AutoCAD Map 3D :: Connecting To Access Database Through ODBC

Feb 5, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 (64 bit) and I have to connect a file (.mdb) created with Microsoft Access 2007 to my Autocad Map 3D 2011 draw. I uninstalled Office, installed the AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe and re-installed Office. Then I followed step by step the process shown in the video here  with ODBC but it doesn't worked for me. It says "test connection succeeded" but when I attach the database, it comes up with a red "X" symbol next to it.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 - Refresh Access Database ODBC Connection?

Feb 17, 2012

Here is the Scenario, Win 7, 64 bit, Office 2010, and yes I have installed 64 bit drivers, with Map 2012.

I have an Access Database with Water and Sewer information.  I connect thru FDO and every thing is great.  I make a change or add something to the Access Data Base and I don't see the change until I disconnect and then re-connect?  I was under the assumption that this was a live connection? Is there a way to refresh the connection without having to dis-connect and then re connect?

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Photoshop :: Error :: ODBC Unable To Open Database And Windows Photo Gallery On VISTA

Jun 7, 2009

I've been using Photoshop Elements 5.0 for a few years now on my PC running Vista. Beginning just a few days ago (and unconnected to any updates of which I am aware), I started getting an error when I tried to delete or import files in the Organizer. The error says: ODBC data source [Microsoft] [ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot open database "I". It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt. The photos are there - I can see them in Windows Photo Gallery. I can delete photos from there as well. Just not in Organizer. Wondered if anyone might be able to point me in a good direction for a fix?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Access Drawing Database From A Different Thread

Sep 29, 2011

I'm experimenting with treadsafe progressbar, that would allow me to stop the process.

but for some reason, on this line

Dim _db As Database = AcApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database

AutoCAD crashes with fatal error This runs on the new thread, so i suppose it has something to do with it, but i have no clue, why this should be a problem.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Rebuilding Access Database But Retaining Links?

Oct 1, 2013

My company has an access database that has all of our service data on it. I am currently considering rebuilding the database because it is a database with one table and a million fields. I want to split the database up into separate tables with relationships. All of these tables would be linked based on the same key field Service_ID.

Now here is the hard part. The data would be in a one to many relationship with one record for service info and multiple records per service for pipe info. The data is currently linked to objects in AutoCAD Map 3d 2014 based on the Service_ID key field and a "service" link template.

If i rebuild this database, am I going to lose all of my links? or will i retain the links? Also, is there a way to automatically generate links based on the service_ID field? For instance there are 3 records of pipe information for 1 service. Previously all of these records would be in the same table, but now the tables are split. Since they have the same Service_ID as the Service information, will the links show up?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Data From Access Database Using ILogic

Aug 2, 2010

I have a program that populates an access database with part parameters. Each Inventor part can look up its own parameter values from the database when supplied with a single parameter, the ID number of the database record. The ID number is derived from a blank part that the program also updates. So in a nut shell, the program populates the blank part's parameters with all database ID numbers that would make up entire assembly. Those parameter values are derived to all the parts in an assembly. This is by far the fastest most efficient way I've found to rapidly generate an entire assembly. In a matter of seconds I can have a new 1000+ part assembly.

 The rumor that Inventor will eventually sever ties with VBA has put this whole process in jeopardy. So I have been looking into using iLogic to perform the same task of looking up the data from Access. I know that iLogic has Excel functions built into it, but because the original program is Access based (changes this is not an option) any way to use iLogic to retrieve data from Access.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Unable To Access Block Reference In Database

Nov 23, 2012

I inserted a block from a dwg drawing with the following method:
public static ObjectId InsertBlock(string fileName, Point3d insPoint) { var acadDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; var blockId = default(ObjectId); using (var acadLockDoc = acadDoc.LockDocument()) { var dbTemp = new Database(false, true); dbTemp.ReadDwgFile(fileName, FileShare.Read, false, ""); var blockName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Link To XML / SQL Or Access Database Possible?

Jul 11, 2012

This is my problem, each material in my cie. have a number code



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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Microsoft Access 2013 Database Not Compatible With 2014?

Aug 22, 2013

Recently our company upgraded to office 365 with Microsoft Access 2013. I cannot seem to connect to this new format using the task manager. We used to use quite an old version, 2003 I think with no worries. 

Am I doing something wrong or have the developers missed something quite fundamental to Map 3d?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Read / Retrieve Information From MS Access Database Using ILogic

Nov 9, 2012

I am currently trying to retrieve data from a MS Access Database, we currently have iProperties with number values in them. An outside programmer created a code which takes these values and exports them to an MS Access Database, where they are then translated to mean something.

Instead of exporting those numbers, I want to use them to find what they ACTUALLY mean within the database and bring that information back into iLogic. (ie. 123456 actually means "1/4 Flat Bar Steel")

In short, I wish to access the MS Access database through iLogic in order to read information from it. 

I have searched for the better part of 3 hours but have not found a good answer or example code of this situation. I am not that experienced in programming, but have worked with the API before for developing Automated Drawings and have an understanding how to navigate through. If there were to be some example code, I can begin to understand the process quite well through this method as well by seeing how to go about coding this.

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Revit :: MS Access Database That Can Export Family Tables?

Sep 15, 2011

MS Access database that can export Family Tables? Or knows of a 3rd party application that all the type information can be houses in a database, and the family table's TXT is just an export. The family tables we create are nemorus, and lengthly family tabels, and Excel just is not cutting the mustard.
Or would Autodesk ever include this in Revit?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Unable To Connect To Excel File Using ODBC FDO Provider

Apr 20, 2012

I have an excel spreadsheet of boreholes. The spreadsheet has the format of ID, X, Y, Z

I have tried using the 'Connect to Data' feature in Map 3D 2012 64 bit.

The ODBC connection is created and tests correctly. After connecting to the ODBC DSN and loggin in, I am able to see the fields identified in the excel file. There is also the Class available from the named range in the excel spreadsheet.

I select my Identity Property, X, Y, and Z - but that's as far as I can go. I have no opportunity to set the coordinate system and the 'connect' button does not activate.

Using Win 7 64 bit - and I have the 64 bit ODBC driver's installed.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Shapefile Joined To ODBC Connected Table - Filter Not Working

Dec 11, 2013

I have a Shapefile layer added to the map via FDO. I joined it to a SQL Server based table via ODBC. I can see all the data (shapefile & ODBC table) correctly in the attribute table, but when comes time to "Query to Filter Data...", only fields in the Shapefile are available and displayed in the Filter dialogue. I want to be able to Filter using fields in the joined. If I export that same Shapefile to an SDF and THEN try the same join and filter, all the fields from the SDF as well as the joined ODBC table are available in the filter dialogue.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Difference While Doing Customization With Database / Without Database Services

Aug 6, 2013

I am working on the AutoCAD customization and doing the same by VB.Net & C#.Net. But I just want to know the difference as mentioned below:

1. Insert Block In AutoCAD

Using VB.Net without using DataBase services..Only 1 statement is required to Insert the Block objAcadDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(Required Arguments are here) Using C#.Net with DataBase services

There are many statments are there to insert only 1 block..Like Start Transaction, Lock the document, Get the Object Id Block etc...So my quetion is that when I have to use DataBase services and when not 

what is the advantage of doing customization using DataBase services rather than go for wihout DataBase services.?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Internet Access Is Required To Access

Apr 26, 2012

Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Error Connecting MDB File

Jun 5, 2012

I have an older water line project that was connected to the file water.mdb.  I am trying to connect the dwg to the mdb and am getting an error.  I have enclosed a screen shot of the error.  FYI i am using 2011 Civil 3d, and the dwg was originally done in Autocad Map. (2005 I think)  .

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Connecting Drawings And 0z Values

Oct 22, 2013

Why have i got 0 for all my z values I have followed all the steps in the Guide and still have 0, my x and y axis are ok. Im wondering if it may be something to do with the Digimap and OS downloads.

Another thing, How do i conect all my drawing downloads i have together ive tried the coordinates system and just dont get anywhere.

Downloaded from Digimap i have 20 different drawings of this section but i cant connect them together. I have a catalogue system which is just like a coordinates section with these 20 places. All my drawings are fine they open in autocad fine just need to put them together to link them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Connecting More Than Two Gears?

Jan 18, 2012

I have two sets of identical spur gears. I want them to be lined and connected big-small-big-small gear. But how to connect this two sets together. I can create motion and axes constrains but it still lacks teath meshing. I found some tutorial how to create differential drive, it works with downloaded gears but not with one that I create (it says to set imates to visible which does nothing and alt-move mesh imates toghether which also do not work). I work with 2009 and 2011 versions.

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AutoCad :: Connecting Lines And Circles

Mar 21, 2011

Im having a little issue with connecting lines and circles but not sure how to shorten the question to do a search on here. I have 2 concentric circles (the two circles form the walls of a round tower wall) which have 2 lines (representing a wall) passing through them. I want to join the circles from the circumference to the lines, but each time I try to do it the line seems to default to the center of the circles and to the endpoints of the lines which is not what I want. The eventual aim will be to remove a section of the circles and the lines where the new line connects to them to form an opening in the walls.

Ive tried <shift>right click and selecting tangent on the circles but I cant figure out what to do on the lines and it constantly defaults to the end of the line not to where I want to intersect the lines.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fillet Connecting Wrong

Oct 11, 2013

I am working on my project at home and I am having some problems with the fillet tool.

Attached is a picture of my problem with what it is doing. 

I am trying to fillet A to E and E to C (B to D and D to F also)

On the left hand side when I fillet, it connects C to E instead of A to C and I do not know why it is doing that or what I am doing wrong.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Connecting Separate Surfaces

Mar 3, 2013

I created a grading and a surface for a pond that is abotu 30' away from a roaway that has a seperate surface.  What would be the best way to connect the two surfaces?  I need a uniform slope from the edge of pavement to the top of berm of the pond.

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AutoCad 3D :: Connecting Two Circles With Different Diameter Into Solid?

Aug 7, 2013

connecting two circles with different diameter into a solid. I tried loft, but it is a partial solution since it creates a surface. I know there is a solid option. There surely is a way and a simple one but i don't know how. Bellow there is a picture with diameters and length of the mast. Also i included a dwg file. Not much done there.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Connecting Sketchedsymbol To Balloon Using VB

Nov 28, 2012

I am trying to create & connect a Sketchedsymbol to a balloon. I was able to create the sketched symbol but, i was not able to connect to balloon. 

The code is as below

Public Sub AddBalloonAnnotation()

Dim oGetPoint As New clsGetPoint ' custom class object
Dim oClick As Point2d
Dim DrawDoc As DrawingDocument
Dim oActiveSheet As Sheet

[Code] .......

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Connecting To Esri Personal Geodatabase?

Nov 22, 2011

We maintain most of our GIS data in either personal (.mdb) or file (.gdb) geodatabases.  I have AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 and want to be able to connect to these geodatabases.  Where can I find the FDO provider to connect to these types of geodatabases and what is the process for updating the providers list for AutoCAD?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Notch And Gap Of 1 Mm To Connecting Beam?

Oct 3, 2012

As i discovered, frame generator is a very handy tool to make a frame, and to connect beams to each other.

For a customer we need to build a large frame, The outer beams are connected directly to each other. The beams inside the outer frame need to have a gap because of mounting and welding.

What i am looking for is a kind of tool, where i can add a notch, and after the notch, shorten the beam with 1 mm at each side to make a gap, which is needed for welding.

Inventor gives an error if i add first a notch followed by a Lengthen/Shorten command. How to add a notch and a gap of 1 mm to a connecting beam?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Merging Surfaces Connecting Grading

Apr 25, 2013

As you can see in my attachment, I have a emergency spillway coming out of a dugout wetland.  The fill area, the pool area, and the emergency spillway channel are all separate surfaces.  All three of these surfaces are created from gradings.  The fill was a feature line drawn around the top witdth of the dam, and then graded down to the Existing Ground.  The channel is another polygon feature line with elevations at each PI and then graded up to the EG.  The pool was a feature line I drew around the perimeter of my pool, laid on the surface EG, and then graded down to an elevation on a slope. 

I'd really like to blend all the surfaces together.  Right now, they are all separated with tiny slivers of Existing Ground.

How do I go about this?  As you can see, I'm still pretty green with gradings. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheetmetal R15 Flanges - Connecting Corners

Feb 6, 2012

I'm using Inventor 2010 and I have a problem with connecting the sheet metal corners to each other when making round radius flanges. How to connect the corners to each other (even though this is probably not possible in reality). Even better would be if the flat pattern of the sheet metal part would also look proper.

Note that the short edges are 90 deg bent and longer edges are 75 and 105 deg bent. This also makes creating "corner fill" parts a bit tricky.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corridor Connecting To 0,0,0 In Object Viewer?

Aug 6, 2013

I keep having my corridor connect to 0,0,0 in only some areas. What Is making civil 3d do this? 

Civil 3D 2012 SP3
Civil 3D 2012 SP3

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Revolve Sketch On Non-connecting Axis

Jan 12, 2012

i a'm using Inventor routed 2011 and am having a issue with a revolve.  I created an axis with a sketch in the part.  Than  i created a plane that does not pass through that axis.  i sketch on that plane than try to revolve using the axis.  it gives me an error.  what i have is a arm3+"w x 28"l that is pivoting in the in the center and about 9" from the end it tapers out .5".  The bottom is the cutting edge that i need to revolve onto a weldment for matching to keep a tight seal. 

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AutoCad 3D :: Connecting 3D Solids And Define Pivot Points

Nov 17, 2011

I there a way to connect the 3D solids of this drawing and define the pivot points so that when you move one part all parts react accordingly?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Connecting To SHP File Data / Scaling / Units

Sep 12, 2012

So have a university campus map that was drawin in normal AutoCAD with no coordinate system. I am trying to geo-regefernce it.  I was able to get ahold to a SHP file of the campus buidings from another entity on campus that have field verfied coordinates of all the buildings and drawn them in ArcGIS.  What I would like to do is connect to the shape file and then move my CAD map "on top" of the shape file buildings and do any adjustments I might need.  Then my CAD map would be "geo-referenced".

My problem is that when I connect to the shape file the building in the shape file are 1/12 the size of the CAD drawn buildings.  I am assuming that this is because the CAD buiding were drawn as 1 unit = 1" whereas the SHP buildings were drawn as 1 unit = 1'.  

I can scale down my CAD building by 1/12 .

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