AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Extract Data From String (CSV)?
May 9, 2013
Seeing this error
Error on Line 10 : 'SealString_1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Dim SealString_1 As String Dim SealString_2 As String Dim SealString_3 As String Dim SealString_4 As String Dim SealString_5 As String Dim SealString_6 As String Dim SealString_7 As String For Each S As String In SealString_1.Split(",") If i = 0 Then name = S If i = 1 Then name = OD If i = 2 Then name = ID If i = 3 Then name = DE If i = 4 Then name = LI i = i + 1 Next S
I'm trying to create an iLogic rule that will print a text string to a cell or coloum of a parts list in inventor.
My code so far...
Sub Main() On Error Resume Next Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument [code]......
I want to print what is in the Message Box into a cell in the parts list, and i am stumped. The cell i am trying to print to is a user property in the Parts List.
I am trying to make an iLogic rule that gets mutliple strings from different places, and prints them to a user property in the Parts List.
My ultimate goal is to print the drawing number, sheet number and the item column value to the user property with the format being...
So far, i can get the drawing number from an iProperty and the sheet number easily. But im getting stumped on obtaining the item coloum value and printing it to the same row.
This is what i have so far...
Dim DWGNUM As String = iProperties.Value("custom", "DWG Number") SheetNumber = Mid(ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.Name, InStr(1, ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.Name, ":") + 1) MessageBox.Show(DWGNUM+"-"+SheetNumber, "DXF Number")
And print the message box output to a column in the parts list
I'm trying to create an iLogic rule that will print a text string to a cell or column of a parts list in inventor.My code so far...
Sub Main() On Error Resume Next Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument [code]...
I want to print what is in the MessageBox into a cell in the parts list, and i am stumped.The cell i am trying to print to is a custom property in the Parts List.
I will make a detail drawing of the parts in the assembly.
In the detail part IDW I would like to have the qty needed for the assembly 1,2,4 ect.
So how I think the ilogic should work.
In the detail drawing have a rule named QTY when ran auto or manually Will pompt to pick the Top Level Assembly the parts are in.
The user will look for the top level assembly select it.
The rule would filter out all parts but the detail part number and return the QTY of parts needed for the assembly.
I only need the Qty.
I know this is done by the number of Occurrences in the assembly this I can find but what I can't find is how the user would look up the assembly and set it to parts only.
Like the pic below when doing a parts list.
I don't need the select view because it is a part and it would return QTY of 1 but the assembly may have 5.
Is there a method of extracting XYZ data to use for CNC tube bending from components developed in frame generator ? I know that in routed systems you can export that data, but can the same thing be done with frame generator or any individual bent tube or pipe part?
I have a program that populates an access database with part parameters. Each Inventor part can look up its own parameter values from the database when supplied with a single parameter, the ID number of the database record. The ID number is derived from a blank part that the program also updates. So in a nut shell, the program populates the blank part's parameters with all database ID numbers that would make up entire assembly. Those parameter values are derived to all the parts in an assembly. This is by far the fastest most efficient way I've found to rapidly generate an entire assembly. In a matter of seconds I can have a new 1000+ part assembly.
The rumor that Inventor will eventually sever ties with VBA has put this whole process in jeopardy. So I have been looking into using iLogic to perform the same task of looking up the data from Access. I know that iLogic has Excel functions built into it, but because the original program is Access based (changes this is not an option) any way to use iLogic to retrieve data from Access.
I already have a cut list template in Excel that calculates my stock material, volume, etc when I populate the appropriate fields. It is also connected to an access database that has various information that automatically generates the final price of my product based on various suppliers prices and data with whom I do business with and so on.
I would like to know if there was a way with iLogic to make Inventor populate specific cells with information found in the BOM such as: description; Qty and custom iProperties value like dimensions, etc?
The reason why I'm making a new topic out of this is that I have read previous post about the issue, but they were regarding "exporting the BOM to an excel". I, on the other hand, would like to populate an already existing spreadsheet with data from the BOM
After exploring the iLogic snippets, I've only found the "export" option. It referenced the API snippets, but with limited programming knowledge there is not much I can understand.
We have an idw package we use for Quality control. This idw has more than one sheet. Each sheet has a part placed on the sheet with dims.( DWF attached). Next we open DA inside of the file and run a report. (exported txt attached). I am trying to use ilogic the make the same report with a iLogic browser button pick. I have 2 codes (code examples on attached jpg) that i need to make into 1, or whatever works.
1st code Dim oDoc As DrawingDocumentoDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSubDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Dim oPropSet As PropertySetDim oPartNumiProp As Inventor.Property For Each oSubDoc In oDoc.AllReferencedDocumentsIf oSubDoc.documenttype. [code]....
2nd code fileheader = "QAF Parts for Planning "fileheader1 = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(True) 'first line header of txt filedescription = "Components to use for Nesting" 'use this variable in the body of the txtdelimiter = "," 'character to separate the names and values on each lineoWrite = System.IO. File. Create Text (ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")oWrite.WriteLine(fileheader) 'include the fileheader on the first. [code]....
I've been looking for a solution to remove the unit string ie Lbs, g, kg from the value given from a 'Mass' value in a text string.
As you may all know, creating text and having a 'physical property - mass' value...the unit string is there...
Lots of people on here have the has got a solution.
Until now... the part you need to get the mass property of in your text string.
Follow the instructions on this webpage...this is the first part...
Basically, this creates a Mass property value in the parameters table that you can call on as a text parameter.
It's similar to the custom iproperty model - mass but NOT the same.
Once you have done this, you can go to the drawing of the part and create a text string in the drawing and call it up as shown in this procedure. BUT it still has the unit string.
Here's the best bit that you want to know...
To get RID of the unit up the part again from the on the parameter icon...find the user the Nominal value column, right click on the value and you get a pop-up that gives you 3 options...
Custom Property Format, Make Multi Value & Delete Parameter.
Click on Custom Property Format.
The pop-up window comes up...showing you the property my case...the 4 left columns read Text, g (grams), Format & Precision...
On the right hand side I have a Preview of the text...then 3 check boxes...Units string, Leading Zero's, Trailing Zero's.
Units string is checked.
Uncheck it.
Close it...Save your part...go back to the drawing and hey presto!...the text now shows the weight you require as a straight units!
I work in a manufacturing facility and we are trying to come up with a way to extract data from an AutoCAD file in to a .KML or .CSV file which gives coordinate points, etc.
This will be used in a mapping-type software to display/highlight areas of the plant with zooming capabilities and information shown on the left-side. We are trying to make it look something like Google Maps, so it can used to determine areas of the plant undergoing work, lighting zones, etc.
In a nutshell, I want to be able to extract coordinate data from our layout(s) which can used to pinpoint locations on the map and highlight regions, etc. Perhaps it could export data in to Excel with attributes assigned to the coordinates which give Area, Bay Location, etc. The initial thought was to somehow export this to a .KML file and use that as a starting point.
is there any way to use data extraction and get the dimensions of the solid. Using dynamic blocks on 3d solid is not an option as far as i know. I tried using block with attributes and field which refer to a dimension line but it's too complicated and takes far more time than just check them by hand.
I have tried this question before but it is now becomming a little more urgent. I would like to extract data I can see in a viewport then add it to the data it finds in the paperspace of the sheet. I don't want the entire drawing (modelspace) just what is seen in the viewport. Then do this process again and so on. 1 excel sheet per 1 sheet.
I enter data into an Excel job setup worksheet. I then want to be able to extract data from given cells in the Excel worksheet, and have this become fields in AutoCAD. I do not want to use a table in AutoCAD - I want (ideally) to have the Excel data come in to AutoCAD as a field. I can see that Data Links tends to come in only to a table in AutoCAD.
I need to extract data from AutoCad Drawing using C# or VB.Net.
I have a Title Block which is not inserted using attributes. It has some horizontal & vertical lines drawn to look like a table and text added between them. See the attchment.
I need to extract data from that and display in Ms-Excel or in a datagridview.
I am trying to write a lisp file that extracts the LAYER, Z, X, Y, TEXT HEIGHT, POINT NUMBER, from the attached DXF file. Ultimately I will have the lisp insert a "POINT" at the X,Y,Z, cords, and then a "TEXT" entity at the same coordinates with the text height value and the point number string. Both entities need to be on the layer ending in "-PN". The layer name will change depending on the date. I have a third party program that creates the DXF file.
The point of the lisp file is to insert the point numbers and points into my drawing at their correct locations. For the life of me I can not make this work. I have attached the little bit of lisp I have, which unfortunately does not work properly because of it searching for the "TEXT" entry in the DXF file of which there are three per point number. I only need one. I have also attached the DXF file I have. maybe just an overall procedure that I can then code myself? I'm just not good at getting lisp to read a file and extract what I want from it.
I would like a lisp routine that can extract and export the x, y, z coordinates of all the points in a drawing into a text file so I can use the same in excel.
I have an excel document with a document header reserving rows 1-12. When i use "extract data" in autocad, i don't want the excel header to disappear. Can i set another cell than A1 to be the starting cell in Excel? Or how do i keep the header in the document?
i failed to find one which would change string of a text to other for all types of objects. I mean it was usually either only multitext, or only text, dimensions or attributes.creating one which would change in abt 200 drawings:
in attributes, text, multittext, leaders, multileaders, dimensions..... at the same moment?
It is meant to be used in ScriptPro (by loading lisp in script).
If not possible, then can also open each file and run the lisp in each of them - still would save lot of time.
I am trying to take a jpg file of an image, and write each RGB pixel color's value into a 3 component integer vector corresponding to the RGB components of the color for that pixel. For each pixel in the jpg, I wish to write the corresponding 3 by 1 integer vector into a matrix after which I plan to do a SVD decomposition of the newly constructed matrix to do an image analysis.
Any plug-in that allows one to efficiently iterate through each pixel in a jpg, and convert the pixel data to a RGB integer vector, and say write to a file?
Specific Details: I am using gimp 2.6 as my image editor, and wish to collect all the RGB 3 by 1 integer vectors (where each 3 by 1 integer vector corresponds to RGB color of exactly one pixel in the jpg image) into a matrix of integer so that I can do a reduced SVD decomposition of that matrix to analyse the pixel data: I wish to compare two similar images by using the SVD decomposition of integer matrices corresponding to the two images saved as jpg files pic1.jpg and pic2.jpg.
Can you extract the data from tracking/story editor outside of InDesign? I do a large catalogue and want a way to identify which product sets had changes made to them or not, but not just within story editor, but download the data to say a txt file or excel, etc.
I was wondering if there is a way that AutoCad can edit one text string and the same change can affect another text string, instead of editing the same thing twice.
I would like to create string that would be tied to a rod and wrapped around an axle. Then when the rod is moved the string rotates the axle, but the string continues to grow as it is being pulled.
I have a custom iProperty with a text value of "Plate, Steel 140 mm". Is it possible to strip out the 140 (text) from the string and convert it to a number?
I have had a request to display imperial dimensions using a unit string "in." (no quotes). The default Inventor 2011 display does not include the period. Can the default be modified, or a new option added to the list?
I know that the xmls are very important in the design data folder and we shouldn't mess with them.What about the rest of the folders. I have around 11 folders. GOST, AEC Exchange, AIT, Cable & Harness, Bend Tables, DWG-DXF etc...
I need to know if any of these folders can be deleted? We don't use AEC Exchange, Cable Harness, BIm Exchange, Design Accelerator, Tube & Pipe.
What about the Optimisation, DXF-DWG. I am not sure if I am using them unknowingly.Does this could be deleted? Is there a procedure to get rid of them.