, 2012

just got upgraded to v2.8 and whenever i change desktops the toolbox and layers windows [or is that dialogues?] minimise, the main window doesn't though.

i've tried 'saving current window positions' but it still minimises the windows.

using debian wheezy and xfce 4.8

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Lightroom :: Minimizing And Expanding 3.5 On MAC Lion?

Nov 15, 2011

I am using LR 3.5 on the MAX OSX Lion.  This problem has been going on for some time, so I am pretty sure it predates 3.5 and lion.     If I minimize LR to the dock to do something else, then go back to the dock to expand, sometimes it doesnt expand...   The only way to get it back is to click on the icon so that menu bar at the top of the screen is Lightroom's, then quit Lightroom from the menu and relaunch...

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Photoshop :: Jpeg To Vector Conversion And Minimizing Colors?

May 7, 2012

In the 3 images I have included you will see the original jpeg I sent to someone, my "vectored" image and the final "proof" that was returned to me.  I am familiar with the "plastic" effect to get the 3-D looking raised areas, but I can not for the life of me even get my live trace to make a vector in similar colors here.

  It has become quite a pain as I am looking to be able to do these designs on my own. btween the jpeg and the final "proof" jpeg how to make the vector to send off for production

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Paint Shop Pro :: Minimizing Image In Full Editor

Jul 13, 2011

I just got X3 today after using PSP since 2000 or so. but for the life of me I can't find the minimize button anywhere. All I get are tabs, but no minimize options so I can switch between them like I'm used to doing. Also is there a fix to go to the X2 type organizer, instead of having them all show at the bottom?

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Minimizing / Eliminating Extraneous Panels

Apr 12, 2013

I just upgraded from PSE 7 and I absolutely cannot stand that they made the parts circled in my image un-moveable (as far as I can tell). Any fix for minimizing these? In my opinion the "Open/Quick/Guided/Expert" panel is an utter waste of space.


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Photoshop Elements :: Minimizing Loss On Post-processing Of JPEGs

Feb 28, 2014

Today somehow the setting on my camera had raw file saving turned off. To try to minimize loss from post processing of the jpegs I assume I should save the edited files as PSD and develop my final pictures from that?

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Stop Drawings From Opening In Separate Windows Using Windows 7

Jan 10, 2012

This just started happening after I downloaded DWG TruViewer. I am working on LT 2008 using Fusionware on a MacPro. I needed the viewer to convert newer drawings from an architect. Now, when I double click on a drawing in Explorer a separate AutoCad window opens for each drawing I need open. I prefer to just go up to Window>and click on the one I need at that time, especially if I have several to switch between because it is easier to see the file name I want.

SDI is set to 0

Taskbar is set to 0

Relaunched the program

I can't open files using File>Open because the program crashed each time and Autodesk is not issuing anymore fixes for 2008.  (Yes, we should upgrade but there is no money budgeted)

Right-click on any .dwg file and go to Properties>General>Change> and select the AutoCad LT launcher as the preferred program

Since I am in Window 7 instead of XP the File Types tab has been removed from Folder Options  so I can't fix it that way.

So, why did this change? FYI that stupid TruViewer made lots of unnecessay changes to my AutoCad and Explorer programs that I am still trying to sort out like changing the file icon and hiding the file extensions. Are they trying to make it hard to find files or what?

And next, how can I reset the default so that double clicking on a .dwg in Explorer opens in already open AutoCad window?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dwf Preview In Windows Explorer Windows 7 64?

Sep 8, 2011

We can preview the DWF files in Windows Explorer with Windows XP but cannot seem to be able to with Windows 7 64. 

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AutoCAD LT :: Windows Limited / Restricted Account In Windows XP

May 17, 2013

AutoCAD LT 2011 has been installed in a Windows XP computer.When logging into this computer using the Windows Administrator Account, all AutoCAD LT 2011 features are available.

But when logging into this same computer using the Windows Limited / Restricted Account, all AutoCAD LT 2011 features are missing.How can we get all the AutoCAD LT 2011 features back using the Windows Limited / Restricted Account?

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Lightroom :: Why Can't Windows Explorer Show Thumbnail Previews Of DNG On Windows 8.1 64bit PC

Dec 2, 2013

Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my  Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having  the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only  works on Windows 7.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can't Save UCS Name In Dialog Box

Aug 11, 2013

In ACAD 2007 when I create a new UCS, the dialog box shows as current an unnamed UCS which I can then rename. In 2014, this doesn't happen - I have to do all that using the command line. Is there some setting to get the dialog box to work?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Property Dialog Box

Apr 18, 2013

Just installed AutoCad 2012 and I have the Property Dailog Box open. I anchor it to the left side of the drawing screen and "Lock" all toolbars in place. When I get out and go back into Autocad, the dailog box is still locked, but it is in the middle of the drawing screen.

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AutoCAD LT :: Select File Dialog Box

Jul 1, 2011

The blue color on the left side of the dialog box is too light and makes it hard to read the white font. How can I change those colors? If they are part of the windows color theme, which element would this be?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Can Keep A Modeless Dialog Permanently

Dec 18, 2013

Is it possible to keep a modeless dialog box permanently open (aside) just like a properties or tool pallete dialog box?If Yes, by keeping permanently, can I work in autocad environment normally as usual, like save, edit, close and open other drawings?
Note: Just assume that I am making a calculator-like dialog box. I would like to keep it open till the autocad application closes? (even in zero document mode.)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Print Dialog

Jun 8, 2012

In the Snippet Ilogic examples can be found a code example to pop up the "Save File Dialog":

Dim oFileDlg As inventor.FileDialog = Nothing
On Error Resume Next

Code to show the print dialog?

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AutoCAD VB :: Open File With Dialog Box

Aug 4, 2006

Just thought I would post this because I have been looking for a working VBA file open dialog box solution for awhile. I'm an old autolisped making the jump to VBA and I have seen and read various solutons for the equivalent getfiled autolisp function but I never had much luck with them. This one worked for me it uses the Win API to do the job.

Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
"GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long

[Code] ....

Make a form and place the following code listed below on a button to call the showopen routine.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Filter As String
Dim InitialDir As String
Dim DialogTitle As String
Dim OutputStr As String

[Code] ......

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AutoCAD .NET :: Zoom From Modal Dialog

Dec 28, 2012

I have an app that uses a paletteset.  The paletteset displays a modal dialog on a particular action.  From the modal dialog, the user needs to be able to click a button to zoom to a particular coordinate.  I have it all working, with one problem.  The Zoom doesn't occur until the user closes the modal dialog.  I know this is related to my limited understanding of contexts in AutoCAD.

I've tried calling my Zoom method from the modal dialog, from the parent paletteset, and asynchronously using doc.SendStringToExecute() back to my main commands class, with the same result.  The Zoom occurs after exiting the modal dialog. How I can make the zoom occur while remaining in the modal dialog?

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