AutoCAD Architecture :: Viewports Can't Be Moved / Modified

Jan 12, 2012

I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2011. I have been working in a drawing for several weeks on casework. I have multiple viewports on my sheet layouts. Up until now I was able to select the viewports and move them or make them bigger or smaller with grip edit but now although I see them I can't select them or even delete them. I can double click within the viewport and change the scale or modify the items in the viewport but I can't do anything to the viewport in paper space.

I have turned all the layers on and made sure that none of them were locked. I have tried regen. I have opened a new tab and tried to create new viewports and I have the same problem. I can create them but once I do I can't modify / move them.

Beyond that when I switch from model to paper space it takes about 5 min. sometimes longer to switch and the same thing when I save it or close it. Is that normal?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2011 Crashes When Orthographic Dimensions Are Moved Or Modified

Feb 7, 2012

I am having an issue running AutoCAD LT 2011 on a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.  If I have orthographic dimensions on the drawing, AutoCAD crashes if I try to move, modify, or delete the dimensions.  Recovery does not work.  I am stuck with the dimensions once they are placed because if I touch them, the program crashes.

I do not know if this is important but I will include it anyway: this does not happen with older drawings that were created under older versions of AutoCAD LT.  It only happens with ortho dimensions created in LT 2011.

I have applied all the latest patches, drivers for the video card, and even tried opening the drawings in 32-bit mode.  Nothing seems to work.

My system is a Dell Precision T3500 Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bitIntel Xeon Dual Core 2.53GHz cpu12GB ramNvidia Quadro 4000 running Nvidia driver version 265.70

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AutoCAD .NET :: Using Object Modified Event To Collect Moved Objects In Move Command

Nov 6, 2011

I am going to collect objectid's of the moved items in drawing after they moved to destination. So I wrote an event to monitor move command , by using object modified event handler.  when I run below code for every entity it collects 2 object id. One before move and one after move. Is there any way to just collect object ids after they moved?

Dim MyDwg As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim Myed As Editor = MyDwg.Editor
Dim Mydb As Database = MyDwg.Database
Dim Myobjidcoll As ObjectIdCollection


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AutoCAD Architecture :: Moved Cui Files

Nov 9, 2013

I loaded ACA 2014, then customized it with my old .cuix files so all would be 'normal' for me. When I open ACA now I get the following message:

"An executable file was found outside of the specified trusted locations.  What do you want to do?"

followed by the choice of 'load' or 'don't load' in a dialogue. (does this for every .mnl file)

My question is, "Can you set something somewhere to tell ACA to load these each time without the dialogue?" This happens every time I open the program. You'd think after I've got it all set and saved my profile and set my workspace, etc. that ACA would figure it out that I 'trust' these executable files.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Window Tags Moved Either X Or Y From Where Placed

Dec 2, 2013

I opened a view drawing where I had placed the window tags and many of them had moved either X or Y from where they had been placed.  When I say moved, I don't mean a little.  Some of them moved 540 FEET!  What would cause that?  

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tag Doesn't Move If Window Is Moved

Dec 17, 2013

If a window is tagged and the window is moved, then the tag moves also.  Is it possible to keep the link to the property set information but make it so the tag does not move if the window is moved?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Path Xrefs For A Moved Project Folder

Jan 8, 2014

What is the best method to re-path x-refs in a project whose folder has been moved. We are talking about 60-100 x-refs here.The originals were created in ACA 2009 and were not pathed relatively; nor was Project Navigator used. We are currently using ACA 2014.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Xrefs Detached When Files Are Moved To Dropbox

Mar 26, 2012

Our office recently moved all of our project files to the dropbox. Now when I open files with xrefs I have to attach them back into the file. However, this doesn't happen for my coworker. She can see all the xrefs. How could I solve this? The file names or directory has not changed.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Controlled Pan To Fix A Moved Elevation In A Viewport On A Sheet

Sep 25, 2013

ACA 2011

Whenever I want to pan I get the 'hand'. I click and prob. However, I want to do a controled pan (to fix a moved elevation in a viewport on a sheet). I want to click a point, and then pan, say, 50' orthogonally. Is this possible?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Layout Will Only Allow 3 Viewports

Jun 20, 2011

My drawing will only allow 3 viewports in each paperspace layout created.  When I try to add or copy more than 3 viewports previous viewports created will go blank and cannot be activated anymore.  I have never had this issue before, is there a setting that can fix this problem?  I am running AutoCAD Architecture 2010

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Polygonal Or Clipped Viewports

Dec 6, 2013

I dont work with polygonal VPs or clipped VPs often but sometimes I have to. I recently dicovered in working with 2013 AutoCad that when I create a polygonal VP or clip a VP and place it on defpoints or even a no plot layer, the VP outline still prints???? I'm miffed

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Freezing Layers In Xrefs Within Viewports?

Feb 21, 2011

I have an xrefernced drg , which i print from a layout/paperspace .I freeze certain layers using VPort freeze in layer properties and save the drg whenever i close and reopen the drawing the layers are thawed in the viewport again.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Copy Viewports To Multiple Drawings

Jun 3, 2011

Is there a way to copy a viewport with all its layers setup from one drawing file to another drawing file?

I can copy the viewport and activate it, but the layers setup for that viewport goes to default. So it turns everything on.

I can't make a layer state in the old file and import in new file, because the new file does not have all the same layers.  So not all my layers would be turned off in the viewport.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Walls And Doors Not Visible In Viewports

Feb 8, 2012

I am using ACA generic walls and doors for quick schematic room layouts.

I use the sheet set manager to make sheet with views.

All 2D linework is visible in the views, but the walls and doors  (AEC objects) do not appear!

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Creating PDF - Viewports Plots Completely Blacked Out

Mar 22, 2013

I have encountered a problem when creating a PDF. On the sheet there are 14 viewports, and when I plot the sheet to a PDF, one of the viewports plots completely blacked out. I have redone the viewport and Xref, but it still turns out black.

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Illustrator :: Move A Modified Type To A Path / Use Modified Type?

Dec 14, 2013

I want to put type on a perfect circular path.But first I need to stretch the type so it is longer vertically.Stretching type and using it as normal is easy.But how in the world do I use the stretched type on a path?

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AutoCad :: Viewports Automatically Rescaling When Clicking In Other Viewports - 2012

Sep 4, 2012

I have just installed 2012 and have drawn a 3d model. In paperspace i have a couple of viewports , all nicely set out at 1:5 scale. then i click in another viewport and bam, all the other viewports change scale (zoom out) and orientation. is there some system variable that i have overlooked?

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AutoCad :: Layout With Multiple Viewports To DWG With Viewports Flattened Out

Aug 23, 2011

I have a lot of sheet DWGs with a single layout in each. The layouts have several viewports into model space.

Is there a way to export out the layout tab where the viewport contents have been converted and placed into the layout space?

Ideally, I'm hoping to basically convert the viewport heavy paperspace into a dumb model space layout.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Viewports That Allow Freeze Vs Viewports That Do Not

Oct 21, 2011

The code I'm using is supposed to go through all of the layouts and freeze the specified layer in the single viewport that is defined on that layout.  It works for some viewports, but not for others.  A "List" of the objects show the viewports are the same.  I have a LiSP routine that gets me more info about selected objects.  The first is a viewport that does not freeze the specified layer, the second does freeze the layer.  Here is the code I'm using:

Public Sub FreezeNewLayerInVPs(ByVal pageNumber) Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim db As Database = doc.Database Dim layerToFreeze As String = "DETAIL_" & pageNumber Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager. Start Transaction( )Dim layTable As LayerTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead),

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Modified Event (alignment)

Nov 29, 2013

In my plug-in I have some datagridview to show alignment data of all alignments in drawing.

I have a button called (regen) to update data in these datagridviews. I read again database drawing and re-source again datagridview.  (method "upload_all")

I have read some posts and blogs about this: [URL] ....

and about overrule: [URL] ....

But I don´t understand almost.

I only want to execute method "upload_all" if some alignment is modified in the drawing.

Also, I would like  to do it if some alignment is just created or deleted.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1
Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz.
ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd
32gb RAM 1600 Mhz.
nVidia Quadro 2000.
Win 7 Pro 64bit

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AutoCAD .NET :: Access Object Of Last Entity Modified?

Jun 29, 2011

Is there a way to access the object of the last entity modified.

If a dynamic block is changed I want to collect the changes.

I'm guessing I use the AcadDocument_EndCommand to kick off the routine but don't know how to identify the modified object.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Modified Event Of BlockReference Causes Crash

Dec 11, 2012

I have a group of classes that essentially implement the Model View Controller pattern. The view is a custom control contained in a PaletteSet. The Model is a class that wraps the ObjectID of a given block. I've used these classes to create a replacement for the Properties tool in AutoCAD (2011). Basically the UI can be used to edit the properties of a Dynamic Block. But I apply my own rules and behaviors to the UI.

I had no problems until I added support for the View to be updated when the block is modified (say by dragging to increase a length property). To do this I handle the Modified event of the block. After the block is modified, some rules are evaluated. If the rules result in changes to the block's properties, these changes are applied. This last part is where I'm having trouble. 

When the "Rule Evaluation" code is invoked because of changes to the view (WinForms Controls), I am able to update the block's Properties using the following code without issue:

Public Shared Function SetParameter(ByVal BlockID As ObjectId, ByVal ParameterName As String, ByVal Value As Double) As Boolean
Using dl As DocumentLock = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.LockDocument(DocumentLockMode.ProtectedAutoWrite, Nothing, Nothing, True)
Using myTrans As Transaction = BlockID.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
Dim myBRef As BlockReference = BlockID.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)
For Each myDynamProp As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty In myBRef.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection
If myDynamProp.PropertyName.Equals(ParameterName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
myDynamProp.Value = Value
Return True
End If
Return False
End Using
End Using
End Function

However, when this same code is invoked as a result of the BlockReference Modified event, AutoCAD completely crashes the momment the transaction.Commit() method is called. I've attempted to catch the exception causing the crash and role back the transaction, but AutoCAD simply exits and displays the error (Error handler re-entered. Exiting now.) and no exception is caught. Note that I do not use the BlockReference instance passed to the Modified event handler. Instead I store an ObjectID instance elsewhere which is consistently used to read/write the block. 

Is there something I must do before commiting a transaction when using the Modified event of BlockReference? I checked, and the same "Main Thread" is executing whether the code is invoked from a UI event or the Modified event. I tried calling the Close method, which is attributed as Obsolete, on the BlockReference object before executing the transaction without any success.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Wipeouts In 2012 Cannot Be Modified?

Apr 20, 2011

Upgraded to 2012 yesterday.  Today I've noticed that WIPEOUTs no longer have grips when they are selected.  It also seems as though they cannot be modified via the STRETCH command.

All I can think of off the top of my head is to explode the wipeout, isolate the elements, reassemble them as a polyline, modify as desired and then recreate the wipeout from the polyline.  But that's hardly efficient.

No grips wasn't too bad, but not responding to a stretch seems stupid.  We use wipeouts in many of our blocks.  We may take one block and modify it to create another similar block.  Recreating the wipeouts because they wouldn't stretch or couldn't be easily modified to adapt to the new geometry will be a real waste of time.

Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014
Dell Precision T1650
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM
Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82
Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: EG Profile Not Updating After Alignment Is Modified

Mar 12, 2013

I created an alignment in one file.  Then in another file I data shortcut that alignment in.  From there I created an existing ground profile using that alignment.  Later I modified the alignment. When I go into my profile drawing containing the existing ground profile, it did not update.  I have had this happen on several projects and I can not figure out why it is not updating.  My station range on the existing ground profile is set to automatic. 

I used to do this all the time in 2012 and never had this problem. I am using 2013 with the latest update..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Separating Parts Modified In Assembly

Oct 29, 2013

i have an assembly where holes were added in the that state. But I would like to seperate the parts and keep the holes that were added.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disc Cam With Modified Sine Profile

Apr 28, 2012

I need to generate a disc cam with a modified sine profile but there is no motion function of that name in the Disc Cam Component Generator. How to generate a modified sine disc cam?

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AutoCad 2D :: Make Modified (not Standard) Pipe Fitting?

Jan 18, 2012

Pipe and tank plant layouts, now need to make a modified (not standard) pipe fitting.

Looking for a pipe plug drawing. the fitting (Imperial) is 4—10. Four inch NPT piping. Appears to have a slight taper, very slight.

Or, better yet, a G 3-3/4" pipe thread(?).

a *.dwg (AutoCAD 2007) drawing?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Does Contour Labels Refresh After Modified Setting

Mar 11, 2013

just a general question regarding contour labelling.  Does it refresh automatically after I modified the labelling setting?  My experience is no. Here is what I did, given an existing surface.  Go to Surfaces -> Add Surface Labels -> Contour-Multiple at Intervals, I gave a decent interval, labels the entire surface with a few runs.  Later on I decided to say hide the contour label lines, so I would go to Settings ->right click on Surface->Contour Labelling Defaults->set Display Contour Label Line to False, click Apply.  So this setting will affect all the contour labelling created thereafter, but does it change the contour labels that I already created?  If not, how can I change those labels?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Push Modified Appearance To Parts In Assembly Where It Is Used

Apr 17, 2012

I have just recently upgraded to 2013.I have one color in particular that use dto be grey - now it is red. I have repaired the appearance so it looks correct in a part. I was able to save this backto the library, overwriting the original. This is all good. I am unable to find out how to push this updated appearance to all parts in an assembly. I used to be able to do this with the update styles tool.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting A Drawing Border To Act On A Modified Custom Property

Feb 20, 2012

The company I work for produce drawings for various types of fabrication.

Using Inventor I have a drawing border in which tolerance values change depending on the type of fabrication to be produced. The type of fabrication (0,1,2,or 3) is designated by a custom property entered during part/fab model creation.

This property may change depending on various production factors. The issue I have is how do I get the border to recognize this potential change in fab type and populate the tolerance fields with the necessary information? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Saving Modified Template Assemblies With New Names?

Oct 13, 2011

After editing parameters in an Inventor Assembly Template, how do I save that assembly and all related parts

with different names while keeping their associativity to one another?

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