AutoCAD Inventor :: Draw Bevel Gears From Drawings?
Sep 28, 2012
I am trying to draw a bevel gears from drawings, one is a scroll plate and the others are gears with a key hole. As you can see in the following attachment.
My question is how do you draw bevel gears on the face of the scroll plate and the cylindrical face of the other 3 gears?
Is it possible, using Design Accelerator to have Bevel Gears with straight teeth? I've tried every combo I can think of, and they are always curved teeth. Gears are not my most knowledgeable subject. I usually have the engineers produce the specs, & I get to draw them - they are not happy with the pictorial results.
I'm trying to run a simulation of 2 bevel gears without using the transitional/rotation constraint, but using the contact between the surfaces to simulate the rotation of the gears - basically I have an L-shaped shaft running through both centers and want to have the upper gear grounded, make the lateral gear rotate around its own axis - the goal is simply to see the contact between the gears make the side gear rotate around the vertical part of the l-shaped shaft, due to the contact forces.
I have two sets of identical spur gears. I want them to be lined and connected big-small-big-small gear. But how to connect this two sets together. I can create motion and axes constrains but it still lacks teath meshing. I found some tutorial how to create differential drive, it works with downloaded gears but not with one that I create (it says to set imates to visible which does nothing and alt-move mesh imates toghether which also do not work). I work with 2009 and 2011 versions.
Is there any way to draw built in gears by gear generator in Inventor? I mean, I need to create a spur gear around a solid body and then it is gonna be processed directly onto the body during manufacturing.
How can I create bicycle gears that have different numbers of teeth but all have an inter tooth distance (distance between the teeth centres) of 12.7mm?
My attempt at a solution and problems encountered:
I made a bicycle gear by patterning a small circle around a large circle then trimming lines (see attached sketch), but this method requires me to estimate the diameter of the large circle before patterning and then keep modifying this slightly until I get an intertooth distance as close as possible to 12.7mm. So I can't get exactly 12.7mm. In my sketch I have labelled this intertooth distance I refer to by construction lines.
I'm trying to design a gear system wherein a small gear rotating on an axle interacts with a large gear, held on an arm. The arm rotates about the same axis as the small gear, in the opposite direction. I applied the relevant motion constraint between the two gears. When I rotate the arm, the motion of the large gear rotates the small gear. However, if I just rotate the small gear, it freewheels, and the large gear doesn't move at all. This is a problem, because the machine depends on the independent rotation of both gear and arm-- the small gear has an input applied to it, but if I try to rotate it it has no effect on the large gear. I assume this is to do with the fact that the large gear's axis of rotation moves with the rotation of the arm.
I can't just throw it all into dynamic simulation, because I don't know yet what kind of torques will be rotating the arm and the small gear-- I know how they rotate relative to each other in terms of degrees, but that's all.
Essentially what I need to do is make it so that rotating the small gear turns the big gear, even when the arm is free to move (when it's grounded, the gears turn normally). I thought about using a contact set, but the gears (generated by Inventor) actually slightly intersect at the teeth, so that doesn't work.
My problem is it keeps changing data and/or failing. It particularly hates the 27 teeth (always changes it), never shows a 5.4 gear ratio (probably because it hates the 27 teeth), and won't accept an addendum of less than 1. Is this feature limited to only certain set gear setups? the automated tool won't accept these values (which I have to work with)?
I am having a problem while making 2 straight spur gears. The purpose is to connect the crankshaft with the camshaft. Center distance is fixed: 85,5mm. I would like a ratio of 0,5 with 22 and 44 teeth. My gears seem to hit each other. Please find the attached pictures below for a detail and my inputs.
I have two gears. In the assembly I have them setup to mesh correctly. I can drive the constraint on the pinion and the gear will follow it (some what). I wanted a better video of it, so I went into Studio. Now when I drive the constaint like before on the pinion, the gear goes crazy.
There is a rotational translation constraint set between the pair (= to inverse of gear ratio) that works in the iam, but it is like Studion ignores it. How can I animate this to show the gear mesh?
When we generate a gear pair using the design accelerator, the balloon from the drawing assembly only reflect one number instead of 2 different numbers. How can we change the number to reflect individual gears. Attached is the graphics.
I am creating a couple of spur gears using the "Center Distance" design guide. I have fixed each gear to a cylindrical face, but when I click on the "Calculate" button, there is an error saying that the center distance is incorrect.
I went back and edited my sketches so the center distance matched the one displayed in the design accelerator and attempted to calculate again, but the error persists. What am I not getting here?
...still happening in 2013...any answers out there? I'm getting pretty tired of redefining blocks (sending the wipeout to the back of the draw order) after pasting them into drawings.
When I used to use photoshop a long time ago (version 5) there was a technique I used to use to draw over the lines of a picture so that I could colour it how I wished and use the shading and burning tools etc to add more life to a picture. However I no longer know how to do this and I'm on version 7.
Basically it involved the lines tool, I would draw around each line of the picture, then add the end use a tool which made the lines smoother and more curved so it didnt look like it was drawn with a ruler, then it would be easy to select the areas in between each line and colour.
When I try to do this in 7 it creates a layer for each seperate line, and I dont remember whether it used to do this or not. Also I cant for the life of me find a way to smoothen them all out and make them as one whole layer like before, instead im left with many awful lines which overlap etc.
how I can do this effect, or a better way of doing so. I read one tutorial that said go over the lines with the pen tool, but that doesnt work at all, and going over with the brush doesnt leave nice defined lines at all and makes it hard to select the blank areas.
I'm trying to make some 3d spline gears in autocad, I start by generating them in eMachineshop then importing into autocad, this works fine but the gear is imported as seperat lines so I can't extrude them, i also cant join the lines because after zooming in there are quite a few gaps. How I can join the lines together without manually connecting the dots? I'll include a copy of the gear, eMachineshop only outputs dxf files as far as i know.
When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.
Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.
While making a drawing and there is something which I want to turn visibilty of for a while, I will select from a sub-menu "Visibility" (see the attachment) But what I must do if I want to turn the visibility on again for example to that hole shown in screen shot?
I want to draw operation drawings, I think, ı must do this like that; I must draw one ipt, and later I must draw drawings from this ipt, and idw's
1.drawing (operation); rectangular prism,
2.drawing (operation); rectangular prism and rectangular cutting,
3.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting and hole,
4.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting, hole and hexagon cutting,
when I change dimensions of rectangular prism, all four operation drawings must change, so I can't change location of end of part in idw's browser, but I can change location of end of part in ipt's browser, I want to change location of end of part in idw's browser, can I do this? or alternative solution...
I don't want to make, four ipt for each operations... I added a picture...
Autodesk inventor Design Suite Premium 2012 Windows 7 x64, 750 GB harddisk Intel core i5 Cpu @3.2 GHz, 8 GB Ram, nVidia Quadro 2000 D Graphics Card
know if we could put for example the Building of our Assembly in some 2D drawings as a "Reference" object and as a non reference object in other 2D drawings?
In some 2D drawings we don't need the whole building, and just with the references is enough, but in some other views, we need to see the building so we can represent the real obstacles we have or to show how the custumer should do the pipe implantation
I am slowly learning about ilogic, and have created parts and assemblies that are run by rules. My next question is, what exactly can ilogic do for drawings? I've looked at the wikihelp, but I am not a natural at programming and I need more than a list of functions with brief descriptions to get me started.
I'm looking for code snippets, other discussions, tips, tricks, and/or tutorials to get info what I can do with ilogic and the API that can automate parts of the drawing process.
The solutions that I have found to get an assembly bom on an assembly drawing are:
1. insert an assembly into an assembly.
2. make a virtual part or derived part.
3. make extra fields in the part and have the BOM column look at alternative iproperty fields.
In a part file that has a family table I want the configurations of some casted parts and some machined parts. the casted parts will have a drawing but no BOM, the machined parts will have a drawing and a BOM.
Then in an assembly file that has a family table I want configurations that use the configurations of the part file. Each of these assemblies will have a drawing that has a BOM that will call out the part that is is made from.
In other words I will have a casting that will be machined so I will need a casting drawing and a machine drawing that has a BOM telling what casting to use.
I thought when you created a part and filled out the iproperties description field and created a drawing of that part that the parts list would read the iproperties description field and put that in the parts list description field.
Then when you create an assembly that included that part and filled out the iproperties description field in the assembly and created a drawing of that assembly that the parts list description field would be filled out be the assembly iproperties description field.
Instead the description field of the parts list in the assembly drawing is filled out using the iproperties description field of the part not the assembly.
Every now and then I go back and try to use publish to speed up printing but I always go back to plotting one by one.
I work in a housing construction office and I have 10 separate drawings side by side in model space for house plans that I need plot separate to give to certain people. My problem isn't that I can't publish them separately its that I can't save them over existing pdf's individually predetermined.
Q1. do i just have to go through and change every layout name before or after i publish?
Q2. how do i change the output publish location?
Q3. can each layout be saved to a different existing pdf and remember it?
Q3. can i save these setting across to a new drawing?
i managed to download and install autodesk inventor 2013, licensing is ok, i can start the program and look at some tutorial videos, but as soon as i try to draw anything the program freezes and my whole computer seizes, i tried to install the update but program still freezes, what can be the reason for this?
my computer is in the lower range performance wise, intel core 2 duo processor(1.83GHz) 3GB DDR2 ram but autocad 2010 ran fine on the same computer