AutoCAD Inventor :: Vertical Dimension Text Alignment?
Mar 23, 2012
I have a problem with the display of the text string when creating a dimension, been through all the options within the styles manager however no option to display the text to the right of the dim line, it always defaults text to inside the dim line, where the option to toggle alignment of text on a vertical dimension line is ?
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
When I go into Multiline Text edit, the edit box is vertical instead of horizontal. So, i must edit in a vertical fashion. Upon completion, the text remains vertical and I must take the time to rotate it to horizontal. I do have WYSIWYG checked, but it still goes vertical if it's not checked. Also, it starts out (before editing) horizontal. The font is Ariel. AutoCAD 2010.
My office has two desktop printers, both HP. Our Officejet 7000 wide format prints great. On the HP Officejet 7500, we are often seeing text printing errors. It will not print the text from vertical dimension strings, and cuts off some M-text at an imaginary vertical line in the middle of the text box. PDF's of the same drawing look fine. Is this a printer driver issue? Is there anything I can do within AutoCAD?
We have detail drawings that contain horizontal and vertical dimensions. They're drawn at full scale in model space and saved as individual drawings. We then insert them as blocks onto a sheet in paper space, scaling them down to 1/2", 1/4" scale ETC.
Here's the problem - all the vertical dimension text appears bolder than everything else when scaled down. Horizontal text is just fine, diagonal text also looks a little bolder though.
Basically, I have two workplanes which are parallel to each other and offset by a certain distance. As illustrated in the picture below, I'd like to constrain points from each plane to have the same vertical alignment as those from the other plane (horizontal too, I suppose, but the horizontal dimension will be the same anyways).
how to set it up in AutoCAD Mechanical 2013. Here it is: one single separate dimension is already on the drawing, later I want to put another single dimension somewhere else in the same direction and align it's position with previous one using snap on to text position feature. I know there's dimension alignment tool to do such thing after the fact, but how to do it during the placement of dimension?
Is there a way to setup vertical alignment of text in a cell for the entire table, when using Table Tool? It is possible for a single cell, but when selecting a table (or multiple cells) this option is not available.
I'm in the process of going from LDD 2008 to Civil 3D 2012 and I'm having some difficulties with the profiles. In LDD there was a vertical alignment editor for profiles where I could edit the surface profile stations and elevations. Has that feature gone the way of the Dinosaurs or is it in Civil 3D somewhere?
Once in a while the profile doesn't pick up a curb line or a change in elevation. Its just simpler sometimes to add a station and elevation without going in and spending time editing the surface so the profile reads correctly.
I am having problems with changing the height of the dimension text. I have tried going into the style editor and changing the text height in there and then saving it. The number for the height that I changed stays saved however the actual text height on the drawing does not, not even after I tell it to update.
I cant get a dimension to work in the vertical (Z) plane. i have a cube and can get dimensions to work properly in the x*y plane (horizontal) but when i try to dimension the vertical side autocad refuses to dimension anything vertical, all i get is a horizontal dimension of the distance between the 2 points i have selected vertically, set down on the horizontal plane. tried to get it to work in 3d workspace and also the 2d annotation & dimensioning workspace -no joy...
If a balloon style is set to "Linear" the text in that balloon is automatically left aligned. If a balloon style is set to "None" the text in that balloon is automatically center aligned.
Is it possible to create a balloon with the balloon style set to "None", and have the text left aligned in a drawing document. Typically the balloon text is more that one line . The new line in inserted by pressing ctrl+Enter in the override value of the balloon.
i have an issue in with my created sheets that does not show vertical alignment data. everything on the bands shows up nicely but the lines, curves and labels profile are missin.
see the attached image. you can notice from the image that there is no a signle data..
I'm trying to create a 3 digit grid bubble that will align vertically along an elevation, but my grid bubble in use within the project insists on the text being horizontal... Is there any way to force the alignment to vertical...?
I would like to add a Leader Text to lable a part- referencing the Part Number or whatever, move the text close to the edge of the part, to remove the leader/arrow and make the txt rotate 90deg to be vertical. I have messed with style settings for a new Vertical Txt style, and Vert Dim style -(pointed to the Vert Txt style and adjusted Notes and Leaders tab)
i don't understand why in the Format Text window the "rotation" box is always grayed out. can you unlock it?
How do you add text before a dimension in the idw environment? For example, I have a dimension that shows 40".... I want to add text before it to say something like.... " 8 Spaces at 5" = 40" ".... The 40 would be the default dimension value, everything else I want to add to the dimension... I have added tons of text information behind default dimension values, this is the first time I need to add the text before the value and cannot figure out how to get it to work...
I have a drawing and want to create an alignment in Civil 3D. I have my line, which is 987.83' long. However, when I create the alignment, the stationing runs from 0+00 to 118+53.92 instead of 0+00 to 9+87.83. This is a factor of 12. The properties tab reports a length of 11853.92 for the line as well. However, when I dimension the line, it displays the correct dimension that I want in feet.
I have a dimensioning problem. I have dimensions that I cannot modify as I normally do. I do not know what setting is stopping me but here is what it is doing. I add a dimension to a part. I then edit it to add 2X in front if it. It will then put it on top of the dimension. If I put it behind the text, it then goes beneath the dimension. There is no way to add text and it would actually appear on the same line as the dimension.
I have a user that wants to be able to either link dimensions to other dimensions, such as a ref dim to a live dimension or while inserting text in a note on the drawing to be able to list a dimension within that text string to a dimension of the part so as the part updates, the dimension in the text sting updates.
I am currently wanting to have my horizontal dimensions above the dim line and the postfix text below.
I can set this in inventor but when i do a save as autocad.dwg (2007) the postfix text either ends up above the line or puts a double space below the line.
I have been working on some spec sheets and, ideally, would like the text size larger to improve readability. When creating text, changing the size is as easy as editing the text and changing the size. With a dimension, however, that method doesn't work. Is there an easy way to change a dimension's text size without having to make a change in the styles??
I have a set of dimensions on my drawings however where the dimension is displaying as 6mm in a vertical plane this is quite difficult to distinguish as it could be misread as 9mm. Is there a way to add an underscore mark on the 6 so no mistake can be made as to it being a 6 and not a 9 ?
I'm trying to get the dimension text that I pull out to the side closer to the actual dimension marks. The 2 1/2" and 2" shown have a minimum distance they can get toward their dimensions. I would like it to be about half of what it is, but so far I haven't been able to find the property that changes that.
I am having trouble changing the dimension text size of any 2d or 3d sketch..
the default has changed for some reason (i might have accidentally changed it while looking for something the other day) but i need to know how to change it back.. I can't do anything without a dimension getting in the way!