AutoCAD Architecture :: Workspaces On Multiple Computers?
Apr 11, 2011
We would like to have everyones workspaces on each computer. So if I have a problem with my computer and Bob is gone, then I can work on Bob's computer with my workspace. Then Bob can come back and switch back to his workspace.
Where do I find the workspace, so I can copy it to the other computers?
I have my workspace saved, but everytime I open AutoCAD Architecture, all my tool bars are messed up again. What is going on? How can I get it to standarized my work environment?
I bought Autocad Arch. 2008 for my Dell Laptop and now my laptop is going down hill fast. It is 5 years so I'm not expecting to much. I'm looking to replace it with one of the new Macbook Pros.
One to Five people has the same project loaded into their Project Navigator.
One of the people opens a plot sheet while using the Project Navigator.
ALL computers with that project loaded experience an Autocad 2011 Crash.
-No Error Message appears.
-Autocad shuts down completely with no warning.
This only occurs with DWG files located under the Sheets Tab of the project navigator.
It is not Project specific. This has occured for different users in our office with different projects open. However Autocad only crashes for the users with the specific project accessing the plot sheet loaded.
We recently made the switch from 2009 to 2011. So far this is only a problem for projects where the plotsheets were created in 2009. We can't go back to 2009 to plot since the walls etc have now adapted to 2011.
I have set up one computer to run the Task Scheduler to get the latest versions of my Library files (this is done with mutliple tasks thoughout the day). Is there a way to copy the scheduled tasked set up on this computer to other computers without manually setting up each machine.
When using lightroom on my PC I download the images to an external hard drive. When I am away from home can I use lightroom on my laptop and down load images to the same external hard drive and process them and have lightroom on the PC locate them when I return home.
Id like some tips on how to manage my catalogues so that i can use them on diferent machines. Im happy to keep all the images on external drive and have LR catalogues and cache files in a folder on that drive too. Can i just plug the drive into another machine running another copy of LR?
Putting a Lightroom catalog in the Creative Cloud folder to use for multiple computers? It seems like it should work well for photographers who are on the road a lot and would like to avoid merging catalogs after each trip.
I currently have my LR 4 libriaries and catalogs on a external drive that i can transport between my laptop and office mac. The only issue I am having is when I color label photos on one computer it does not show up on the other computer. Is there a preference for this? It is the only thing I can't figure out and is frustrating after rating them on one computer and then not having them later on the other.
ACA2011.I've got a construct that for some reason has 2 xrefs listed within it that I can't detach. It says that it is unresolved and when I try to detach it it says "c_Floor Plan - First" has multiple references, Not detached." This is one of two xrefs in the drawing doing is it possible to have an xref of the same name in the drawing? I can't figure out how to detach it. It was causing problems in the view to which it was referenced, and I solved it by creating a bogus, blank construct called "test" and changed the path of the xref in the construct to this drawing...but I still can't detach it.
I have a building with 2 levels & I have one stairwell. My 2 levels are in a shell.dwg - (first floor level & second floor level). I have a simple stair & landing, which is an element. I insert that element into the first floor level. Everything is fine there, but when I set up a view drawing with the shell (construct) & stair (element in construct) for the second level the stair is diplayed as if it is going up from the first floor level - I need it to show going down from the second floor level. Is there way to show that with one stair?
What we have done in the past is to not have levels, 1 construct for first floor & another for second floor - creating a stair styles for each floor. But when you do a model you have stairs on top of each other (not really using the software like we should). So my question is how do I have 1 stair for 2 different levels & show it correctly for each level. When I set my cut-plane height for first floor level - looks great, but when I set it second floor level - either it remains the same obviously or when I uncheck the override display config. in other on the display tab in the style the stair disappears. I'm trying a new way of creating models/plans & I can't think on how to create the stairs correctly. What am I missing in order to look correctly in plan view without making 2 stairs.
I have successfully created the ribbon tab in Autocad2010 and its load on start up of Autocad. When i change my workspace my ribbon tab disappear is there any way i can make my tab available in all workspaces.
We run a Canon ipf655... and as far as I can tell, it won't collate by itself - it gets its information from whatever application one's running. In this case, we are running Autocad 2013. I am trying to figure out a way to print an entire job (say, 30 sheets) without having to open up each and every page and print singly. That's what we do now, and apparently have done for the last 15 years; so if my boss requests a copy of the yadda yadda set from 6 mos ago, we have to go back, open up the cover page, open up every other page, and print them in order.
Is there some way to either save all these individual pages as a "job" or something and then print that "job", or otherwise to instruct the program to print 30 pages in whatever order? Each page is definitely set up differently, with different scales and window sizes and such, but it seems like once each page is set up to print properly, one should be able to print a slew of pages without such painstaking time spent.
Is there a way to copy a viewport with all its layers setup from one drawing file to another drawing file?
I can copy the viewport and activate it, but the layers setup for that viewport goes to default. So it turns everything on.
I can't make a layer state in the old file and import in new file, because the new file does not have all the same layers. So not all my layers would be turned off in the viewport.
would I be right in saying that an image placed into a drawing can only have one closed polygon clipping boundary?
Imageclp/ clip/ xclip seems to only offer to choose one polygon as boundary and then I can choose whether the image is displayed inside or outside the boundary (invert clip).
Any methods of masking more than one area of the image?
We don't want to use "wipeout" as this caused issues with certain printers printing the wipeout in pitch black.
I've got a multi-family building where I'm trying to create a schedule tag that will number walls sequentially in a view drawing. The units are elements that are then brought into a construct and mirrored and rotated as needed.
The first thing I did was to create a Property Set that uses Level and Manual property set that automatically increments to create a property called Unit Number. Then created a tag that will number the units in my building i.e. : 201 202 etc. This works fine.
I then created a Property Set to apply to the walls that uses the Unit Number from the other Property Set along with a Manual Property Set that increments as well to create a wall tag. What I am expecting to get is 201-01, 201-02 etc. What I’m getting is ?-01, ?-02 etc.
I need to have 4" piers ont my exterior wall. We are will be using 12" cmu at the piers with 8" cmu at the typical wall with 2" insul wrapping around it all. I am trying to use wall modifier to do this.
Any way to add all the areas of a space style to get a total SF#? Is there a way to add this information to a display theme style legend?(preffered) Is there a way to get this information in to a schedule? (less desirable)
I've been looking through old threads on here that all seem to date back to 2008 for this same problem I'm having, but the way to fix them only seems to work for Windows XP and I'm currently on Windows 7.
I'll have a session of ACA 2008 running and if I double click on another dwg file it starts up another session of ACA instead of opening within the current session I'm already running. My SDI setting = 0. I tried switching it to 1 and that didn't work. Put it back to 0 and still didn't change anything.
One of the older threads on here [URL] .... says to go in to windows explorer/ tools / folder options, but that set up is different now in Windows 7 than it was in XP so I can't get to Files Tab and change anything for dwg.
I know Ribbons have been out for a while, but I just finally updated to ACA 2010 from ACA 2008. Why these ribbons are suppose to be so much better. I can obviously re learn where everything is... but it takes multiple steps to get to a command that I used to be able to access in one click.
We recently purchased the bldg design suite premium, so we have autocad, autocad mep, autocad structural detailing, and autocad architecture.By default, .dwg files open with the vanilla autocad application. How can we change the default program for .dwg files to autocad architecture?
Is there any way to change the msltscale variable to 1 and the scale to 1/4"=1'-0" in multiple drawings without opening each and doing it all manually?
I am running AutoCAD 2006 LT and AutoCAD 2010 on one computer and have the SDI set correctly. When I open multiple files from Windows Explorer, it opens multiple AutoCAD sessions. How to avoid this from happening?
I am in the process of generating a separate package which is a suppliment to the main package for a project. The sheets from the suppliment will be incorporated into the main project, but many sheets from the main project will not be included in the suppliment.
My thought was to make a separate sheet set that shares layouts with the main set which I was able to do by making a copy and renaming the .DST file. Now I see that supposedly a single layout cannot exist in two sheet sets. I ended up working around this by creating a sheet in SSM with the same # and Name in each Sheet Set and was able to get them to appear in both. Want to find out if I'm creating a landmine of a problem down the road or if there is a better way to do what I'm doing. In the past, I beleive we simply selectively printed only the appropriate sheets but on that project it was cumbersome and at the scale of this project it will be worse.
I've got a view layout for 1/8" scale floor plan. I've got 2 gang toilets that I'm trying to use the Callout tool to generate enlarged plans on a different view file.
I'm attempting to send both model views that the Callout tool would produce to a different existing view file.
Have not succeeded yet, and just throwing out the question if it can be done? Or if model views called out have to be in individual files? Don't want to waste my time if it can't be done.