AutoCAD Inventor :: Mirroring Assembly And Retaining Constraints?
Jul 12, 2013
I am atempting to mirror a large assembly, and noticed that not all of my contraints were retain, is there a way to make to mirror and retain all of the contraints?
Coming from a background of ProE, Usually a mirrored group of constrained parts would mirror with alternative constraints locking them in place. Is there a way to do this in Inventor?
Every time I mirror constrained parts through a Datum plane, the results are loose components that could be dragged anywhere. I might aswell have just placed them again, though it gives me a good idea of where they should be.
Without grounding them, is there someway of locking these compents in the mirrored position.
Also, bolted connections pick up on patterned holes and populate them, yet there is only one constraint to the original hole and the rest can rotate around it.
I have a fixture that will have a symmetrically opposite fixture. Is there a way to copy/mirror the fixture in vault that would include the drawings?The new fixture would also be in a new project.
I was thinking I would copy the entire design in vault to a new project. I could then open it up and mirror the entire assembly. Would that work?
Why is it when I select multiple contraints for a component that I can use the delete key on the keyboard to eliminate them but when I select only a single constraint, I have to right click and select delete on the context menu. The delete key will not work on a single constraint.
In an assembly we can set driven constraints to drive parts etc.. or we can set the contact solver to show contacts.
Is it possible to set something like a driven constraint but so it is flexible between the set parameters?
when creating designs i like to move stuff around with the mouse to see how it works and the potential problems that might arise etc.. however i would like to still move stuff around with the mouse but restrict the movements with constraints.
so if you have a hingy flappy thing, the constraints would be set so it can rotate round the hinge as required but also an angular constraint could be set do it would work between set angles, say 0 to 50 degrees and if it gets to the limit it stops?
Is this possible, I think it would be very useful?
I have a bunch of assemblies that are acting this way and I am not sure why.
I have built the parts and built the sub-assemblies with-out errors, once everything looks good I place the subassemblies into my top level assembly.
Everything still looks good with no errors.
I do a rebuild of the top level assembly and find 20 or so errors.
Most of the errors are bogus and editing the constraint with-out changing anything removes the errors, typicaly.
On a bunch of the sub-assemblies the error showed up in the top level assembly, so I edit the part only to find the constraint is relevant but with errors so I suppress it to remove the error. Save and go back to the top level assembly only to find there is another constraint error in the same assembly that I suppressed the constraint to remove the error. This goes back and forth between top level and sub-assembly till all constraints are suppressed or deleted for the sub-assembly. Then the same thing happens to another sub-assembly.
The only solution that I have found is to delete all constraints and rebuild each sub-assembly with the same constraints that were initially used.
I want to use I logic to adjust an assembly constraint based on T/F value passed from a master sketch.
I have passed the paramater T/F and/or a user paramater as described in this thread using link (neet trick).. but when the code fires it only works on the true application and not the false.. if i open the rule and then close it the update button becomes available and when updated the false condition updates sucessfully. I have tried just re-running the rule to no avail. It seams that the only way I can get it to triger a false condition is to open the rule... close it and update.
I place and fully constrain two components in an assembly them mirror them. To my surprise, the mirror parts are not constrained. I grab them and move them anywhere I want. I closed without saving, reopened and grounded the mirrored components.
Im after programmatically mating 2 components together in an assembly. My stages are as follows:
1)Create New Assembly
2)Add .ipt's
3) One-by-one, mate all the parts together (each part has a plane named "WPStart" and "WPEnd". In each part im after the WPStart being flush mated with the WPEnd of the 2nd part - see image attached. In addition I would like to mate al the XZ planes in each of the parts fluch together and likewize the YZ planes.
Looking for views on what the best method is to copy a selection of parts in IV 2013 which will result in the copied selection to retain it's constraints ? I have an assembly which I have used the mirror method on a batch of parts, also used the standard copy method and pattern components.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I just recently installed Inventor 2012 and I'm finding it extremely annoying assembling parts together. I recall in 2011 I could see the parts interact and how the constraints would effect assemblies as I change offsets, relstionships, etc. But now in 2012 I can't see any of that until I acutallly apply the constrain and if it's wrong I have to back and edit it over multiple times till I get what I want. Is there anyway to get a preview of what will happen before I click the apply buton?
I noticed when creating assemblies, applying a positional constraint, the parts don't move. In order to get the parts to "move" to their constrained position I have to try and drag them with the mouse then they snap into place. Also updating the assembly works as well.
What setting could I have changed so that once I press apply on a constraint it moves the part immediately?
I got a simple question about the creation of copies of an object. Is it possible to have the objects in the mirroring of an object change with the object used as reference for mirroring?
If there is no function to do this directly is there a way to do it via Ilogics to update the mirrored objects? If possible even by deleting and creating a new the mirroring yet not manually but by i logic?
I need to drive more than one constraint at a time. The assembly consist of a hydraulic ram that pulls a cable which is routed around a few pullys and then pulls another linear moving member. I don't really care about modeling the cable right now, I just want the cylinder piston and the final member to move in unison. I can only drive one constraint at a time, so I figured I could relate the two constraints together by setting them equal to a parameter (variable), but that isn't working. Is it me or is driving multiple constraints at a time something that would be very useful for a lot of applications?
I'm modeling cables running through a series of cable clamps. I'm working in an assembly with my structure as one part, clamps as seperate parts, and cables as separate parts. I modeled the clamps first and am using them to create my 3d spline to run the sweep. The clamps have moved several times and each time, the sweeps (cables) do not update to follow the new clamping path. I have tried multiple ways of solving this.
I've tried to redo the splines using "Include Geometry" and running the spline through the centers of the clamps. I've also deleted the constraints (which for some reason turn into fixed) and reapplied them as coincident constraints. However, once I setup these coincidences, they always change back to fixed.
In a last ditch method, I've created 2d sketches at EVERY clamping location (yes that's alot of sketches, time and effort) and projected the circular geometry to get a center point. This has seemed to work, but is so much work, there's no way we could use it regularly.
I am using the RetainWallVertical subassembly with a created gutter subassembly attached to the wall and a DaylightGeneral subassembly attached to the gutter assembly. My cut slope parameter is set to hold at 1.5:1. I would like to use a target (feature line or alignment) to daylight to and have the wall height adjust accordingly. Problem, I am not able to use a target other than a surface for daylighting. I can use my existing ground surface, which I am daylighting too, but I can't adjust the target point.
I have installed the service pack, but I am still having trouble getting my structural steel shapes to mirror correctly. The green button is not an option for these parts, only the yellow and grey. I can, however, mirror everything else properly. How do I get these parts to mirror correctly?
I have a problem with a model and the drawing. In the model i have mirrored some holes. In the drawing the hole-table shows some of the mirrored holes on the position of the original ones. Also some entries are doubled.
I have also tried to redo a fresh drawing, the problem persists.
System: Inventor 2011 64 bit Subscription bonus pack with sp2
I also tried o another system without change. The model is too big to attach, so i attached only a pdf-dok.
I have a sheet metal part. It is a machine door with four edge flanges. I have mirrored this part. The origin part has flat pattern while the mirrored creates the folded pattern.
It still folded even when origin is in flat pattern.
I want to put a cable tray going from a sliding door to a fixed piece of steelwork. When the door opens and closes, I want the cable tray to adjust to suit the sliding door. I'll upload the file that I have made. When i drag the sketch it all moves accordingly, but when I placed in the assembly and make it adaptive it does nothing, it will not constrain and it will only bring up the errors.
Inventor 2012 Windows 7 64-Bit SP1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 (Avail. Graphics Memory 4067MB - Ded. 1024 MB) 12 GB RAM
Why do we not have the "=" (equals) constraint option in 3D Sketch mode? It seems like a very basic need for a constraint. Is there a reason why one should NOT want to have an "equal" constraint in a 3D Sketch?
All I need to do for now is to align one part to the center axis of another part. Later I will constrain but for now I just need to see where the two meet so I can project geometry onto a draw surface. So, all I need to do is make their central axes coincide on one straight line.
I can achieve the same result by counting the various lengths but I'm hoping there's a simpler solution.
I've just installed 2012 and I seem to have a problem with constraints.
The basic problem is that the SHOW CONSTRAINTS command doesn't show the constraints for geometry that clearly has them. For example, if you delete a horizontal constraint from a line and then add a horizontal constraint to the same line, the line will be constrained but the constraint will not show up.
is it possible to copy and paste parts in an assembly but also keeping any constraints set on the part?
I.e. if I had a square block constrained to a flat face of a floor, when I copy and paste the block many times I would like all the copy blocks to still be constrained to the floor.