Photoshop :: Using Ps To Draw Over Scanned Drawings
Jan 31, 2005
When I used to use photoshop a long time ago (version 5) there was a technique I used to use to draw over the lines of a picture so that I could colour it how I wished and use the shading and burning tools etc to add more life to a picture. However I no longer know how to do this and I'm on version 7.
Basically it involved the lines tool, I would draw around each line of the picture, then add the end use a tool which made the lines smoother and more curved so it didnt look like it was drawn with a ruler, then it would be easy to select the areas in between each line and colour.
When I try to do this in 7 it creates a layer for each seperate line, and I dont remember whether it used to do this or not. Also I cant for the life of me find a way to smoothen them all out and make them as one whole layer like before, instead im left with many awful lines which overlap etc.
how I can do this effect, or a better way of doing so. I read one tutorial that said go over the lines with the pen tool, but that doesnt work at all, and going over with the brush doesnt leave nice defined lines at all and makes it hard to select the blank areas.
my girlfriend's birthday is coming up, and I wanted to do something a little bit different. She's a great artist, and she's drawn a lot of pictures of us together. She's so busy though, that she never has time to finish the drawing completely, so she can't get around to coloring it. I was wondering if you guys could point in the right direction of how to color scanned black and white drawings?
I have several hundred TIF images at 1200 dpi+ which represent scans of hand drawings on parchment paper using pencil or ink-pen (.2mm or thereabouts) of 4000 year old cuneiform documents. The drawings were made over an extended period of time, the paper varied, and ultimately, the scans reflect this in that some lines are darker than others and there are occasional 'smudgy' areas etc.
What I would like to do prior to publication is to sharpen the images and make them consistent across the repertoire as black on white background.
how various Photoshop (CS5, Mac) commands do what they do, but I've found several that seem like they might get me where I want to go: Levels (Auto?), Threshold, Shadows/Highlights. I'd like to automate to run over a directory of images if possible. At the same time, I might have to change the dpi and output format of the new images.
In this case, the drawing is fairly clear (not much 'grey' background) but the lines are not as black and sharp as they could be.
how to get them clean and crisp? black ink drawings is what im scannin in, ive figured this much out; scan it in at a high resolution (i scaned in at 600dpi), scan it in grayscale, mess with the levels. the overall goal is to scan in a line drawing and color it.
im trying to get the lines to be a uniform solid black. ionno if this is something i should try to get when im actually drawing it or something that is best left to PS. it looks pretty good on paper but when i got it in PS the lines are not as solid as i thought.
I am a newbie to Illustrator. I have scanned in a drawing and opened in illustrator. As it was a jpeg, I then image traced it to turn into vectors - it looks very messy, is there a better way?
I now want to colour parts of it in, but it only allows me to use black, white or gradients in between, how do I add colour? The document colour mode is RGB.
I love to draw, I would like to use my drawings on some iPhone game. I am wondering how I can process the drawings I scanned into a high definition image? I do my drawings in old fashion paper and pencil way, once The drawings were scanned, the resulting images look very rough, for example, the lines are showing the pencil marks, a straight line has a few bumps in the middle, and circles seem a bit off, is there a way in Gimp to do some fine tuning on the images?
I am trying to draw a bevel gears from drawings, one is a scroll plate and the others are gears with a key hole. As you can see in the following attachment.
My question is how do you draw bevel gears on the face of the scroll plate and the cylindrical face of the other 3 gears?
...still happening in 2013...any answers out there? I'm getting pretty tired of redefining blocks (sending the wipeout to the back of the draw order) after pasting them into drawings.
When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.
Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.
Every now and then I go back and try to use publish to speed up printing but I always go back to plotting one by one.
I work in a housing construction office and I have 10 separate drawings side by side in model space for house plans that I need plot separate to give to certain people. My problem isn't that I can't publish them separately its that I can't save them over existing pdf's individually predetermined.
Q1. do i just have to go through and change every layout name before or after i publish?
Q2. how do i change the output publish location?
Q3. can each layout be saved to a different existing pdf and remember it?
Q3. can i save these setting across to a new drawing?
I'm hoping I'm posting this on the right board, I'm still trying to learn where everything is at in this group.
I'm working on scanning some old mounted slides using a Canoscan 900F. I'm scanning them in as high resolution as I can and saving as .tiff. The file sizes are around 80 mb with dimensions in the vicinity of 6432x4352. I'm using Windows 7 and the scans looks good when I review them in the photo gallery, but when I open them in CS6 and look at the size, it's showing the actual size of the negative. I can change the view so I can see a bigger picture, but when I try to print it, it wants to print at the small size. I'm thinking I'm just missing something. How can I take the scanned slides and set them up so I can print larger prints. I would really like to do a couple as 8 x 10 for a Christmas present. What am I doing wrong?
How do I get rid of red eye on pictures that I have scanned ? I specify scanned, because I am assuming there is a difference between scanned pictures, and ditigal pictures.
I scanned some hand-written text at very high resolution.
But when I scale it down and print it at high resolution it doesnt appear very sharp. On close inspection I can see slight jaggy anti-aliasing.
How can I make the edges of the text sharper?
I've enclosed a sample.
Also, sometimes I need to use the graphic keyed over another photo. What is the best way to make it transparent, while still maintaing the sharp edges?
Is there anyway to turn the file into a vector file so I wont have these problems?
After scanning a image that has a mostly white background, and opening it in Photoshop CC that portions of the edges had pinkish tones that was quite noticible. I tried to use the replace color from the "Image->adgustments" menu but found that affected small portions of the image as well.
How do I correct this so the background is white? Is there a correction filter for scanners like there is for cameras?
My wife gave me an old photo to scan and repair, and it has an odd pattern in it due to the textured photo paper it was originally printed on. How to remove this pattern?
Basically, I have drawn a logo on paper and I have scanned it in 1600 dpi, so it is a fairly big and detailed image, im just wandering how to go about making into an accurate drawn logo without using a tablet, a quick and easy way with a good outcome.
I am on a Mac OS 10.5.8 with Adobe CS2, Acrobat 7.0 Professional, and Illustrator and Bridge.
I have a bunch of print-outs of old documents that came from a microfilm copy. I need to include them in a report, so I need to scan them in. I have tinkered with various settings (100 dpi - 300 dpi) and of course I would like to keep them small sized. At 300, one came in at 10 MB which is absurd.
My second problem is that part of the print-outs are really difficult to read--it's usually one section that has a lot of mid-tones. I can use levels and curves somewhat, but they seem to affect the whole document.
I recently migrated from Windowx XP (32 bit) to Windows 7 (64bit). On the xp computer, I installed the driver for my epson V500 photo scanner, and when go to File--> Import, there is an option to import via espon scanner. However, in Window 7, with Photoshop CS4 64 bit installed, the installed scanner does not show up on the import menu.
I don't know how to get it to see the scanner as it does on my XP machine. I tried copying the photoshop plugins/import-export folder from the xp machine to photoshop (64)/plugind/import-export folder, but that didn't make a difference.
I really need the scanner to be visible inside photoshop.
I'm currently an Art Major in school, and I've been studying examples from the Art Nouveau era. I've been sketching out symmetrical designs, scanning them and mirroring them on Photoshop.
All has gone well so far, however, I'm now trying to figure out how to clean it up and make it look "perfect". In terms of being perfect, I want it to look completely clean. I darkened the lines as much as I could and erased as much as I could, however, I've tried different things such as blurring, sharpening, and adjusting levels, but the lines still seem too jagged from the sketching. I'm wanting to smooth them out and make them look nice.
Here is my drawing:
and here is an example of what I would like it to look like(minus the completely filled in black part)
You see how crisp it is? No jagged edges, completely smooth and clean. This is what I want.
So I'm currently an Art Major in school, and I've been studying examples from the Art Nouveau era. I've been sketching out symmetrical designs, scanning them and mirroring them on Photoshop.
All has gone well so far, however, I'm now trying to figure out how to clean it up and make it look "perfect". In terms of being perfect, I want it to look completely clean. I darkened the lines as much as I could and erased as much as I could, however, I've tried different things such as blurring, sharpening, and adjusting levels, but the lines still seem too jagged from the sketching. I'm wanting to smooth them out and make them look nice.
Here is my drawing:
and here is an example of what I would like it to look like(minus the completely filled in black part)
You see how crisp it is? No jagged edges, completely smooth and clean. This is what I want.
So does anyone know of any ways to get to this result?
I open PS and place a platen-load of photos on the scanner. Using HP Scanjet 7650 and Omnipage Pro 12 I scan making one bmp. I close the scanner program and have my bmp opened in PS. A. File, Automate, Crop and straighten results in 4 psd files.
sometimes one or more of the 4 are miscut by PSCS. I then have to go into the original composite .bmp and recrop just the one that was miscut.
B.Let's say you've got 10 individual .bmps.
How to convert all at once to jpegs of a certain dimension?
I'd like to Edit a document that's being scanned from a scanner (Epson cx5000 all in one printer)
More specifically i want to edit the text on the document. I know about OCR software and how it will convert the image into editable text in like MS word and what not, but that's not really what i need to do.
i need the document text to look exactly the same after the edit as it does from the scan, if you know what i mean.
I'm editing a certification. I lost my OC cert (oleoresin capsicum, commonly referred to as "Pepper Spray." you only need to be sprayed with it once in your life (so long as you have the cert); and I'm absolutely not about to get sprayed again, as I'd probably rather shoot myself in the leg.
I have another person's cert that i can scan, i just need to change the date and name on the cert.
I'm not having much luck getting the edited version too look right though. The text looks too sharp compared to the other text; matching fonts is proving tricky, and when printed off, the area that's edited looks "whiter" than the areas not edited.
i regulary scan documents with text but find text looks muddy when printed .blocky edges .ive played around with unsharp mask but no joy. if i input text through photoshop 7 its nice and sharp yet scanned text remains poor .played around with scanner using different resolutions and input formats ie colour doc . line art etc tried abbyy finereader but waste of time (need graphics in background)
I'm having a problem getting consistency in the background of several prints I've scanned. I've cleaned my scanner glass and have made several scans at differing resolutions and contrast levels but the problem is persistent.
I am trying to scan some kids artwork and import into photoshop - I can do that bit!
Then I want to crop the image so that it is around the edge of the actual picture. That is - I dont want a butterfly shape (for example) with a white box around it.
I want to paste the images onto a background colour and don't want the white square around the shape on the background!
know if I can save the image like that in photoshop!