my girlfriend's birthday is coming up, and I wanted to do something a little bit different. She's a great artist, and she's drawn a lot of pictures of us together. She's so busy though, that she never has time to finish the drawing completely, so she can't get around to coloring it. I was wondering if you guys could point in the right direction of how to color scanned black and white drawings?
I have been photoshopping (Photoshop 7) for the past 9 months, and I'm fairly comfortable with the program. I use it mostly for art and drawing.
However, recently, I've run into a bit of a problem. You see, up until a month ago, I would scan a penciled drawing of mine in, add a layer over it, and trace it with the brush. It worked pretty well, never gave me any trouble accept for the large amounts of time it would take to trace everything with a mouse.
So, about a month ago I was looking for coloring tips, and I found that most people ink their drawings, scan them in, and somehow color it. I thought I had the answers, but I didn't.
I scanned an inked picture at 300 dpi with my Canon scanner (I don't know the exact model, but it was cheap, and I got what I paid for). I brought it into PS, and I tried using the magic wand tool (with a tolerance of 175) to pick up all the black ink.
I'm trying to get myself a little better with digital art, but still not too comfortable with the idea of doing the initial drawing without pen and paper. The only downside is that I can't really get those crisp colors with just pencil colors.
how do I go about setting things up to where I can color in a scanned, non-colored inked page, but without worrying about overlapping my inks and making it look messy in general. I imagine it would have something to do with copying and pasting new layers, but I just can't get a handle on what I'm supposed to do. I also know about messing with opacity to let outlines show through, but there's still the issue of color dulling the black when it overlaps.
This is what you get when you fill something you've drawn with anti alias. There's an uncolored space between the filling and the contour.
How do I work around this problem? Is there som setting that can fix it, or do I have to fix it manually? I've come up with 2 manual methods for fixing this.
Either making the background a similar color to that of the contour (if you've got black contours you use a nearly black background) so that the color in the spaces blends in with the contour. But this doesn't work if you want to use more than one contour-color...
When I used to use photoshop a long time ago (version 5) there was a technique I used to use to draw over the lines of a picture so that I could colour it how I wished and use the shading and burning tools etc to add more life to a picture. However I no longer know how to do this and I'm on version 7.
Basically it involved the lines tool, I would draw around each line of the picture, then add the end use a tool which made the lines smoother and more curved so it didnt look like it was drawn with a ruler, then it would be easy to select the areas in between each line and colour.
When I try to do this in 7 it creates a layer for each seperate line, and I dont remember whether it used to do this or not. Also I cant for the life of me find a way to smoothen them all out and make them as one whole layer like before, instead im left with many awful lines which overlap etc.
how I can do this effect, or a better way of doing so. I read one tutorial that said go over the lines with the pen tool, but that doesnt work at all, and going over with the brush doesnt leave nice defined lines at all and makes it hard to select the blank areas.
I have several hundred TIF images at 1200 dpi+ which represent scans of hand drawings on parchment paper using pencil or ink-pen (.2mm or thereabouts) of 4000 year old cuneiform documents. The drawings were made over an extended period of time, the paper varied, and ultimately, the scans reflect this in that some lines are darker than others and there are occasional 'smudgy' areas etc.
What I would like to do prior to publication is to sharpen the images and make them consistent across the repertoire as black on white background.
how various Photoshop (CS5, Mac) commands do what they do, but I've found several that seem like they might get me where I want to go: Levels (Auto?), Threshold, Shadows/Highlights. I'd like to automate to run over a directory of images if possible. At the same time, I might have to change the dpi and output format of the new images.
In this case, the drawing is fairly clear (not much 'grey' background) but the lines are not as black and sharp as they could be.
how to get them clean and crisp? black ink drawings is what im scannin in, ive figured this much out; scan it in at a high resolution (i scaned in at 600dpi), scan it in grayscale, mess with the levels. the overall goal is to scan in a line drawing and color it.
im trying to get the lines to be a uniform solid black. ionno if this is something i should try to get when im actually drawing it or something that is best left to PS. it looks pretty good on paper but when i got it in PS the lines are not as solid as i thought.
I am a newbie to Illustrator. I have scanned in a drawing and opened in illustrator. As it was a jpeg, I then image traced it to turn into vectors - it looks very messy, is there a better way?
I now want to colour parts of it in, but it only allows me to use black, white or gradients in between, how do I add colour? The document colour mode is RGB.
I love to draw, I would like to use my drawings on some iPhone game. I am wondering how I can process the drawings I scanned into a high definition image? I do my drawings in old fashion paper and pencil way, once The drawings were scanned, the resulting images look very rough, for example, the lines are showing the pencil marks, a straight line has a few bumps in the middle, and circles seem a bit off, is there a way in Gimp to do some fine tuning on the images?
Now I want to color it in like the original tux, you know? that glassy look.
I want to do it in photoshop, but I cant figure it out how to color it correctly. Also if I export it out of flash as an .png and import it into photoshop the quality is all f*cked up...
I've got a black and white photo and a paragraph of text in a layer over the photo. The text is currently black, but of course when it hits the sections of the photo that are black, you can't see the text. So, I need to get the text to switch to being white at those point. I know I could probably just go in a change it at the proper points, but I don't wanna do that! It's a lot of text and it's a script font so parts of the letter fall at different points in the picture. We thought using the exclusion layer style would work, but it doesn't. Anybody have any suggestions?
I've got a black and white photo and a paragraph of text in a layer over the photo.
The text is currently black, but of course when it hits the sections of the photo that are black, you can't see the text. So, I need to get the text to switch to being white at those point. I know I could probably just go in a change it at the proper points, but I don't wanna do that! It's a lot of text and it's a script font so parts of the letter fall at different points in the picture. We thought using the exclusion layer style would work, but it doesn't.
used various tehniques for doing her colouring, the main one being builing up colour with the air brush using separate layers for each colour. Using this method, she is doing all her highlights and shading using additional airbrushed layers with lighter of darker shades as necessary. Whilst this produces some great results, things always tend to look a little airbrushed and soft.
how can produce textures such as cloths etc?
I have tried using the texturiser etc but they don't look any good cos the textures are uniform and don't follow the shape of the image.
I open a photo with Photoshop and then added a New Fill Layer. I want to put a colored layer over my picture and then turn the Opicity to about 25% to give the picture a neat colored effect but the solid layer color is always GREY no matter what I do. I can change it over and over and it reverts to gray.
I would greatly appreciate if someone could assist me and tell me how I can change the fill color layer and why it is locked gray.
I want to make it so that the color on the walls also matches the lighting.
I tried duplicating the photo as photo2 , and adjusting the hue/saturation of photo1 to match the wallpaper color, and then erasing the walls on photo2.
How can I color over a black and white image without losing what's originally there (lines, texture, etc)? Usually when I color it's using my own lineart, which I just put as the top layer so it doesn't get in the way.
I'm creating an image for a client and he specifically requested the color 226m pantone matte. So basically I highlighted the logo, went to channels and created a spotcolor channel with the 226m. I then filled the channel with the shape of the logo. Now, the logo is placed over some other image, but now it seems kinda of transparent using the spot channel. So basically, what is the best way to show a spot color on the image? I tried saving the picture using Save For Web, but the logo came out grey.
I have a digital image of a geological map in black and white. The geological units appear as closed areas and the identity of the unit type is given only as a number. How can I color the map according to geological unit using PS2, with the coloring acccurately following the internal boundary of each unit? Some combination of magic wand and replace color commands??
I have used photoshop for years but never really gotten good with it. Ive decided to try to color some of my friends drawings, So far I have scanned the line art in using the black and white option. Turned it to grayscale deleted the white, and converted it to RGB. What I need to do next is have the lines redone so that when i do selections it only selects the portion of the comic that i want to color(there small gaps between many of the lines). One tutorial said to "trace" it using the brush tool, my hand is no where near steady enough to do this effectively. My goal is to get the comic to the point where it can be quickly colored.
i wanted to make a planet in space, so i rendered > difference clouds, and burned it and such to give it a space look. i then created a new layer and made a teal colored circle for the planet in the center. Now this is the step i have trouble on. When i go to burn it some to give it a 3D look and show that theres a light source, it burns the background space layer too. i don't want it to burn both. i would just like it to burn the planet and leave the background "space" alone and not change it at all, i've done it before but i don't remember.....
Ok so as of right now, I have an image with a Black background color with a blurred and vectored White design over it. I want to change the White design into another color. When I use the bucket tool to fill in the white design with say.. Blue, some of the design becomes blocky blue and loses some of its edges.
When I use the "color" brush, the edges and interior part of the White design are colored in blue fine, but I end up coloring over the edges because the design isn't selected with the lasso tool or Marque tool. And even if I selected the design with the previous mentioned tools, the edges would be cut off, leaving me with a colored interior of blue, and some exterior white on the design. So I'm wondering how I would color my design, as if it were originally that chosen color.