I've tried using the new scale bar in Map 2013. But when I try to insert it inton my map, the size of the scale bar makes it huge, it's way bigger than the layout. How do I decrease the size of the scale bar?
Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,
I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.
For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.
I have created a new point style in a new drawing that I am not familiar with. When I am in model space the points are HUGE, when I am in paper space they are the 2mm that I want them to be.
I think there was a scale setup somewhere but I cannot seem to figure it out again.
I made the mistake that I came to measure my object as cm but inventor writes it's in as mm, is there a way where I can scale objectet up giving it the right size
I am using CAD LT 2005 but also have access to AutoCAD 2005.
I am unsure about the best way of dealing with text in drawings. Originally I used to put my text in model space - which was fine until I started using multiple layouts in paperspace at different scales. The text would come out either to big or too small.
Others in my office say they put the text in paperspace ONLY at the right scale for that layout. This is fine until you realize that if you have to put text in 4 different layouts at 4 different scales 4 different times it takes forever.
So - I looked up about a command called SPACETRANS which seems to offer a way of working out the right scale for the text in paperspace. EG. Working in mm in model space a good text height for me was 1000. By using the spacetrans command in paperspace I worked out that the text height to be used here was 9.2. This basically gave me my text in paperspace at the relatively same height as it looked in model space.
I now realize that although I can scale my text happily to the right size in all my layouts it hasn't negated the need for me to type it all in many times over. Basically, I still have to type the text into paperspace at the right scale - in this example at 9.2.
How you can type your text in once anywhere (probably model space) and then scale it in all the different viewports without having to retype it all in?
I've just recently changed jobs and so I'm working on a new (to me) system with Autocad Mechanical 2013. I had been working with Mechanical 2010.
One (of the many) issues that is bothering me, is that I can't seem to scale resize individual dimension. Normally, I'd create the dimensions and then if I needed to tweak the fit, I'd go into the Properties pallet and change the overall scale under Fit. Not really a good standard of practice, I know...
But when I do that on my current system, the dimension doesn't change at all.
On top of that, I have a weird refresh problem. If I grab a dim by the grip and move/stretch it, it doesn't actually show the new position unless I Regen. Is that a setting or maybe just a slow reaction by my computer?
I'm drawing something much larger than the paper so I would like to chose paper size A(8.5x11) set the scale then print it out on A(8.5x11) paper. For example: my desk is approximately 65inch x 30inch and I want to draw and print it on A(8.5x11) paper. I want it to print with the drawing being accurate to scale...how do I do this?
I can control the size of my main drawing views using ilogic based on the models extents as there is a direct relationship between a parts length and the drawing view width. however, I have several isometric views that I scale according to the model size but in certain configurations of my model the ISO’s are completely the wrong scale for that particular view where the main views are ok.
I have a set area on my drawing sheet for the iso view and it would be more beneficial to control the size of the view rather than the scale of the view. I can read the height and width of a view so why can’t I control the size of a view but the height or width?
how to scale life size models in AUTOCAD. I know that a draft should be in a 1:1 scale but lets say I want to draw a plane with exact dimensions measuring the wingspans. How would I set my limits in the command prompt to a specified area. I just don't quite understand the concept of how to calculate an accurate scale then plot the scale with a visible text/title scale upon printing.
I set up a new page thus (I live in a country which uses metric units, so ...):
Drawing Units Setting18-07-2013 9-24-06 AM.jpg
Command: '_limits Reset Model space limits: Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000,0.0000>: 0.00,0.00 Specify upper right corner <3.5000,2.7000>: 3.65,2.74 Command: C CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 1000,1000 Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: 250 Command:
and I get:
Range Problem 18-07-2013 9-36-57 AM.jpg
The circle was centred at x=1000 metres, y=1000 metres, yet it displays right down at the bottom left of my screen. Compare the radius of the circle to the distance from the centre to the origin - it's nothing like 1:4! Look at the coordinates for the cursor!
Zooming in and zooming out has no effect on the huge dimensions indicated by the coordinates.
I know this must be simple because it is not mentioned in any textbook or tutorial I have been able to find. Authors don't seem to think it is important, but it's driving me nuts! The question is this:
How do I set the page size and grid scale to something sane?
I am pretty sure that this scale problem is at the root of many of the other problems I am having. A14 is doing it's job faithfully but the display is so small that I cannot see what is happening !
I set a border up to be 24"x36" and it appears to be slightly outside the dotted lines for paper space when I x-ref it in. I also noticed on my plots that 3'-0" is measuring close to 3'-1" which means I have screwed something up.
I have the plot settings set to "Extents", "1:1" and I am using the Cute PDF plot driver.
Instead of creating a border that is 24"x36" do I need to create one that is exact to the printable area to make it the right scale? Not sure what the printable area is or how I figure it out though. Lost.
I have been looking through a ton of threads and can only find half an answer to what I'm looking for: When I draw in mm, I have to set the scale of the viewport to 1:30 or somewhere in that range. But in reality, the object that Im drawing isn't 1/30th of the size that it prints. How do I get the scale right to print the object at its actual size? cad 2013
By working in millimetres instead of metres will slow things up with my file. My 0,0 point refers to the actual survey co-ordinates which I need to continue to use as regularly share my file with the surveyor and we need to be working on the same 0,0 point. Because I am working in mm 0,0 is therefore further from my drawing that it would be in m. Will changing to metres make a significant difference to me? My file has 34 layout pages and even more viewports which I would have to re scale if I changed the units in my drawings or is there a simpler way of doing this than rescaling the drawing by a factor of 0.001?
I need to change the hatch size (not the pattern scale or space, juste the hatch size).
Exemple : I have a circle, and a hatch inside the circle. The radius of the circle is 10, so the radius of the hatch is 10 too.
What i want to do is to make the hatch smaller (or bigger) like this : Circle radius : 10, Hatch Radius 5 (or 15).
My first idea was to recreate a new circle with radius 5, and a new hatch inside and then erase the second circle. It works, but not very effective in my case.
So, it's why i came here to ask if there is any solutions to make this faster, easier, without having to recrate another hatch, another circle...
i want to control the scales of my idw views based on the parts size.
Heres a short intro to what we do, using design assistant we copy an existing project to a new project folder and start designing using the old project as a "template" for the new job.
So, lets say the project i just copied has a part that is 100" "tall", on my drawing sheet the view scale is set to .05 and the view fits nicely on our 8 1/2x11 portrait layout.
Now, the new project's part is only 24" "tall" and using a scale of .05 is no good at all, i need to scale the view up so it will fit nicely in the same layout. This also applies to the associated detail and section views that are on the same sheet.
OK then, Im thinking there should be a way to say if dimx is >=100 then view scale is x and so on if the part is smaller and i would like to do this with the details/sections.
As the pics show, when i change to a smaller size/dia, the views scale needs to be increased. How can this be done... (we do not use vault)
Is there a way to have VARIABLE text size AND BLOCK SIZE autocad 2012, for different scales sizes? To sum it up I am running 1/8th scale on some of the pages in the set with a 1/4 blow up section. I use addressable devices so it is a lot of work to change all the text Is there anything that will auto-update the text size per scale with out having to go through my drawing and repeat all the text and VPfreeze it?
So we've been sent a DWG file for a large site, that includes a massive aerial (TIF) image.
At this point it's too large to even work with so I'd like to scale it down (proportionally, so it will still maintain the same aspect ratio).
For simplicity sake, lets say the image is 15,000 x 15,000 and I want to scale it down to 5,000 x 5,000.
The problem is that AutoCAD seems to use that pixel size to determine the actual scale, so when I updated the new (smaller) image, it was also 3x smaller in the world.
How do I scale down the image independently of the size so it will still maintain the same scale in the CAD world? (I'm a 3D guy so this is akin to scaling down a texture, yet having the plane its projected on maintain its original scale.)
I am having trouble putting sheet size and scale together to find out the drawing area. For example, if the scale is 1"=2" and the sheet size is 17"x11" what would the drawing area be?
Any way to get a scale bar/title block text to reflect plotting at half size?
We use the common (24x36) sheet size for all projects, but when plotting we send out half size (12x18) as well. This means the scale bar reading 1"=40' is no longer correct. It should read 1"=20'. I would like to automate this.
When changing brush size in CS6, I've noticed that it is has granular resolution from 0 pixels up to around 500pixels, incrementing in size very slowly. However, above 500 pixels it increases in size very rapidly, jumping to 800, 1200, 1500 and then into the 2000s.
As most of the photos that I work on have a high pixel count I find that my ideal brush size is between 400 and 1000, occasionally I use it at around 100 pixels, and occasionally at 2500.
Is there any way of changing the scale of the brush size so that it allows greater sensitivity in the 400 to 1000 range?
i am finding that i sometimes have a need to crop a couple of images from something like an architectural line drawing. this means that i have lines in this drawing and i am oftentimes in need - for instance if i have copied two floor plan with one above the other - of having these images sit in a frame that is the SAME SIZE.
i am also in the need of cropping so that the resulting images are ALIGNED - with for instance one line in one image at the same spot at the bottom and to the left with the same amount of bleed area around the image both at this point and at all other points.
is there a way to crop an image in two different spots at the SAME SIZE?
is there a way to crop a "sloppy" copy of two sets of images so that the canvas is the same size but the resulting set of images are aligned in the manner described above?
ALSO, is there some way for me to SCALE a set of images in Photoshop?
How do you scale a layer proportional to the image size?
I want to scale a layer so that it's 10% of the width of the full image. It's going to be part of an action, so I can't just do the math, and do it manually.
What is the difference between the outcome of using the new content aware scale versus just going ahead and resizing the image? Or is this a matter of preference?
When i enlarge the size of an image (using free transform, or scale) in photoshop CS2, the resized image gets blurred (or smudged) as soon as i've accept the larger size. How can i prevent this from happening? I'm trying to work with few pixels, and when it smudges the edges i get tons of colors i don't want.
I'm trying to scale a pattern to fit the entire canvas without tiling it over the whole layer. To try to do this, I made a rectangular selection box, then dragged and dropped a pattern into the box. This created a new layer called "clipboard". I right clicked the clipboard layer, then left clicked "Scale Layer". Then I entered a width and height in pixels that matched the size of the canvas. The selection does expand, but it doesn't fill the entire canvas.