AutoCAD LT :: Set Default Layer Setting In Hatch Command To Use Current
Feb 1, 2012
In the hatch dialogue there is a setting to target the hatch to a specific layer. How does one set the default to ALWAYS be "Use Current"?
Attached jpg shows the target layer as ffbrg, but I want that to ALWAYS read "Use Current" when creating a NEW hartch. In other words, I am happily working in a specific layer creating all these hatches and then realize LATER that all the hatches were in different layers causing great confusiion and havoc.
When in the hatch command in 2012 I go to select the layer I want to use, but only some of them appear in alphabetical order, and the rest seem to be all over the place making it quite difficult to find the layer I want. I've tried increasing the maxsort figure, but it makes no difference. How to make them appear in the correct order?
1. Is there a "show quick mask" feature for showing masks?
I know Gimp has a "*Show quick mask*" feature which shows what you have(and haven't) selected by displaying a red overlay over your image,allowing you to add to or subtract from a selection by using the paintbrush, but I haven't found a similar feature for showing masks.
Photoshop has this feature (it's called 'reveal mask' I think) and it basically just shows a red overlay of your mask on your image so that,similar to the quick mask feature in Gimp, you can see where you have and haven't masked through.
(I don't own Photoshop so I'm not sure if the red overlay shows the opacity with which you've masked through or whether or not you can edit the mask when it's being shown as a red overlay.)
2. Is there a command for showing the layer underneath the current layer I'm working on?
This is another feature that I've seen Photoshop has that is useful for blending multiple exposures (and lots of things, really).
Basically it's just a keyboard shortcut for showing the layer underneath your current when you hold down a certain keyboard command (it's not something you toggle since it's meant for quickly viewing what's on the layer underneath your current one).
I know I can press space bar to show or hide the layer I'm currently working on, but I can't do that unless I focus into the layers dialogue first. It'd be nice if I could activate that functionality from anywhere,regardless of whether I'm focused on the layers dialogue.
I've migrated from 2005 to 2014 LT and wondered if they have added to the hatch commands. I've looked and haven't found anything. Is there a command that you can pick a hatch pattern already shown on the drawing and make that pattern the existing one to use? I sometimes have multiple hatch patterns and scales, and wanted a quick way to go from one to another without lisp help.
Best practices for setting up systems in a lab environment. We have a lab enviroment of about 200 systems that access AutoCad, Inventor, Mechanical and others.
We need to have a customized interface come up when Autocad is opened by students.I have read that you can do this with profiles and workspaces and also with loading a acad.lsp file.
In the past we have just copied the Windows admin profile used to customize AutoCad to the default profile. In AutoCad 2013 that does not seem to grab everything. It doesn't seem to be the best way to do what we need.
We will also be moving to Windows 7 soon which will also cause an issue.I want to find the best way to do this with out having to deal with the Windows profile.
LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = LayoutName btblRec = CType(tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord) db.CurrentSpaceId returned the ObjectID of the ModelSpace and not of the Layout set current.
Is there something that could prevent this from happening?
Greetings, frequently I need to identify the origin of a previously applied custom hatch pattern for use in a different area of the same drawing, is there a way to have the origin displayed and/or view its coordinates in 2009LT?
I had hoped that I could select multiple hatched areas & view their orgin points through "properties" & verify that the points of origin all align (in either the x or y axis), but this doesnt seem to be the case.
I need to identify the origin of a previously applied custom hatch pattern for use in a different area of the same drawing, is there a way to have the origin displayed and/or view its coordinates in 2009LT?
I had hoped that I could select multiple hatched areas & view their orgin points through "properties" & verify that the points of origin all align (in either the x or y axis), but this doesnt seem to be the case.
Ideally, I'd like to draw a line or circle from the origin of the original hatch
I am unable to fill objects with any sort of hatch in my current drawing. Other drawings are fine, but in this one, nothing will hatch, either form the tool palettes option or from the hatch menu.
When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.
Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?
Is there a setting for hatch transparency? My work station it works fine. I have a few other users complining that is doesn't work. One user I imported my arg profile and it seemed to do the trick, but the next user I imported my arg and it had no effect.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
I've just tried making a hatch, and notice that it no longer calls up the window that it used to call up in the older versions-- 2009 and earlier, for me.Is there a setting that I can set to ensure that the hatch window comes up?
I rarely use the default type/pattern name and scale settings, and I prefer to select my boundaries, instead of selecting a point within an area.
I'm currently using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I create a new layer and set it as current in the layer manager, regardless of what color I set the new layer to, the new layer's color remains the same as the previous one in the properties box even though the colors of the layers are always set to "by layer."
I am familiar with the LAYMCUR command to select an object and make that layer current. I am hoping there is a command to select text or a dimension and make that style current. I can't fine such a command. I have to select a text, see what style shows up in the box at top, go to the text style box, find the style and make it current. It seems like unneeded steps. It's simple for layers, why not text and dimensions?
I have been trying to use the tcase command to change text case on a current drawing. some of the text is listed in properties with :A1 and various other squares and ( etc .). Any way to change this text. When I try exploding it and changing to mtext the fractions and all parts of the text is exploded as well.
Is there a quick command that lists all current frozen layers in your drawing? I am using Autocad 2012. We recently switched from 2006 in which the quick command YT would show all frozen layers and allow you the option to thaw them. We were using ArchT so Im not sure if that was something associated with that.
I'm trying to use the hatch command on a drawing. Everything seems to work fine, but when I hit enter after having used the hatch command, selected pick points etc. nothing happens on the drawing. There are no error messages.
I can use hatch without problems on other drawings so I suspect it has something to do with the drawing or I've overlooked a setting or two.
I am currently writing a series of routines for setting the layers for text, leaders and dimension commands. The end goal is a system where any annotation command sets the correct layer for the duration of the command, then reverts back to the layer that was active before the command.
I have managed to complete all the code, and it appears to be working fine, I just have one question: I have used -layer "m" "Lay_name" etc... for all layer setting commands, rather than any code to see if the layer exists already. In my limited testing this seems to be suitable, nothing that exists on that layer seems to be affected.
I know how to write code to determine if the layer exists already and set the layer instead, but so far it seems unnecessary??
I just updated my computer and reloaded my Autocad lt 2011 onto my new computer. I went from windows XP to Windows 8. Anyway when I go to the hatch command and try to set the hatch scale it won't take the scale and defaults back to 1 or 1". Is there a setting I need to address? I never had this problem in my old computer.
I would like to know if there is a lisp that would run every time I run the hatch command? I have autosave on, but I never remember to do a good clean save before I run hatch. I remember as autocad locks up and crashes! I would like a list that would prompt me to save when I hit hatch with option of yes, save or cancel. is this a tall order?
I have 2 staff members who both have recently had problems with their custom settings from OPTIONS revert to the default settings every time they close out of AutoCad. One is using AutoCAD 2013 on W7 & the other is using AutoCAD 2014 on W8.1.
They have to reset their display, units, osnaps, etc regularly. I suggested creating a profile they can use until we resolve the problem,
We just switched to AutoCAD 2013 and we are trying to figure out the best way to make a note with a leader. So far it seems the best thing to use is the keynote option called TEXT WITH STRAIGHT LEADER. If we just do text, no leader is automatically added. This seems to work except we cannot set the text to a default of arial.
Once the text is entered, it changes to ArchDim instead of the text we created called 'Arial'.
I'm the REVIT person in the office so I'm trying to figure out CAD as I go...hence I need easy instructions that I can try to navigate...
I have just installed my autocad 2013 software. I've set the units to millimeters. But the workspace is still in inches. Even the dimentions are coming in inches. How to set the unit in millimeters?
Is there a way to change the default arc type in AutoCAD 2011? Currently, the ARC command defaults to "Start, End, Radius". I would like it to default to a 3-point arc.
Is there any way to change the default hatch patern from ANSI31?
the default hatch is WAY too small for sitework & tends to bog things down if you forget to set the hatch pattern first.
I tried HPNAME but that seems to be session dependent & doesn't work if set in the default template.
I'm about >< this far from just editing the ANSI31 definition - I know this is NOT a good idea but I hate having things freeze up whenever I forget to set the hatch pattern & hatch a 20' wide X 1000" long firelane with ANSI31 at scale 1.
I face new problem in using solid hatch command ,when I choose poly lines and use hatch some unwanted lines appears inside hatch area which make my shape separate from others part be meant be unify. I am amateur in using auto cad .BTW , my scale is about 5 micron meter and when I export the drawing int pdf all straight lines become curvy .I upload the image which describe itself my problem. URLs...