I would like to know if there is a lisp that would run every time I run the hatch command? I have autosave on, but I never remember to do a good clean save before I run hatch. I remember as autocad locks up and crashes! I would like a list that would prompt me to save when I hit hatch with option of yes, save or cancel. is this a tall order?
I've migrated from 2005 to 2014 LT and wondered if they have added to the hatch commands. I've looked and haven't found anything. Is there a command that you can pick a hatch pattern already shown on the drawing and make that pattern the existing one to use? I sometimes have multiple hatch patterns and scales, and wanted a quick way to go from one to another without lisp help.
I need to save a drawing file and give it the name of my desire using a single command, I don't want to issue "saveas" and then specify the name in the file name prompt. This problem is has been faced when I was using ScriptPro and I couldn't succeeded to do that. Hence I need to know if it is feasible to do the stuff using a single command. It will be preferred if I can choose the location to save the file also rather than save the file to the default location.
I'm trying to use the hatch command on a drawing. Everything seems to work fine, but when I hit enter after having used the hatch command, selected pick points etc. nothing happens on the drawing. There are no error messages.
I can use hatch without problems on other drawings so I suspect it has something to do with the drawing or I've overlooked a setting or two.
I face new problem in using solid hatch command ,when I choose poly lines and use hatch some unwanted lines appears inside hatch area which make my shape separate from others part be meant be unify. I am amateur in using auto cad .BTW , my scale is about 5 micron meter and when I export the drawing int pdf all straight lines become curvy .I upload the image which describe itself my problem. URLs...
When in the hatch command in 2012 I go to select the layer I want to use, but only some of them appear in alphabetical order, and the rest seem to be all over the place making it quite difficult to find the layer I want. I've tried increasing the maxsort figure, but it makes no difference. How to make them appear in the correct order?
Somehow, in sketch mode, under the draw panel, I have lost the Hatch/Fill command. I've spent several hours searching, and cannot find a way to get it back.
I'm trying to hatch floor patterns in suits. I draw a pline aroudn perimeter. There are a couple of problems.
First, when I do a hatch by selecting the pline ("object"), it doesn't detect islands, such as our room tag. This is likely because the hatch is over an xref (the suite is an xref, room tag and pline are not), and hatches don't seem to like xrefs.
Next option is to hatch by "pick points". When I do that, and select a point on the floor of the suite, all of a sudden an old xref or xclip appears in 2 locations, and the hatch boundary takes the lines from that new xref into consideration. The crazy thing is that this xref does not exist in any form in the drawing. I have purged/audited the drawing, and the drawing no longer even exists in our computer.
I distinctly remember back in the day, (~2006), that you would be able to to choose the items you wanted to hatch first, then enter the Hatch command, hit OK, and your objects would be hatched. Simple! Since 2010, you have to enter the Hatch command, then hit Select Objects, then select your objects, then hit Enter, then hit OK, which I find it is less efficient.
In the hatch dialogue there is a setting to target the hatch to a specific layer. How does one set the default to ALWAYS be "Use Current"?
Attached jpg shows the target layer as ffbrg, but I want that to ALWAYS read "Use Current" when creating a NEW hartch. In other words, I am happily working in a specific layer creating all these hatches and then realize LATER that all the hatches were in different layers causing great confusiion and havoc.
I've got a drawing in Acad 2010 which consist of about 6000 lines. The image is a ship, and I need the drawing to insert in a HMI screen.
Now my problem: The accomedation of the ship is white, as is the background of the sheet. I need the drawing with a black background, but want to keep the white color of the accomedation of the ship. When I change the backgroundcolor of the sheet to black, the white areas inside the drawing will also change into black. If I trie to hatch the white areas inside the drawing the program gives a messages that there are to many open bounderies.
I tried to make a blok of the drawing and move it on a black square, but then again the white areas will turn black.
So for short: How can I make the white areas non-transparent without using the hatch-command?????
I've created an action that uses the save for web dialogue to optimise images for the web. When I use the batch command to process a full folder of images, even though I have "Override action "save as" command" checked, it ignores this and still uses the location that was used when the action was created.
Apparently this is a known issue in CS6 and previous versions but whether this has been fixed in Photoshop CC?
when I try to edit group or save group as separate Revit file, Revit crashes. Sometimes, it keep processing the 'save' but the group doesn't get saved; doesn't show in the folder.
I am working with a client who upgraded to 2013 and their profile settings have disappeared. They also are not able to open hatch patterns that have been copied to the default folder, which is added to the support files search path.
I am not a CAD user or expert with the application, but am required to provide IT support for a client that uses the product.
Steps to recover the old profile settings and save the hatch patterns so they are available each time the application is opened?
I have AutoCAD 2010 on a 2002 Windows XP Professional system. I do not know what I did to cause it but when I do a "save as" using the button, I no longer get a window. I can only save through the command bar. I cannot seem to change the save to folder using the command bar so I really need to get the window back.
I have a hatched region that clearly has an area, however the geometry properties indicate that there is no area associated. This a a complex region with many PI's. I really don't want to recreate this area.
Is there any way I can create a boundary around the hatch lines?
This might be simple, but what is the best way to hatch a part of a surface at say RL4.00 only so that any part of the surface below RL4.00 is hatched and the rest of the surface is not.
I know that there is a Save All command in express tools but if one does not have express tools installed or loaded how can they access this Save All function from the command line?
I have an ilogic rule to open an existing excel file template and export the inventor parameters into it. I am trying to find a way to then save the excel file as a different filename. This way the original template can stay unmodified. I have found the GoExcel.save command but is there some sort of GoExcel.saveas(filename, filepath) command?
I am looking for "best practice" example code for saving/re-using command default values from previous user input. Similar to lisp globals, but for C# (or VB.net); ie next time the command is run in a given session, the user's previous input is the default <>. I am currently using Properties.Settings to persist these values.