AutoCAD Inventor :: Design Accelerator Spur Gears
Nov 8, 2013
I am having a problem while making 2 straight spur gears. The purpose is to connect the crankshaft with the camshaft. Center distance is fixed: 85,5mm. I would like a ratio of 0,5 with 22 and 44 teeth. My gears seem to hit each other. Please find the attached pictures below for a detail and my inputs.
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Nov 13, 2011
I am creating a couple of spur gears using the "Center Distance" design guide. I have fixed each gear to a cylindrical face, but when I click on the "Calculate" button, there is an error saying that the center distance is incorrect.
I went back and edited my sketches so the center distance matched the one displayed in the design accelerator and attempted to calculate again, but the error persists. What am I not getting here?
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Sep 23, 2011
new user to Inventor Professional. When I go to insert a Spur Gear, or anything else in the Design Ribbon infact, I click on the icon and no table ables to specify and place my object.
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Mar 24, 2013
how we can design a set of internal gears?
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Oct 23, 2013
I am using version 2014 and all the tabs under "Design" are greyed out. I am trying to use the "Insert Frame" function.
Note: Windows 64bit. Recently upgrade from 2013.
Similar problem Here: [URL]....
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Aug 19, 2013
I am having a problem with the design accelerator in 2014. The tab is there, but I cannot click any of the buttons to actually insert a frame or design some gears. They are all grayed out. The design Accelerator appears to be loaded in the add-ins screen. I am running Win 7 64 bit.
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Sep 14, 2013
Design accelerator does not generate sprockets for chain? I would like to know why.
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Jan 17, 2013
Roller Chain accelerator give fault value? For example, I have a basic chain setup with 180SP40 and 180SP15 (both are existing sprockets). After choosing the correct chain style from the table and start choosing the existing sprockets (OD of the tooth), tt gave me a fault output and recognize the 180SP40 as a 42 tooth sprocket and 180SP15 as a 17 tooth sprocket
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Jul 4, 2013
I'm customizing templates inventor.I need to know how to customize the template using DA for the design of the shafts.
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Jun 7, 2013
Is there a way I can add hpt belts to the design accelerator? I'm using inventor 2013 and I want to use 8m belts without having to find the models of each pulley and individually add them.
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Nov 15, 2012
I am working on a gearbox design that requires multiple iterations on the shaft dimensins and other parts, so linking the dimiensinos to a spreadsheet would make this easier. However, I'm using the design accelerator for the shaft and other components and I cannot find any information on how to connect the dimensions I enter in that design accelerator to a speadsheet.
I know how to link to a spreadsheet for a regular component, but haven't used that much.
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Feb 3, 2013
When I import an Inventor model to Showcase, bolted connections are missing the bolt. I get the washers and nuts but the bolt is gone. I can overcome this by saving the bolt part in a project folder but this is time consuming.
Are there some settings I am missing or is it just another item to add to the fixit list?
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Nov 29, 2011
If there is a way to create multiple instances of bolted connections using design accelerator instead of having to add one by one which takes forever ? All the bolted connections are of the same specification.
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Sep 28, 2006
Everytime I try to place a #8 machine screw type II screw from the content center I get a Design Accelerator Doctor error saying: "Modeling: Failed to insert a part into assembly!".
But if I place a Type I machine screw it works fine. Also if I replace the Type I screw with the Type II (the one I have a problem with) it replaces it no problem. So basically if I want to place a #8 Type II screw I have to place a Type I and then replace it with the Type II..
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Apr 28, 2013
I've got a strange situation regarding the bolted connection generator. For some background, I made another post a while back about editing the hole sizes for Flat Head Cap Screws so that the heads were below flush. That thread is here:
Basically, I increased the countersink diameters Clearance.xls and then found that the Design Accelerator doesn't use that spreadsheet for its data source. More research led me to this file:
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2013Design DataDesign AcceleratorTablesHolesAnsi Unified Screw Threads.xml
So I edited the diameters in this file and tested the design accelerator and everything was great. [I kept a backup of the original...]
Since then, another thing that has bothered me was counterbore numbers for socket head cap screws. The Cbore diameters don't match the tools that we have and the depths are always right on size. i.e. for a 1/4" SHCS, the bore is 7/16" diam x 0.250" deep. In reality our cbore tools are about 0.406 and we cut them about 0.265 deep to make sure the head is below flush.
I went in to these two XML files and edited them (and kept backups): Ansi Metric M Profile.xml Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml
Everything seems to be cool, except for one scenario. When I create a counterbored joint for a metric SHCS, the cbore diameter is always 16.00 mm diameter and too deep, regardless of its size. I searched the XML file and what it's doing *does not* match the data in the XML file. I monkeyed around a little more and could not get the counterbores to come out right.
So at that point, I renamed all the files to restore my original backups to the "factory" ones. I assumed that I screwed up the formatting or something in the data table and I'd just try it again. However, even after I restored my backups and removed my edited files, the metric counterbores are messed up.
What I don't understand is that changing the file "Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml" *did* update the holes for English screw joints. But does the DA pull data for metric joints from somewhere OTHER than "Ansi Metric M Profile.xml"? And if it does use this XML file, why isn't it working? The original data has been restored, but the behavior is not behaving correctly.
Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
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Aug 22, 2013
I have a problem were when , i take a design accelator shaft to .idw and section it the the hatch lines do not appear as they would if it was a shft drawn from scratch.
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Sep 17, 2013
is it possible to produce something like in the attached image using the design accelerator? Instead of making a cylinder and sketching the spline patterns and extruding? To me there must be a way besides sketching and use the library's of standard splines patterns and sizes.
Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49
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Jun 7, 2012
Is there a way of using design accelerator to rivet fix as you would with bolted connection ? I know that by initiating the bolted connection command there is no option to use rivet to complete the connection as is done with bolts. It would be great if rivets from the content centre could be somehow imported into the bolted connection component generator (or readily available) to add like bolted connection or if there are any 'workaround's' to produced similar results ?
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May 14, 2013
I've got a strange situation regarding the bolted connection generator. For some background, I made another post a while back about editing the hole sizes for Flat Head Cap Screws so that the heads were below flush. That thread is here:
Basically, I increased the countersink diameters Clearance.xls and then found that the Design Accelerator doesn't use that spreadsheet for its data source. More research led me to this file:
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2013Design DataDesign AcceleratorTablesHolesAnsi Unified Screw Threads.xml
So I edited the diameters in this file and tested the design accelerator and everything was great. [I kept a backup of the original...]
Since then, another thing that has bothered me was counter bore numbers for socket head cap screws. The Cbore diameters don't match the tools that we have and the depths are always right on size. i.e. for a 1/4" SHCS, the bore is 7/16" diam x 0.250" deep. In reality our cbore tools are about 0.406 and we cut them about 0.265 deep to make sure the head is below flush.
No big deal, right? I went in to these two XML files and edited them (and kept backups):
Ansi Metric M Profile.xml
Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml
The problem ==========>
Everything seems to be cool, except for one scenario. When I create a counter bored joint for a metric SHCS, the cbore diameter is always 16.00 mm diameter and too deep, regardless of its size. I searched the XML file and what it's doing *does not* match the data in the XML file. I monkeyed around a little more and could not get the counterbores to come out right.
So at that point, I renamed all the files to restore my original backups to the "factory" ones. I assumed that I screwed up the formatting or something in the data table and I'd just try it again. However, even after I restored my backups and removed my edited files, the metric counterbores are messed up.
What I don't understand is that changing the file "Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml" *did* update the holes for English screw joints. But does the DA pull data for metric joints from somewhere OTHER than "Ansi Metric M Profile.xml"? And if it does use this XML file, why isn't it working? The original data has been restored, but the behavior is not behaving correctly.
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Feb 8, 2012
With the common knowledge of Inventor having a Spur gear generator, please I need calling that Spur gear generator from my API. Note that I am using VB for the programming and I have use Try and Catch for linking my API to the inventor. So on starting debugging my API, Inventor starts just as the example in the my first pluggin.
The Only thing remaining is to link my API to the Spur Gear Generator.
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Nov 8, 2012
I generated a pinion and gear train using gear generator in Power Transmission tab and saved the spur gear1 as pinion. However the displayed name in inventor is still spur gear1 when I open the file (the file's name is changed to pinion). How shall I rename the file? I attached the file here.
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Apr 9, 2010
I am trying to create a spur gear in Autodesk Inventor 11 using the Spur Gears Component Generator in the Design Accelerator. I have been given diminsions for the Spir Gear as followed but don't know how to enter them because there is only a limited amount of values:
Number of teeth........10
Diametric pitch.........9.6
Circulator pitch.........0.32725
Pitch diameter..........1.0416
Outside diameter......1.25
Root diameter...........0.8006
Whole depth............0.22466
Circular thickness....0.163625
Pressure angle........9.00
I enter in the Addendum, Clearance, and Pressure Angle and it says that the values are Ambiguous Inputs. Is there any way that I can create this gear? it doesn't matter about the Loads, Material Values, and Inputs in the Calculations tab.
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Jun 20, 2012
I am wanting a piece of info that I cannot seem to locate in the spur gear generator. I will post a picture when I have a chance, but what I am looking for is the 'W' figure (distance over 'x' number of teeth at the pitch line). What I have is a deg. helical gear so the best way to get this info is calculate it, but again, I dont see it in the inventor calculation.
Inventor 2014 PDS
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Jan 18, 2012
I have two sets of identical spur gears. I want them to be lined and connected big-small-big-small gear. But how to connect this two sets together. I can create motion and axes constrains but it still lacks teath meshing. I found some tutorial how to create differential drive, it works with downloaded gears but not with one that I create (it says to set imates to visible which does nothing and alt-move mesh imates toghether which also do not work). I work with 2009 and 2011 versions.
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May 23, 2013
Is there any way to draw built in gears by gear generator in Inventor? I mean, I need to create a spur gear around a solid body and then it is gonna be processed directly onto the body during manufacturing.
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Nov 5, 2012
How can I create bicycle gears that have different numbers of teeth but all have an inter tooth distance (distance between the teeth centres) of 12.7mm?
My attempt at a solution and problems encountered:
I made a bicycle gear by patterning a small circle around a large circle then trimming lines (see attached sketch), but this method requires me to estimate the diameter of the large circle before patterning and then keep modifying this slightly until I get an intertooth distance as close as possible to 12.7mm. So I can't get exactly 12.7mm. In my sketch I have labelled this intertooth distance I refer to by construction lines.
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Nov 12, 2012
I'm trying to design a gear system wherein a small gear rotating on an axle interacts with a large gear, held on an arm. The arm rotates about the same axis as the small gear, in the opposite direction. I applied the relevant motion constraint between the two gears. When I rotate the arm, the motion of the large gear rotates the small gear. However, if I just rotate the small gear, it freewheels, and the large gear doesn't move at all. This is a problem, because the machine depends on the independent rotation of both gear and arm-- the small gear has an input applied to it, but if I try to rotate it it has no effect on the large gear. I assume this is to do with the fact that the large gear's axis of rotation moves with the rotation of the arm.
I can't just throw it all into dynamic simulation, because I don't know yet what kind of torques will be rotating the arm and the small gear-- I know how they rotate relative to each other in terms of degrees, but that's all.
Essentially what I need to do is make it so that rotating the small gear turns the big gear, even when the arm is free to move (when it's grounded, the gears turn normally). I thought about using a contact set, but the gears (generated by Inventor) actually slightly intersect at the teeth, so that doesn't work.
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Sep 28, 2012
I am trying to draw a bevel gears from drawings, one is a scroll plate and the others are gears with a key hole. As you can see in the following attachment.
My question is how do you draw bevel gears on the face of the scroll plate and the cylindrical face of the other 3 gears?
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Mar 5, 2013
I'm given this data to generate my worm gear set with:
Worm Gear Data:
Diametral Pitch: 8
Number of Teeth: 27
Pressure Angle: 20 Degrees
Pitch Diameter: 4.219
Base Circle Diameter: 4.523
Circular Pitch: .491
Circular Thickness: .246
Root Diameter: 3.906
Face Width: .783
Worm Data:
Number of Threads: 5
Pressure Angle: 20 Degrees
Pitch Diameter: .938
Lead Right Hand: .375
Lead Angle: 169 Degrees
Addendum: .156
Whole Depth: .313
Chordal Thickness: .204
Inner Diameter: .619
Outer Diameter: 1.244
Center Distance: 5
My problem is it keeps changing data and/or failing. It particularly hates the 27 teeth (always changes it), never shows a 5.4 gear ratio (probably because it hates the 27 teeth), and won't accept an addendum of less than 1. Is this feature limited to only certain set gear setups? the automated tool won't accept these values (which I have to work with)?
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Sep 20, 2011
I have two gears. In the assembly I have them setup to mesh correctly. I can drive the constraint on the pinion and the gear will follow it (some what). I wanted a better video of it, so I went into Studio. Now when I drive the constaint like before on the pinion, the gear goes crazy.
There is a rotational translation constraint set between the pair (= to inverse of gear ratio) that works in the iam, but it is like Studion ignores it. How can I animate this to show the gear mesh?
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Dec 10, 2013
Is it possible, using Design Accelerator to have Bevel Gears with straight teeth? I've tried every combo I can think of, and they are always curved teeth. Gears are not my most knowledgeable subject. I usually have the engineers produce the specs, & I get to draw them - they are not happy with the pictorial results.
Inventor Product Design Suite Premium 2013
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