AutoCAD Map 3D :: Rebuilding Access Database But Retaining Links?
Oct 1, 2013
My company has an access database that has all of our service data on it. I am currently considering rebuilding the database because it is a database with one table and a million fields. I want to split the database up into separate tables with relationships. All of these tables would be linked based on the same key field Service_ID.
Now here is the hard part. The data would be in a one to many relationship with one record for service info and multiple records per service for pipe info. The data is currently linked to objects in AutoCAD Map 3d 2014 based on the Service_ID key field and a "service" link template.
If i rebuild this database, am I going to lose all of my links? or will i retain the links? Also, is there a way to automatically generate links based on the service_ID field? For instance there are 3 records of pipe information for 1 service. Previously all of these records would be in the same table, but now the tables are split. Since they have the same Service_ID as the Service information, will the links show up?
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Jun 8, 2012
I am trying to convert several drawings that are linked to an SQL database to SQL spatial. The drawings are from a Autodesk map 2004 system. I have Map D 2013 64Bit installed on a laptop along with SQL server 2012 RC0 (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 11.0.1750.32 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.1.7601.17514 Microsoft MSXML 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.269 Operating System 6.1.7601).
To keep my rouge laptop off the company network I exported our existing SQL data to a access database that I placed on the laptop and converted back to SQL and linked it to the 2004 drawings. That part worked fine. I would like to convert all of them to SQL spatial. I have converted a small drawing but it took a couple of hours. I am in the process of a larger drawing that has 60,000 entities and it has been working for 8 hours and only has 4550 of them completed. I am using the output to fdo connection.
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Sep 29, 2011
I'm experimenting with treadsafe progressbar, that would allow me to stop the process.
but for some reason, on this line
Dim _db As Database = AcApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
AutoCAD crashes with fatal error This runs on the new thread, so i suppose it has something to do with it, but i have no clue, why this should be a problem.
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Feb 5, 2012
I'm using Windows 7 (64 bit) and I have to connect a file (.mdb) created with Microsoft Access 2007 to my Autocad Map 3D 2011 draw. I uninstalled Office, installed the AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe and re-installed Office. Then I followed step by step the process shown in the video here with ODBC but it doesn't worked for me. It says "test connection succeeded" but when I attach the database, it comes up with a red "X" symbol next to it.
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a program that populates an access database with part parameters. Each Inventor part can look up its own parameter values from the database when supplied with a single parameter, the ID number of the database record. The ID number is derived from a blank part that the program also updates. So in a nut shell, the program populates the blank part's parameters with all database ID numbers that would make up entire assembly. Those parameter values are derived to all the parts in an assembly. This is by far the fastest most efficient way I've found to rapidly generate an entire assembly. In a matter of seconds I can have a new 1000+ part assembly.
The rumor that Inventor will eventually sever ties with VBA has put this whole process in jeopardy. So I have been looking into using iLogic to perform the same task of looking up the data from Access. I know that iLogic has Excel functions built into it, but because the original program is Access based (changes this is not an option) any way to use iLogic to retrieve data from Access.
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Nov 23, 2012
I inserted a block from a dwg drawing with the following method:
public static ObjectId InsertBlock(string fileName, Point3d insPoint) { var acadDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; var blockId = default(ObjectId); using (var acadLockDoc = acadDoc.LockDocument()) { var dbTemp = new Database(false, true); dbTemp.ReadDwgFile(fileName, FileShare.Read, false, ""); var blockName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
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Jul 11, 2012
This is my problem, each material in my cie. have a number code
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Feb 17, 2012
Here is the Scenario, Win 7, 64 bit, Office 2010, and yes I have installed 64 bit drivers, with Map 2012.
I have an Access Database with Water and Sewer information. I connect thru FDO and every thing is great. I make a change or add something to the Access Data Base and I don't see the change until I disconnect and then re-connect? I was under the assumption that this was a live connection? Is there a way to refresh the connection without having to dis-connect and then re connect?
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Aug 22, 2013
Recently our company upgraded to office 365 with Microsoft Access 2013. I cannot seem to connect to this new format using the task manager. We used to use quite an old version, 2003 I think with no worries.
Am I doing something wrong or have the developers missed something quite fundamental to Map 3d?
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Nov 9, 2012
I am currently trying to retrieve data from a MS Access Database, we currently have iProperties with number values in them. An outside programmer created a code which takes these values and exports them to an MS Access Database, where they are then translated to mean something.
Instead of exporting those numbers, I want to use them to find what they ACTUALLY mean within the database and bring that information back into iLogic. (ie. 123456 actually means "1/4 Flat Bar Steel")
In short, I wish to access the MS Access database through iLogic in order to read information from it.
I have searched for the better part of 3 hours but have not found a good answer or example code of this situation. I am not that experienced in programming, but have worked with the API before for developing Automated Drawings and have an understanding how to navigate through. If there were to be some example code, I can begin to understand the process quite well through this method as well by seeing how to go about coding this.
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Sep 15, 2011
MS Access database that can export Family Tables? Or knows of a 3rd party application that all the type information can be houses in a database, and the family table's TXT is just an export. The family tables we create are nemorus, and lengthly family tabels, and Excel just is not cutting the mustard.
Or would Autodesk ever include this in Revit?
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Apr 15, 2014
I'm reconstructing an old document originally developed with PageMaker. I've recreated a half dozen pages hopefully with more uniform techniques. The original line art for the pages was created in AutoCad and some were scans. To bring them into InDesign some of the art is now in psd format and some of the newer art is in Illustrator AI format.
I've noticed that the pages with photoshop art print pretty quickly (about 30 seconds). The ones with Illustrator art take much longer (about 1:30 seconds). They go through a flattening process.
I print these 50 page books on demand and that additional time would add about an hour.
I guess the question is whether this is normal and to be expected or not. If it is I'll likely turn everything into raster before going into InDesign. That, however, seems like quite a bit of extra work. Going from AutoCad to Illustrator (to add stroke) then to PhotoShop to change to raster and then into InDesign seems like a pretty convoluted work flow.
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Jun 4, 2013
I opened a project that i had not been into for a month and for some reason the surface and labels will not rebuild automatically anymore. Surface is set to rebuild automatic and i've gone in and changed the regenauto from on to off to on again, also rebooted the computer with no luck. I have a combination of feature lines and points. If I edit the elevations along the feature line the contours do not rebuild and the label does not change either. If I hover over the elevation node in the feature line it will show the new elevation but the elevation label for that point does not reflect the change, neither do the contours. If it is a point and I change it with the panorama window, the elevation tag will change but the contours do not rebuild until I tell it to rebuild. Any slope labels going to that point do not update with it though.
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Apr 26, 2013
Rebuilding viewbase views? I have a drawing with unresolved views and I'm not sure how it happened.
On a semi-related note.. Does viewbase based sheet layouts make Autocad more unstable?
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Aug 6, 2013
I am working on the AutoCAD customization and doing the same by VB.Net & C#.Net. But I just want to know the difference as mentioned below:
1. Insert Block In AutoCAD
Using VB.Net without using DataBase services..Only 1 statement is required to Insert the Block objAcadDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(Required Arguments are here) Using C#.Net with DataBase services
There are many statments are there to insert only 1 block..Like Start Transaction, Lock the document, Get the Object Id Block etc...So my quetion is that when I have to use DataBase services and when not
what is the advantage of doing customization using DataBase services rather than go for wihout DataBase services.?
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Jun 5, 2012
I'm working in a large top level assembly and the following is happening
1. Assembly is happy with no broken constraints
2. Edit a constraint (in this case, to rotate a part based on an angular constraint with another part)
3. Error message pops up telling me dozens of constraints in subassemblies are broken
4. Click Accept, assembly does not visually update
5. Click "Rebuild All" button under manage tab
6. 3 minutes later the model is updated, everything is happy, model looks how it should.
This type of problem has been happening lots to different assemblies with difference constraint scenarios.
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Oct 2, 2012
slow corridor rebuilding after adding superelevation?why?was ok previous years.
Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
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Aug 10, 2012
I have a model that has been made up from a revolved sketch and then had loads of bits done to it etc.. Basically it is a tapered ring with a fillet on the top edge, I need a top face dxf export for profiling and to do this I need to remove the radius on the edge, but because it is a revolved sketch and it is not filleted it is not so easy to do with other references involved.
Is there a way I can temporally rebuild the edge to remove the fillet, I tried in fusion but it won't allow a Zero fillet edge?
I can't upload the sketch to show you unfortunately.
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Nov 6, 2013
I'm getting several messages saying "value on wrong side of alignment" when I rebuild my corridor. I've checked the two target alignments that I'm using and they are on the correct side.
Civil 3D 2014
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Aug 20, 2013
The external hard drive I was storing four years worth of photos on crashed the other day, and I learned the hard way that they weren't on the backup drive like I thought they were. Luckily I was able to recover at least most of them using FileSalvage. Unfurtunately, my ~15,000 images are now in three folders based on file type (JPG, TIF, DNG/NEF), don't have their original file names, and aren't in any particular order.
Is there any way short of manually sifting through the files for me to rebuild the year/month/day chronological folder structure I was storing them in? I'm running Lightroom 4.0 on a OS X 10.8.4.
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Apr 26, 2012
Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.
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Oct 21, 2013
I would like to print a drawing with its ctb. file to a format that allows me to import it into illustrator without losing the set lineweights in the original Autocad drawing.
I've tried it once using a pdf writer, but when imported into illustrator it reverts to one line weight for all the lines.
Is there a better way of retaining the assigned lineweights (per the embedded ctb file) ?
will printing it as an .eps instead of pdf do? and how does one print to .eps?
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Jul 10, 2013
I have Autosave set to 10min and the file location D:/Autodesk/Autosave, file extension .ac$. I see the progress bar appearing at bottom left, so I know the function is active. I had a situation yesterday where I inadvertently closed a drawing without saving the changes and thought I would be able to at least recover up to the previous 10min by renaming the last ac$ as a dwg; but when I looked in the directory there are no ac$ files, only .bak. I have just checked now and there is one ac$ file - for the currently open drawing. Why aren't the ac$ files being retained?
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Feb 19, 2012
AutoCAD is constantly losing settings and commands that I give it. The Undo command is one of them. I'll set it to undo [ALL] and after a while (a couple of days maybe) I will find this command on a different setting. This has been happening to many other commands as well.
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Sep 8, 2012
I have a platform at level 13.275m and nearby there is a retaining wall at aprox. level 4.0m.
For the wall i've made a surface using feature lines from EG till level 15.0m and then pasted into the EG surface to create the 'barrier' for the slope. But when i do the grading with the fill slope projection to surface, when it reaches the retaining wall section, the contour lines go crazy and if i do a quick profile, the fill slope line (obvious) is iregular, rather than a straight down line (2:1) going from level 13.275m till it hits the EG.
I've attached a picture to show the problem better.
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Nov 14, 2013
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2010
Everytime I open a session of AutoCAD, I must select my profile.
Is there a setting that would retain my profile as current?
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Apr 4, 2010
i have many drawings in dwg but wish to upload onto my can I convert a dwg file and retain its detail so it can be the same on my web page....have converted dwg to jpeg tiff gifff etc but it loses detail
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May 27, 2009
MSE Retaining Wall subassembly? or any type of retaining wall subassembly that does NOT have a footing or where I can find one?
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Aug 4, 2011
I need to do a cut/fill analysis not residential site and this site has like 6 retaining walls there is a 6 foot difference in grade.
My surface is not recognizing the grade change when I make the polyline into a wall breakline.
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Jul 12, 2013
I am atempting to mirror a large assembly, and noticed that not all of my contraints were retain, is there a way to make to mirror and retain all of the contraints?
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May 17, 2011
I cannot figure out how to create a solid surface on top of the retaining walls and also how to grade the transitions for the high to low points of the retaining wall. This would be so much easier for me in Solid Works
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