AutoCAD Architecture :: Polygonal Or Clipped Viewports
Dec 6, 2013
I dont work with polygonal VPs or clipped VPs often but sometimes I have to. I recently dicovered in working with 2013 AutoCad that when I create a polygonal VP or clip a VP and place it on defpoints or even a no plot layer, the VP outline still prints???? I'm miffed
My drawing will only allow 3 viewports in each paperspace layout created. When I try to add or copy more than 3 viewports previous viewports created will go blank and cannot be activated anymore. I have never had this issue before, is there a setting that can fix this problem? I am running AutoCAD Architecture 2010
I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2011. I have been working in a drawing for several weeks on casework. I have multiple viewports on my sheet layouts. Up until now I was able to select the viewports and move them or make them bigger or smaller with grip edit but now although I see them I can't select them or even delete them. I can double click within the viewport and change the scale or modify the items in the viewport but I can't do anything to the viewport in paper space.
I have turned all the layers on and made sure that none of them were locked. I have tried regen. I have opened a new tab and tried to create new viewports and I have the same problem. I can create them but once I do I can't modify / move them.
Beyond that when I switch from model to paper space it takes about 5 min. sometimes longer to switch and the same thing when I save it or close it. Is that normal?
I have an xrefernced drg , which i print from a layout/paperspace .I freeze certain layers using VPort freeze in layer properties and save the drg whenever i close and reopen the drawing the layers are thawed in the viewport again.
Is there a way to copy a viewport with all its layers setup from one drawing file to another drawing file?
I can copy the viewport and activate it, but the layers setup for that viewport goes to default. So it turns everything on.
I can't make a layer state in the old file and import in new file, because the new file does not have all the same layers. So not all my layers would be turned off in the viewport.
I have encountered a problem when creating a PDF. On the sheet there are 14 viewports, and when I plot the sheet to a PDF, one of the viewports plots completely blacked out. I have redone the viewport and Xref, but it still turns out black.
I have just installed 2012 and have drawn a 3d model. In paperspace i have a couple of viewports , all nicely set out at 1:5 scale. then i click in another viewport and bam, all the other viewports change scale (zoom out) and orientation. is there some system variable that i have overlooked?
The code I'm using is supposed to go through all of the layouts and freeze the specified layer in the single viewport that is defined on that layout. It works for some viewports, but not for others. A "List" of the objects show the viewports are the same. I have a LiSP routine that gets me more info about selected objects. The first is a viewport that does not freeze the specified layer, the second does freeze the layer. Here is the code I'm using:
Public Sub FreezeNewLayerInVPs(ByVal pageNumber) Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim db As Database = doc.Database Dim layerToFreeze As String = "DETAIL_" & pageNumber Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager. Start Transaction( )Dim layTable As LayerTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), [code]...
I have a pdf xref with a polygonal clip applied. I'd like to change the shape of the clipping area and need to add vertexes to do so.
How can I add a vertex to a polygonal pdf clipping?
Usually I can just select a vertex and pressing crtl will cycle through add vertex, remove vertex, and if it's a line segment, change to an arc. When I select the vertex of a polygonal vp clip I can't do this.
When I use the SSM and use the "Place on Sheet" command to create the Viewport from the MS View DWG file, it comes in only as a rectangular Viewport. I tried to see if there's a way to draw a Polyline and select it as a MS View but I don't think that's possible.
Any way to do this without breaking the link between the View DWG and the Sheet DWG?
On the side of sheets created with the Create Sheets command there is a grey area that masks out the referenced files at the match line. Is there a way to reproduce this without having View Frames and using the Create Sheets? In other words, I a manually creating these plan sheets and I wonder if there is a better way of masking than using wipeout on the sheet tabs.
Windows 7 x 64 Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 8 GB Ram Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz v. F.107.0.0 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1
I brought a normal 4 sided viewport into my layout, but needed to clip and make a viewport with 6 sides. I have also tried to redraw this by using a polygonal viewport. When I go to plot the page, parts or all of the viewport boundaries are on. It doesn't matter if I go to layer control and turn the layer off or freeze or select the non-plotting icon.
Why my 3D view gets cliped when zooming close to an object? I have tried the clipping planes and it says they are off. I have also tried them turned on with the same result.
Is there a possibility to copy a polygonal shape from one file to another via copy & paste with different projection systems (and with preserving/ converting the correct coordinates)? Or is there a method to convert it before the operation? I want to transform MGI-AT.AUT-Central/GK to AT-LCC.
I am trying to create two column sheets with a polygonal viewport, but it doesn't seem to work. The point is that I want to use the area above the stamp to be able to fit two columns on one sheet, but the last section in the second column ends up where my stamp is. Is this possible? Is there another way to solve this problem? I'm not to keen on moving the sections by hand, since they keep jumping back.. I'm using Civil 3D 2013.
First one is a screengrab of the drawing I want to print
Second image is of the 'Print Preview' screen.
The printed A1 page reflects the 'Print Preview' image.Objects are 3D solids, with clipped images positioned on the front of them.It was quicker that way, rather than ripping my hair out after trying to tile in a program without any UVW modifiers.It's like the printed viewport reverts to parallel projection, while I want it to be in perspective projection instead.
.mov seem to have some clipping happening on import or export from after effects.
i'm getting proresHq clip out of premiere to blur a face, and then i export for the grading in resolve in proresHQ. In Premiere CC, i see those overbright (above 100ire), they are not clip. But this doesn't seem to pass on in after effetcs. I try with the original .MXF, no chance. I mess a lot with Color management. And same thing in CS6. So far, i put my projet in 32bits and then drop my output white to retain a maximum of signal for the colorist. But this is not a viable solution.
I always thought i could import a .mov in after effects, then render in the same codec and obtain the same signal.How can AE, when in 32bits, sees those value but can not write them back on export, in the same codec?
I am new to Corel VideoPro X4 and I am bringing in a fairly big video (3.6gb) with an overall time of 1 minute and 34 seconds. When I import this into X4 it clips the end off at approx 1 minute 30 seconds.
I am designing vector art that is much larger than the default 8.5 x 11. I change the page size to accommodate the art I am creating. When I export the art to EPS, all I get is this 2MB file that contains an image that is 8.5 x 11. What can I do about this?
My prints are getting clipped no matter what I try to do. I am losing approximately 1/8" from all sides of the finished print. From what I can tell, the picture is actually printing larger than the specified size.
This is my process:
In the Develop module I am cropping to the desired aspect ratio using LR presets, then going straight to the print module. My printer is an HP Photosmart C4780. In the Print module I set my margins to 0 and cell size to 4in x 6in. The picture on the screeen looks exactly how I want it to print. I go to Page Setup, select my printer, paper size (borderless 4x6) and orientation, click OK. Then to Print Settings, select the HP paper I am using, click borderless, click save. If I click "scale to fit paper size", I still lose approximately 1/16" on each side. Under Image Settings, I deselect zoom to fill. I have tried selecting it but still experience clipping. I have tried moving the margins in by fractions of an inch and I seem to recover some of the image, but its a long trial and error process that I feel I shouldn't have to do.
A 4x6 test print on regular 8.5x11 paper measures 4-1/8" x 6-1/8". The print layout in LR clearly says 4x6.
in my line of work i depend a lot on the polygonal lasso tool for cutting out even the most detailed of photos. but sometimes the polygonal lasso's 'rope' icon gets in the way of my cutting path making the procedure rather difficult at times. i know there is a way of removing that 'rope', but i just don't know how.
For some reason when I clip an adjustment to a layer, it doesn't work. Before I clip it though, it works fine, it's only when I clip it to a specific layer, it just instantly removes the adjustment and fails to work. (By this I mean it looks like everything is working fine, with the exception that nothing has changed.) For example, I add a brightness adjustment to a photo, but as soon as I clip it to a layer it just reverts back to before and the layer is clipped. Any adjustments I make while it is clipped doesn't work.
What I want to be able to check is the areas of clipping in the shadows and highlights. Now I know Lightroom is very easy in the histogram, having a little warning button that will display when an area is off. What I've come up with so far for Photoshop is that there are only two tools, in the camera raw and in levels. Camera Raw is pretty self-explanitory, but I want to be able to check this in photoshop after I've done some work on the image. So I see that the levels tool you can click and hold on the triangle, and if you press the "Alt" key it will show you what areas are clipped. I'm not sure if I really understand it though, as it shows areas that aren't really clipped, e.g. a slightly darker area of sky is showing as light blue, but not a solid color, as being clipped. What is that?
I think that from the example above that say the reason the sky is showing a little cyan is that the red channel is being clipped in the dark sky only, and not the other channels. Do I need to be concerned about this for a good quality print? For best display on the web?
I'm splicing together a couple of avi files and outputting as a 720p .wmv. The final file is about 15 minutes long. At each of the straight cuts (I'm not using transitions) in the output file, two or three seconds are cut off! I've tried outputting in different formats and it still occurs, but if I shorten the entire file to a minute or so, it doesn't happen. I've tried it with proxy on and off. I've edited in the very same configuration very often previously and haven't had this problem before.
I'm working with another artist that uses Illustrator CC. When I open the Cc file in my CS6 there is a clipping mask where the art board border is. Also, everything is a mess with all the strokes now separate from the fills (effectively duplicating everything). Is there a setting that would allow a file to be passed back and forth between CS6 and CC that would keep the layers, styles ,and objects the same? As far as I can tell the other artist only grouped the objects and then saved the file in CC before sending to me.