Photoshop :: Error :: ODBC Unable To Open Database And Windows Photo Gallery On VISTA
Jun 7, 2009
I've been using Photoshop Elements 5.0 for a few years now on my PC running Vista. Beginning just a few days ago (and unconnected to any updates of which I am aware), I started getting an error when I tried to delete or import files in the Organizer. The error says: ODBC data source [Microsoft] [ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot open database "I". It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt. The photos are there - I can see them in Windows Photo Gallery. I can delete photos from there as well. Just not in Organizer. Wondered if anyone might be able to point me in a good direction for a fix?
I have two PC's running Windows Vista that I work with and both have photoshop CS3 installed, but for what ever reason on one of the PC's the Windows Photo Gallery application displays really desaturated colors when views jpg's and the like (the other PC's displays them fine).
I've googled and haven't yet found out a quality solution, lots of info on simply combining and replacing drivers and the like and nothing really set in stone from Adobe, or Microsoft etc
I'm using Windows 7 (64 bit) and I have to connect a file (.mdb) created with Microsoft Access 2007 to my Autocad Map 3D 2011 draw. I uninstalled Office, installed the AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe and re-installed Office. Then I followed step by step the process shown in the video here with ODBC but it doesn't worked for me. It says "test connection succeeded" but when I attach the database, it comes up with a red "X" symbol next to it.
Here is the Scenario, Win 7, 64 bit, Office 2010, and yes I have installed 64 bit drivers, with Map 2012.
I have an Access Database with Water and Sewer information. I connect thru FDO and every thing is great. I make a change or add something to the Access Data Base and I don't see the change until I disconnect and then re-connect? I was under the assumption that this was a live connection? Is there a way to refresh the connection without having to dis-connect and then re connect?
After importing 48 photos into a large collection, 46,000+ photos, and reviewing in the Library module, LR 3.6 crashed and reported a database error. It suggested repairing the database, but could not. The next window suggested an Adobe Technote, but the link was broken. I have a Dell Dimension E510, w/ 4 GB RAM, Pentium D 2.8 GHz, reporting 3.62 RAM and running XP Pro, Version 2002, SP3. All my HDDs have at least 80 GB of free space w/ the one I was working on with 464 GB of free space.
Does anyone know what to do about this error message in the middle of the web photo gallery automation?
"Could not complete the web photo galleery command because the file is in use or was left open."
It seems to be happening quite randomly on different photos. I've tried restarting the program and the computer, emptying the trash and have checked the clipboard,
I saved a photo book and while I was working on it it got closed by accident. Now I cannot open it back up into the photobook program I was working on it in. I can find the "photobook" in my saved files and when I open it, it separates each page as a file so I have to open each page separately and work on them instead of having the whole book to look at and then I can flip through the pages of the photobook and decide which page to put my photo on. I have typed this into all the help systems but nothing comes up.
Presently, all of my images are stored on windows photo gallery. I have them organized into folders& subfolders. would the same folders and sub folders be exported into lrm as labeled. I know you do this under import mode and add from others. Would it behove me to make sure all of my gallery folders are properly labeled tagged etc. before i do this transfer.When i do the transfer can i rename the folders,re-tag them etc.Â
I get a window popping up that says "Cannot open database C:ProgramDataAutodeskACA 2011enuDetailsDetails (US)AecDtlComponents (US).mdb." I have reinstalled ACA 2011, I have copy this same file from another computer, verified the permissions etc... I can click ok and keep working but it randomly will pop up 3-4 or 5 times in a row and I cannot link it to any one event (Can’t cause it to re occur) Also, I cant access the details component manager.
I have an excel spreadsheet of boreholes. The spreadsheet has the format of ID, X, Y, Z
I have tried using the 'Connect to Data' feature in Map 3D 2012 64 bit.
The ODBC connection is created and tests correctly. After connecting to the ODBC DSN and loggin in, I am able to see the fields identified in the excel file. There is also the Class available from the named range in the excel spreadsheet.
I select my Identity Property, X, Y, and Z - but that's as far as I can go. I have no opportunity to set the coordinate system and the 'connect' button does not activate.
Using Win 7 64 bit - and I have the 64 bit ODBC driver's installed.
We are using AutoCAD Civil 3D Land Desktop Companion 2009 on all machines and one of our machines is getting the message "Error opening Point Database" and then gives the project file pathcogopoints.mdb.
It also gives the message "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file. Â It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data." Â It is not opened by another user and permissions have been given for all machines to access these files.
Background information: Â We move older projects to an external hard drive for archiving and occasionally need to access them as the need arises. Â We have done this successfully for some time without issue, but now one of our machines is giving the above error. Â The other machine, which the external hard drive is connected, does not have this problem. Â We tried moving one project file back to the original location and it seemed to work okay, but another file did not. Â Some files were created using an older vrsion of AutoCAD, but that has not been a problem with opening them in the past. Â All sharing permissions to the external hard drive have been checked and seem to be working properly.
I've had a great time using the Web Photo Galleries in Photoshop CS and CS2, especially since I'm fairly deft with HTML and a total Flash dunce, so the Web Photo Gallery Flash 1 and Flash 2 templates have served me well and allowed me to make fun Flash stuff without having to learn. But, with learn-by-doing, there often comes a point of confusion, and I think I've found mine.
I noticed that (when using the gallery "Flash 1"), if I click the little ? in the bottom right, the file name will come on and stay on throughout all the pictures. This is exactly what I want since that's where I do all my captioning and it really adds something for me to be able to see that. My question: how in the world do I get it to do this by default? I'm always telling friends/family, "oh, click the little ? in the bottom right and it'll show the captions," but am certain there must be some way to do this by default.
I fiddled in the galleryconfig.xml file, but there's only this line
HTML Code: <var symboltype="boolean" name="showHelpButton" value="true" /> which actually just tells the button to be displayed, but not for the thing that happens as a result of pushing the button to stay displayed.
After Upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8 photos are not displayed in Photoshop CS6. When I open a photo in the bridge, it is displayed properly in Camera Raw and can be developed there.
After opening the photo in Photoshop 6 then, everything looks good, but the photo is not visible. I can save it and even export it (to jpeg for example), but it is not visible.
I've been using CS4 just fine for a long time. Suddenly when I try to open it I get an error dialog telling me that my licensing has expired. Error code 150:30. As far as I can tell, nothing has changed. I tried uninstall and then reinstall from original disk. No luck. Contacted Adobe Support. First they told me to remove the FlexNet Publisher preferences folder from my Library folder at root level. There is not such folder there. They then told me to modify permissions on one of the folders. Did that but still no success. Also tried repairing all disk permissions via Mac disk utility. Still no luck. Now they tell me that they can't/won't give further support because my version is too old (apparently only CS6 and CS5 qualify for support). Â I am running this on Mac OS 10.7.5. Â Only thing I have done that I can trace as a possible culprit was that I installed a new film scanner. As part of its software install it started to install a bundled copy of Photoshop Elements. I aborted that install. Subesequent to that I discovered I could not open my copy of CS4.
I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.
i have just treid the trial version of photo 11 when i decided to unistall the trail version my old version 8 will not let me edit any photos with the error code 150:30
After initial install on my windows 7 64 bit system , all aspects of the software worked for about a month and then I could not open the photo editor. All other aspects of this product opens and works fine . Unfortunately I cannot use the editor or open photos previously modified in the editor. I can open the editor if I log in in safe mode but no other way. I have done 2-3 clean installs as described in previous articles, there are no errors just won't open.
I have CS5 and began a file yesterday only to have multiple problems today when I tried to open it. First it said, Â "File is not readable" Â Yet when I opened it on my schools computer it was able to open. Then my other file did open but when I tried to save it it said, Â "When spot colors are used with transparency,changing them to process colors outside of illustrator can generate unexpected results." Â Then when I cancelled that it began to read, Â "Saving to a legacy format may cause some changes to your text layout and disable some editing features when the document is read back in" Â I don't really understand how I could fix this issue because obviously its the file inside. Now I did have a lot of imaged in the file that I made in photoshop where I took away the background, made it transparent then saved as a png. Is that the issue? Most of my images on the file are .png and were edited with photoshop.
I am considering the purchase of a new computer. I have Photoshop CS2, and I am debating whether to get Windows Vista or Windows XP Pro. I have read in the database about Vista and CS2, "Installs and runs with minimal known issues." But it also states under Support for Windows Vista, "not officially." So I am wondering whether anyone has PSCS2 running under Vista,
I have just loaded Photoshop CS2 onto my new laptop which has Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit as its OS. All working well except I notice that,when I made adjustments to a layer (for example,using curves to colour adjust,or even just brighten midtones),it takes a long time for any change to take place to the values of colour sample points which I may have applied to the background layer. I usually place four colour sample points on my background image to monitor changes as I make adjustments. When I used Photoshop CS2 on my previous laptop which had Windows XP as its OS,changes were instant. I have the cache level set at 6 in Preferences with 70% available RAM set.
I use a couple of systems for CS and LR only. They are running Windows Vista (Home Edition). I wanted to sign up for creative cloud, but the service tells me that Windows 7 (or 8) is supported, not Vista. If I upgrade my PC to Windows 7, will the current versions of CS6 and LR 4.4 still work? Or, do I have to buy a new version.
Are there any conflicts with Photoshop CS3 and Win Vista? I'm thinking of a new laptop and most are WIN Vista, but I might be able to stick with Win XPvs2, which I am used to. Are there any advantages one way or the other?
why my Lightroom 4 program will not open? Yesterday it worked fine. Today I get a message that "an unexpected error occurred". If I try to repair the Lightroom 4 program in the control panel, I get the message "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable". SO much of my work is sitting in those catalogs.
I'm not able to drag and drop images of any kind from Vista Business Windows Explorer into Photoshop CS3. Is there a known fix for this? I am already running the application as Administrator.