How can I transfer (download) measured data from total stations 'Trimble' and "Leica" to AutoCAd Civil 3D 2013? Must I find a module from the sites of these manufacturers? Or how can I change from total stations formats to the Feald Book format?
i need to guide for using sanding total station for exchange data now my question is that do there is any way in civil 3d survey menu that i can use sanding total station for exchange data?
I am using the profile sample program to create an alignment, profile view and profile. The profile view defaults to start at station -0+25. I want to set the Profile View starting station based on the "Align_strt_sta" value I have defined based on the Alignment Stationing. I have tried the .StationStart() shown below, but I just get a unhandled exception.
' Create the profile view and add it to the alignment's ' collection of profile views. If oProfileView Is Nothing Then id = ProfileView.Create(m_CivilDoc, Prof_View_Name, PROFILEVIEW_BANDSET_STYLE_NAME, Align_Name, pviewposition) oProfileView = pviewTransaction.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForWrite) End If 'oProfileView.StationStart() = Align_Strt_Sta oProfileView.Description = "Profile view of alignment '" & m_SampleAlignment.Name & "'" oProfileView.StyleName = PROFILE_VIEW_STYLE_NAME
I was trying to find a way to not have the last ending Station Label show up on my centerline is there a override or way to tell it to just label to the last 100 or 50 foot station?
I have created a slope stake report and have just noticed that there are stations missing. The stations are there in the cross secitons but not there in the slope stake report.
All sample lines were created at the same time. All surfaces are present throughout the entire cooridor.
How to calculate in a table the volume of cut and fill between the stations, The horizontal and vertical alignments are generated along with their sections. I’m wondering if there is a tool that summarize the volume of cut and fill between the stations in a table.
(Again): Plotting points at stations of horizontal alignment,
I wanted to plot points at the stations of horizontal alignment to be then able to capture their XYZ and thus can be stored on the GPS devise for setting out on the field.
The points are not plotted (see the attached screenshots
I have daylight_cut at say station 100, then sampled every 20m, however it connect from station 100 all the way to 1000 for example. because there is no such code in between. why can't it create seperate features lines? the thing is sometimes it does it and sometimes it doesn't.
see the redline cutting across the corridor? shouldn't be there.
I have an alignment and would only like to label stations and specific geometry points such as EC/BC. When I add geometry points to my label set it automatically gives me curve midpoints and beg/end of alignment. How can I turn off these labels so that I only get BC/EC?
I am having an issue with my section views. Some of my subassemblies are only showing on certain stations. If I view the stations on the cross section editor, the corridor looks just fine, but when I go to the section sheet where the corridor is x-referenced, the driveway disappears.
I have rebuilt the corridor numerous times, detached and reattached the drawing, made a new drawing and recreated the sample lines to no avail. Attached are some pictures to show the disappearing driveway on the right side of the street.
What could be the trick with corridor section editor in C3D 2014, applying overrides to a stations range won't work. After selecting or typing end station in the 'apply to a station range' prompt nothing happens, the overrides just will not be applied.
To apply overrides for an subassembly (curb depth etc) I must go through all the stations set by corridor frequency in the station range. This is not file specific, as it is the case with all my projects.
Is it possible to change the Alignment Labels Major Stations Increment for multiple Alignments ?I have 50+ Alignments. Each of them labelled with 100m increment for major stations.I would like to change them to 50m interval.
I create the sampleline on the option "by a range of stations" so the sample lines were created on the horizontal geometry points. When I change the geometry of the alignament, the sample lines's local change or I need to do the process all over again?
Is it possible to insert a "field" instruction in the drawing template to get automatically the stations (beginning and end) of the long profile for the sheet considered ?
When a Station Equation is added to an alignment it causes all of the profile views to get messed up. In addition once the EG profile changes the entire FG profile may also need to be changed. See this video I uploaded to Youtube that fully explains and shows the problem: [URL] ........
So, any way to some how lock the profile views start and end stations? Or to some how lock the PVI locations on a a proposed profile to certain stations?
why my model shows an event mean storage of 20396 cf when I don't have any storage nodes? How is the model storing that amount of water? I'm thinking this is why my total inflow doesn't match my total outflows?
Attached are two files: 1 file has 0 values on the volume table, and the other file has Sample line group Properties.
Surface 3 is the surface that has the existing actual survey points . Do I have to pick another surface : the other two are the surfaces I created in the Corridor as surface boundaries , Top and Datum
I have just created a Total Volume Table and everything is perfect in Model, but when y change to layout, the table is miising. I can barely see the title of the table zooming, but anything else. The tables are still there, but so tiny and with just the title, there is no data!
I'm trying to label my Profile label stations as raw stations, 20~20 meters, and I'm not being able to adapt the format to STATION 0, STATION 2, without any plus zeros or +, or -, or commas, or anything, as following in the image.
I oftenly do conception for parkings and always need to have the calculated rentention of water volume in the pipe there a way to have that information with Civil 3d ?
Googled the subject and i only found a topic on trench's for the pipes ...
Cyberflow Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012 OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro
I love the area command how you can pick multiple objects and they highlight and adds the total. I was wondering is there a way to do that same concept but with multiple objects and total it to acreage?
Angle-distance method to stake out the horizontal alignment by total station,Assuming that the total station with reflector is the tool that it is intended to lay out the circular curve after being designed then the only way to do so is to construct a table that contains angle-distance values.
I’m wondering if the C3D can provide this table (attached)
i know the traditional way of doing this is just export to autocad then open with inroads and do grading stuff again.are there any easier ways? i think it's no but boss wants to get a confirmation on the grading objects to inroad grading and corridor to inroads corridor.
I have been working on a template (.DWT) for Civil3D 2012. I decided to continue my work recently with a newer vesion C3d 2013, and to my shock there seems to be no way at all to transfer my newer settings (I.E.: default layering, default data bands, newer CODECS, etc to the C3d 2012 version. This is about a week's worth of work that I will have to replicate manually to C3d 2012. I cannot believe that the 2 versions are this completely incompatable.
I Created a Surface Profile along my existing survey alignment (Alignment 1). I copied that to a layout profile. I need to transfer that profile to an alignment I drew approximately 8 ft to the right (with less verticies - Alignment 2).
I created an offset alignment of Alignment 2 - Left 8 ft. I Created a Surface Profile from the 8 ft offset. Using that surface profile along Alignment 2 might be good enough, but I'd prefer to use the surface profile created from Alignment 1 because it represents my high point. I am creating a construction grade x-sec assembly that will run along (or 3-6 inches higher than the existing Centerline). But I want to hold Alignment 2.
I think what I need to do is to be able to hold Alignment 2, but use the Profile generated from Alignment 1 in my Corridor.