AutoCAD Architecture :: Toolpalettes Disappear On Startup?

Oct 25, 2011

I though maybe this was a 2010 issue, but here I am in a brand new 2012 setup and experiencing the same problem. For some reason, my toolpalettes disappear on startup and sometimes when switching between projects. I have my workspace saved with  the following anchored to the left side of the screen: Properties, External References, Layer manager, Project Navigator

Design Center, and Toolpalettes. When I close Acad (or it closes itself) and restart, sometimes the tool palettes are there and sometimes not. All of the other palettes are there save that one. They also have a habit of reordering themselves if you pin one open and the minimize it it drops to the bottom of the page. Very annoying when you think your PN is at the top, and it isn't, but i digress.

I am working with Windows 7, 64bit, dual screens. This happens with equal frequency in both 10 and 12. (Working in 12 to develop rollout for office and working out kinks. No I do not run them both at the same time.)

One more clue, I noticed in the command history that TOOLPALETTES loads and is followed imediatly by _ToolPalettes.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Crash After Changing Startup Value?

Mar 18, 2013

I changed the 'startup' value from 1 to 2 in ACA 2012, now program crashes.  On start up it displays the first error message 3 times (see attached), then opens a blank drawing. Once a select a file it displays the second message 70 times then opens the drawing.  After a few seconds a fatal error message is displayed and program closes.

Error messages are the same other than address location changes.

I have tried a repair and a reinstall to no avail.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tool Palettes Display On Startup?

Aug 8, 2011

Got a problem with tool palettes ever since ACA 2012. When ever I start ACA, I have to push cntrl+3 to show the tool palettes. It's starting to get anoying that I have to do this, and I can't find any setting that will let the tool palettes display on startup.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Getting Fatal Error 2010 At Startup

Jul 29, 2013

I have been getting fatal errors during my user account but not in my admin account.  I logged in as admin and repaired Autocad Architecture 2010, using the system disk.  I got back the report that Autocad was repaired.  However, when I returned to my user account, I get an unhandled expection error when I start up Autocad.Architecture 2010.  Do I need to uninstall Autocad Architecture 2010 and then reinstall or should I just pick the option to reinstall Autocad Architecture and then do I have to another registration code?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Appload Startup Suite Not Working?

Oct 25, 2007

we have 2 standard office lisp files that are in our startup suites. the problem we are having is that they don't load when you start ACA so you have to go into the appload dialogue box and click on the load button. then close and restart ACA before they'll work (or drag and drop from the library...

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Objects In 3D Disappear / Get Invisible?

Oct 17, 2012

Soms of the objects in my 3D view "disappear" when clicking on it. The edges are still visible while the rest of the objects get invisible. This is only the case for some objects in my 3D view. I have no problem with the visibility of the objects in the structural plans or elsewhere. How can I make all objects visible in 3D again when clicking on them? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Ensure That Function Doesn't Disappear

Feb 18, 2011

I am a computer technician in a society that uses AutoCAD Architecture 2010.I'm having some problems with the software.

First problem:

On the computer of one of our users, the profile created in Autocad suddenly disappears :-(. We do not know why ... The user is obliged each time to recreate his profile, reconfigure all toolbars .Have you ever encountered this problem?

Second problem:

On another computer, from time to time the delete function of Autocad is no longer functional. We need each time between Pickfirst = 1 and that works.How to ensure that this function does not disappear?

Third problem:

On another computer, the user activates the 3D profile, he selects his palette, and when he clicks on the "more"window, autocad error appears "Error Report Autodesk,..." . Is it possible to display all palettes?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Scaling Makes The Drawing Disappear

Jun 15, 2013

I have a building plan that needs to be in 1:100. When put my drawing into the new layout its there. Then when I change the scale, my drawing disappears.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Cannot Type In Mtext Boxes - UPPERCASE / Lowercase Buttons Make Text Disappear

Feb 16, 2012

Architecture 2009 running on Windows 7.  Dell Precision T5400 with a Quadro FX570 graphics card.

I have lately been having some issues with text in Architecture 2009. I first noticed that within Mtext, when you hit the "UPPERCASE" or "lowercase" buttons, the text disappears in the editor, and no changes are made.  Not the end of the world, but not handy.

Then it stopped letting me type in Mtext boxes at all. The return key seemed to work, but nothing else. Then it started converting text typed into Mtext boxes into (I think) Chinese characters. Really not handy. At this point I decided to try to reinstall. First I tried a repair, then reinstalled over the existing installation, then uninstalled completely and reinstalled from the disk.  I've also done a windows restore, though as this has slowly been falling apart, I'm not sure when I should restore back to.

I have Mtext basic functionality back, but the "UPPERCASE" and "lowercase" buttons still make the text disappear.

Not sure if it's related, but I also get a Fatal Error e06d7363h at 758bd36fh about 4 or 5 times a day.  Usually it's associated with the open command (ctrl+o), but sometimes it just happens at random.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: XCLIP Causing Lines To Disappear (Within XCLIP Boundary)

Apr 20, 2011

I've been using XCLIP for years.  Never had an issue.

Today I installed 2012 and found that the ability to stretch and edit XCLIP boudaries had finally been added.  SWEET!....wrong.

I was working merrily along when all of a sudden my screen blinked, refreshed, or something, and 80% of the lines within my XCLIP boundaries just disappeared.

I closed the drawing and reopened.  Closed ACA and reopened.  Rebooted and reopened.  Gone.

If I delete the XCLIP, it all comes back.  Apply a new XCLIP, gone again.

Open the drawing in ACA2011, still gone.  EGADS!

Is this a totally new problem???

It literally took less than an hour after installing to find a problem in ACA 2012.  My Autodesk woes continue.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Autodesk Doesn't Support 2008 Architecture

Sep 21, 2012

I updated my computer to windows 7 32 bit and need the file: AdskHwCertificationDatabase.xml - version so that I can find out the correct driver for my OS and my quadrofx 1700 graphics card. Autodesk doesn't support 2008 Architecture and the on;y file I can find is buried in a torrent file with a pirated copy of 2008 and I DO NOT wish to download that.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: X64 Locking Up Upon Startup

Feb 24, 2012

I had been using AutoCAD 2012 x64 w/SP1 for quite a few months with no issues. A week or two ago I went to open a drawing and the program locked up. I tried opening AutoCAD via the desktop shortcut and directly from acad.exe and it locks up immediately. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling 2012, but the issue persisted. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling without any service packs. I normally don't use Windows Update and hadn't downloaded any updates prior to these issues, but I did it to see if it would fix the issue and it did not. I uninstalled 2012 and installed AutoCAD 2011 x64 only to have the same exact issue. I have an old version, AutoCAD 2002 that works fine, but my job always receives drawings not saved in 2000, and my convert tool sometimes fails to convert them to a version I can open. A friend of mine pointed me to this thread here: URL.... I am using Windows 7 x64 on a somewhat up to date PC that I built myself.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 - Crashes At Startup?

Oct 15, 2012

AutoCAD LT 2013 - Crashes at startup and haven't been able to use at all!

Autocad opens and them it closes itself very quick. It doesn´t give me any error. The program was running ok, until last week. Haven´t make any system changes

I´ve tried to uninstall and them install de program, reinstall :NET framework and still nothing

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AutoCAD .NET :: Ribbon Load At Startup?

Dec 8, 2012

I have been using the ribbon api to create my custom ribbon.  I am now attempting to load said rribbon at startup by placing the load command into the initialize componant.  It isn't working. 

 Dim ribCntrl As Autodesk.Windows.RibbonControl = Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager.Ribbon
        If ComponentManager.Ribbon Is Nothing Then
        End If
        For i As Integer = 0 To ribCntrl.Tabs.Count - 1


I seem to remember being told it's because the ribbon .dll hasn't yet started at this point sso it has nothing to use to load it?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Startup Settings To 0

May 29, 2011

 When starting acad with Startup set to 0 or when launching from a drawing on file, I do not have any problems, however, when Startup is set to 1, not only does the startup menu appear as a blank pop -up, but the AutoCAD splash screen just hangs without the program launching.

Could it be due to the fact that I am running a 64 bit System?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Startup Dialog Box

Apr 14, 2013

How could I find the Startup dialog box if it doesn't start automatically when I open AutoCad?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: It Locks Up On Startup

May 23, 2012

At least once a day, upon starting up Inventor 2013, it locks up at the introduction display(with the progress bar). I just installed Inventor 2013. Inventor 2012 did not do this.

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AutoCAD LT :: LT14 Startup Screen Won't Go Away?

Jun 4, 2013

Even though I have unchecked the 'Show at startup' box, the Startup dialog loads every time - is there some other way of preventing it from appearing?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: File Size Against Revit Architecture?

Jan 23, 2011

Im currently using Autocad Architecture, is it true that Autocad Architecture creates a bigger file size compared to Revit Architecture? Lets say that same structure and components are created.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Architecture Content Browser Not Working

Jan 29, 2013

The content browser in AutoCAD Architecture 2013 does not seem to be working on a standard users computer. The profile has been rebuilt alongside a repair/reinstall through the control panel.


Tools > Content Browser

and typing content browser in the command do not result in anything.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Why Autodesk And Revit Architecture Is Too Similar

Dec 26, 2012

I do not get why new Archicad Architecture has 3d modeling when Revit architecture already provided for it. What is the different between those two? I really want to know the difference.  It bothers me somewhat about them.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 - Hangs On Startup

Aug 15, 2012

Looks like something to do with 360 is cause C3D2013 to hang on startup.  I have to kill the AcSettingSync.exe service to in Resource Monitor to make 2013 un-freeze.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Have To Reload Lisps Every Startup

Jun 21, 2012

Having this problem with 2 lisp routines, i have autocad set up to load a certain profile. but every time I start autocad, i have to reload the 2 lisp routines thru appload.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Difference Between UNITS And STARTUP

Sep 8, 2013

Difference between the two windows UNITS and STARTUP What is the unit to adjust?

For example, the If I UNITS I set the units to meters What is the difference with the STARTUP Set the meter to be.

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AutoCAD LT :: Blue Screen Of Death At Startup

Jun 15, 2012

One of my end users reports to me that his computer has been crashing. We soon learn that it crashes every time he starts AutoCad LT 2006.

What I have done so far is completely removed autocad and all associated programs. Reinistalled, installed a newer version (Autocad LT 2007), upgraded to the latest bios and firmware on the machine. Replaced the RAM, and just about everything else under the sun and this machine still crashes every time you start auto cad. I asked the user when the last time was that it worked and he said he was using it about a month ago just fine.

I installed the program on my identical laptop and it works just fine.

I ran the BSOD via Kernel mode through WinDBG and it points to ACPI.SYS. Being that this is a heavy system driver file, need getting this program to actually work short of me reinstalling the entire OS on the machine? The stop error is the 0x00000050 memory error.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2014 Warning At Startup?

May 20, 2013

See Attached.

Windows 7 Pro x64
Civil 3D 2014 HF1
Dell Precision T1650
i7 3770
NVIDIA Quadro 2000
SSD Boot
16 GB Ram

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Startup Settings - Grid Off

Mar 20, 2012

I would like to have my autocad start with my osnap settings, grid off, ortho on, etc. I am not a fan of the grid, and I have to turn it off everytime I start a drawing. Is there a way to create this as a normal setup?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Stopping Palette Being Restored On Startup

May 22, 2012

Is there anyway to stop AutoCAD executing the command used to create a palette upon AutoCAD startup?

I know constructing the palette without a GUID prevents this behaviour but I'd like keep this to preserve the palette size, position, state etc given when a GUID is provided.

I had hoped I could just close / make not visible  the palette just before AutoCAD exits and it wouldn't try and restore the palette upon the next AutoCAD started. I've tried doing this in the Application.BeginQuit event but the command is still called the next time AutoCAD is started.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Opening Drawings From Startup

Feb 24, 2012

I have been given a new lap top plus the updated AutoCAD rev. 2012.Supposedly it is superior to my old laptop but... it runs slower, the mouse action is awful, it's like stirring cold porridge.

Anyway, I have spent the first week battling with various bits, trying to get it to look & feel like my previous laptop using 2010.

The big issue I have is upon start up.  Rather than loading the standard AutoCAD "drawing 1" regardless, I want to have the browser open up so I can select the' previous drawings loaded on my last session or select a new drawing or browse folders to find the drawing I want.

how I managed to switch this on, back when I managed it on 2010 version.I have given up on running up & down the menus.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Warning Dialog At Startup

Dec 22, 2012

How to get rid of this warning dialog:

It appears at startup.  I recently installed software (Simtra PathPlanner) that works with AutoCAD that may have caused this.

Using AutoCAD 2012 on Windows 7 64-bit.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Tie Startup Suite To Profile?

Sep 20, 2012

Is it possible to tie the applications loaded in the Startup Suite to profiles?  Many of our clients have speciic requirements and we have client-specific routines to quickly create their drawings and loading a profile that loads only their routines would be a time saver.

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