AutoCAD 2010 :: View Command Perspective In Viewport
Nov 30, 2012
I've struggled with the old issue of shifting images in rotated viewports. We use georeferenced aerial photography by way of these images inserted into their own drawing and then Xreffed into another drawing for printing. The issue is, the image appears shifted in some viewports. Most of the time it prints fine but not always. I searched the discussion groups and found a post a few years ago that a reply user stumbled across a quasi workaround. When the view command's Perspective is turned on and then off within the viewport, the image appears to be locked in it's correct position, not shifted. I have successfully used this procedure several times over the years until now. I have half a dozen drawings that when I turn the Perspective on and then off in a viewport, the image will not display. The xref is loaded and the layer is turned on in the viewport but the image doesn't show. What is the perspective portion of the view command within a viewport?
I am having a problem with a view being shown rendered.
I have a tall piece of material handling equipment that is drawn to scale and is approximately 30' tall. When I render the view and take a shot of it, it looks angled based on the camera angle, when in reality it should appear straight (see attached picture).
I have a problem with one specific drawing where I have created a right viewport; however, if I double click in the port to enter model space, the viewport automatically changes to a top view. If the viewport is locked, no change to the view. This problem only exhibits itself in one drawing so it must be some setting that is drawing specific.
We have a number of drawings, where the views in paperspace viewports are not orthogonal to the XY plane. Is there any way that we can adjust the viewport view to a TOP view (a view aligned to the XY plane) without changing the viewport scale?
If I activate the viewport and use either PLAN or View->TOP my viewport scale is destroyed, and the view is rotated along the Z-axis.
I recently upgraded to 3ds Max 2013 from 3ds Max 2011, but I've run into an strange problem where the lighting in the perspective viewport appears too dark.
This only happens in the realistic, shaded and consistent colour display modes. However the viewport is illuminated perfectly in the wireframe mode...
whenever I open my 3ds Max software I get a black screen in my perspective viewport. When I go to use another viewport that one either turns black as well or the program freezes. I have been using this software for the past month or so with no such problems. Now, out of the blue, this happens. I wasn't using any other programs while running 3ds Max, I never do--just incase.
I don't know how to change this annoying effect - that came along with 3dsmax 2013. The Perspective Background Color is always slowly changing to black -
I already changed the viewport background setting from "gradiant color" to "solid color". Futher i changed the viewport background color to light - but the gradiant change of the backround to dark is still there.
leaving the isolate mode in a camera view (3dsmax-camera or vrayphysical-camera) changes the view from cameraview to perspective view. Am I missing any new setting or ist this a bug...
I have noticed that in one learning project my Perspective Viewport is completely skewed. Other projects are fine, just this one (so far).
See image IF01.jpg (below) the ViewCubein the Top Right of the Perspective Viewport is perfectly squared and showing the Left View - yet the Grid and all Objects on and around it are angled incorrectly.
Image IF02.jpg shows the Grid and Objects correctly aligned the way they should be - yet the ViewCube is now all off square!
i have a template, created a viewport and fit the model view in the layout space. However, when i scale the template... the viewport model doesn't follows the layout scale. Is there any ways to fit it so that when i scale the template i don't have to set the view again.
Let’s say you have a large building plan in model space but there is only one small area of the building that the view port is looking at. Is there a way that you can draw around that viewport and then take that into model space and paste it in the same place so now you have the same area located in both views?
At the moment I need to try and work out where the view is by drawing a rectangle around the correct area of the building and this is time consuming.
I could then trim/delete everything else outside that box.
In the perspective viewport ONLY, i have spotty/broken poly edge lines with Viewport clipping turned 'on' and adjusted to allow zooming in more.
Max wasn't doing this until day before yesterday. the only thing i did to my system or max was use the FloorGenerator/MultiTexture script and plugin from CG-Source.
Removing the files from CG-Source did NOT resolve this issue. i've also applied EVERY hotfix/update from Autodesk and have the 'most current' drivers from NVidia.
Here's a viewport grab demonstrating what is happening (using Nitrous).
My system is not weak, though i could use a better processor:
Is there any way to get a viewport to show the view of a spot light? This was possible in 3DStudio at one point, can it be done in Autocad? fyi I'm running Acad '13 right now.
I'm trying to get my shadows to line up and hit certain points, and it would be a lot easier if I could adjust it from the perspective of the light, similar to a camera view (hmmm, maybe I'll just set up a camera).
Just want to now if that option is out there and available.
I have Autocad Architecture 2011 and it was working perfect until Yesterday. I Repair and then Reinstall but still the same problem.
When I have a Parellel (isometric) View and transfer to perspective works well but when I exit from the orbit function everything disappear and the cursor become crazy. I push pan and appears the drawing I release pan and the drawing disappear. The same problem in a viewport. I setup the perspective view on the viewport, lock the v-port, save and close the drawing, then open the same drawing and the perspective view become Isometric.
How does one change the field of view while in perspective mode? I am not referring to a camera's field of view, but the field of view which is displayed on your screen while panning and "walking" around a model. Similar to how sketchup lets you change from 1 to 120 degrees at any given time.
After setting up a scene with a JBL lighting environment, I changed from orthogonal to perspective view for rendering.
Funnily I was not able to zoom in with perspective view activated. Zooming slows down and finally comes completely to halt. Switching back to orthogonal the camera jumps right into the object. Changing back I see everithing from a distance.
Is this normal or is this an error. I can´t remember if this happened before.
For some reason regardless of what I save or the fact that I've saved the template files, everytime I open a new file it automatically adds shadows and applies perspective view. This is extremely annoying. How do I alter the default settings to be ortho with no shadows?
I am working on 3d model of interior and I have two problems. I am trying to made similar model as it is on the first image.
After setting all render properties and turning on sky and illuminations my view on object switch from isometric to perspective view.
Is there any way to change it to isometric view so the point of view do not change position at the time of changing, because I find out the way to return it to isometric but then the point of view that was placed inside of room is moved outside and I can't render object that was inside.
Also I can't set white background as it is on the first image. Second image is my attempt that is made inside of the room.
I am really struggling with this and I am not sure why. I simpy want to place a camera or create a view of a 3d drawing and plot a 2d elevation. I want to be able to clip the view to only show that object.
Example: 3d duct drawing, duct risers, I want to pick on riser and arnage it on a viewport. I can get a camera placed but each time it defaults to a perspective view and when I change it to non-perspective the camera disapears.
So I setup a view but no matter what i do I cannot get the clipping to work correctly.
tutorial on createing 2d views of 3d drawings.
I don't want to use sectionplan or a live section the duct program I am using doesn't create actual cad style solids so that won't work.
I really can't beleive I cannot just select two points to determine the view direction and the apply it to the viewport. I have to be missing something.
In the current drawing I am working in, when I copy a viewport using CO command it copies the viewport but nothing is seen in it. You cannot active it like a normal viewport; it turns into just a square. I do not have this problem in any of my drawings, just this one. If I copy the viewport by right clicking copy with a base point then paste it in the drawing, the viewport works fine. This is more time consuming then just using the CO command.
I have a problem with the z axis snap along grid points and lines in the perspective view, now i know that there isn’t a z grid visible but surely there is one non visible (like the z grid in the 2d views)that i can snap too. When i try to snap to points and lines in perspective mode, is the Object or sub-object just slams down to the grid and doesn’t move from there.
I want to see my model with perspective, or better yet create a rendered view with perspective, but the instructions given within the program not useful, they run: 'Drag the cursor to the desired target and click. Revit Architecture creates a perspective 3D view and assigns a name to the view: 3D View1, 3D View2, and so on. To rename the view, in the Project Browser right-click it, and select Rename.'
Dragging and clicking like that selects an object, as I expected it would, there is no sign of an sort of perspective or saved image file, so what do I really do?