Lightroom :: Why Are JPEG Exports From 4 Are Not Displaying On Other Computers
May 27, 2013
When I export JPEGs from Lightroom, they display fine on my computer but when I send them to the client, they are not displaying at all. There is a message saying that the software on the clients computer may not be up to date so I tried updating their software but to no avail.
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Jun 17, 2012
I've run in to a strange problem since the 4.1 upgrade.When displayed in the Library view, images are not appearing correctly. In my case, there is a huge amount more noise in the Library view compared to the Develop view. This is also affecting Exports.
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Mar 23, 2012
We are currently using 2012 Civil 3D, and we have a issue with a drawing that not all the Pipes from the pipe network are displaying in the Profile, and even the pipe properties display box the lengths show up way too long and the stationing does not display correctly in this pipe properties box either.
The Big Twist is that we have 2 machines in the offices that will display the drawing correctly, in profile view and pipe properties display box has correct lengths and stationing. So we know it is not styles, etc.
Direct support has suggested we un-install all Autodesk products and reinstall them all again, we tried the repair, however this did not work. Any other way before we have to go through all this work, as we are looking a huge amount of downtime, and we do not think this is the issue. Perhaps a Civil 3D variable or Autocad variable is different?
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May 19, 2013
I'm having an interesting problem where Windows doesn't recognize GIMP's jpeg exports. This could be due to the fact that I stitched together a composite photo in Windows Photo Gallery (Hugin wasn't working right), and Windows didn't recognize the output, even though GIMP did. So I imported into GIMP, did my usual editing, and re-exported it.
Unfortunately, Windows still doesn't recognize the file as valid (ex. won't open in Paint), and I can't figure out why. I'd attached said file, but it's too large...
Mostly, I am trying to figure out if this is a GIMP issue (unlikely, since other, specifically non-composite, exports still work) or how to resolve the issue, especially given that Windows Photo Gallery might be causing the issue.
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Aug 24, 2013
I recently saved an image on Photoshop CS6 as a PNG file so I could send it as an attachment to a client (who uses a Windows computer). They told me the file wouldn't open and instead showed as an "Unknown File".
I tried opening the file on my Windows computer, as well as a JPEG version to test out, but both came up as "Unknown Files".
The only way I could transfer the files I saved in Photoshop was to export them as PNG through the 'Preview' application.
Is there a reason why these normal formats won't open properly?
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Feb 19, 2013
Everytime I want to export pictures it exports every second picture as 0kb.
I've tried to export 100 picture at a time, the same problem occurrs. I've tried only exporting 3 pictures nad most likely atleast 2 of them are 0kb. I've tried all different settings to export the picture. Nothing out of the normal. URL....
The only work around I've found is that I open the image with Edit > In photoshop and then resize and save the image from Photoshop. But that's not the optimal workflow when you have more than 3 pictures. Would be nice to know why this problem comes up and how to fix it. This is really taking me back with publishing my work.
I found several posts about the same issue, but they were all talking about Dropbox being the problem. Well, I'm not exporting my pictures to Dropbox. A normal folder on my SSD HDD.
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Mar 16, 2012
The album suppliers that I use all require book pages to be uploaded as JPGs. Lightroom 4 only lets me use Blurb (which I don't want to use), or export to PDF.
I realize that I can import the PDF into Photoshop and save them as JPGs, but when I do so, it saves the left side of the page spread as a file and the right side as a file. Most ROES programs from album suppliers require that pagespread be uploaded as one image that encompasses both the left and right side of the page spread.
I realize that I can go through and merge two JPGs together to create a pagespread, but doing so is time consuiming and requires that I resave each JPG an extra time, thereby losing quality. good way to get pagespread JPGs out of the lightroom book module? how to get pagespreads out of a PDF that looks at each side of the pagespread as a separate image?
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Jan 2, 2013
I just received a Asus laptop with Windows 8 for Christmas. I fixed the flickering in CS6 by changing the Preferences and upgraded to Lightroom 4 as was reccomended for Windows 8 to work out the kinks, but I am still having a huge issue with my colors being understaurated. I've tried exporting as sRGB, AdobeRGB, and ProPhoto. The red tones seem to be effected the most. Increasing the saturation and exporting again does not solve my problem.I don't think it's a monitor problem because it looks great in program. Uploading the pictures online do not change the color, so it's not the program Windows uses to open
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Jan 8, 2013
I'm new to the photography world and having a bit of trouble when using Lightroom.I have a new Olympus PEN EPL-5 and Lightroom 4.3 running on Windows7.
When I import RAW (.ORF) files they are dark in general, but when export them as JPG they are brighter, similar to what native JPG from the camera looks like. Then if I "correct" the ORF file in Quick Develop or Develop it becomes too light/bright/over-exposed.
Here on the left is the RAW file import with Develop Settings = "none" and to the right is an export to JPG color space "sRGB".Now if I adjust the RAW (.ORF) file in LR I can get it close to the JPG on the right above, but then when I export it, it becomes way too bright
why the RAW Library image is so far off from the exported JPG image?Obviously this "issue" makes using Lightroom very difficult as I can't tell how changes in LR will really turn out once exported.
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Jun 19, 2012
After many years of exporting jpegs at 300 ppi my Lightroom suddenly only exports at 72 ppi even though the image resolution is still set to 300 ppi. What could be the problem?
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Jun 28, 2013
I can't reproduce this consistently; but I've had this happen many times now.
Product - Lightroom 5 on OS/X 10.8.4.
I select two images in the develop module filmstrip to pick the best one for export, the images are usually stacked in the Library.I use the side by side compare tool (C) to compare the images.I may go back to the develop module to adjust setting on one or both images.
At some point I will unselect the image I don't want to export in the filmstrip, then press Command + Shift + E to export.
LR will sometimes export both images even though only one is selected in the filmstrip.
If I go back to the Library before exporting then LR will only export the selected image.
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Feb 11, 2013
When using export function my LR4 exports pictures at 0kt every second time.
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Mar 17, 2014
With every version of Lightroom including LR5.3, I've continually had a problem with keywords moving out of order in my keyword hierarchy every time I export images to another PC for example or another folder on the same PC. It makes a mess of my keyword list as well as creates more work putting them all back in place.
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Jan 24, 2013
My Lightroom 4.3 has, in the last few days, started to automatically export files into my Elements 10 Catalogue. When it does it places them in the wrong folder (the same folder every time) and it does so before I have finished processing in LR. When I delete or move the files in Elements10 the photos in LR show the "missing photo" flag.
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Mar 14, 2012
I am using LR4 german on a Windows 7 (64bit) machine. No preceeding LR installation (except LR4 beta), but all files have been newly imported after clearing the LR4beta catalog.Option 'Export Lightroom hierarchy' is switched off.
If I assign a keyword then it's ancestor is exported, too even though it has the flag 'Include On Export' unchecked.Example: my keyword hierarchy looks like this (tags in all capitals have flag 'Include On Export' unchecked!
- - - Munich
Now I assign Munich to a photo - only Munich! the Keyword Tag preview window shows only Munich (option 'will export')but when I sync Metadata to the file, also BAVARIA is written to the file.
This is true for all keywords that are a leaf in the keyword tree. Only the next level ancestor is exported by mistake. I assume this is because unchecking flag 'Include On Export' implicitly unchecks the 'Export Containing Keywords' option, too.
Of course my keyword 'Munich' has the option ''Export Containing Keywords' checked because it it the default setting and this seems to override the 'Include On Export' = SPACE setting of the ancestor keyword which I consider to be an error.It is virtually impossible to change each and every keyword in a large Controlley Vocabulary list.
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Jul 21, 2013
I frequently export pictures from LR-5 to Phanfare. Up until today this process has gone smoothly. Now, suddenly, the file sizes are small, but with their develop adjustments applied. I use Chrome on an iMAC. Everything is up-to-date. It would appear that the exporter is dipping into the 1:1 previews. If so, how can it be rerouted to the proper source?
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May 11, 2012
My rig includes Windows 7, Asus P8Z68 Deluxe Gen 3 with i7 2600K, 16GB DDR3 mem, SSD drives, fast Radeon video card.
I'm using Lightroom 4, just upgraded, have this problem: when I export to Folder1> Subfolder 1, it puts the export images in the next up hierarchical folder, i.e. Folder1. I select the folder I want in the Export dialog, and I don't have any subfolders selected or created, but it always sticks the shots in the next folder up the tree, it's happened every time I've exported.
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Oct 28, 2013
I am using LR4 and have used the adjustment brush for its many uses. 2 Days ago, I discovered that after using the adjustment brush on a RAW file and exporting it to a JPEG, the image looks awful!! its muddy, unpixelated and colors are washed out. Is this a setting that needs to be reset? How can I stop this from happening?
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Dec 25, 2012
One of my main complaints with Lightroom 4 is that I can't seem to export video at a custom resolution or bitrate (like dvd size for instance). Am I missing something, or is this really not possible? I hate having to use Handbrake to archive my videos - I wish I could just do it all in Lightroom. I'm using Lightroom 4.3
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Nov 12, 2012
Exporting files to hard disk with the original item set for file type. dng file shows up on the exported directory as the cropped / edited photo and there is no sidecar file.
When I click on the history panel for this export panel, it brings the photo up in the non cropped version just as I would wish.
I did do an unclick on "embed fast load data" in preferences and then an update dng preview as the fix for the banding problems when viewing dng files in irfanview and picassa and that worked, but hope it did not create my problem described above.
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Jul 11, 2012
For example, I often export a folder of full-res images, and then go back and do the same images as lo-res with watermarks, that I export to an "email" folder inside the hi-res folder. That way, I email the little ones for clients to peruse, and then send the full-res after they agree to buy. I know I can set up two presets and do them separately, but thought I'd ask.
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Jul 2, 2012
how it deals with cropped images. I have the following edited image, cropped to some specific region:
Then, I tell lightroom to edit this image in Photoshop CS4:
However, once it hits photoshop, it has magically gained more image data than I told Lightroom there should be:
Somehow, all the development settings are correct, but the crop has too much data.
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Jun 12, 2012
I'm presently using LR4 on an iMac (Machintosh HD) with back-ups going to and external HD. I want to purchase a MBP to use in the field and use two external HDs only instead of the Mac HD. The .lrcat and .lrdata would be on the EHD only.
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Jun 5, 2013
How can i migrate a folder with all the edited images in it to a different machine, i did some work on my laptop while traveling and now i would like to migrate it all back to my main machine.
I was able to copy the files to my main machine but all the editing work I invested in did not "move" with the images......
how can i do it the right way ??
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Feb 11, 2014
I have my desktop and laptop with LR5 CC.
How do I configure a unique catalog in order to be used in both computers?
Is there a way to do it? So as soon as I return home, I connect my hard drive to the desk top and work with it, etc.
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Aug 17, 2012
When using lightroom on my PC I download the images to an external hard drive. When I am away from home can I use lightroom on my laptop and down load images to the same external hard drive and process them and have lightroom on the PC locate them when I return home.
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Sep 4, 2012
Id like some tips on how to manage my catalogues so that i can use them on diferent machines. Im happy to keep all the images on external drive and have LR catalogues and cache files in a folder on that drive too. Can i just plug the drive into another machine running another copy of LR?
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May 27, 2012
When I travel, I need to be able to work on my photos in LR4 on my laptop (Mac) and then transfer back to my desktop when I get home. In Aperture this was simply a matter of copying the App Library back and forth.
Can this be done in LR4
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Dec 27, 2012
I have two big issues with syncing edits between my iMac (computer A) and Macbook Pro (computer B). My workflow has been as follows:
Import photo shoot onto computer A as DNG into master catalog. Do some edits. Export all DNGs as "Original" from shoot to desktop and copy over to computer B. Import shoot folder in master catalog on computer B, edits are held. Finish editing the entire shoot on B and export folder as a catalog without exporting the DNG files. Back on computer A, import to shoot folder from another catalog to sync edits and metadata changes.
My issues:
1. When edits actually do sync back on A, everything syncs EXCEPT for virtual copies, they are no where to be found. Even when exporting from B as a catalog, the dialogue box says "79 virtual copies to be exported." They just never show up back on computer A.
2. Biggest issue. On computer A, I work in one master catalog. Some shoot folders are still on the internal hard drive while most are housed on a Drobo. It seems the reason why edits will never sync back (changes arent found when importing from another catalog) is because LR4 is only looking on the INTERNAL disk of computer A. The import seems to not look for the photos that are housed on the Drobo. I think this because whenever I try to import back to A, LR4 tries to create a new folder in the catalog on the internal disk. The below screenshot shows what I mean. 0512-SpeedyFamily is the shoot Im editing between A & B, but LR4 tries to import them back onto the internal disk (upper portion of folders) and created the ?2012 folder.
I am running LR 4.2 on both machines, just havent installed the latest update yet.
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Dec 6, 2012
I process in Lightroom 4 on a Mac Air when traveling. When I return I want to transfer those processed images to my home MacbookPro computer. I think there is a way to attach the Lightroom changes to the photos and then import them into the home computer.
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Nov 23, 2013
I am trying to work out if it is possible to share some of my images between my computers.
I have currently put all the images I want to work on in a separate collection on my main mac, I have keyworded, but not finished all editing.
What I would like to do is transfer to my mobile hdd and edit on my laptop and then once finished transfer back to my main mac.
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