AutoCAD Inventor :: Gears And Relative Motion
Nov 12, 2012
I'm trying to design a gear system wherein a small gear rotating on an axle interacts with a large gear, held on an arm. The arm rotates about the same axis as the small gear, in the opposite direction. I applied the relevant motion constraint between the two gears. When I rotate the arm, the motion of the large gear rotates the small gear. However, if I just rotate the small gear, it freewheels, and the large gear doesn't move at all. This is a problem, because the machine depends on the independent rotation of both gear and arm-- the small gear has an input applied to it, but if I try to rotate it it has no effect on the large gear. I assume this is to do with the fact that the large gear's axis of rotation moves with the rotation of the arm.
I can't just throw it all into dynamic simulation, because I don't know yet what kind of torques will be rotating the arm and the small gear-- I know how they rotate relative to each other in terms of degrees, but that's all.
Essentially what I need to do is make it so that rotating the small gear turns the big gear, even when the arm is free to move (when it's grounded, the gears turn normally). I thought about using a contact set, but the gears (generated by Inventor) actually slightly intersect at the teeth, so that doesn't work.
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Jan 18, 2012
I have two sets of identical spur gears. I want them to be lined and connected big-small-big-small gear. But how to connect this two sets together. I can create motion and axes constrains but it still lacks teath meshing. I found some tutorial how to create differential drive, it works with downloaded gears but not with one that I create (it says to set imates to visible which does nothing and alt-move mesh imates toghether which also do not work). I work with 2009 and 2011 versions.
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May 23, 2013
Is there any way to draw built in gears by gear generator in Inventor? I mean, I need to create a spur gear around a solid body and then it is gonna be processed directly onto the body during manufacturing.
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Nov 5, 2012
How can I create bicycle gears that have different numbers of teeth but all have an inter tooth distance (distance between the teeth centres) of 12.7mm?
My attempt at a solution and problems encountered:
I made a bicycle gear by patterning a small circle around a large circle then trimming lines (see attached sketch), but this method requires me to estimate the diameter of the large circle before patterning and then keep modifying this slightly until I get an intertooth distance as close as possible to 12.7mm. So I can't get exactly 12.7mm. In my sketch I have labelled this intertooth distance I refer to by construction lines.
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Mar 24, 2013
how we can design a set of internal gears?
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Sep 28, 2012
I am trying to draw a bevel gears from drawings, one is a scroll plate and the others are gears with a key hole. As you can see in the following attachment.
My question is how do you draw bevel gears on the face of the scroll plate and the cylindrical face of the other 3 gears?
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Mar 5, 2013
I'm given this data to generate my worm gear set with:
Worm Gear Data:
Diametral Pitch: 8
Number of Teeth: 27
Pressure Angle: 20 Degrees
Pitch Diameter: 4.219
Base Circle Diameter: 4.523
Circular Pitch: .491
Circular Thickness: .246
Root Diameter: 3.906
Face Width: .783
Worm Data:
Number of Threads: 5
Pressure Angle: 20 Degrees
Pitch Diameter: .938
Lead Right Hand: .375
Lead Angle: 169 Degrees
Addendum: .156
Whole Depth: .313
Chordal Thickness: .204
Inner Diameter: .619
Outer Diameter: 1.244
Center Distance: 5
My problem is it keeps changing data and/or failing. It particularly hates the 27 teeth (always changes it), never shows a 5.4 gear ratio (probably because it hates the 27 teeth), and won't accept an addendum of less than 1. Is this feature limited to only certain set gear setups? the automated tool won't accept these values (which I have to work with)?
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Nov 8, 2013
I am having a problem while making 2 straight spur gears. The purpose is to connect the crankshaft with the camshaft. Center distance is fixed: 85,5mm. I would like a ratio of 0,5 with 22 and 44 teeth. My gears seem to hit each other. Please find the attached pictures below for a detail and my inputs.
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Sep 20, 2011
I have two gears. In the assembly I have them setup to mesh correctly. I can drive the constraint on the pinion and the gear will follow it (some what). I wanted a better video of it, so I went into Studio. Now when I drive the constaint like before on the pinion, the gear goes crazy.
There is a rotational translation constraint set between the pair (= to inverse of gear ratio) that works in the iam, but it is like Studion ignores it. How can I animate this to show the gear mesh?
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Dec 10, 2013
Is it possible, using Design Accelerator to have Bevel Gears with straight teeth? I've tried every combo I can think of, and they are always curved teeth. Gears are not my most knowledgeable subject. I usually have the engineers produce the specs, & I get to draw them - they are not happy with the pictorial results.
Inventor Product Design Suite Premium 2013
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Dec 21, 2013
I made internal gears with design accelerator.
It's calculation is OK. And drag it,the rotation is good, But the direction is opposite. The tooth's move opposite direction to each other.
I used Autodesk Inventor 2013, And sp2, update But, this appeard before And after sp2 patch.
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Mar 30, 2012
I'm trying to draw a spiral bevel gears system KLINGELNBERG , but the results do not match the actual measurements of the piece.
ex. measure of the real outside diameter of the gear = 356mm
number of teeth pinion = 9
number of teeth gear = 44
module = 5
shaft angle = 90 °
face width = 59mm
helix angle = 35 °
pressure angle = 20 °
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Jan 28, 2013
I'm trying to run a simulation of 2 bevel gears without using the transitional/rotation constraint, but using the contact between the surfaces to simulate the rotation of the gears - basically I have an L-shaped shaft running through both centers and want to have the upper gear grounded, make the lateral gear rotate around its own axis - the goal is simply to see the contact between the gears make the side gear rotate around the vertical part of the l-shaped shaft, due to the contact forces.
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Apr 4, 2012
When we generate a gear pair using the design accelerator, the balloon from the drawing assembly only reflect one number instead of 2 different numbers. How can we change the number to reflect individual gears. Attached is the graphics.
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Nov 13, 2011
I am creating a couple of spur gears using the "Center Distance" design guide. I have fixed each gear to a cylindrical face, but when I click on the "Calculate" button, there is an error saying that the center distance is incorrect.
I went back and edited my sketches so the center distance matched the one displayed in the design accelerator and attempted to calculate again, but the error persists. What am I not getting here?
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Oct 22, 2012
I would like to find out how to fix two components in an assembly relative to each other, and using VBA.
What I want to do is to build the assembly (which consists of two components A and B, and also other components) and then animate the joint in component B. In order to do so, I have to fix A to B so that A moves along with the joint motion. But my problem here is that the attachment of A to B is not definite - it depends on other components in the assembly, so I cannot predefine a constrain between the two.
Is there a way I can easily fix two components relative to each other in an assembly without prior knowledge on how they are positioned relative to each other?
I'm thinking of measuring and then constraining the origins of the two part files in 6DOF, but I'm not sure how i can extract the angle between the axes and then constrain them in the correct way (mating using angles has always been confusing for me).
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Jan 17, 2013
how to align an object 90 degrees relative to the ground.Also how can draw a 350x350mm rectangle without using the dimension tool to check the size of the rectangle every time I resize it?
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May 8, 2013
I'm sure this has been asked many times but none of the queries I used brought up a similar question. My issue is that I recently spent a lot of time annotating a detail view with leaders attached to geometry, leaders not attached to geometry, and sketches constrained to geometry projected from the view.
I made some modifications to the model which didn't re-locate any of the components that I'd annotated, but somehow the detail view got shifted, and all of my leaders are pointing to the wrong place and the parts of my sketch that weren't constrained to geometry are in the wrong place as well. Some of the leaders seem to have held to their posts better than others, but for the most part my annotations are worthless and will need to be re-done.
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Dec 20, 2011
In SW I was able to create assemblies that had components with limited motion and then set them as "Fllexable" and allow them to move in larger assemblies. How do I do this in Inventor? I have a trailer with both the front and rear axles able to pivot. These axle sub-assemblies are both able to pivot as top level assemblies but when they are assembled in the trailer assembly the only way I have found to allow movement is to make one axle active and move it then activate the other nad move it. This doesn't work well if there are several interdependant subassemblies that should move together. I am in Inventor 2012.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium
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Aug 8, 2012
I'm trying to make an assembly that would move. however I'm having trouble right now, when i try to move things by mouse, it seems they just go everywhere without respecting the constraints. At first i was using the drive constraint on the slider delete for the movement but it doesn't work either.
I am using inventor 2011 btw. Here are the files, assemblage.iam was working correctly but when i added the arms, they don't work ( assemblage2.iam).
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Nov 12, 2013
When I rotate the drive shaft gear very slowly, the assembly follows the the correct motion path, (figure 1), however, when I rotate it quickly, the assembly snaps the linkages to an orientation that is not physically possible, but satisfies the geometrical constraints (figure 2). I can't use contact solver because I am using the adaptive function for my sub-assembly to avoid having to re-constrain many parts.
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Feb 3, 2012
How do you limit translation/rotation of components in Assembly mode? I'm volunteering as a teacher to some high school students and we're modeling a robotic arm using syringes as prime movers. I want to keep the linkages from traveling inside-out and limit the travel of the syringe plunger.
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Jul 13, 2012
i'm developing a hexapod robot and i want to simulate the motion of the robot's leg. The mechanical of robot's leg contain a servo motor that variate your angle between 0 to 330 degre. How can i delimite the angle of servo's rotation?
Other questions, is about the fixation with bolts. How can i do for the motion simulation respect the connection of the bolt? when i do a dynamical simulation the parts that contain bolts don't stay joints, i have to do a rule of fixation with constrains?
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Mar 14, 2012
Attached is an assembly that I created. It includes a timing belt, 2 pulleys, 2 shafts, and some profile lugs that are attached to the belt with a false tooth.
1. why can't I constrain the profile lugs around the radius of the belt? Also, when I created the belt and put the holes in it, they disappeared because they ended up in the radius of the belt.
2. Is it possible to create a motion constraint to this model, so that it moves like a real belt?
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Oct 19, 2013
I'm trying to create a telescopic cylinder motion in Inventor, making the cylinders move together.
Like in this video: [URL]
Is this possible without using inventor studio? I can't figure out what constraint or joint to use.
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Oct 16, 2013
I'm trying to constrain a length of ACME threaded rod to a nut so that when the rod is spun or threaded it shows it traveling into the nut as it will be grounded. I would like it to work as a driven assembly or if I was to turn or spin the rod by the mouse. I've reseached this for the last 2 days and can not spend any more time on it so time to ask the experts.
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Jul 16, 2012
I would like to show the motion of this assembly as it goes up, and rotates.
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Aug 18, 2009
I am trying to animate a couple slides in to show their motion. I setup each different position in a positional rep in my iam. They work correctly. Next I went to Studio and created an animation that went from one PR to the next. I am using the sequence like PR "A" to "B", then PR "B" to "C", then PR "C" to "D".
The trouble is in studio it does not work like it does in the assembly. Watch both videos to see what I mean. It is difficult to explain without being lengthy.
The video shown here is what I am trying to show in Studio. See the reply to this message to see my clip taken from Studio.
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Apr 1, 2011
I am pretty familiar with Assembly constraints but I want to know how do you constrain/motion a screw or similar object to be able to turn appropriately whilst going up & down a threaded hole?
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Feb 24, 2012
I have a Scissor Jack Assembly in its open Position. (fully constrained)
I would like to be able to use Drive constraint & show the Assembly in its closed position.
I know I need to adjust one or two of my constraints.
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Apr 18, 2012
way to define a path for a part to move in an assembly?
Find attaced models for valve, pig and assembly.
the final goal is to deturnime the maximum size pig that will travel thru with out interfering.
I believe the path for the leading end will be different than the trailing end.
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