I've just recently been having a problem with the base view command. While trying to create the base view from model space all I get is the move command. Also from inventor the command changes to fillet. I've uninstalled AutoCad 2013 completly then reinstalled but continue to have the same problem.
When making a Section view from a Base View is there a setting to make the text follow the Text Style and Paperspace text size. Everytime I create a Section View I have to change the text settings in the Properties box.
After upgrading to Inventor 2014 we notice that the graphics do not work properly, and that the overall performance in drawings and modelling bad compared to 2013. Then we installed SP1 and now drawing views are disappearing, however when we select "shaded" view the view reappears and works perfectly..
Im using A.cad Mech 13 I'm having a problem with the base view command on the layout tab,I have a 3D object in model space I then click the base view command,select my object and select display in layout 1, I then select my views top,side and Isometric when I hit enter to confirm all views disappear leaving my template empty.
I have a Crop View of a IAM and want/need a Projected View of the Crop View. When I select the Crop View as my base and then select try to create a Projected View, I get the whole IAM.
I guess one could use the Section View and eliminate all the items I don't need for my Base View.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 / Win7-64 EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel 950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller) Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82 SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
When using the model documentation in autocad 2013 is it possible to select certain objects in a projected view and still have them show up in the base (parent) view? Another way to put it; can I isolate objects in one projected view only?
Is there a good place to go to read post from people that are using this new feature for production or some in-depth tutorials?
vbasepaper.JPGmodel.JPGIs it possible to display centrelines created in model space in a view created using viewbase? The snips I have attached show my problem. The black background image is from model space showing a node at a tubular instersection. The dark blue centrelines are always drawn first to set out the framework. When I create the manufacturing drawing in paper space it is sometimes useful to show the centrelines. However when I create a view using VIEWBASE only the 3d solids are considered and displayed. I do not want to have to draw the centrelines in every view and detail view as this will take an age and will have to be manually corrected in every view each time there is change.
Is there a way to get sheet number of the base view for the Selected Child view (Mainly for Section. Detail Views). Because the Section views, Detail views (initially they would have created on the same sheet where the parent is, then they moved to different sheets). So we place the parent view sheet number.
Each time when I place a part in base view, have to follow few steps; go through view label, format Text, than choose type option - [Properties-Model] and its property - [Part Number], than placing dimensions. it takes long time and very repetitive, especially, when placing a hundreds of parts and I was wondering if there is an option, to set up view label; [Properties - Model ]& [Part number], as a DEFAULT. So, each time placing a part, in base view it will come up with correct label. Also, overall dimensions, can it be retrieve using parameters of the part?
I am using 2013 and have a few 3D objects in the modeling space that I am using view base to put different views of each into the paper space. When I do this and export to PDF, I get an extra green line from the paper space. I have deleted and replaced the view and have tried different views with varying sucess.
Some pieces simply need a different view, however I have one that will not go away. The different view does really solve the problem either because I need the view with the problem. I have attached a picture of the issue, but it is just a chunk to protect information that I cannot share. The gray in the drawing is the part, the green line should not be there. The green line only shows up on the PDF, not in modeling space or paper space.
If there was a way to retain original object layer properties when in base view. IE I have 4 layers, each with a different color. I would like to create a base view, and still keep the object layer colors. Is there a work around for this? Or should I just do an elevation and work through VP's?
At my company, we do a large amount of work with sheet metal parts and assemblies. On our drawings, we like to do "detail" views of the flat patterns of each part of the assembly. Basically, how we do it now is insert a base view of the assembly and the BOM onto the first sheet and then on separate sheets, we place base views of the flat patterns for each of the components that will be cut on our cnc plasma table. We use the item number to denote which part it is in the assembly. Is there any way to pull the item number from the assembly BOM and use it as a parameter that can be inserted into the view label? Right now, it's a nightmare if the assembly BOM is modified because we have to go back in to each view label and manually change the item number.
I created multiple base views and projected views on drawing (autocad 2014). suddenly when I create base view it doesn't show anything, jumps to 0,0,0 coordinates (it is fixed can't be changed), scale can't be changed. It shows it is drawing view in properties, however when I want to edit (click edit then select the view , it won't recognize it is view). I created many views without problem, now all base views jumps to 0,0,0 coordinates....
I was wanting to know if there is a way stop part of a projected object from displaying if it is to far away from an alignment profile cut to be of any use.
I know in Revit you can set the deep of view from the section line not sure if you can do anything like this in Civil3d.
I have set one station equation in my alignment and it displays correctly in horizontal view and in profile. But stations of projected objects after that equation are not correct in projected object label. It displays station values as it would be without station equation. If i manually insert profile view label for that point it is correct.
As you can see in attached image green station value (that one is label for projected points) is wrong because it does not take equation into calculation. How to make projected objects labels to consider station equation?
What type of objects can be projected into a profile view? I know that points, feature lines, and multiview blocks can be projected with variable results. I can't even find a simple list within Civil 3D's.
-Civil 3D 2012 Fred -Civil 3D 2013 sp2 -Windows 7 64-bit -Intel i7 Dual Core with 2.40 GHz -8 GB of RAM -AMD Radeon HD 6770M -Civil 3D user since 2007
I'm using Inventor 2012, and experiencing some trouble with certain types of projected geometry that I'm using in a sketch associated with a view in an .IDW file - but only when the view involves a break (or breaks).
I'm generating section views to show the layout of hole details at various axial locations along the part. When placing a section line, I can't "pick up" any appropriate locating geometry from the view. So, after creating the view (using just a vertical section line), I edit the sketch that defines the section line. Project some geometry (the edges of the holes, in the attached example), draw some additional geometry constrained to that, then constrain the section line to that. That works fine; if I move the view around, the section lines stay attached to it. This is what is shown in the attached "before break" picture.
When I apply a break to the drawing, though, the section lines don't follow the changing view. They stay right there, as if the view had not been broken at all. This is what's shown in the attached "after break" picture. Move the view around, and they track with it - but always staying the same "real" distance apart from each other. It is as if that projected geometry were completely ignoring the break.
I observe something similar if I start with an IDW view with one or more breaks, then create a sketch associated with the view. If I project geometry, some of it projects where it should, but other geometry projects elsewhere on the page - as if no breaks were present in the view.
The part I've shown here is something I put together as a simplified example of what I'm observing. The part I'm actually trying to detail is more complicated (many more details), and much longer (so breaks are a requirement to put it on paper).
I created 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location) in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 project. I grouped these 8 points into 2 Point Groups: Point Group 1-high depth has Points #1, #3, #5, #7, and Point Group 2-low depth has #2, #4, #6, #8. I changed the 2D Wireframe to 3D Wireframe and on TOP view I saw Point Group 1 is on the top of Point Group 2 (because the 2 Point Groups have the same values of X- and Y-coordinates with different Z(elevation) value - see the first attached file. How can I change the TOP view to the TOP-FRONT view by using some Command to get this fixed TOP-Front view thar has the good separation of the 2 depths as shown in the second attached file?
I am trying to create a layout view using the view manager in paperspace. Whenever i click on define window, it does not record any information no matter where i click. If i do the same task in model space, it accepts the window i select. I am currently using civil 3d 2013 with the latest updates.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
i have a template, created a viewport and fit the model view in the layout space. However, when i scale the template... the viewport model doesn't follows the layout scale. Is there any ways to fit it so that when i scale the template i don't have to set the view again.
I am trying to insert blocks into my drawings and for the most part I have been successful using Design Center. However, I have difficulties turning some of those blocks from the Plan View into the Elevation View, even when they show as elevation blocks. Even the downloads that show as 3-D end up being inserted as 2-D in plan view. In floor plan mode, I have no problem; so how do I turn them into 2-D in elevation mode?
Is there a way to have no view transition when changing views with the view cube? I'd prefer that it just switch to the desired view instantly with no transition.
I was wondering if there was a way to change the model my base views were linked to.
If I wanted to link the base view to a different model, would this be possible.
When I double click on the base view it shows the file path for the model that is currently chosen; however, it is all grey and I am unable to edit it or choose another file path.
How to change this? Is this even possible? Is it because I have annotated the drawing view that I am unable to change the model path?
what could have happened in an assembly when I've changed the cube front view (3D)? The projection has changed automatically (the view) in 2D. In other assemblies didn't happened the thing I've mentioned before even if I did the same thing meaning that I've modified the front view but 2D stayed in the same projection.
When starting a new idw, my first action is placing the base view. I would very much like to start a new 2D and have the "Drawing View" window automatically pop up. I'm not sure how to do this. Would it be part of the idw template, or is there a setting I'm oblivious to?
I'm trying to develop a program where I can use a base view based on the current view of a single part. The idea is basically export the contour of the part to the DXL format and save it to be used on cutting machines.
I've found something similar here, but in the context, it was necessary to use the path of the part to work, and I need it to recognize the part that is already opened.
I have a project with several parts that all fit together. I understand how to freeze all of the parts that I don't want in a viewport but how can I do the same for a base view?
I would like to have one layout with an exploded overview of all the parts and then a separate layout for each of the parts. Is it possible to freeze the parts I don't want within a base view like you can within a viewport?