AutoCad :: Polygonal Viewport Synced With View In SSM?
Sep 6, 2011
When I use the SSM and use the "Place on Sheet" command to create the Viewport from the MS View DWG file, it comes in only as a rectangular Viewport. I tried to see if there's a way to draw a Polyline and select it as a MS View but I don't think that's possible.
Any way to do this without breaking the link between the View DWG and the Sheet DWG?
I brought a normal 4 sided viewport into my layout, but needed to clip and make a viewport with 6 sides. I have also tried to redraw this by using a polygonal viewport. When I go to plot the page, parts or all of the viewport boundaries are on. It doesn't matter if I go to layer control and turn the layer off or freeze or select the non-plotting icon.
I am trying to create two column sheets with a polygonal viewport, but it doesn't seem to work. The point is that I want to use the area above the stamp to be able to fit two columns on one sheet, but the last section in the second column ends up where my stamp is. Is this possible? Is there another way to solve this problem? I'm not to keen on moving the sections by hand, since they keep jumping back.. I'm using Civil 3D 2013.
i have a template, created a viewport and fit the model view in the layout space. However, when i scale the template... the viewport model doesn't follows the layout scale. Is there any ways to fit it so that when i scale the template i don't have to set the view again.
Let’s say you have a large building plan in model space but there is only one small area of the building that the view port is looking at. Is there a way that you can draw around that viewport and then take that into model space and paste it in the same place so now you have the same area located in both views?
At the moment I need to try and work out where the view is by drawing a rectangle around the correct area of the building and this is time consuming.
I could then trim/delete everything else outside that box.
even in an empty scene my framerate in the quad viewport is about 7, 8 but in single view its 30-40..
I'm a little unsure if it was low like that before and I just realized now or sth. has changed. (Guess it has not been so slow as its really annoying) Using latest NVidia drivers and a 3DConnexion Navigator with 3DS Max 2013.
I have a problem with one specific drawing where I have created a right viewport; however, if I double click in the port to enter model space, the viewport automatically changes to a top view. If the viewport is locked, no change to the view. This problem only exhibits itself in one drawing so it must be some setting that is drawing specific.
I have completed an elevation view and made a viewport to view it in paperspace. I want to make another viewport and rotate the view so that the area where the elevation view was drawn is aligned with the elevation view.
I have code that has the user select a viewport. I then need to set the selected viewport to an existing view, but I cannot find any exampes of this.
I have the viewport, but how do I get the ViewPortTable/ViewPortTableRecord from it?
Do I need to set the view in the ViewPortTableRecord od the ViewTableRecord?
No problems to this point...
'Code snipIf acPrmpt_res.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then Dim acVPort As Viewport = Nothing Dim acViewTbl As ViewTable Dim acViewTblrec As ViewTableRecord [Code] ........
I am trrying to rotate the view that I have in my viewport. I used to use a command that had the options Alingn, rotate etc but in this moment I do not remember that command. I you do not remember either
So I have set camera view in my viewport for a perspective view. This goes okay but when i close my drawing and open it again.The view was changed. I have tried locking my VP, set UCSFOLLOW to 0, display locked=YES as stated on other VP problems in threads. What setting am i missing?
How do you clean up areas where the section view is outside the viewport limits. C3d should have moved the top section to the next sheet becuase it didn't fit. How do you tell it this? An automatic toggle somewhere?
We have a number of drawings, where the views in paperspace viewports are not orthogonal to the XY plane. Is there any way that we can adjust the viewport view to a TOP view (a view aligned to the XY plane) without changing the viewport scale?
If I activate the viewport and use either PLAN or View->TOP my viewport scale is destroyed, and the view is rotated along the Z-axis.
I've struggled with the old issue of shifting images in rotated viewports. We use georeferenced aerial photography by way of these images inserted into their own drawing and then Xreffed into another drawing for printing. The issue is, the image appears shifted in some viewports. Most of the time it prints fine but not always. I searched the discussion groups and found a post a few years ago that a reply user stumbled across a quasi workaround. When the view command's Perspective is turned on and then off within the viewport, the image appears to be locked in it's correct position, not shifted. I have successfully used this procedure several times over the years until now. I have half a dozen drawings that when I turn the Perspective on and then off in a viewport, the image will not display. The xref is loaded and the layer is turned on in the viewport but the image doesn't show. What is the perspective portion of the view command within a viewport?
Just switforeveched to AutoCAD 2013 from 2011. I kept the classic interface as I did since forever. This is the problem I am having now. After I created a viewport in a layout, I right click on the viewport border fully expecting a menu to come up so I can set the type to be 2d hidden. But nothing like that occurs. The help menu came up. How do I get the viewport menu to set the view type?
I have a site survey that I am having rotation issues with.
In the model space the drawing is rotated so when I draw a vertical line it points up (which is what I am used to). However in the paper space, the drawing is automatically rotated so that north is now pointing up, and if I attempt to draw a normal vertical line as i did in the model space the line now points NE.
How can I rotate the view of the viewport in paper space so that my lines as vertical and horizontal. This would not be such an issue if it was just a plan, but I have drawn sections that just look ridiculous.
I am working on a rendering on vanilla AutoCad 2013, and I am getting frustrated with having to reset my viewport to the named view every time I move my camera.
I know that when you create a viewport you can call up a named view, but is there any way to link it permanently?
Since I installed autocad architecture 2012 I have this problem. When I drag a view from the project navigator in a sheet I see the content and the option to set a scale. So far so good. When I click in the sheet to set the location the viewport goes empty. I can stretch the viewport to top left to get the drawing within range and then move it back to where I want to place the drawing.
A problem we are having in our office on 1 computer is that this message appears in the command line
'viewport is view locked switching to paper space'
It happens whenever we zoom or pan into one of our locked viewports. We have purposefully locked the viewport so we don't lose the scale when we zoom or pan and want to leave it this way, however, whenever we zoom or pan this message appears and it takes 30 seconds before the screen readjusts to the zoom or pan we require.
I have had this issue for about two weeks. I am not aware of any changes to my system though Windows 7 updates automatically.
Often, but not all the time, when I am in a floating viewport which is locked and I zoom in, the part of the drawing disappears as if the view on the viewport has adjusted to one side so that I cannot see any of what I am working on. If I escape the command and 'undo' last command it takes me back to the correct view but in paperspace.
This is a pain as I cannot zoom in to locate a point accurately. It only happens when I zoom in quite close. The viewports are locked and it is only a problem recently. I have used CAD for 20 years and LT 2008 for the last 4-5 years so I dont think it is a user issue. Maybe a settings issue or bug, but I have not knowingly changed any settings which would do this and cannot see why this would be a 'feature'.
What I am attempting to do is: add text, some dims., and some info. to a viewport i have added to a drawing for my field guys. I am a sheet metal worker and have produced a drawing of duct work. one viewport is a plan view, one is a swiso, and another is a left-elevation view. everything is good except the left-elevation view which I would like to add details to. I am assuming I need to change the ucs so that i can place lines, dims and text and get them to show up without them snapping to 0 z.
We like to allow user to select a rectagular area in modal scpace. Then the code creates a paperscace viewport in a spcified layout. The viewport will show the selected area. find the old VBA code that achived this and the .net code I am trying with. .Net code always gives some exception.
VBA Code
'Lets find the center of the viewport in paperspace.
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double center(0) = newWidth / 2 center(1) = newLength / 2 center(2) = 0 Dim lay As AcadLayout For Each ent In ThisDrawing.layouts
Recently I have come across a very big problem which has seriously inhibited my ability to texture a model in 3D Studio Max 2010. Upon importing a texture in .PSD format (so that I can change and update the texture map in Photoshop), first Max said four times over that it was an "incompatible PSD file" for some reason, and after it finally loads into Max, I can not see it in the viewport; it is just a solid white without any texture at all. It renders just fine, but I can't see what I'm doing without the texture in the viewport.
In the attached picture, the white part of the model indicates faces that have a texture map applied. The problem is that I can't see the texture in the viewport, and I need to be able to see what I am doing.
I have the "Show texture in viewport" button clicked on in the Material Editor. And I have also tried changing the preferences from Direct 3D to Open GL and changing the DirectX from 9.0 to 10.0--and that did not work.
i selected a font in typekit für web and desktop use and synced it with my desktop-apps. now i try to use this font in photoshop cc, bu cant see it in the font-menu.
So I've created this wall section and used viewbreaks to break the crop regios up so i can fit the final view on a sheet.The problem is, when I place the broken up section on a sheet, the viewport does not break up like the view region.
How do i break up the viewport on the sheet so I can squeeze the visable regions together?
I have a Videostudio X4 problem. I want to compile multiple small clips into one long video. Each small clip might contain an accompanying music track and title track. However, if I try adding a new clip somewhere *previous* into the timeline, the music and title tracks don't stay synced in their proper timestamps relative to their original video track. I hope that makes sense. This requires me to re-sync every secondary track to their rightful video tracks.
Is there a way I can "freeze" (for lack of a better word) every separate video track with their respective secondary tracks? I assume it has something to do with ripple editing, but I've never been able to make it work properly (for example, when I try swapping clips in the storyboard view, I get a "this will break the relative positions of the clips" warning).
LR5 bug. I've found that when I sync a batch of photos more than once, unless I untick the sync crops option, 1px is cropped off the width of all synced photos. The master photo stays at its original size.
My images cannot be anything other than the exact original size. This is a tech issue not a personal one.
Clearly there's a workaround for this, but then you have to remember to untick the crop option. If you don't and you've moved ou of the module and started working elsewhere, it seems that there's no quick undo fix; you just have to go back into each photo and set to the last 'good' history step.