AutoCAD Inventor :: Populating An Existing Spreadsheet With BOM Data Using ILogic?

Dec 6, 2010

I already have a cut list  template in Excel that calculates my stock material,  volume,  etc when I populate the appropriate fields. It is also connected to an access database that has various information that automatically generates the final price of my product based on various suppliers prices and data with whom I do business with and so on.

I would like to know if there was a way with iLogic to make Inventor populate specific cells with information found in the BOM such as: description; Qty and custom iProperties value like dimensions, etc?

The reason why I'm making a new topic out of this is that I have read previous post about the issue, but they were regarding "exporting the BOM to an excel". I, on the other hand, would like to populate an already existing spreadsheet with data from the BOM

After exploring the iLogic snippets, I've only found the "export" option. It referenced the API snippets, but with limited programming knowledge there is not much I can understand.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Spreadsheet Sketched Symbol?

Feb 1, 2011

I would like to use a multi-value custom iProperty 'item_finish' in the part or assembly model to drive an iLogic rule.

'item_finish' would be 1-24 from the list.

The part file would have an embedded spreadsheet with column A corresponding to the 'item_finish'.

The spreadsheet would have column B containg long text descriptions of the finish process.

The ilogic rule must take the 'item_finish' number, find the corresponding row and then return the B column cell text to a user parameter 'defined_finish'.

The 'defined_finish' parameter can be called in a sketched symbol to describe the finish.

It appears this is all possible, but I cannot find enough information describing the snipped code requiremnets to accomplish the goal.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Linked Spreadsheet And ILogic Workflow With Assemblies

Jun 19, 2013

My question is regarding the proper workflow within Inventor.  We are currently using 2013 Pro.

I am trying to develop an Assembly that will take linked excel values and have the assembly repond to the user's input.  This spreadsheet is to be general in form and is to be re-used for different projects.  Right now, the excel values are linked to a master assembly file.  This master file has a few iLogic rules to handle the user's input and to pass particular parameter values to the iAssemblies (read sub-assemblies).  The iAssemblies are not that complex, but they are taking parameter values from the master, and using iLogic within the isub-assembly to choose the iAssembly member based on the parameter value.

Problem one:

There seems to be a problem with changing the iAssembly member.  I have stabilized the iAssembly within the master Assembly.  The isub-assembly does not update unless I open the isub-assembly file.  In both the isub-assembly and the master assembly, I update at the end of each rule, and I trigger the rules after any parameter change.

The questions are:

Since there are 123 members (so far) in each of the 2 iAssemblies within the Master Assembly, do I really have to test the parameter 123 times to assign a particular iAssembly member?  Or is there a more concise way to do this?

We are not using Vault yet, but with described workflow, will we have problems when we do migrate to a vault environment?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Loading Thread Data Spreadsheet?

May 15, 2013

I have problem with Hole and Thread load menu input Thread.

i see only  Loading thread data spredsheet .Please wait

win xp x32
inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Replace Or Refresh Embedded Excel Spreadsheet

Sep 20, 2013

For Creating my own templates i want to use iLogic and embedded Excel-Spreadsheets. The embedded Sheet has its own data, but i want to create a rule to refresh the data from an external Excelsheet.

For now i use the following rule:
For I = 65 To 90 '65=A 90=ZBuchstabe = Chr(I) GoExcel.CellValues("3rd Party:Embedding 1", "Platte", Buchstabe & "1", Buchstabe & "999") = GoExcel.CellValues("G:KonstruktionVorlagenMaterialgrunddaten.xlsx", "Platte", Buchstabe & "1", Buchstabe & "A999")Next I

it works well, but wont insert a new single-sheet or refresh formats, i have to add the same code for each sheet. And its REALLY slow.

Is there a possibility to refresh or replace the whole embedded file via a simple iLogic-rule?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Embedded Excel Spreadsheet (Open / Save And Close) (iLogic)

Apr 30, 2013

I have some code (below) that will open my embedded excel spread sheet and it works great.  Now I need the code to save and close the excel file after it’s been open.The embedded excel spreadsheet pushes some stuff the model and does a couple other thing. So all I really need is for the excel file to open, save, and close when the rule is run.Imports Inventor.

OLEDocumentTypeEnumExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Dim ExcelFile As ReferencedOLEFileDescriptorExcelFile
=hisDoc.Document.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptors.Item(1)ExcelFile.Activate(kEditOpenOLEVerb, ExcelApp)

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AutoCad :: Import Data From Spreadsheet

Aug 2, 2012

We are using SSM, and it is getting quite annoying right clicking each sheet to input the info for each sheet, as not each sheet has the same info. Is there not a way to import the data from a spreadsheet, so you can fill out all the data in a spreadsheet how you want it, then import it into the SSM?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Export BOM Data To Excel Spreadsheet?

Oct 9, 2012

I need to find a way to export my BOM data to an Excel spreadhseet. Some of my BOM's are in tables, most are not. I found a lisp routine that will export this data to a csv file, but it's clunky at best. I don't want to use the "ole" method, I don't feel like fighting that battle.

So outside of plotting to a "png", and pasting that into Excel, are there any other options that are feasible?

°°AutoCAD Rel 1 - 2014°°

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Extract Data From String (CSV)?

May 9, 2013

Seeing this error

Error on Line 10 : 'SealString_1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Dim SealString_1 As String Dim SealString_2 As String Dim SealString_3 As String Dim SealString_4 As String Dim SealString_5 As String Dim SealString_6 As String Dim SealString_7 As String For Each S As String In SealString_1.Split(",") If i = 0 Then name = S If i = 1 Then name = OD If i = 2 Then name = ID If i = 3 Then name = DE If i = 4 Then name = LI i = i + 1 Next S

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Data From Access Database Using ILogic

Aug 2, 2010

I have a program that populates an access database with part parameters. Each Inventor part can look up its own parameter values from the database when supplied with a single parameter, the ID number of the database record. The ID number is derived from a blank part that the program also updates. So in a nut shell, the program populates the blank part's parameters with all database ID numbers that would make up entire assembly. Those parameter values are derived to all the parts in an assembly. This is by far the fastest most efficient way I've found to rapidly generate an entire assembly. In a matter of seconds I can have a new 1000+ part assembly.

 The rumor that Inventor will eventually sever ties with VBA has put this whole process in jeopardy. So I have been looking into using iLogic to perform the same task of looking up the data from Access. I know that iLogic has Excel functions built into it, but because the original program is Access based (changes this is not an option) any way to use iLogic to retrieve data from Access.

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AutoCad :: Fill Colour Changes According To Varying Data In Excel Spreadsheet

Jan 16, 2012

I have a map in AutoCAD and I would like to fill certain sections of it. The colour that I require the fill to be changes according to varying data in an excel spreadsheet. Is there a way of linking the two?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Export Idw Part Data To Text File

Aug 7, 2013

We have an idw package we use for Quality control. This idw has more than one sheet. Each sheet has a part placed on the sheet with dims.( DWF attached). Next we open DA inside of the file and run a report. (exported txt attached). I am trying to use ilogic the make the same report with a iLogic browser button pick. I have 2 codes (code examples on attached jpg) that i need to make into 1, or whatever works.

1st code
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocumentoDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSubDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Dim oPropSet As PropertySetDim oPartNumiProp As Inventor.Property For Each oSubDoc In oDoc.AllReferencedDocumentsIf oSubDoc.documenttype.

 2nd code
fileheader = "QAF Parts for Planning "fileheader1 = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(True) 'first line header of txt filedescription = "Components to use for Nesting" 'use this variable in the body of the txtdelimiter = "," 'character to separate the names and values on each lineoWrite = System.IO. File. Create Text (ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")oWrite.WriteLine(fileheader) 'include the fileheader on the first.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Populating IDW With Scale

Sep 13, 2013

I am having trouble locating where the default idws pull the scale info from the drawing view. I want to populate my title block with scale, but when I try to edit the text in the format dialog box "view label properties" is not an option see attachment untitled 2. See attachment untitled for the default idw properties which I am trying to emulate.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Importing Data From Database / Spreadsheet Into Polyline

Jun 29, 2012

I have a database with the polyline reference/handle (i.e. '13EE6A') and each polyline has a 'door number' associated with it.

I can easily create a query that produces a table of polyline ref and associated door number.

I need to somehow import that door number into the middle of each polyline on the drawing - i.e. if there is a polyline with that handle, put the associated door number in the middle of the polyline on a certain layer. I do NOT need an active link between the database and drawing - it's just to initially populate several thousand rooms numbers!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Populating The Keyword IProperty

Dec 9, 2013

I've created a form to fill out with drop down options that link to a multitext parameter. I want to link this parameter to the keyword iproperty but a text parameter will not export.

AutoDesk Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Populating Listview - Get Text

Jan 8, 2014

So im populating a listview. The difference between VBA & .Net if massive....... In my Listview, i have 2 columns. I need to do 2 things-

1. select the first row of the newly populated listview

2. select the value from the selected row in the second column


Part            Path
Part1         c:MyPath1
Part2         c:MyPath2
Part3         c:MyPath3
Part4         c:MyPath4

c:MyPath1 is the value i am trying to get.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Invoke ILogic Rule Editor And Pass It On Existing Rule Name?

Jan 7, 2014

Is there a way to invoke the iLogic Rule Editor and pass it an existing rule name or external rule for editing?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Read Real Number Data From Selected Columns In Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 27, 2013


How to read real number data from selected columns in an Excel spreadsheet into an illustrator javascript array variable, so that then I can use this information to construct an illustrator polygon. 
Further information:

I am new to javascript (and not much of a programmer in the best case, but do have some basic knowledge using ancient languages like FORTRAN 88). I am sure I am just missing an important step here despite all morning browsing with Google for answers (something to do with variable definition I assume?). I have some survey data defining the outline of features in map view listed in a string of point (x,y) values in adjacent columns in excel (these x,y point values calculated from GPS data using a commercial program to converted 3D position to a 2D x,y by geoid projection, and then in excel to re-scale point locations to illustrator’s artboard).  What I am trying to do is select columns of x,y value pairs in an excel spreadsheet, copy these values to the clipboard, and then develop an IA JavaScript to draw a polygon through the specified set of x,y points. It seems easy enough to script illustrator to draw the polygon once I get the values from the clipboard are in a javascript array (lots a good tips here [URL] ....), but pulling in the clipboard data seems to be beyond me. I have tried populating a defined array with various combinations of array declarations and app.paste(); or windows.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); with no satisfaction. I then had the idea to try to pull in the clipboard to one long continuous string, place that in a text box (see see its structure), andthen read and split up the text in a loop to populate the JavaScript array…but that deposited a complex illustrator table object into my text box, and several attempts to force the clipboard to paste text did not work (again probably having problems understanding variable type declaration).
I would be happy to find any method of scripting the pull of the selected on an excel spreadsheet for use in an Illustrator script…so if I am making this all harder than it needs, be I would be grateful to know that also!

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AutoCAD LT :: ZTag Data To Existing Attribute In Block

Oct 19, 2011

we have a block that we use to identify rooms. that block has 3 attributes: rooms name, rooms number and surface area.

A former colleague once showed me how to do this but I can't reach him... How can I inquire the data from an area and tag-it right to the surface area attribute of my block? I don't mean pick a pline, list and edit the block... it's something like pick the closed pline and the "area" data is displayed in the right tag of my block?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Validates More Data Shortcuts Than Existing

Aug 2, 2012

How do I fix my shortcuts when it says it validated 176 of 79?

I suddenly have errors when processing my corridor.  I don't know if this is the problem or if its just another result of SP2.

Civil 3d 2012 SP2
win 7 64 bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Via Spreadsheet Not Working?

Aug 16, 2012

The Edit via spreadsheet option does not work, it will not call up Excel, although it believes that it does.  The computer is running Win7 Ultimate sp 1 64, Office Home and Business 2010 sp1 32, Inventor 2012 sp2.  The software (windows, office) is up to date, I have done the registry edit that other sites have mentioned.

I will bring up an .ipt, right click on Table, click on Edit via spreadsheet.  I will get a circle for a cursor for a moment as if it were processing, then nothing.  I right click on it again, and just get the How To option, so it believes Excel is open when it is not.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Feature List As Spreadsheet?

Aug 9, 2012

I have just inherited a project where I have been asked to supply our purchaser with a list of non-stocked fixings.

OK so far, i hear you ponder, but the designer for reasons of speed (his words) didn't add the fixings to the assmbly!

Is there any way to list all tapped hole features to an excel spread sheet so that i could then just sort and count and then be able to hilite the specific parts in inventor to find the length?

The prospect of looking at each individual part for tapped holes fills me with dread (shudder).

HP z210 16Gb ATI FirePro5800
Autodesk Produst design Suite 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Insert IDW Into Excel Spreadsheet

Feb 15, 2012

Trying to figure out the best method to insert an IDW into an Excel spreadsheet without sacrificing quality. I have tried several methods to go straight from Inventor(2012) to Excel(2010) using print PDF at press quality, export JPEG, and even the snipping tool as a last ditch effort all of which inevitably loose all line quality when inserted to Excel.

I have only had success bringing a PDF from Inventor into Adobe InDesign where I am able to mimic the design of my Excel spreadsheet and create an additional PDF to include with the Excel document. It seems like there would be an easier way for Inventor and Excel to work together without sacrificing quality or adding additional steps.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export BOM To Excel Spreadsheet?

Nov 21, 2012

I am trying to export some data from my BOM. I require the part names, quantities and lengths. I have followed a previous topic in these discussions which is now closed. it seems simple to follow but requires me to click on the export BOM icon in the top left of the browser. In my instance this is greyed out. D

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Existing Ground Surface And Data Shortcuts?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a rather large project for a roadway reconstruction.  Therefore, the existing utilities are in a separate drawing and the existing ground surface model is in a separate drawing.  All the above surface items (curb and gutter, asphalt, concrete, signs, sidewalks, landscaping, etc..) are in the master drawing.  I then xref'd in my utility drawing and though I would use data shortcuts for my existing ground surface drawing.  I took the surveyed triangles (3d faces) from our raw survey drawing and copied them into my surface drawing, created a surface from the triangles, created a boundary and such.  So far everything is good.  I created the working folder for the data shortcuts for this project and saved the drawing and closed it.  I went into my master drawing and clicked on "Create Reference".  I did not promote.  The reference came though and everything is fine.  Now I want to add contour labels in my surface drawing which I did but they do not show up in my master drawing but the contours themselves do.  Do I have to promote this drawing into my master drawing so I can create the contour labels in my master drawing?  I guess that is fine but the issue is we have small areas of topo that will be added as needed down the road.  If I promote the surface drawing into my master drawing then when I add topo to the surface drawing, it wont update in my master drawing. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Existing Profile From Survey Data

Nov 14, 2013

I am fairly new to the Civil side of AutoCAD, as I used to work primarily in Map.  I am working on a street rehab project in which I need to take survey points showing existing elevations (centerline, flowline, and top of curb) and show existing profiles in a profile view.  I have no problems setting up the profile view(s) or the centerline alignment, but I am having problems with creating the profiles themselves, and I have a two part question about them

Question 1: According to the user's guide, the correct way to set up an "existing" profile is by extracting it from a surface, but I don't have a surface to use.  In reading through the various profile types, the best way to set up what I want seems to be by using the profile layout tools, but the help says that a profile layout is supposed to be for a final "proposed" profile, not the existing.  Does this actually matter?  Will I be breaking Civil functionality by creating an existing profile using the profile layout tools?

Question 2: In reading through the profile layout tools, everything seems to be centered around PVI's.  Even using the "tangent tangent" method to add in points seems to only use the first and last point as controls, with everything in between treated as a PVI.  If you look at the documentation here, points one and four are treated as actual elevations, while curvature occurs at points 2 and 3.  In my case, since what I have is a series of actual points on a surface, each point should be an actual surface elevation with curvature occurring between points and not at them.  What method should I be using to input the points in the profile?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Import / Export With VBA To Excel Spreadsheet?

Apr 17, 2013

Im struggeling with creating a code that opens a certain Excel spreadsheet and retrieves / inserts info.

the spreadsheet is a list containing part numbers for purchased components, therefore the list must be filled with information from iproperty. But it has to be where the next available number is. i had this working in iLogic, but have to move it to VBA for better use. the code that worked in iLogic is this one.:


If possible it would be nice if the code at the same time retrieves the new partnumber and saves the active part as this part numeber...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Excel Spreadsheet In Design Accelerator?

Nov 15, 2012

I am working on a gearbox design that requires multiple iterations on the shaft dimensins and other parts, so linking  the dimiensinos to a spreadsheet would make this easier. However, I'm using the design accelerator for the shaft and other components and I cannot find any information on how to connect the dimensions I enter in that design accelerator to a speadsheet. 

I know how to link to a spreadsheet for a regular component, but haven't used that much.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Inserting Points From Excel Spreadsheet?

Sep 13, 2013

Is there a way of inserting points from an excel spreadsheet that come into the part file already fixed, instead of manually selecting the points and selecting the fix constraint?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Edit IPart Via Spreadsheet

Jul 19, 2012

I try to edit the table of an iPart via a spreadsheet (EXCEL 2010) and it does not launch EXCEL.  I saw other posts with changing the registery and I am not too confident on what to remove or even how to do it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Helicoil Tap Info To Thread Size Spreadsheet

May 11, 2007

Is there a way that I can add helicoil tap info to the thread size spreadsheet so that I can use the data within the hole command and place helicoil-tapped holes into my models? I need some way to automatically flow the helicoil tap info into the drawing via a hole note.

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