AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Data From Access Database Using ILogic

Aug 2, 2010

I have a program that populates an access database with part parameters. Each Inventor part can look up its own parameter values from the database when supplied with a single parameter, the ID number of the database record. The ID number is derived from a blank part that the program also updates. So in a nut shell, the program populates the blank part's parameters with all database ID numbers that would make up entire assembly. Those parameter values are derived to all the parts in an assembly. This is by far the fastest most efficient way I've found to rapidly generate an entire assembly. In a matter of seconds I can have a new 1000+ part assembly.

 The rumor that Inventor will eventually sever ties with VBA has put this whole process in jeopardy. So I have been looking into using iLogic to perform the same task of looking up the data from Access. I know that iLogic has Excel functions built into it, but because the original program is Access based (changes this is not an option) any way to use iLogic to retrieve data from Access.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Read / Retrieve Information From MS Access Database Using ILogic

Nov 9, 2012

I am currently trying to retrieve data from a MS Access Database, we currently have iProperties with number values in them. An outside programmer created a code which takes these values and exports them to an MS Access Database, where they are then translated to mean something.

Instead of exporting those numbers, I want to use them to find what they ACTUALLY mean within the database and bring that information back into iLogic. (ie. 123456 actually means "1/4 Flat Bar Steel")

In short, I wish to access the MS Access database through iLogic in order to read information from it. 

I have searched for the better part of 3 hours but have not found a good answer or example code of this situation. I am not that experienced in programming, but have worked with the API before for developing Automated Drawings and have an understanding how to navigate through. If there were to be some example code, I can begin to understand the process quite well through this method as well by seeing how to go about coding this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Link To XML / SQL Or Access Database Possible?

Jul 11, 2012

This is my problem, each material in my cie. have a number code



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AutoCAD Inventor :: Access Assembly Features Through ILogic

Nov 19, 2012

I'm now having an issue accessing the features in an assembly, the error message is attached and the following is the relative code.

The error line is between the 2 Test Messages:

'Create a Component Definition relative to the Part Document

Dim oFeature As Features
Dim oAssembly As AssemblyDocument
oAssembly = oCompOcc.Definition.Document
MsgBox("Test 1")

'Cycle through all features in the Part
For Each oFeature In oAssembly.ComponentDefinition.Features
MsgBox("Test 2")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Access To Filename IProperty

Oct 13, 2011

I am trying to use the iProperties.Value("part1", "Summary", "iProperty") function to get the filename or complete filepath of a component within a subassembly. I know that these iProperties exist because I can insert them onto a drawing, and I see them in the general tab of the iProperty window.

However, when I try something like:

filename = iProperties.Value("part1", "General", "Filename")

I get an error message indicating that the General tab can't be found. How might I go about getting this filename iProperty, or is there an easier way?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Access Application Options Through ILogic?

Feb 10, 2012

I am new to iLogic and trying to access the "Application Options" under the "Tools" tab. I am trying to grab some information from a couple of fields but it seems that I don't have the right coding or Snippets that indicate how I would do so.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Access To Drawing Sheet Revision

Sep 27, 2012

how to access the drawing sheet revisions using Ilogic.My company is wanting to start making the default initial rev on a drawing a "-" and inventor does not like to keep this when brought in as a template.

So like normal I am trying to trick it into having the dash until a rev is actually added. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Access Color For Particular Hatch Within Drawing Using ILogic

Jul 15, 2013

How to access the color for a particular hatch within a drawing using iLogic.

I would like to color the hatching for parts based on paramaters besides material.


Purchased parts = Green Hatch

Refrence = Grey Hatch

I would hope one could loop through the views looking for hatches, and once found, check the part they are associated with, then based on an "if then, change the hatch color and move on to the next pattern.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Access Violation - No RTTI Data

May 22, 2013

I was working on a machine today and an error came up Access violation-no RTTI data! I have never seen this before and now no matter what assembly in any project I open the software is having a lot of problems. When it open the main assembly I cannot open a part or an assembly in the main assembly. I have tried to get support on my subscription but it just sits there and says processing. I am down and cannot afford to sit here.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can ILogic Access The Comment Field Of The Model Parameters

Aug 23, 2011

I would like to be able to use iLogic to get the value of the Comment field of a model's parameters.  I have some text there that I would like to display in a sketched symbol. The attached image illustrates what I am seeking.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Access Hatch Object And Modify Color?

Jul 15, 2013

How do I get at the hatch objects within a drawing using iLogic?

I would like to be able to customize hatch color based on various part properties.


Purchased part = Green Hatch
Refrence = Light Grey
and much more

This would be possible if I can get to the hatch object and determin what part it is associated with.

I only see iLogic code that allows you to change visibility of all hatching, and set general hatch angle.

Since I can select a hatch in the drawing and change its color, I assume there is an un-published API object that relates to hatches

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Extract Data From String (CSV)?

May 9, 2013

Seeing this error

Error on Line 10 : 'SealString_1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Dim SealString_1 As String Dim SealString_2 As String Dim SealString_3 As String Dim SealString_4 As String Dim SealString_5 As String Dim SealString_6 As String Dim SealString_7 As String For Each S As String In SealString_1.Split(",") If i = 0 Then name = S If i = 1 Then name = OD If i = 2 Then name = ID If i = 3 Then name = DE If i = 4 Then name = LI i = i + 1 Next S

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AutoCAD .NET :: Access Drawing Database From A Different Thread

Sep 29, 2011

I'm experimenting with treadsafe progressbar, that would allow me to stop the process.

but for some reason, on this line

Dim _db As Database = AcApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database

AutoCAD crashes with fatal error This runs on the new thread, so i suppose it has something to do with it, but i have no clue, why this should be a problem.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Connecting To Access Database Through ODBC

Feb 5, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 (64 bit) and I have to connect a file (.mdb) created with Microsoft Access 2007 to my Autocad Map 3D 2011 draw. I uninstalled Office, installed the AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe and re-installed Office. Then I followed step by step the process shown in the video here  with ODBC but it doesn't worked for me. It says "test connection succeeded" but when I attach the database, it comes up with a red "X" symbol next to it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Populating An Existing Spreadsheet With BOM Data Using ILogic?

Dec 6, 2010

I already have a cut list  template in Excel that calculates my stock material,  volume,  etc when I populate the appropriate fields. It is also connected to an access database that has various information that automatically generates the final price of my product based on various suppliers prices and data with whom I do business with and so on.

I would like to know if there was a way with iLogic to make Inventor populate specific cells with information found in the BOM such as: description; Qty and custom iProperties value like dimensions, etc?

The reason why I'm making a new topic out of this is that I have read previous post about the issue, but they were regarding "exporting the BOM to an excel". I, on the other hand, would like to populate an already existing spreadsheet with data from the BOM

After exploring the iLogic snippets, I've only found the "export" option. It referenced the API snippets, but with limited programming knowledge there is not much I can understand.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Rebuilding Access Database But Retaining Links?

Oct 1, 2013

My company has an access database that has all of our service data on it. I am currently considering rebuilding the database because it is a database with one table and a million fields. I want to split the database up into separate tables with relationships. All of these tables would be linked based on the same key field Service_ID.

Now here is the hard part. The data would be in a one to many relationship with one record for service info and multiple records per service for pipe info. The data is currently linked to objects in AutoCAD Map 3d 2014 based on the Service_ID key field and a "service" link template.

If i rebuild this database, am I going to lose all of my links? or will i retain the links? Also, is there a way to automatically generate links based on the service_ID field? For instance there are 3 records of pipe information for 1 service. Previously all of these records would be in the same table, but now the tables are split. Since they have the same Service_ID as the Service information, will the links show up?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Unable To Access Block Reference In Database

Nov 23, 2012

I inserted a block from a dwg drawing with the following method:
public static ObjectId InsertBlock(string fileName, Point3d insPoint) { var acadDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; var blockId = default(ObjectId); using (var acadLockDoc = acadDoc.LockDocument()) { var dbTemp = new Database(false, true); dbTemp.ReadDwgFile(fileName, FileShare.Read, false, ""); var blockName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Export Idw Part Data To Text File

Aug 7, 2013

We have an idw package we use for Quality control. This idw has more than one sheet. Each sheet has a part placed on the sheet with dims.( DWF attached). Next we open DA inside of the file and run a report. (exported txt attached). I am trying to use ilogic the make the same report with a iLogic browser button pick. I have 2 codes (code examples on attached jpg) that i need to make into 1, or whatever works.

1st code
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocumentoDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSubDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Dim oPropSet As PropertySetDim oPartNumiProp As Inventor.Property For Each oSubDoc In oDoc.AllReferencedDocumentsIf oSubDoc.documenttype.

 2nd code
fileheader = "QAF Parts for Planning "fileheader1 = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(True) 'first line header of txt filedescription = "Components to use for Nesting" 'use this variable in the body of the txtdelimiter = "," 'character to separate the names and values on each lineoWrite = System.IO. File. Create Text (ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")oWrite.WriteLine(fileheader) 'include the fileheader on the first.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 - Refresh Access Database ODBC Connection?

Feb 17, 2012

Here is the Scenario, Win 7, 64 bit, Office 2010, and yes I have installed 64 bit drivers, with Map 2012.

I have an Access Database with Water and Sewer information.  I connect thru FDO and every thing is great.  I make a change or add something to the Access Data Base and I don't see the change until I disconnect and then re-connect?  I was under the assumption that this was a live connection? Is there a way to refresh the connection without having to dis-connect and then re connect?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Microsoft Access 2013 Database Not Compatible With 2014?

Aug 22, 2013

Recently our company upgraded to office 365 with Microsoft Access 2013. I cannot seem to connect to this new format using the task manager. We used to use quite an old version, 2003 I think with no worries. 

Am I doing something wrong or have the developers missed something quite fundamental to Map 3d?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Database Point Data

Apr 16, 2012

Is there a way to "data shortcut" information imported from a data file into multiple drawings?  If so, is there a way to lock the data points "in place" and not be able to adjust the point location/elevation, but allow the movement the text information around within the drawing.

The goal is to have multiple drawings with these data points and be able to move the text information from the style, but not (in a million years) be able to move the data point itself.  There may be multiple drawings with these points located within them.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Object Data Linked To External Database

Jul 14, 2011

For some reason, I can't seem to find all the right steps in the right order to accomplish this.  Maybe what I'm trying to do isn't possible.

Using either Map3D 2011 or Map3D 2007:

I have a database (SQL Server) and a drawing (.DWG) with object data fields.  For simplicity, lets say the database field names match the object data field names.  The key field in the object data is already filled in.  I would like to link to the database so the rest of the object data fields are filled from the database.  Is this possible?  If so, how?  The closest I have gotten so far is creating a link template and using mapod2ase, but that creates a separate set of Link Template fields instead of filling in the Object Data fields. 

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AutoCad :: Link To Database And Populate Drawings With Data

May 16, 2013

I have some files (OK, 11,000 of them) and they have drawings on the bottom and text on the top. I want to erase this text and replace it with data that comes from a database. I don't know where to start.

I need to:
1. preferably find a way to erase the old data on the top, but I could do it manually
2. Insert data from specific fields into specific spots on the drawings.
3. Each drawing would have the same fields but different data corresponding to an account number. The account number is included in the name of the drawing and is a field in the database.

How to get started? I have Map3D as well, which I was told would work better than regular AutoCAD on this, but I also have regular AutoCAD. I can't even figure out how to make the database connection work.

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Revit :: MS Access Database That Can Export Family Tables?

Sep 15, 2011

MS Access database that can export Family Tables? Or knows of a 3rd party application that all the type information can be houses in a database, and the family table's TXT is just an export. The family tables we create are nemorus, and lengthly family tabels, and Excel just is not cutting the mustard.
Or would Autodesk ever include this in Revit?

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AutoCAD .NET :: VB / Map 3D - Reading Object Data Tables From DWG Inside Database

May 23, 2013

Would you have a solution to accessing ODTables for a dwg object only loaded into memory? I have 1000+ dwgs that I want to return a string with the names of the various ODTable names for auding purposes that I would prefer to just side load rather than full load for performance reasons.

 I'm attempting to use something like this (which works fine on an open drawing):

 Public Function ReturnOBJData(acObjIDIn As ObjectId, intOffset As Integer) As String   
 'Don't forget that table is 0 based offset so....plan accordingly    Dim strRet As String = ""    
Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument    
Dim acDb As Database = acDoc.Database    Dim acEd As Editor = acDoc.Editor
[Code] .......

In a fashion along the lines of

Public Function GetTables(strFileIn As String) As List(Of String)    
Dim lstReturn As New List(Of String)    
Dim acMapApp As MapApplication = HostMapApplicationServices.Application    
Dim acActiveProject As Project.ProjectModel = acMapApp.ActiveProject    
Dim acTableList As Tables = acActiveProject.ODTables    Dim acTable As ObjectData.Table   

[Code] ....

The problem is that I can't seem to link the ODTables object off of the memory database object. In this sample, the msgbox always returns a count of 0 where I would expect it to be in the range of 1-4.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Convert Linked Database Info Into Object Data

Jul 7, 2011

I have 200,000 lines with some object data. LINKED to these lines is a database with some more information. Basically I want to export all of these lines to shape files, converting the information in the linked database to be the new object data. (This is for the client to view the lines on ArcGIS).

I have done this a few times in the past, but working with this volume of lines and data, Its taking an extremely long time.

My question is, could i use autolisp to quickly transfer the database data to object data before i export to shape files? or if there are any other options.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Database And Data Shortcut Path

Feb 15, 2013

How do you move a survey database and data shortcuts?  Without going into details, sometimes it is necessary to copy portion of projects as new projects.  The survey database along with the drawings our surface, points, linework, etc. need to reference the new directory.  I can set the survey database folder location to the new path but am not certain the information in the dwg is point to the correct location.

The same essentially applies to the data shortcuts.  I'm having trouble getting this to work.  With LD we were able to copy the project and resuscitate the drawing(s).  I tried to use Data Shortcut Editor with the Saveas.  I then attempted to rename the dwg's and path the new location and name but receive an error of Invalid source file. Correct the path or press Esc..

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Export Data To Any Database Application?

Apr 19, 2013

I would like to save the data generated by LISP program at command prompt area to any data base app or any simillar app from where I can retrieve the stored data again in autocad for further usage. 

For example, A LISP program generate the result as shown in above Fig. I would like to save the data of step 5, "Shear force in tonnage is : 50.868" to any database application or any simillar one from where I can retrieve the stores data for further usage.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Data Extraction And Database Visibility Counts

Jul 30, 2013

My goal is to have a quantity count of a specific dynamic blocks visibility state and for it to be updated when changes are made, without having to recreate the Table. I want the total amount to be where I have the Fields.

My test drawing is the perfect example, assuming I have all the items that I need in the drawing. I don't want to recreate the Table and re-link each Field to the appropriate cells of the table. Which no one wants to do. In this test drawing the objects in Blue will be used in the final production drawing.

I noticed if I add a new item or remove an item entirely I'll have to redo the Table and fields. Which defeats the time I'm trying to save.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Importing Data From Database / Spreadsheet Into Polyline

Jun 29, 2012

I have a database with the polyline reference/handle (i.e. '13EE6A') and each polyline has a 'door number' associated with it.

I can easily create a query that produces a table of polyline ref and associated door number.

I need to somehow import that door number into the middle of each polyline on the drawing - i.e. if there is a polyline with that handle, put the associated door number in the middle of the polyline on a certain layer. I do NOT need an active link between the database and drawing - it's just to initially populate several thousand rooms numbers!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Internet Access Is Required To Access

Apr 26, 2012

Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.

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