AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't See Toolbars

Jul 1, 2011

I'm running Design Suite Ultimate 2012, windows 7 64bit, I can launch IV 2012, but I can't seem to see my tool bars...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Toolbars Not Visible In 2008

Nov 12, 2013

I can't see any of the inventor toolbars anymore.

if i would still have the Quick Acces Toolbar this wouldn't be a problem but that one is also gone.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Provide Buttons On Toolbars For Object Visibility

Feb 11, 2004

1. Why is it when I do a 3D sketch, make the sweep, then "Return" I always get a constraint error? It tells me that I made a constraint to geometry which is no longer available. The geometry IS available. I always have to delete the constraints just to move on. I'm sure it has something to do with the planes or axis I created while doing my 3D sketch.

2. Why does Adaptively equal inefficiency? The more I use it the more I have to fix those darn cross-part association failures. It takes less time to not use adaptively and use the "old fashion way". adaptively rarely, if ever, works correctly with sheet metal parts. I say again - Junk.

3. Would it be so difficult to give us buttons for standard views on our tool bars? You know, like AutoCAD - which I'm sure you have heard of by now. An XY, YZ, XZ, button is all I ask for. You went to the trouble to give us RMB Isometric view but stopped there.

4. Is it too much to ask to provide buttons on the toolbars for Object Visibility? Why make me go through the View, Object Visibility menu three times in a row to turn off User Axis, User Work Planes, and User Work points. It will be six times in a row if you need to turn off the other stuff. Heck, at least make the darn menu tree stay open until I've selected multiple objects to turn on or off.

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AutoCAD LT :: Where Are Toolbars Saved

Sep 30, 2011

I am wanting to save all of my menus, toolbars, templates etc. so I can put them on my new computer.  I am using autocad LT 2010.  I have looked everywhere for the files on my C drive and can't find them anywhere.  On other versions I could copy them to a flash drive and then onto another computer.  I tried going through the user interface but I couldn't get anything to save.  It did make a .cui file but I didn't know where to copy that to on the new computer.

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AutoCad :: Toolbars Are Not Showing

Sep 12, 2011

My autocad toolbar are not showing......

I have checked ctrl+0 option.......But this is not working and my toolbar are not showing

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AutoCAD .NET :: UAC Stops Toolbars Loading?

May 30, 2012

When I try to menuload a .cuix on a machine that has UAC set to high, The menu group comes in, but the toolbars associated with it do not.  I know this sounds like AutoCAD support but it is .net related as the .cuix is loaded through .net.  The pull down appears OK.

If I manually set UAC to it's lowest setting then they come in, is there a reason for this?[URL]

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AutoCAD LT :: Shortcut And Toolbars Are Missing

Jul 8, 2013

opened autocad 2014 lt today and all my toolbars are gone, as well as alot of my shortcuts.

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AutoCad :: Lost All Toolbars And Can't Get Them To Open Again

Oct 13, 2011

as title says. using acad 2010 in classic mode. had to switch to ribbon but i dont like it as much

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Add Toolbars In 2D Annotation?

May 2, 2012

I need to add toolbars in 2d annotation ???

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AutoCad :: Crashed And Toolbars All Missing?

May 6, 2013

as above.....desperately trying to find them.

still got dashboard, palettes, design center and properties but absolutely NO toolbars.

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AutoCad :: Command Keys In Toolbars

Jun 12, 2012

Is it possible to put only specific command buttons from the toolbars on my interface while excluding others.

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AutoCad 2D :: Missing Toolbars On 2012 For Mac?

Sep 25, 2011

I have just downloaded trial verion of AutoCAD for Mac, onto new Macbook Pro.

The two palettes are there on the screen left hand side, but I cannot find the classic toolbars, which I cannot work without.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Get Icons To Show On Toolbars

Jan 16, 2014

Just started new job, with PC running ACAD2010. My toolbars appear blank, with no icons. How do I get the icons to show?

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AutoCad :: Lost All Menu's And Toolbars

Mar 25, 2011

I'm about to throw a chair through a window!!!! I just simply and accidentally closed all of my toolbars... just "un-checked" them in the general gray-area right click drop down.....couldn't figure out how to get them back..... read a few cadtudor posts.....started doing advanced stuff like "menu load" and "toolbars load and reload"..... now I'm completely messed up: no menus at all and no toolbars!!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Can't Lock Floating Toolbars

Apr 10, 2012

I have a dual monitor setup and I maximize acad2011 on monitor 2 and have my toolbars on monitor 1.

I like to have my toolbars floating, but justified to the side with the 'gap' between the montiors so the tool bars fly out and I can see my email or reference docs or whatever on monitor 1 also. Sadly every time I close and re-open acad my toolbars re-justify to the center of monitor 1. I've tried unlocking and locking but that doesn't work. I am using the 'better', errr, excuse me, 'classic' workspace.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Possible To Set Files Of Toolbars On Server 

Jan 9, 2013

I made some toolpallets and i want them to share with my collegas. I know that i can export them amd then import manualy, but is it possible to set the files of the toolbars on the server so if i change anything everybody has the same?

I dont want to import and export them everytime i change something.

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AutoCAD LT :: Setting Delay For Docked Toolbars

Dec 13, 2011

I have the Layer Property Manager and Properties toolbars docked on the left edge of my screen, with the Ribbon vertically between them and the drawing display. I sometimes 'overshoot' when going for a command from the ribbon and the toolbars pop-up immediately so that I then have to move the cursor back into the drawing space and wait for the toolbar to collapse before I can pick the command (more carefully). Is there a way of setting a delay on the tool bars appearing?

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AutoCAD LT :: Changing Line Type Toolbars

May 17, 2012

For years we've had a line type change toolbar that worked just fine. This years update may have changed something that the old macro is missing or doesn't need anymore because none of the commands work anymore. One of the  macros reads:

^C^Cselect chprop;previous;;ltype;dashed;ltscale;4;;

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Customize Toolbars To Match Old Set Up?

Jan 22, 2013

I have just updated to 2013 LT. I want to customize my toolbars to match my old set up but once I've spent ages moving tools to new folders and arranging them how I like it, I close Autocad then open it again and it reverts back to default so all that time editing folders etc is wasted!!

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AutoCAD LT :: Cardinal And Layer Property Toolbars

Jan 8, 2013

We have the Cardinal Toolbar and the Layer Properties Toolbar (one that allows you to toggle between layer groups ... for example floor levels) installed on our AutoCAD LT 2006 software for a PC.  We are looking to purchase AutoCAD LT 2013 for a MAC.  We have downloaded the trial version, and cannot find these toolbars on the new version.  Our files are set-up to function with these toolbars.  Is there any way to download these toolbars for the new version?  If not, are there commands we can use to change the cardinal direction in model space and to toggle between floor level layers (groups?)?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Blurred Menu Or Toolbars

Nov 1, 2012

A client is experiencing a problem whereby when he runs his software,Inventor Professional-Autodesk Product Design Suite 2013, he gets the blurred toolbars as in the attachment.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Using Toolbars Moving To Ribbon

May 22, 2012

I'm old school trying to learn new school!  I love using my custom toolbars and abbreviations from the keyboard for calling my autocad commands.  I am in the process of learning the uses of the ribbon.  I have always used the acad menu, then loaded "partial" custom menus.  Is this still possible using the ribbon?  Not sure how to do this.  I like keeping the custom stuff separate, because we have 5 users with a standard company menu and I like the idea of always going back to the original menu.  I suppose my question is how do I use the ribbon, and continue to use my partials also

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AutoCad :: Editing Existing Toolbars And Buttons

Mar 24, 2012

I am having trouble editing existing imported toolbars. Also, I cannot retrieve my custom toolbars into 2012. When I convert older menus (mnu) into 2012 the tool bars all have question marks on them, and my custom toolbars are not listed. I cannot go into CUI customization and click on a button to edit it's command and or icon. The older version of cad is not on my new system so I cannot use the migration tool.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Toolbars Fail To Resize?

Jul 2, 2013

Windows 7. AutoCAD Civil3D r13 and 14.

Yes the toolbars are unlocked and even when they are locked using the ctrl key still will not alow me to resize. This used to work but now for some reason will not anymore.

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AutoCAD LT :: Command Line And Toolbars Disappearing

May 5, 2013

I'm using AutoCAD 2013 LT. Until recently it has been runinng fine, but now I am finding that when I start up AutoCAD all the toolbars have dissapeared and I have to reload them all again. I know you can set up your own workspace which would make it easy, but they shouldn't be dissapearing in the first place.

On top of this there is no longer the prompt showing up next to the curser which tells you distance, angle, commands etc. I can't seem to find where to turn it off/on. I would like it back. I don't know where it went in the first place!

My final point is the command line. In previous versions the command line sat neatly at the bottom of the screen and you could read the command you were entering and previous commands. Now, it is there, but it does not sit properly in the screen and does not show the command i am typing in because it does not show properly. I can move the command line out but then it is in the way.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Doesn't Save Changes To Toolbars

Aug 5, 2010

we are using A2011, Classic workspace (toolbars) and i have partial menus loaded (custom toolbars).

If i try to add a new toolbar to a custom toolbar, or to add buttons to an existing one, the changes are not saved when i close the customization window.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Hiding / Removing All Toolbars

Jun 26, 2013

I have 1 user who refuses to learn the ribbon and turns every toolbar known to man on.

It has been suggested that I could remove his ACAD.cui (menuload, then unload). Is this the best way to make sure he cannot use them at all and is forced to learn the ribbon?

Another option I have is to simply click the View tab and uncheck the User Interface panel, but he could just as easily turn it back on as soon as I walk away, or even better he could turn on the Menu Bar from the quick access toolbar and add them through the View pulldown menu or just type in CUI and turn toolbars on that way also. 

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AutoCad :: Save Toolbars Setup / Commands

Sep 1, 2011

I was wanting to save my toolbar setup and commands,or the way my screen looks. Do you do that in the options, profile section. If so do you just name the current screen shot as something and export to safe place.

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AutoCAD LT :: Add And Subtract Buttons Form Toolbars On 2008?

Oct 27, 2011

How do I add and subtract buttons form the toolbars on AutoCAD 2008 LT?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2006 - Right Click Menu Is Not Right / Toolbars Disappeared

Jun 24, 2013

My system crashed and it apparetnly effected AutoCAD 2006 LT.  All my toolbars disappeared, etc.  I now have it all back the way it was except for my right-click menu is all mess up.

Regardless if an object is selected or not, the Snap Menu appears, instead of the one I was used to (that included Erase, Move, Copy Selection, Scale etc. ). How can I get that back?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Missing The Standard Properties Toolbars?

Jan 7, 2013

When I first time use AutoCAD 2013, my Properties toolbar can be displayed by right-clicking at the pull-down menu at click on the properties. But now I could not find the properties option anymore after right-clicking at the pull-down menu. get back my properties toolbar displayed in my AutoCAD 2013.

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