Lightroom :: How To Use Same Catalogue On Multiple Computers

Sep 4, 2012

Id like some tips on how to manage my catalogues so that i can use them on diferent machines. Im happy to keep all the images on external drive and have LR catalogues and cache files in a folder on that drive too. Can i just plug the drive into another machine running another copy of LR?

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Lightroom :: Can Setup One Catalogue On Multiple Computers

Feb 11, 2014

Is it possible to setup one lightroom catalog on a server so that multiple computers can all have access to it?

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Lightroom :: Putting Catalogue In Creative Cloud Folder To Use For Multiple Computers?

Jun 13, 2013

Putting a Lightroom catalog in the Creative Cloud folder to use for multiple computers?  It seems like it should work well for photographers who are on the road a lot and would like to avoid merging catalogs after each trip. 

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Lightroom :: Using On Multiple Computers With Same Images?

Aug 17, 2012

When using lightroom on my PC I download the images to an external hard drive.  When I am away from home can I use lightroom on my laptop and down load images to the same external hard drive and process them and have lightroom on the PC locate them when I return home.

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Lightroom :: Keeping Color Labels On External Drive With Catalog For Multiple Computers

May 6, 2013

I currently have my LR 4 libriaries and catalogs on a external drive that i can transport between my laptop and office mac.  The only issue I am having is when I color label photos on one computer it does not show up on the other computer.  Is there a preference for this?  It is the only thing I can't figure out and is frustrating after rating them on one computer and then not having them later on the other. 

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Lightroom :: Found Multiple Folders Of Catalogue In Master Folder?

Jan 8, 2014

I have been forced to check under the hood in LR due to the fact that I have lost a big chuck of my keywords, and I'm contemplanting if its worth importing a copy of my backup copy. I am debating if I should just go back and re-enter all the missing keywords, or retrieving a backup copy. However, I read somewhere that its wise to change the name of the master catalog before retrieving a backup copy.
However, I found multiple folders of my catalog in my master folder. I'd like to know which one should I delete without causing any major collateral damage.
1- folder 176-2.lrcat                   created 3-26-11            2:51  PM    289 MB
2- folder 176-2-2.lrcat                created 2-12-13          10:32 PM     363 MB
3- folder 176-2-3.lrcat                created 2-24-13            5:24 PM     287 MB
4- folder  176-2 copy.lrca           created 3-26-11            2:31 PM     179 MB
In addition, there are corresponding Previews.lrdata for each folder.

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Lightroom :: Update Format Of Catalogue File - Unable To Use Catalogue In This Version?

Oct 22, 2012

I am installing LR4.  I tried to update the catalog.I received the message that LR encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom.  When I click on the See Adobe Technote button, I received the message that that file is unavailable from the Adobe Website.  I don't want to loose all my catalog information from my previous instralling of LR2.7. 

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Lightroom :: Catalogue Structure - How To Get Pictures Into A Catalogue

Mar 16, 2013

I have been using Photoshop elements for many many years and am now looking to use Lightroom as an Interface.
At the moment, I have a Folder structure on my computer. At the Top I have Photos. Under Photos I have 43 additional Folders such as ( Cindi/Ivan Pictures, Cory & Jess Pictures, Barry & Janie Pictures, etc..) Now for each of these folders, such as Cory & Jess Pictures, I have a set of folders basically broken down by month/year. Now in a Given Month/Year Folder, I have a set of folders with each one containing the pictures of a given event that occurred ( birthday, trip, etc…). Guess my initial question is how do I get these pictures into a Lightroom Catalog and do I continue to use the same Structure.
Another example - Under the Barry/Janie Pictures Folder, one of the many Folders in this Folder is called Trips. Inside the Trips folder, I have folders for every major trip that Janie & I have taken since 2004 (21 different folders) (For example there is an Isreal Folder). The Israel Folder is made up of a set of folders, for each individual event or place that we visited during our Trip - i.e. 59 different folders.  How would this Trips Folder be brought into Lightroom?

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Lightroom :: Catalogue Is Corrupted - Won't Save A New Catalogue?

Dec 23, 2013

Got the <Unexpected error opening catalogue> dialog when starting Lightroom 5.2.  Will not allow me to save a new catalogue. Deleted old catalogue thinking that might prompt Lightroom to create a new catalogue or allow me to create and save a new one.Create Folder with New Catalogue allows me to enter a new catalogue name but then Select Catalogue dialog box is empty. Program wont open!

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Lightroom :: Merge 2.7 Catalogue / Keywords To 5 Catalogue?

Jan 14, 2014

I'd like to move my existing LR catalog and keywords from 2.7 to my LR 5 catalog. I am using a windows PC, my mac stopped working last month.
What I want is to end up with 1 catalog with all my photos in LR 5 with all my previous edits from LR 2.7 and the keywords as well. By the way, my LR 5 has photos in it as well.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Workspaces On Multiple Computers?

Apr 11, 2011

We would like to have everyones workspaces on each computer.  So if I have a problem with my computer and Bob is gone, then I can work on Bob's computer with my workspace. Then Bob can come back and switch back to his workspace.

Where do I find the workspace, so I can copy it to the other computers?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Copy Tasks To Multiple Computers

Dec 22, 2009

I have set up one computer to run the Task Scheduler to get the latest versions of my Library files (this is done with mutliple tasks thoughout the day). Is there a way to copy the scheduled tasked set up on this computer to other computers without manually setting up each machine.

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Photoshop Elements :: Multiple Duplicate Photos In The Catalogue?

Feb 19, 2014

Upgraded to PE 12. Imported catalogue. Why are multiple duplicate photos in the catalogue?  After deleting several hundred, It appears some return.

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Photoshop Elements :: Remove Multiple Duplicate Photos From 6 Catalogue?

Nov 26, 2012

How can I remove multiple duplicate photos from Elements 6 catalogue?

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Lightroom :: 4 On Two Computers Using External HDs Only?

Jun 12, 2012

I'm presently using LR4 on an iMac (Machintosh HD) with back-ups going to and external HD. I want to purchase a MBP to use in the field and use two external HDs only instead of the Mac HD. The .lrcat and .lrdata would be on the EHD only.

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Lightroom :: Migrating Folders With Changes Between Computers

Jun 5, 2013

How can i migrate a folder with all the edited images in it to a different machine, i did some work on my laptop while traveling and now i would like to migrate it all back to my main machine.
I was able to copy the files to my main machine but all the editing work I invested in did not "move" with the images...... 
how can i do it the right way ??

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Lightroom :: Same Hard Drive Used For Two Computers With LR5?

Feb 11, 2014

I have my desktop and laptop with LR5 CC.

How do I configure a unique catalog in order to be used in both computers?
Is there a way to do it? So as soon as I return home, I connect my hard drive to the desk top and work with it, etc.

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Lightroom :: Working On Two Separate Computers?

May 27, 2012

When I travel, I need to be able to work on my photos in LR4 on my laptop (Mac) and then transfer back to my desktop when I get home. In Aperture this was simply a matter of copying the App Library back and forth.

Can this be done in LR4

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Lightroom :: Syncing Edits Between Two Computers?

Dec 27, 2012

I have two big issues with syncing edits between my iMac (computer A) and Macbook Pro (computer B). My workflow has been as follows:
Import photo shoot onto computer A as DNG into master catalog. Do some edits. Export all DNGs as "Original" from shoot to desktop and copy over to computer B. Import shoot folder in master catalog on computer B, edits are held. Finish editing the entire shoot on B and export folder as a catalog without exporting the DNG files. Back on computer A, import to shoot folder from another catalog to sync edits and metadata changes.
My issues:
1. When edits actually do sync back on A, everything syncs EXCEPT for virtual copies, they are no where to be found. Even when exporting from B as a catalog, the dialogue box says "79 virtual copies to be exported." They just never show up back on computer A.
2. Biggest issue. On computer A, I work in one master catalog. Some shoot folders are still on the internal hard drive while most are housed on a Drobo. It seems the reason why edits will never sync back (changes arent found when importing from another catalog) is because LR4 is only looking on the INTERNAL disk of computer A. The import seems to not look for the photos that are housed on the Drobo. I think this because whenever I try to import back to A, LR4 tries to create a new folder in the catalog on the internal disk. The below screenshot shows what I mean. 0512-SpeedyFamily is the shoot Im editing between A & B, but LR4 tries to import them back onto the internal disk (upper portion of folders) and created the ?2012 folder.
I am running LR 4.2 on both machines, just havent installed the latest update yet.

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Lightroom :: Transferring Files Between Computers?

Dec 6, 2012

I process in Lightroom 4 on a Mac Air when traveling.  When I return I want to transfer those processed images to my home MacbookPro computer.  I think there is a way to attach the Lightroom changes to the photos and then import them into the home computer. 

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Lightroom :: How To Share Images Between Computers

Nov 23, 2013

I am trying to work out if it is possible to share some of my images between my computers.
I have currently put all the images I want to work on in a separate collection on my main mac, I have keyworded, but not finished all editing.
What I would like to do is transfer to my mobile hdd and edit on my laptop and then once finished transfer back to my main mac.

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Lightroom :: Sync Catalogs For V5 Between Two Computers?

Dec 29, 2013

Is it possible to sync the catalogs for lightroom 5 between two computers?

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Lightroom :: Merging 2 Catalogs From 2 Computers

Aug 12, 2012

I have a master desktop catalog and temporay laptop catalog, both OSX computers with Lightroom 4.  I am trying to copy the catalog and photos from the laptop to the desktop with little success. On the desktop when I try "import from another catalog" and choose the laptop catalog I get different errors that make it so I cannot import.  For one, the drop down box "copy new photos to a new location and import" DOES NOT SHOW UP! I can only "add new photos to catalog without moving."
So I am thinking permissions and.or ownership issues. I have tried to login as a different user,change ownership of the catalog and preview files and the photos and gave r/w previlegious and login in as ADMINISTRATOR also, nothing working. I did have success keeping the stream simple:  Created a new account as ME on the laptop, creating a new catalog while loged in as ME and did the import of the catalog as ME on the desktop. 

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Lightroom :: Moving Photos Between Computers

Jan 9, 2014

WHen i travel, i use a laptop to handle my photos.  When i return home i would like to move the pictures to my main computer, but i have already processed them and spent a fair amount of time on them.  How can i move the already processed photos across computers using LR4?

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Lightroom :: Publishing To Flickr - Two Computers?

Sep 3, 2012

I previously owned a laptop and published my pictures from it to Flickr. 

Now I have a desktop and I want to publish some pictures.

What will happen?  Will it erase old pictures?  Or will it append the new ones?

What is the right way of doing this so I do not lose the old ones.

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Lightroom :: Using 2 Computers - Keeping All Edits Made On Either One Of Them?

Oct 2, 2013

where I mainly want a conclusive answer:  How do I manage Lightroom photos when using 2 computers, keeping all edits made on either one of them, using the same photos for editing. I won't use DNG. Details: I mainly use my older MacBook Pro, but would like to be able to use my PC as it's way better (Specs: i5 2500K, 16GB RAM, SSD, USB3, nVidia GTX 560 TI etc.). I have 2 external HDs that I could use, one for Backup and one for the actual Photos/Edits. I'll probably need to use it as my internal HDs are quite full, and I can't just delete stuff or move it to an (Developer programs, Lossless music, etc.).
Based on this, how do I back up the whole thing e.g. Photos folder (all photos and edits, and preferably presets too)?

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Lightroom :: Using Two Computers - Import Images Onto Second Computer?

Aug 19, 2012

I would like to use LR on a second computer. My photos are stored on an external hard drive. How do I import the images onto the second computer through LR and keep the changes that I have already made. I tried and the images were in their original state.

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Lightroom :: How To Move Adjustment Brushes Between Computers

Jan 10, 2014

I have a new computer and would like to move my adjustment brushes from my old computer to my new computer i.e. teeth whitning.

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Lightroom :: Why Are JPEG Exports From 4 Are Not Displaying On Other Computers

May 27, 2013

When I export JPEGs from Lightroom, they display fine on my computer but when I send them to the client, they are not displaying at all. There is a message saying that the software on the clients computer may not be up to date so I tried updating their software but to no avail.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Two Computers Share One External Hard Drive

Mar 21, 2013

I'm working with a friend set up his Lightroom 4 on his office an laptop computers. Ideally we would like to have the catalog on an external drive that we can attached to both computers. I already loaded the LR4 s/w on both but put the catalogs in the default location within the picture folder in a folder called Lightroom Photo's.
1. how do I change the default to the external drive?
2. will that drive be interchangeable between the laptop and desktop?

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Lightroom :: Sync Catalogs On 2 Computers That Use Same Location For Image Folders?

Oct 20, 2012

I don't understand Lightroom.
For example, I use LR4.2 on a desktop and on a laptop. Both computers (Windows 7 64bit) access the same image folders. On my laptop in a folder I have 42 master images and 5 virtual (soft proofs) images for a total of 47 images. But when I open LR4.2 on the desktop I don't see the 5 virtual (soft proofs) on the 42 master images.
Why can't I see the 5 virtual proofs since I am accessing the exact folder and how can I see the virtual proofs created on the laptop at the desktop.

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