Photoshop :: How To Open A Saved Photobook Started In Elements 10 On Vista / Windows
Dec 23, 2011
I saved a photo book and while I was working on it it got closed by accident. Now I cannot open it back up into the photobook program I was working on it in. I can find the "photobook" in my saved files and when I open it, it separates each page as a file so I have to open each page separately and work on them instead of having the whole book to look at and then I can flip through the pages of the photobook and decide which page to put my photo on. I have typed this into all the help systems but nothing comes up.
I created a book, saved it and am trying to reopen it as the saved book and it is only showing each individual page saved. Not the book as it was created.Â
I've been using Photoshop Elements 5.0 for a few years now on my PC running Vista. Beginning just a few days ago (and unconnected to any updates of which I am aware), I started getting an error when I tried to delete or import files in the Organizer. The error says: ODBC data source [Microsoft] [ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot open database "I". It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt. The photos are there - I can see them in Windows Photo Gallery. I can delete photos from there as well. Just not in Organizer. Wondered if anyone might be able to point me in a good direction for a fix?
I am having the problem that my saved workspace changes whenever I open Photoshop. I arranged everything as I need it to work and saved this workspace. As soon as I open PS again the basic structure is kept but the sizes of the windows change and therefore not everything is visible.This shows my saved workspace.
I recently saved an image on Photoshop CS6 as a PNG file so I could send it as an attachment to a client (who uses a Windows computer). They told me the file wouldn't open and instead showed as an "Unknown File". Â I tried opening the file on my Windows computer, as well as a JPEG version to test out, but both came up as "Unknown Files". Â The only way I could transfer the files I saved in Photoshop was to export them as PNG through the 'Preview' application. Â Is there a reason why these normal formats won't open properly?
I am having a problem with opening some files in Photoshop. I am using Photoshop CS5.1 Extended (Version 12.1) and have Windows 7 64 bit SP1 OS. Â I am trying to open a few templates I made in PhotoShop for a client and they worked fine when I used them 3 weeks ago. All were saved as .psd documents. Now when I go to open them they no longer have the PS icon (to show they would be opened by PhotoShop). When I try to open them I get "Could not complete your request because it is not the right type of document." I have had this problem once before but it is confusing to me because 2 of the other similar .psd files I saved at the same timeframe(separate elements for the temlate) are perfectly fine, only the ones I need do not want to open. Â I checked file properties and it claims these files are now Windows Shell Common Dll files.
I am not able to find the proper folder in Windows Vista for installing additional actions. Â My folders are as follows: C:ProgramFilesAdobePhotoshop Elements10.0Localesen_US - (at this point there are 4 folders below but not one that says Workflow Panels) Â notice the differences from what the other forum entries state: Â C:ProgramDataAdobePhotoshop Elements10.0Localeen_USWorkflow Panelsactions
I don't seem to be pluggin in the correct set of keywrds to bring it up in the search if it has. Here's my dilemma. I just bought a new computer which came preloaded with Vista, and uploaded my old copy of CS3 onto it. The program seems to be working fine, except that when I open a file in Photoshop and edit it, then save it in a new file (as I do for most of my photoshoots, etc), or even when I save it in the orignial folder, the new "saved" file will not show up in the Vista folder. If I go back to Photoshop and open the folder via File>Open, I can access all of my pictures, but to I cannot access them to upload to the internet, email, use in other programs, etc. If I go into "Recently Changed Documents" I can find them, but they seem to be in a temp folder in the Adobe folders. But again, if I go back to Adobe, it says they are in the folder I put them in.
Windows Explorer set to open image files with PSE11, but when I double click on image in WE it launches PSE11, but I then need to click on Open tab in PSE11 to get it into work window. PSE10 did not have this problem
I am working with Photoshop Elements 10. Am creating a photobook.I saved the book as xxxxx.pse so I can go back to it and open back up to complete my editing and print as a book but when I go to reopen it, the folder is the name of the file xxxxx and when I open the folder, all the pages are in the folder as .psd files... which one .psd file is two pages.. but cannot do a print of the pages it wants to print each file as one page... so it cuts off part of the file or it shrinks down the two pages to make it one page. how do you open these pages back up so you can edit them and print as a book.I am going to have to start my project all over and it was a three hour project rearranging my pics and how they look on the page and now have to do it all over again... Â
I want to create a plain photobook. Photos, captions, footer and page number only on a plain borderless backgroud. There was an option for this in earlier version of Photoshop Elements, but I cant find an easy way to do this in Elements 10, which is what I am using. Is there such a template available, or an easy way to make one? I am not a very sophisticated user of Photoshop, so it has to be simple. I am running on Windows 7.
Made a photobook and want to 'seamlessly' upload it to shutterfly. It gets to 80% complete, then fails every time. Shutterfly customer service made it sound like I am the only one to actaully try this from photoshop and couldn't work.
I'm having problems getting a photobook uploaded to Shutterfly from PSE 11. I've done this many times, but never had this issue (not that I can remember). I created the book in PSE 11, have it loaded into the editor, hit the Order button, the file is processed, but when it gets to the upload part, I get an error stating that Elements cannot communicate with the internect either due to lack of connection or a firewall. I did a test and was able to upload a file directly from Elements 11 organizer to SmugMug with no issues. I was monitoring the internet connention through the control panel during the photobook upload and it appeared to be fine. The firewall settings also seem to allow the proper access.
Update: Still not working. Went as far as to disable the firewall since that is one of the items mentioned in the error message, but apparently that did not work.
I'm using Photoshop Elements 6 (I know it's old...). I created a photobook that I'd like to order, but when I press the order button I get an error message. It says " No appropriate service could be found. Would you like to look for new services?" I answered yes, but it said my services are up to date. Based on something I found in another forum, I checked my settings - they correctly say I'm in the US. What else can I do? I tried sending the photos to Shutterfly, but I really like my photoshop photobook much better.
The title page of my photobook has disappeared, and pages 2-3 now show in the pages panel as "title page". Can I create a new title page and put pages 2-3 back where they belong?
I earned a free 8 by 8 photobook with shutterfly. I tried making one on their website but I could not find any that I liked. I would like to professionally print my photobook I already made with adobe photoshop 7. I need step by step instructions how to put my photobook made with adobe onto shutterfly. I would also like to know some websites that will print pre-made adobe photoshop books for cheap in case shutterfly does not work.
I am considering the purchase of a new computer. I have Photoshop CS2, and I am debating whether to get Windows Vista or Windows XP Pro. I have read in the database about Vista and CS2, "Installs and runs with minimal known issues." But it also states under Support for Windows Vista, "not officially." So I am wondering whether anyone has PSCS2 running under Vista,
I have just loaded Photoshop CS2 onto my new laptop which has Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit as its OS. All working well except I notice that,when I made adjustments to a layer (for example,using curves to colour adjust,or even just brighten midtones),it takes a long time for any change to take place to the values of colour sample points which I may have applied to the background layer. I usually place four colour sample points on my background image to monitor changes as I make adjustments. When I used Photoshop CS2 on my previous laptop which had Windows XP as its OS,changes were instant. I have the cache level set at 6 in Preferences with 70% available RAM set.
PSE10 editor won't open. I was working in editor, mouse pointer went away, computer froze. After turning off and starting again everything seems to be fine except editor won't open.
I use a couple of systems for CS and LR only. They are running Windows Vista (Home Edition). I wanted to sign up for creative cloud, but the service tells me that Windows 7 (or 8) is supported, not Vista. If I upgrade my PC to Windows 7, will the current versions of CS6 and LR 4.4 still work? Or, do I have to buy a new version.
Are there any conflicts with Photoshop CS3 and Win Vista? I'm thinking of a new laptop and most are WIN Vista, but I might be able to stick with Win XPvs2, which I am used to. Are there any advantages one way or the other?
I am running Windows 7 and cannot open newly purchased Elements 12. I have tried most of the .exe file fixes so I am not sure if that is the issue or not.Â
I'm not able to drag and drop images of any kind from Vista Business Windows Explorer into Photoshop CS3. Is there a known fix for this? I am already running the application as Administrator.